Unchained: Blood Bond Saga: Volume One
Page 11
“Shit!” River grabbed a napkin and sopped up the bourbon. “Did you cut yourself?”
The bartender hurried over and swept away the shards of glass. “I’ll get you another, sir.”
A drop of blood trickled from the space between my thumb and forefinger. I pinched the area to stop the bleeding.
“What the hell happened?” River said.
Vampires were stronger than humans. Not hugely stronger, but enough to make a difference. River had no doubt learned to hide his strength—another of those lifelong lessons I’d missed while the power of my muscles increased during early adulthood.
In truth, the thought of River scenting Erin had enraged me.
The thought had consumed me. Still consumed me.
Erin is mine.
“Earth to Dante,” River said.
The bartender set another glass of bourbon in front of me. I mumbled a quick thanks.
“Easy, now.” River eyed me. “What’s going on?”
“How the fuck should I know? I didn’t know I could shatter thick lead crystal with my hand.”
“You can do a lot more than that,” River said. “Be careful, okay?”
Sure. I’d be careful. I’d do my best anyway. What else was I capable of? I had no idea.
“About Erin,” I said.
“Yeah. What about her?”
“I’m…drawn to her.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not sure. It’s like I can’t stay away from her. Like we’re destined to be together or something.”
“Not possible.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s bullshit. That’s why. Vampires don’t have fated mates. Neither do humans. Only the shifters.”
“Shifters?” Fuck. How much did I not know?
“Werewolves. Werecats. Yeah.”
“Werelions, weretigers, and werebears? Oh my?” I couldn’t help myself. He was off his rocker.
“What? Of course not. Everyone knows there’s only—” He set his drink down with a thud. “That’s right. Your dad never… You really don’t know, do you?”
“I could fill a fucking warehouse with everything I don’t know. You need to help me, River. Bill won’t.”
“Bill’s just being cautious. He doesn’t know what happened to you. He’s not sure you’re ready—”
I thumped my fist on the bar, startling the other customers.
“Sorry,” I said to them. Then, to River, I spoke low. “It doesn’t matter what happened to me. I need to know how to exist in the world I’m in now. How am I supposed to get along without all the knowledge I was supposed to get from my dad after high school?”
“But depending on what—”
“God, River, are you hearing me? I need your help! You’re telling me that werewolves are a real thing. Do you know how that fucks with my mind?”
River eased my glass of bourbon out of my hand.
“Don’t treat me like a child,” I demanded.
“We can talk about shifters later. They’re nearly extinct anyway, even more so than we are. You said this had to do with Jay’s sister. That you’re drawn to her. And I’m telling you that it’s just her fragrance. You haven’t been around. You haven’t become accustomed to the scents around you. Our senses of smell increase tenfold during early adulthood, but you’ve been gone since then.”
“Look. I know all about her scent. She has the dark hair and fair complexion of a human who is descended from a vampire somewhere up in her line. It’s an intoxicating smell.”
“It is. Her brother has it too. Sitting in an unmarked car with him for eight hours a day isn’t the easiest thing in the world. But you can control yourself, Dante. You just need to learn how.”
“You’re not hearing me, Riv. It’s more than her scent. I fucking ache for her.”
“Maybe you just need to get laid.”
I curled my fingers into a fist. River hadn’t meant to upset me. He didn’t know how I’d been aroused and left to stagnate for the last ten years, and that getting into Erin’s pants wasn’t what I needed, even though I wanted it more than anything. If all I needed was a lay, I could get that anywhere.
“It’s more than that. You don’t understand.”
“You think I don’t understand the need to get laid?” He laughed. “It’s been a while for me too.”
“No. I don’t need to get laid. I need Erin. I need her body, her blood, her soul.”
“You said it yourself. The key word is ‘blood.’ It’s her blood, Dante. You’ll get used to it.”
“You’re not hearing me!”
“That’s the third time you’ve said that to me, and I assure you I am hearing you. You will get used to the different scents. Some will be more enticing than others, but you’ll learn to control the urge. We all do.”
Still, he wasn’t getting it. It was more than Erin’s fragrant blood, more than her beautiful body. Something about her pulled at me, something I couldn’t put into words.
“I was eighteen, Riv. Adulthood had begun, and I already understood the power of the scent of blood. I already knew that vampire DNA coupled with dark hair and fair skin produced a fragrance no vamp could resist. I had smelled it before. I’m telling you. This is something more.”
“I don’t want to pry, but were you…exposed to a lot of human scents while you were gone?”
Only two. Her goons, both human. They’d smelled like garbage after a while, their natural scents tainted by my hatred.
I didn’t respond. Was it possible he was right? That I just wasn’t used to all the various scents?
No. Even now, all of Erin—not just her fragrant aroma—invaded my mind. Her eyes, her body, the sweet sound of her voice… What I felt toward Erin was so much more than being attracted to her scent.
“You’ve obviously never experienced what I’m talking about,” I said.
He regarded me, his right eyebrow raised. He didn’t believe me. “I’m sure I have. I just recognized it for what it was.”
“You haven’t outgrown that stubborn streak.” I took a sip of bourbon, draining the glass. I signaled the bartender for another.
My mind was starting to fuzz up a little. How many years had gone by since I’d had alcohol? Ten, most likely, unless she had given it to me without my knowledge.
Ten years. That night.
I took a quick sip from my refilled glass and turned back to River. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s just the scent of her blood.”
The lie didn’t taste so bad in the wake of the bourbon. River didn’t get it, so he hadn’t experienced it. I’d have to ask Bill, and if he wouldn’t talk to me, I’d figure it out on my own.
I had to stop the craving. The ache. Because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t stay away from her.
And I had to keep Erin safe.
Chapter Four
Bourbon Street. The street where sleep didn’t exist. Lucy dragged me into a club, and I found myself smashed between two Adonises—one blond and one dark, both gorgeous.
Didn’t do a thing for me.
When I was danced out, I hauled Lucy outside the club.
“What’s the matter with you?” Lucy demanded. “They were totally into you. You probably could have had them both at the same time, which, let me tell you, is amazing.”
“You’ve had a threesome?” I asked, surprised. But why would this surprise me? Lucy had probably tried everything.
“Several. I had a foursome once too. And a fivesome, although one of them was another woman. But you’re changing the subject. Didn’t you think they were good-looking? And if you didn’t, we need to talk.”
I tried to erase the visual of Lucy with three men and a woman. “They were magnificent, and nothing like Logan.”
“No shit. They were both the anti-Logan. I thought that was a good thing.”
“It is.”
“Then what’s your problem?”
“Just no
t in the mood, I guess.”
“You’re nuts. What am I going to do with you?”
“Luce, why don’t you go back in and have fun? I’ll be fine out here. I’ll find a table at a nice quiet café.”
“Quiet? This is Bourbon Street, Erin.”
True enough. “Maybe I’ll just go home.”
“No, you won’t. I know a good place where there are always a couple spots at the bar.” She tugged on my arm. “Come on.”
We walked to a hole in the wall called Moulin Blanche. I’d never heard of it, but Lucy was right. It was nicely crowded, and sure enough, three stools were available.
“Come on.” Lucy pulled me toward the empty spots.
And my heart lurched.
Dante and River sat at the bar.
He turned around, his dark eyes wide.
“Uh…hi there,” I said, willing myself not to stammer.
“What are you doing here?”
“Having a drink. This is my friend Lucy. Lucy, Dante Gabriel.”
Lucy turned on the charm. “Thrilled to meet you.” She turned to River. “And you I remember. You’re Jay’s partner.”
“Guilty.” River’s lips formed a crooked smile. “Nice to see you again.”
Lucy went into full flirtation mode. Yeah, she’d be going home with Dante’s cousin tonight. So where did that leave me?
The last time I’d seen Dante, he’d looked between my legs, held me for a minute, and then went running.
Maybe, if I closed my eyes, I could harness some of that alleged paranormal activity and conjure up a hole in the wood floor to escape into.
“Sit down, Erin.”
My eyes shot open.
“Are you sure?”
Lucy and River were already deep in conversation. She had edged Dante out of his seat so she could sit next to his cousin.
“Yes. Please. Sit.”
I sat. Didn’t think about it again. I’d been compelled to sit as soon as he told me to, but given our short history, I couldn’t help asking if he was sure.
An empty glass sat in front of him. He signaled to the bartender. “Another, please. And whatever the lady wants.”
“I’ll have a martini, dry, extra olives.” Might as well go for something strong. Dante appeared to be drinking straight bourbon or scotch. Something brown, anyway.
His thick dark hair was in disarray, as if he’d been messing with it, and gray circles marred the fair skin under his gorgeous dark eyes. Something was bothering him.
That something was probably me.
The bartender set my drink in front of me, and I took a long sip. Whoa! Martinis were strong, and I hadn’t specified vodka. This was gin.
I took another sip. Then another. Anything to keep from having to talk. The silence could fill an amphitheater.
Until he said, “I owe you an apology.”
“For running away at the sight of me?” I shook my head and took another drink. “Think nothing of it.”
“It wasn’t you.”
“Oh, of course not.” I took a huge swig of my martini for courage. “Just my ugly pussy.”
Yes, I’d just said those words to a man who’d taken over my mind and heart. God help me.
He widened his dark eyes but said nothing.
“Yes, you heard me.”
“There’s nothing ugly about any part of you, Erin. None of what happened was about you.”
One more long drink, draining the martini glass. Yes, liquid courage. Nothing like it. “You threw my date out of my home, and then you yourself went running out after looking at me…down there. If it wasn’t me, what the hell was it?”
No response. He just took a sip of his own drink.
I looked toward Lucy, who was sliding her hand across River’s forearm. Seemed crystal clear where they were headed.
Not so clear for me.
I tapped my glass and signaled the barkeep. “Another here, please.” Heck, Lucy had wanted to party. I was ready to party. I’d downed the first so quickly that I was already feeling a little buzz.
“So tell me,” I said to Dante. “What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?”
Chapter Five
What a loaded question.
So much was wrong with me that I couldn’t even begin to respond. I didn’t even know half of what was wrong. I’d lost so much time, and so many of my memories were clouded that I wasn’t sure which ones were dreams—rather, nightmares—and which were real.
She still thought I was a vandal, and why she hadn’t turned me in still puzzled me. She’d gone along with River’s lie that first morning. I longed to interrogate her about that, but I didn’t dare. What if she changed her mind and decided to turn me in? Riv might be able to pull some strings, but I didn’t want to put him in that position.
No, I needed to stay quiet about that and not remind her.
Her scent hung thick in the air around me, negating all other aromas in the room. Riv had said I’d get used to it, learn to control my impulses, but her fragrance was so enticing. Did it affect him as well? I looked toward him for a moment, but he looked anything but pulled in by Erin’s scent. Rather, he was enjoying the attention of her friend.
I inhaled. I couldn’t even distinguish the friend’s scent. Only Erin pervaded my senses, even though the bar was nearly full.
River was wrong. This wasn’t just an enticing scent that I’d get used to.
No, this was something more. So much more.
I closed my eyes, willing my cock not to harden, my fangs not to descend.
I was successful with my fangs. Not with my cock.
In my mind I saw myself taking Erin to bed, kissing her ruby lips, her pink nipples, her glistening pussy.
And then marking her. Erasing those bite marks from her thigh by replacing them with my own.
She was mine.
I could take her to bed, fuck her sweet body, touch every part of her with my fingers and my tongue…but that would not make her mine.
She would only be mine when I took her blood, when I marked her. Instinctively I knew this, even though someone else had fed from her.
The memory of those marks on her thigh pushed rage into me, and my gums burned.
No other man—human or vampire—would touch her.
Ever. I’d make sure of it.
I jerked.
Her smooth hand was on mine, and her touch ignited me.
“Are you all right?” she asked. “You haven’t spoken for about ten minutes.”
A second empty martini glass sat in front of her.
“Yeah. Fine.” I gulped down the rest of my bourbon in one swallow. It was my third. At least I thought it was. I was feeling…interesting.
She could be mine. Maybe tonight. Why not go for it? All thoughts of keeping her safe fled as inhibition swept away from me in a current of lust.
“Do you want to dance?” I asked.
She looked toward the small dance floor. No one was dancing. “Yeah. Sure.” She stood.
I took her hand—sparks flew through me—and led her to the floor.
“Hey, kids,” Lucy laughed. “There’s no music.”
Really? I hadn’t noticed. Music floated all around us—grand concertos mixed with jazzy blues. Just being in Erin’s presence created melodies I’d never imagined.
Erin was wearing a tight black dress that illuminated her fair skin even more than usual and made her peridot eyes sparkle with fire. Her dark hair hung in subtle waves halfway down her back.
She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I’d seen some amazing women that fateful night, had been turned on beyond my wildest dreams…
Now, all that seemed like adolescent fantasy.
This was real.
I took her in my arms and held her close, resisting the urge to bury my nose in her hair and inhale. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the tightening in my groin, the tingling in my gums. If I cou
ld just hold her, feel her close to me…
But as inhibition eluded me, so did control. My fangs descended, and I lowered my head toward her milky neck. The pulse from her carotid artery thrummed softly against my lips. Next to it, the blood flowing through her jugular to her heart whisked gently to my ears.
Arteries were easier to feed from, but veins made less of a mess.
The jugular it would be, then.
Just a taste. One taste.
I let my tongue touch her skin, so soft and silky, so warm with the flow of her blood just millimeters away. Her beautiful pulse thumped gently against my flesh. My eye teeth lengthened, their itching intense.
Yes…just one taste…
No inhibition. I nicked her warm skin with my left cuspid.
Chapter Six
I pulled away from Dante, touching my neck. When I looked at my fingers, they were smeared with blood.
“I’m sorry.” He walked briskly back to the bar, grabbed River, and the two of them left.
Just like that.
Again. He freaking left me again.
I rejoined Lucy at the bar.
“What was that about?” Lucy demanded. “Detective Hottie and I were headed for the sack.”
“He…bit me.” I rubbed at my neck. “I think.”
Did Lucy truly think biting was normal behavior on the dance floor? “So? We were dancing—”
“With no music, by the way.”
“Quit interrupting me. And there was music.”
“Uh…no, there wasn’t. Ask anyone in here.”
“It was a soft jazzy kind of instrumental thing. It was perfect, actually.”
“You’ve had one too many martinis, hon.” She turned toward the bartender. “Hey, barkeep. Why isn’t there any music in here tonight?”
“Our sound system is down,” he replied. “Sorry about that. It should be up tomorrow.”
“See?” Lucy said to me.
I listened. Sure enough, no music. But the tune had been playing while Dante and I were dancing. I was sure of it.
Damn. Maybe it was the alcohol. It must have been. Two martinis on a pretty empty stomach, and I’d had a glass of wine at the dance club. Still, alcohol didn’t usually make me hear things. Not that I remembered, anyway.