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Bound to Blackwood

Page 4

by Sharon Lipman

  Whilst the exterior looked like it was on its last legs, the front door was solid and the windows were intact. There was no graffiti and Lena could see the motion detectors winking at her. They were well hidden, but not much got past her.

  “Going somewhere, Guardian?”

  Kaden’s huge hand came down on her shoulder in a vice like grip and it took everything she had not to grimace. Holy Mother of Fae, he's strong. Lena’s head fell forward and she closed her eyes, sick to her stomach that the Keeper had managed to sneak up on her.

  “I asked you a question, Guardian.”

  “I don’t have an answer. Not one you want to hear anyway, Keeper.” She spat his title like an insult. Lena and her big gob couldn’t help themselves.

  “I still want to hear it.”

  “There’s no need to growl. I was just checking the place out.”

  “Growl?” Kaden span her around, gripping both her arms. “You haven’t heard anything yet, Treacle. And do not give me that shit about 'just checking the place out.' Who the fuck do you think you are? Remember those vows you took? You think the part about serving the fucking King was optional for you?” Once he’d finished his jaw locked tight and his blue eyes were nearly black.

  Shit. Lena had never seen him look so angry.

  “I had to come,” she whispered

  Kaden released her to run his hand through his blond hair. “Why? Thorn’s not fucking stupid. He knows you’re out here.”

  Shit, she was in it up to her neck.

  “I just had to, Kaden. I can’t explain it. I looked at the painting and I swear Eden looked right through me. I have to find her. Not we. I have to find her.”

  “You know, if you hadn’t done this shit a million times before I might believe you. I can't trust you anymore, Lena. You are reckless, hot-headed and you never listen to a bloody word I say. And you know what, if it was just yourself you were putting in danger, I would be half inclined to let you get on with it. This isn’t just about you Lena; you’ll get someone else killed!”

  “I would never endanger…”

  “Never endanger?” Kaden cut her off, his voice was trembling, the anger almost tangible. “Never endanger?” He asked again, incredulous. “You endanger us all, every time you go solo, Lena.”


  “You forget who I am. I know exactly where and when you decide to play superwoman all by yourself. When you do, I’m Keeping you safe when I should be Keeping the rest of the Order safe, when I should be Keeping the King safe. How many times have you needed bailing out of trouble? You’re a distraction I don’t need, Lena.”

  She paled. Kaden had given her many a dressing-down over the years, called her all kinds of stupid and irresponsible, but he had never said he didn’t need her. She was so sure of herself, she had never thought about his ability to track her through the blood bond they shared. She could always sense her brethren but she had never realised how powerful a tracker Kaden was. If he knew the moment she went off on her own, then his power was impressive to say the least.

  Lena sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry Kaden,” she whispered, her throat tight. “I never realised.”

  “And that’s just typical of you, isn’t it?” His strong, angular face showed no sign whatsoever that he had accepted her apology. “You’ll be the death of me one of these days, you know that?”

  “Kaden look, this thing with Eden is impor…”

  She heard a snap and then a whistling sound, her explanation cut off when Kaden pitched forward. His blue eyes were wide with shock as Lena caught him.

  “Kaden!” she screamed.

  The Keeper clutched at his chest. An arrow penetrated his torso, ripping through his flesh just to the right of his heart and coming clean out the other side.

  Fuck! Shit, shit shit. This could not be happening.

  Lena helped him to the floor and forced herself back to her feet, blade in hand, ready to take on their attackers. She struggled to catch her breath, the blood bond forcing her to feel Kaden's pain. Her heart constricted as her soul screamed in agony. She puffed out harsh, agonising breaths as she looked around.

  Nothing happened.

  Gulping, she sent her senses outward in a wave, listening and feeling for anything that would give their assailants away. Like all Fae, Vampires had awareness of every living thing around them. Lena had a particular affinity when it came to the Fallen.

  How the hell had they been caught so unaware?

  Kaden's accusations floated through her mind. She was a distraction.

  She scanned the surrounding area glaring from shadow to shadow. Something glimmered at the corner of her vision. Her eyes shifted and she zeroed in on a black, metal crossbow suspended between two evergreens. That’s why neither of them had sensed anything; it was a bloody booby-trap!

  Her mind mapped the trap; the trigger was wired with a nylon thread that was now broken but had been drawn tight between the brambles where Kaden and Lena had been arguing. Fuck it. Satisfied no one else was going to leap out of the dark forest, she dropped down next to the fallen Keeper.

  “Don’t you fucking die on me, Kaden!”

  Once she tore his black uniform away, the wound looked even worse. Christ! There was blood everywhere; this was not good. She turned him slightly to look at his back and saw that the arrow head was a vicious barb. The shot was too close to his heart for someone as inexperienced as her to deal with.

  She pulled her mobile out of her pocket and hit speed-dial-fucking-anyone. It was Mercury who answered, “Lena! What the hell….” His voice strained. No doubt he was dealing with the physical pain they all shared through the bond with Kaden.

  “Man down, I repeat, MAN FUCKING DOWN!”

  “Fuck. We’re on our way."

  “We’re at…”

  “I know where you are.” Of course he did. “I’m handing over to Phoenix.”


  Her hand shook as she swept Kaden’s hair out of his eyes. He was still conscious but a cold sweat had broken out all over him. This was bad, really bad. Vampires could survive a lot but they could still bleed to death and a blow to the heart was definitely fatal.

  “Lena? Listen to me!” Phoenix was shouting down the phone at her.

  Right. Get with the programme, Lena. “I’m here.” Her voice was not nearly as steady as she had hoped.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “An arrow right through his fucking chest! Jesus Christ, Phoenix, there’s blood everywhere and he’s cold, really cold.”

  “Okay. Just keep calm. I need you to answer some questions.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  Phoenix was calm and as she listened to him, she felt some of the strength return to her own voice. She could do this. She had to do this. She pushed out a breath and nodded before realising that Phoenix couldn’t see her. Instead, she asked, “what do you need?”

  “Is he still bleeding?”

  “Yes, that’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “Bleeding a lot?”

  “Yeah. I’m trying to put pressure on it, but the shaft is in the way. I can’t get to it properly.”

  “Any chance you can pull the bolt out?”

  “No way. I think it’s too close to his heart. It came straight out of his back and the end is barbed.” Lena heard Phoenix mumble something but she didn’t quite catch it. “What? What did you say?”

  “Nothing. Can you see the entry wound clearly?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I need you to feel inside…”

  “You’re kidding, right? I’m not a fucking medic, Phoenix.”

  “I know that, but I need you to check whether he’s started to heal. If he has, we’re in for a boatload of fucking trouble.”

  Lena swallowed hard. She usually revelled in the sight of blood because she spilled it. Watching her friend, brother, and mentor bleed out was a completely different story.

  “Come on Lena. Man up!” The strength of Kaden's order took
her by surprise.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she replied, the potency of her voice dwindling again.

  “You’re insulting my prowess, Lena.” Goddess love him, he tried to smile, though the strain of talking showed in the hard lines around his mouth and the clench at his jaw.

  “Okay.” She inhaled deeply to steady her nerves. “Don’t move.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Guardian.”

  Of course, he wasn’t going anywhere. He's lying in the middle of a forest with a fucking arrow through his chest. And it was all her fault. Shit.

  Lena put her left hand around the shaft of the arrow to brace herself. She gulped down air as she pointed one finger to the side of the wound. Kaden hissed when she pushed her finger down beside the arrow and into his chest. “Shit, I’m sorry, Kaden.”

  “Just do it,” he whispered, the absolute pain in his voice bringing a tear to her eye. Her tears were as red as the blood still seeping out of Kaden’s chest. There was a sickening squelching noise as she pushed further into the wound. She swallowed hard again. Jesus this was horrible.

  “What am I feeling for?” She demanded of Phoenix.

  “Is there any hardening of tissue? It’ll feel sinewy.”


  “Yeah you know, like a cheap cut of beef or something. Harder than normal flesh.”

  “No, it feels soft. Wet and soft.”

  “Okay. He’s not healing yet.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  Phoenix was silent for an eternity before he replied. “Yeah… It’s good. Just hold on, Lena. They’re on their way.” His voice did not quite match the conviction of his words.

  Thorn and Mercury materialised beside them. The King ignored Lena, knelt down beside Kaden, and whispered in his ear, “I Thorn Blackwood, King of our race will keep you safe, Keeper of the Watch. You will not die this night.” Then he bit into his own wrist and forced the blood into Kaden’s mouth. Stronger than that of any other Vampire, the King’s blood would sustain Kaden until they got back to the mansion. Kaden’s pallor already looked better.

  “I’ve called Soraya; she’ll meet us at the medical centre.” Thorn said. Soraya was his sister and a qualified doctor.

  Lena let out a sigh of relief; she trusted Phoenix with her life, but she knew this kind of injury was way out of his league. Thorn’s voice showed little emotion and he still would not meet Lena’s gaze. She looked away in utter dismay. Mercury didn’t say anything either.

  “To me, Guardians.”

  Lena stood up and watched Thorn scoop Kaden into his strong arms. The Keeper of the Watch was not a small Vampire, but Thorn looked like he carried a child. Lena stood behind their King and placed a shaky, bloodstained hand on his immense shoulders. Mercury did the same. With their powers combined, all four dematerialised.

  Chapter 4

  Thorn perched on Soraya's office chair, carefully distributing his weight. The pink chair wasn't designed to support the average man, let alone Thorn's 6 foot 7 frame. It looked like it was made out of bubblegum and was a weird shape, like a ball with a square cut out of it to sit in. Thorn thought it ridiculous, but it suited Soraya.

  He swivelled round to look at the equally impractical curved desk and the chair gave a groan of protest. He decided not to test its strength any longer and instead moved to the large armchair by the bookcase. It too was pink and was loaded up with pretty cushions.

  Thorn leant forward with his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. He was Vampire enough to admit that the thought of losing Kaden scared the shit out of him. He pushed out a frustrated sigh and raked his hands through his hair. The waiting was enough to drive him mad.

  His gaze wandered out into the hallway. With the exception of Phoenix, who was assisting Soraya, the whole Order was there. Skylar, Ryver and Mercury were all sitting on the couch someone had brought down from the conservatory. Well, sitting probably wasn't accurate; every so often one of them would swear and get up and pace around for a bit before returning to his seat.

  Lena sat apart from the group. She was on the floor with her knees up and her arms wrapped around her shins. As she sat there, Thorn thought the headstrong woman looked like a frightened, little girl. Her beautiful blue-black hair was a mess, she had red tear-stains on her face and her normally lively midnight-blue eyes were wide with fear and worry. The other Guardians told her to go get cleaned up but she would not leave. She'd remained silent since they got back from Friarsfield.

  Thorn stared at her for a long time before she raised her head to meet his gaze. Goddess, she looked wretched. At any other time, he might feel sorry for her. This time though, his blood boiled with fury. Forgiveness was the furthest thing from his mind.

  If he was honest with himself, he always rather liked her strength of will, her ability to question things instead of accepting what she was told, her… feistiness, yes that was the word. Feistiness or not, if Lena cost him his Keeper of the Watch, he would see she paid for it.

  When Soraya made her way out into the hall, all eyes shifted to the door and everyone sprang to their feet. Wearing blood-stained scrubs, and her delicate face etched with worry, she looked grim. Her pale-gold eyes blinked back the wash of tears as she met all the expectant faces and Thorn realised that everyone was holding their breath. Thorn braced himself.

  “He's going to make it," Soraya said.

  Thank the Holy Mother of Fae! There was a collective sigh of relief and out of the corner of his eye, Thorn saw Lena sink back down to the floor. He looked carefully at his sister and knew she was holding something back. The lines around her mouth were tight with tension and her eye still held a look of… was it sorrow? He could not be sure. “Tell me, Soraya,” he demanded.

  Soraya sighed and she reached up to rearrange her dark hair into a messy top-knot. “We nearly lost him twice. The bolt was fitted with an automatic syringe filled with some sort of anticoagulant. I've never seen anything like it, but it's why Lena couldn't stop the bleeding and why he wasn't healing.”

  Everyone turned to look at Lena, but she just continued to look at the wall in front of her as if she was in some sort of trance.

  “I've sent samples to the lab. It's nothing I have seen before so it had us stumped for a while. He had four transfusions before I could even look at getting the arrow out. The damned thing missed his heart by a matter of millimetres and it wasn't just the arrowhead that was barbed, the shaft was too. Phoenix had to push the whole thing through his body and out of his back. Whoever did this, knew exactly what they were doing.”

  Fucking Hell! Thorn was not surprised that Kaden had nearly died; he'd done the evac himself and seen what kind of state his Keeper was in. He was surprised about the technology the Fallen had utilised. He was hoping that this anticoagulant, or whatever it was, was not standard issue, but he was guessing that if it proved effective then it could soon very well be. Shit.

  “What now?” Skylar asked.

  “Now he rests.” She narrowed her eyes at Thorn who inhaled deeply, then held his hands up in surrender. “I mean it Thorn. He hasn't regained consciousness from the surgery yet but when he does, I don't want any of you boys tempting him back to work. You know as well as I do that he'll be out of my care as soon as he can possibly manage it but I'm still not sure about the anticoagulant and I don't want to take any chances. I want him off active duty for at least a fortnight, a month if I can manage it.”

  “It's that bad?” Thorn asked, even though his sister was not given to over exaggeration. A month was a long time for a Vampire to need to heal.

  “This facility is my Command Centre Thorn. What I say goes.”

  The statement was met with silence, but Thorn couldn't hide the tilt of his mouth, which was threatening to break into a full-blown grin. “Yes, Ma'am.” He added a salute and it got the reaction he was hoping for. It started with a snigger from Mercury, but soon everyone was sporting a relieved smile. There were even a few chuckles, from everyo
ne except Lena. The tension lifted. “Come on, let’s get a drink. Fuck knows, I need one!”

  Soraya and Phoenix went to clean up whilst the guys headed for the bar up in the main house. No one seemed to notice that Lena had stayed.

  After everyone left, she snuck into the recovery room. Kaden looked a hell of a lot better than she'd thought he would. Soraya had done a good job cleaning him up. If it weren’t for all the equipment beeping at her and monitoring him, she'd have thought him asleep. In the normal “I'm tired” kind of way, not in the “I've just nearly died and I'm medicated up to my eyeballs” kind of way.

  She finally let go of the breath she'd been holding since Soraya had come out of the operating room. Unsteady on her feet, Lena collapsed into the chair at Kaden's bedside and put a trembling hand on that of her Keeper. She slouched in the chair and closed her eyes for a moment.

  Greene lay under the foot of a Fallen. He strained his neck to look at his Amocinta and his daughter. “RUN!” he screamed as his assailant readied his blade.

  Lena didn't run though. Her feet were planted and she couldn't move. She looked down at her feet in confusion. They weren't the feet of a child.

  They were the feet of a warrior clad in black military style boots, which reached midway up her calf. She saw the rest of her outfit and couldn't make sense of it. She was wearing her uniform; black boots, black combats, black utility vest over a black, scoop-necked t-shirt.

  Baffled, she looked back at her father. Only, the man about to lose his life no longer wore the face of Greene, Squire to House Meadows.

  Lena stood open mouthed as she gazed upon a face she knew as well as her own. It was her Keeper. It was Kaden. She screamed.


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