Church Whore 3
Page 4
The nurse that had entered the room giggled.
Lacey looked down at the notepad that Renee had given her to see what room Elisea was in. She was actually dreading to see her. Although she knew the circumstances surrounding her pregnancy, she also knew how much she wanted the baby. The closer she got to the room, the slower she walked. She just didn’t know what to expect. She lightly tapped on the door before opening it and entering the room. “Hey, E! How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.”
Lacey turned up her lip because she knew that Elisea was lying.
“Okay, I’m lying. I’m not okay, but I will be.”
An exhausted Lacey couldn’t wait to take a load off and sit her pregnant butt down. “You do know that you can talk to me about it, right?”
“I know I can, but I just don’t want to. Have you seen anybody? Is everybody okay?”
Lacey sat back in the chair and let out a long sigh. She was tired of repeating the same story over and over again, but she went down the line of all the family members and gave Elisea the rundown of what was going on. She saved the news about Mama Eloise for last because she didn’t know how Elisea was going to receive it. As expected, Elisea became extremely agitated and wanted to go to her mother’s bedside.
“Elisea, your body just went through a traumatic experience and your mother is sedated. There is nothing that you can do right now but let her rest. And you need to rest.”
Elisea laid her head back on the pillow and thought about what Lacey was saying. “If Edem felt comfortable enough to leave her, then okay.”
“I’m more concerned about how you feel about what happened. I mean, talk to me. I don’t want you to keep everything bottled up. You know that I’m here for you.”
“I guess this is God’s way of punishing me. You wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh, you think I wouldn’t understand? Let me share something with you. When I was a teenager I got pregnant. My mother’s husband had been messing with me for years. Whew! I remember it like it was yesterday.” Lacey rubbed her face as she remembered one of the most painful times of her life. “I threw up in science class as we were dissecting a frog. Everyone thought I was sick because of that, but I already knew. I had missed a cycle. They let me go home, and my mama beat me something terrible when I told her that I thought I was pregnant. And when I told her it was her husband’s baby, she accused me of lying and took me to get an abortion before the week was out. You know, I have never even shared this with Junior? And for years after we got married I couldn’t conceive. I just knew that God was punishing me for having the abortion. So, Elisea, I know all about thinking that God is punishing you for your sins. He’s not petty like that. I don’t know why He chose to take the baby, but I’m pretty sure it’s not to punish you.”
“I know what I’m about to say is going to make me sound like a horrible person, but to be honest, I’m relieved,” Elisea said while watching Lacey’s face for her reaction. She didn’t see any judgement in her face. “I mean, don’t get wrong I loved the baby, but I would be lying if I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life connected to Damion. I prayed that God would get me out of this mess, so I guess I can’t be mad at the way He chose to answer my prayer.”
“You don’t sound like a terrible person; you sound like a human being. And one day you are going to make a great wife and mother.”
Elisea looked at her and sucked her teeth.
“No, I’m serious. I truly believe that. I really do.”
Lacey and Elisea talked until Elisea drifted off to sleep. Lacey tiptoed out of the room to get back to her husband.
When Sheila arrived at the hospital, she sat in her car for about an hour crying and trying to get the nerve up to go into the hospital. Maybe this will wake Junior up and he’ll realize how much he loves me and wants to be with me, she thought to herself. She would walk away from Jamir to be with the love of her life.
After pulling herself together she finally got out of the car. She ran into Renee, who was outside taking a smoke break.
“Hey, Sheila,” Renee greeted.
“Hey, Renee.”
“You here to see the Pastor?” Renee asked and took a drag of her cigarette.
“Yeah. I rushed right down as soon as I saw the news. Is everyone okay? The news didn’t say.”
“Yeah, I think everyone is going to be fine. It’s been a hectic night that’s for sure.” She then told Sheila what room Pastor Blank was in.
“Thanks, Renee. I’ll see you later.”
Sheila entered the hospital and asked for directions. She went through the maze of the hospital until she found Junior’s room. As she reached the room she heard voices and stood near the doorway. The curtain was pulled back, so through the glass she could see Junior and Lacey in what seemed to be a loving conversation. Sheila’s heart started to ache. At that very moment she knew that she didn’t have any business being there. She felt like a fool, having jumped out of her marital bed after making love to her husband to go see about her married lover. Her breathing increased as her eyes watered. She turned on her heels so fast that she ran smack dead into Edem. “Edem!” Sheila looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Sheila!” Edem said softly.
“I was just leaving. I just had to see him. I shouldn’t have come,” she said, trying to walk past Edem.
He grabbed her arm and asked, “Is there anything you want me to tell him?” He felt a little sorry for her because he knew how much they loved each other.
Sheila looked back at Edem with tears in her eyes, and as she rubbed her stomach she said, “Just tell him I’m glad he’s okay.”
“I’ll let him know.” He watched as Sheila got away from him as quick as possible. Then he entered Junior’s room and smiled when he saw that his brother was okay.
Junior’s face lit up when he saw his baby brother. “Edem!”
“How are you feeling?”
“Glad to be alive, man. Glad to be alive,” Junior stated.
“Well, the fire chief is here, questioning all of us. I just finished to talking to him,” Edem explained.
“Yeah? I hope they get those crazy people!” Lacey added.
“Lacey, could you go check on Mama for me?” Edem asked her.
“Sure.” She kissed Junior on the lips and said, “I’ll be back, and I’ll check and see if you’re going to be released soon.”
“Almost everybody has already been released; everybody except Mama, and you,” Edem said. He took a seat next to Junior’s bed and waited until Lacey was completely out of the room before speaking to him. “I just ran into Sheila outside of your room.”
A huge grin came across his face. “Sheila was here?” Junior asked.
“Yeah. She said she had to see you, and she’s glad that you’re okay. But bruh, she looked hurt. She had tears in her eyes.”
Junior didn’t respond; he just stared up at the ceiling. He hated the fact that she was upset, and is first instinct was to call her, but he couldn’t.
Edem rushed into Ruthie’s room. Seeing his wife laying there made him feel helpless, just like he did inside of the Pavilion. “Ruthie!” he whispered as he kissed her on her lips.
Ruthie opened her eyes and smiled. “Edem!”
They embraced, and Edem laid his head on his wife’s chest. Ruthie stroked his head. “Baby, I was so scared. When I saw the windows explode I thought I had lost you. I was trying to get to you, I really was!” she cried.
Edem released the death grip he had on her and raised up to look at her. With tears in his eyes he asked, “Are you okay?”
Between sniffles, Ruthie nodded her head yes.
“And what about the babies?” he asked and placed his hand on her stomach.
“The babies are fine. And now that I see you, I’m fine.”
Edem wiped the tears from her eyes.
“I don’t know what I would have done if—”
r /> “Sh!” Edem placed his finger over his wife’s lips. “I’m right here. And I love you more right now than ever before.” He said.
“I love you too, but I was so scared though.”
“Baby, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t too. But, God! Why would someone do this? I just don’t understand.”
“It’s not for us to understand. How can you even begin to comprehend the wickedness of another? It’s not in your heart to think that way.”
“So, what are we going to do? Someone tried to kill you.”
“Let me worry about that, okay? Baby, do you trust me?”
“Of course!”
“Well then let me handle this, okay?” Edem titled his head to the side and flashed his famous boyish grin.
“Okay, baby.” Ruthie pulled him to her and they shared a passionate kiss that brought tears to both of their eyes.
Chapter 4
When Mama Eloise opened her eyes, her room was filled with all of her children, except for Elisea and Mud. She scanned the room. All of them seemed to be on their phones so she cleared her throat to get their attention.
They all looked up and surrounded her bed. “Mama!” They said in unison.
“Mama, you had a heart attack, but the doctors said you should be fine,” Junior told her as he grabbed her hand.
She didn’t speak as she looked into the faces of her children and silently thanked God that He didn’t listen to her and bring her home. “Where’s Elisea? Where’s Mud?” she asked as her heart began to quicken.
“Mud is at home with Tricia. He left AMA. Mama, you know Mud. He doesn’t listen,” Edem told her.
“But he’s okay?”
“Yes, Mama, he’s fine,” Junior said.
“Where are my glasses?”
Lizzie grabbed her mother’s glasses out of her bag in the closet and brought them to her. “Here you go, Mama.”
“Lizzie, where is Elisea?” Mama Eloise asked while putting on her glasses.
“We told her to go home to rest, Mama,” Lizzie replied with hesitation in her voice.
“What’s wrong?” Mama Eloise strained as she tried to sit up in her bed.
“Here, Mama. Let me help you.” Junior adjusted the bed for her to keep her from moving too much.
“What’s wrong with my child?” Mama Eloise asked them again.
They all looked at each other.
“Mama, Elisea lost the baby. They scheduled her for a DNC first thing in the morning at Women’s Hospital,” Lizzie finally told her.
“Oh no! My poor baby!” A look of sadness came over her face. “Well, I need to get out of here so I can go with her.”
“I don’t think so, Mama. The doctor said you would be fine, but you’re not going anywhere tonight,” Junior quickly corrected her.
“Mama, I’ll be right there with her until they bring her back,” Lizzie explained.
“Yeah, Mama. You need your rest. You did just have a heart attack,” Eddie added.
Not wanting to argue, she just nodded her head and gave the okay. “So, everybody’s okay then?”
“We’re all fine. Eddie has some serious back pain. But other than that, you’re fine, right Eddie?” Junior said and shot him a look.
“Yeah, Mama, I’m fine.”
Well hallelujah! The queen has risen! Look at God!” Madear said, walking into the room and clapping her hands.
“Madear!” Mama Eloise laughed.
“Okay, chi’ren. I need time with my sister. It’s been a long night. Don’t y’all boys have families to go home to? Lizzie, that man of yours looks like a lost puppy. Honey, go tend to him,” Madear told them.
“In other words, she said get out!” Mama Eloise said and laughed.
“A’ight! A’ight! We’re going! Can’t argue with the ‘gangsta grannies’!” Junior teased.
Each child said their goodbyes and kissed their mother before leaving.
“I sent your man home. I hope you don’t mind, but girl, he was getting on my nerves!”
“What did he do, Madear?” Her friend tickled her.
“Girl, he just looked pitiful. I can’t stand looking at a pitiful man. Girl, he looked so lost,, so I sent his butt home.” Madear looked at Mama Eloise and continued. “You gave me a scare, sister!”
“I gave myself a scare! Um-um-um!” Mama Eloise closed her eyes and lay back, recalling the night. “I could hear y’all singing, and it gave me peace.”
“I’m glad. Now, you just relax and let me tell you what you missed.”
Madear sat with Mama Eloise, talking her to death.
Jezebel and her sisters pulled into the parking lot of a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Greensboro.
“Okay, now what? We know that the church is burnt down so why are we still here? We don’t know who is dead or alive. And with our luck, we’re probably going to get arrested for coming back, because everybody just had to see what was going on. So, is anybody willing to tell me what now?” Jezebel asked.
Delilah and Tamar rolled their eyes.
“I’m just asking what the plan is now. Y’all know that I never wanted to come back here, and now you put us all in danger of getting arrested. And why?”
“Don’t you even care to know if the father of your child is alive or dead?” Delilah asked, and shook her head in disbelief at the selfishness of her sisters. Both of them reminded her of her mother. “You can really be a bitch!” She got out of the car and slammed the door behind her.
Jezebel rolled her eyes as she exited the vehicle. As the sisters got settled inside their room, everyone seemed to be in deep thought. No one really wanted to admit the fact that they were all wondering what was really going on with their mother. She had been controlling their lives since the day they were born, and they always seemed to be feeling a little lost while running their own show for the first time in their lives.
“What if we give Damien a call? Do you think he’ll tell mother?” Tamar asked.
“Have you lost your damn mind? Of course he’s going to tell her! He’s just as crazy as she is! I mean, they burnt a freakin’ church down!” Jezebel fussed.
“Shut up, Jezebel!”
“Will you two stop all that arguing? Y’all are getting on my nerves! I don’t know how much I can take being around the two of you. If you don’t have anything nice to say to each other, then be quiet. It’s that simple. All this back and forth with all this bickering is silly. Jezebel, if you didn’t want to be here, then you shouldn’t have come. No one even asked you to come. We were prepared to come by ourselves, but no. You decided that you wanted to come. So, we’re here. Do we know what the next step is? What the next plan is? No, we don’t know! We’re winging it, so just shut up about it! And Tamar, if you want to call Damien, then call the damn man! Ugh! Everything does not have to be that serious. Just don’t call them from your phone. Pick up one of those little track phones or a burner phone. Hell! Call him from here for all I give a damn! But all of this needs to stop!” Delilah lectured.
“Ehh! Grumpy, much?” Jezebel asked, rolling her eyes. She lay back on her bed. Truth be told, it bothered her that her sisters thought that she was as heartless as Lilith. After all the things Lilith had done, they were still okay to contact her? Lily had made it very clear that she did not want this baby coming into the world. And if she had to choose between her baby and her mother, she was choosing her child this time. She didn’t give a damn what anybody had to say about it. Even after she has the baby, she doesn’t want her mother to have anything to do with it. Her mother is so insane that there’s no telling what she would do to the child.
“Look, I’m sorry I’m being a bitch. I really am. You just don’t get that when I walked away, I walked away because I knew there was no turning back. Mother would do whatever she has to do to punish us for turning on her. Don’t you think it’s sad that I have to choose between my mother and my own child? I mean, when am I going to be to be happy? When am I going to
build my own life? We’ve been living our lives for that woman since the day we were born, and I’m not putting anything past her. I’m not knocking her for the good that she has done either. But face it, she has a serious mental problem, and we’ve been doing her dirty work for a long time. I think it’s time that we stand on our own. I’m going to be somebody’s mama, and I don’t want to continue the same cycle of chaos and destruction that we grew up in. This is all we know, and I want more for mines. I want to give my baby something better than this. My baby deserves a chance. So, if you want to call that lady, then by all means call her. She is your mother. Just leave me out of it.”
Chapter 5
The driver dropped Junior off at home. He was exhausted, but seeing Lacey sitting up waiting for him renewed his energy.
“How’s Mama Eloise?” Lacey asked.
“She’s fine. But don’t ask me how we’re going to get her to relax, because she was trying to leave the hospital tonight!”
Lacey laughed. “Well, you know how your mama is.” Getting up from the sofa, she asked, “Are you hungry?”
“No. I’m going to take a shower and lay down. I am completely drained.”
“It’s been a long day.”
“That it surely has.” Junior then found himself staring at Lacey.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
“Nothing. I’m just admiring your beauty.” He walked over to her and rubbed her belly. Lacey’s silk pink nightgown hugged her body in all the right places. He kissed her gently on her lips.
“You need to eat something. I’ll make you a sandwich,” she said, and sashayed into the kitchen as he watched her booty bounce underneath her gown. She felt him watching her and turned around and winked. Junior chuckled as he headed upstairs.
Junior checked in on the kids and kissed them both as the slept before jumping in the shower. By the time he finished, Lacey had placed a tray on the bed with a sandwich fit for a king, and an ice cold Pepsi. He dried off and slipped on his pajama pants before digging into his sandwich. To his surprise, he was actually starving.