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The Awakening of Alexandria

Page 14

by Mariella Starr

  When he finally lowered her to her feet he supported her unsteady legs and turned her around, slightly leaning her over and slid his hand between her legs and lifted her slightly, entering her from behind, first gently and then plunging into her deeper as his need grew again. He slid a hand over her mouth to muffle her orgasmic screams and pulled her around and to him to plunder her mouth, her tongue, and her breasts again.

  They showered and touched, continuing to roam every single inch of each other, and they kissed and finally they laughed. They were both too spent, too exhausted to be able to do anything. They dried each other off, still lingering, their eyes never breaking contact and with a complete and total surrender to each other, they embraced and held each other glorifying in their unity. His conquest of her body, his possession was absolute. Her surrender and submission to him was complete. She held his heart and body within the core of her love for him.

  “Arms up,” Nicholas said and he dropped a lovely chemise of the palest pink over her head, knelt and drew the panties up and let his fingertips linger for a moment, before smoothing the chemise into place. He led her to the small loveseat at the end of the bed and pulled her back into his arms. “Kardia mou, it is time at last. Before you explain to me where you have been, tell me, did they come while you were gone?”

  “Yes, but I was busy. I was working on a project and I didn’t want to stop until I was finished, so I guess I shoved them back. I really didn’t have time to stop and write a book.”

  “You are in control,” Nicholas said. “That is good, but did this project take over as your writing does?”

  “I was writing. I was writing a children’s book, actually a series of four books. The books are small and didn’t take very much time but it was important that I do them and do them right.”

  “Good,” Nicholas said. “Now can tell me what you were doing that kept you from me for five and a half long and unbearable weeks. The last five days without any contact nearly broke my heart.”

  “I am sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to lose contact with you, but with all those flights and bouncing from airport to airport, my luggage, and my computer was misplaced, and I’d stuck my cell phone into my computer bag. I didn’t have any of the numbers written down anywhere. That’s a mistake I won’t make again. I was living out of my wallet and one very small carry-on bag.

  “I’m amazed that you that you managed to recover everything. You have to know Nicholas, that I never doubted you, not your love, not your trust, not your strength. I doubted me. My quest took me to the University of Los Angeles for psychological and neurological testing.”

  “I could have been there for you,” Nicholas murmured.

  “I know, but I had to do this myself. I had to find the strength to do this. For twenty-four of my thirty-one years, everyone around me has expressed doubts about my mental stability. Sometimes overtly like when I was kid, but sometimes it was malicious. Only you took the time to understand and to accept that although my mind may work differently, that it isn’t necessarily defective. I learned to cope, Nicholas, and I found it easier to hide. It was easier to live alone with my voices and my writing. It was enough until I met you. I’m human, and there has always been this little kernel inside me that had doubts. I knew there were tests, analysis, biopsies that could be done, to at least find out if there was mental illness in me. In my cowardice, I didn’t want to know.

  “When I realized that I loved you, and that you loved me and you wanted marriage. Marriage is big, important, and suddenly I was terrified again. I could face the idea of mental illness for me. I’ve lived with the accusation of it all my life. I couldn’t face that for you, or the possibility that there might be a genetic anomaly that I could pass on to a child.”

  “Kardia mou—”

  “No, let me finish, please,” She continued. “I know you have the love and the strength that you would have supported me, not blamed me had that happened, but I wouldn’t take that risk. I have never understood people who carry genes that they know will harm and even debilitate and yet for whatever reasons they have children. Why would you take a risk that your children would suffer? I don’t understand that. I used your strength, your belief in me, Nicholas, to have the tests. That’s what I doing. I’ve spent weeks under analysis and had brain scans, and biopsies, and I have the assurance of some of the top men in their fields that I am normal. That is such a beautiful word… normal. As far as medical science can tell, I do not carry any anomalies that could be passed on to children. That’s not to say that mental illness couldn’t happen to a child of mine, but at least I’d know it wasn’t something I could have prevented. Can you forgive me for not being honest for not admitting I’m such a coward?” She turned and buried her into him and cried.

  Nicholas held her for the longest time. He let her cry out her fears. Fears she’d probably held inside since she was a child. He let her cry out the fear and pain she had suffered alone for so long. It made him angry that she had been so misunderstood and then labeled, when she should have been loved and encouraged.

  “My Alexandria. Do you not know of the name you carry? It is the female derivative of Alexander and it means to be a defender or protector of man. It is a proud name in Greek history because of the acts of compassion and bravery performed by those who carry the name. You, my Alexandria, are the one of the bravest women I have ever known. You have done this by yourself to protect me, and I love you for that. But, my dearest love, it was not necessary, except in your mind. You say you have no strength, but you are wrong. You have faced adversity so many times in your young life and you have overcome, and triumphed. You have succeeded and achieved. You have captivated me, and exasperated me, and I love you for it. You are who you are, and I love every tiny aspect of you. You are perfect for me.”

  “Not really,” she said shaking her head.

  “Yes, you are,” Nicholas said kissing her. “Now, you have to listen to me. Even as you exasperate, frustrate, and drive me crazy, I love you. You did not know me before, Alexandria, and you probably would not have liked me. You are my gift from God. He put you in my path, to care for, to guide, to protect, and to love. This is my mission in life, now. Your mission is to love me, because surely without it, I cannot live.”

  * * * * *

  “Quit fidgeting,” Nicholas ordered. “I cannot get this necklace clasped with you moving about.”

  “She’ll know.”

  “She will not know that I have spanked you, if you do not fidget and rub your bottom as you are doing now.”

  “It hurts!”

  “It was supposed to hurt,” Nicholas said sternly. “If you do not want reprisals, do not misbehave. We have been over this and over this. There will be no renegotiations on this matter. You have six pounds to regain and that will not happen if you refuse to eat. If you do not like what is sent up, all you have to do is ask for something different.”

  “I don’t want cause an inconvenience to your mother’s staff.”

  “It is not an inconvenience. That is what the kitchen staff is there for. It is imperative that you eat and I will not allow any disobedience in this matter. You have worked too hard to regain a normal weight, I will not let this regression stand. My Mitera has not been in the kitchens for years, my father has forbidden her interference with the kitchen staff.”

  She gave a huff of disgust and then her eyes got large. “Does your father spank your mother?”

  Nicholas considered the question. “I would not dare to ask, but knowing how impetuous and stubborn my mother is, probably yes.”


  One eyebrow went up. “What was that?”

  “Nothing, I wanted to make a good impression but that’s impossible now. I’ve been living in her home in her son’s bedroom for seven days and I haven’t met her yet.”

  “Mitera will love you, because I love you,” Nicholas said patiently. “I told her you were under lock and key to regain your health. She knew she would
not meet you until I allowed it. I am now allowing it. You knew when I locked the door that I was in control again.” Nicholas said. “Do not concern yourself. You have not lost ground with me. I know not to command but ask. I know not to dictate but offer you choices. You have tamed much of my arrogance.”

  Allie rubbed her sore bottom. “Not enough, apparently.”

  Nicholas turned her around and looked her over. “I very much approve of your new dress style. That new dress is very pretty and sophisticated and the new high-heel shoes, I like them very much.”

  “They make me taller and they’re supposed to make my legs sexy.”

  Nicholas gave her a smoldering look. “I agree, but it makes me not want to give you a present.”

  “What? What did you get me? I still concede that you’re better at selecting clothes for me, even if I am getting better at it.”

  Nicholas handed her a shopping bag.

  She opened the shoebox and that lovely laugh escaped, part bells, part tinkling chimes. “You bought me a new pair of pink sneakers with flashing lights. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Each thank you was offered with a kiss.

  Nicholas took the shoebox away and tossed it onto the bed. “Do not get me sidetracked, it time for you to meet my Mitera.” He pushed her out of the bedroom and guided her down the palatial stairway to a sitting room.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Mitera will love you, she will be kind,” Nicholas said. “That is not say she will not grill you.”

  “I’m not good with that, you know I get defensive.”

  “Do not mess with my mother’s head,” Nicholas warned sternly. “You have already done enough damage to mine. Now inside.”

  Hélène rose when her son and a small woman walked into the sitting room and crossed the room to meet her. “How do you do, I am Nicholas’ mother, Hélène Dyonysus, please come have a seat.”

  She sat, uncomfortable, but she sat.

  Hélène eyebrow rose and looked at her son. “Do you have a name?” she asked haughtily.

  The stubborn chin went up, the fire in her eyes snapped and Nicholas’ lips twitched with a smile.

  “Yes, I am Alexandria Danielle Mason.”

  “A strong Greek first name,” Hélène said with a nod. “I will inform Tia to bring in a tea.”

  As his mother rose to walk to the far end of the room, Nicholas leaned over. “Is it Alexandria now? How did that come about?”

  “It came about because I stopped seeing myself through the eyes of a wounded child. I started seeing myself through the eyes of the man I love and intend to marry,” Alexandria said softly.

  Nicholas sucked in his breath, his eyes smoldering.

  “Well,” Hélène said coming back to sit on one of the sofa’s. “What do you do Ms. Mason?”

  “Just Alexandria, please. I write books. I’ve recently completed a series of four children’s books. I haven’t written children’s literature for a long time, but I thought the story needed to be told.”

  “Really, what is the story about?” Hélène asked, barely able to take her eyes off her son who was quite literally glowing with joy and pride.

  “It’s about a little girl who’s so afraid of life that she becomes invisible,” Alexandria said looking directly into Nicholas’ eyes. “She stays invisible so long that she forgets how to been seen.”

  Hélène glanced from the girl to her son. The atmosphere between them seemed to snap and sizzle. Trying to keep her mind on the conversation, she threw out a question. “Does she learn how to become visible again?”

  Alexandria nodded and smiled, a knowing smile, never taking her eyes off her lover, her protector, and her strength. “Yes. She had to learn how to be alive, to feel, and to trust. She has to learn to love and commit her life to love. After she’s done that, she realizes that love had changed her and she has become a stronger person, a better person. She knows she’s capable of loving completely, selflessly. Only then is she capable of becoming visible. The little girl in my story is named is Allie who awakens one day to become Alexandria.”

  * * * * *

  Hélène Dyonysus slipped out the sitting room quite unnoticed. She went to find her husband.

  “How did the meeting go?” Adras asked.

  Hélène kissed her husband of forty-five years, soft, and sensuously. “I believe our Nicholas has found his perfect match in Alexandria Mason. She is quite suitable, and may God help him for surely he is going to need it."

  The End.

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  Mariella Starr

  Sometimes it’s hard to pick what I love most beyond my family; I write, paint, renovate and am a voracious reader. The joke in our house about vices--is that mine is books. My idea of the perfect house is the public library, just add a kitchen to make my husband happy, and I would be good with it. I live in Nevada with my husband, and two dogs that I adore, and lot of scorpions and lizards that still make me scream and act girly. I love to travel, and I get to travel to visit my grown children who have both chosen to live abroad, one in Ireland and one in England—what could be better.

  I love writing; creating the characters and making them come alive. For a short time, while they are directing me through their stories, they are alive for me and I hope they are to my readers. My favorite genres for reading are history, romances, and mystery. Sometimes I think I spend as much time in research as I do in writing, but it is important to me that the time-periods be correct. It also makes me one heck of a good trivial pursuit player.

  I’m a casual person, enjoying a laid back lifestyle where dressing up means putting on real shoes and not flip-flops, cowboy boots or running shoes. (The running shoes are not my idea of fun but my husband says if I’m spending all my time on a computer writing, I also have to move—10 miles a day!) Oh, what I put up with because I love that man. I also love receiving e-mail from my readers and can be contacted at

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Mariella Starr and Blushing Books!

  Charlotte's Comeuppance

  Teaching Miss Maisie Jane

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