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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

Page 26

by Sebastien Woolf

  Suddenly, the creature went limp as life faded from its eyes and its jaw froze open. Blood oozed from a wound to its head, which trickled down onto Gerard’s neck. Relieved and slightly repulsed he turned his head and gave an almighty heave, shoving the lifeless body off him.

  There, standing above him with a huge smile beaming right across her face stood Siobhan. She extracted her sword from the creature’s head, winked at Gerard then extended her hand to help him to his feet. He could not hide how grateful he was that she had just saved his life.

  “Thank me later,” she said. Turning to tackle a new foe Siobhan lunged forward and sliced through another skull.

  Gerard picked up his golf club and immediately went back to work. Noticed that Josh was there as well swinging his hockey sticks wildly in an attempt to clear a path. Superior intellect, agility and weaponry were always going to be in their favor, thus ascendency was gained rapidly.

  “Let’s go!” yelled Josh. He signaled for the others to follow him.

  With the way ahead now clear and Gerard was not going to miss this small window of opportunity. Sidestepping several corpses he bolted past Josh heading straight for the exit. Tyler and Raj followed, then Colin once he had dispensed with several more creatures. Siobhan chopped down another, slicing her mighty blade through the neck of an infected woman taking her head clean off. She then strode cool and calm to join the others.

  Rory started for the exit but stopped dead, realizing he had left the medical bag behind, having dropped it when the fight had first started. Calculated the risk and felt confident he could retrieve it, took a deep breath and made a dash for the bag. He made it safely and grabbed the handles, turned and slid it along the floor to where Josh stopped it with his boot.

  “Run!” Everyone in the mall yelled at him.

  Rory had seriously miscalculated his timing to get back and was now in trouble. He felt a bony hand grip him by the shoulder and instinctively he spun around and smashed the butt of his rifle into the face of his attacker. At point blank range he fired two shots, blowing holes through the heads of two more assailants.

  Click! Click!


  Snuffed out the life of another creature.

  As he started to run he exhaled and smiled wryly, felt relieved to have escaped the onslaught. That feeling would be short-lived, for in his haste his foot slipped on the plank and he fell to the ground in a heap. Before he could react Rory was beset upon by dozens of creatures who swarmed from all directions. As he punched kicked and fought with all his might to avoid being bitten, he found that as time slowed his mind wandered. His thoughts went to his wife, he loved her so much.

  The first bite he took was just a nip, nothing more. It took him on the shoulder and drew blood, causing the sharks to swarm. With so much adrenaline flowing in his body Rory didn’t even feel it. The second bite however was excruciating. Flesh was torn from his calf exposing muscle and sinew, sending blood pouring down his lower leg and flooding into his sock.

  When Josh and the others arrived to help him, it was already too late. A sea of undead creatures had descended on Rory’s body and had already begun to violently rip him apart in a feeding frenzy. Those who had come to his aid reluctantly gave up their efforts to save him, he was gone.

  Filled with sadness Josh turned and led the others to the exit. Behind him the feast continued as the undead gorged themselves.



  There was much sadness in the group as they made their way back to the compound. For the most part they walked in total silence, numbed by what had happened. No-one was quite sure of the right words to say. They were all in a state of disbelief and shock having just lost one of their own, handing each of them a stark and horrific reminder of the cruel and unjust world in which they now lived.

  Nikita knew the moment the group returned that something was amiss. As they filed through the front door to the house there was a certain somberness that walked in with them. When her husband failed to arrive with the others, she knew. Call it woman’s intuition, a sixth sense, she damn well knew. Turned mournfully to Josh for confirmation, he simply closed his eyes and shook his head.

  That gesture was all she needed to realize her worst fears, Rory would not be coming home. Slumping into a chair the tall blonde European nurse just sat there in shock. She looked wretched. Olivia and Rebecca moved to console her but she abruptly put her hand up to stop them.

  “Don’t!” Nikita snapped, sternly.

  Her response startled most of those in the room, yet at the same time they were all sympathetic. Each and every one of them had lost someone special at some stage since this horror had begun and while they all become hardened, it never got easier. This group of survivors at least had managed to maintain their sense of humanity through it all.

  After a few uncomfortable minutes of silence Nikita eventually stood, albeit shakily. She had taken the time she needed to process her loss in a logical and rational manner. Outwardly she showed few signs of grief. Straightening out her dress and taking in a deep sigh to compose herself she walked to the hallway stopping only to pick up the medical supply bag.

  “Jon needs attention,” she said, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. There was a slight waver to her voice, which was the only sign she gave of any sadness. It was enough for everyone in the room to feel her pain. She turned and quickly disappeared out of the room.

  “Is she going to be ok?” Tyler asked his mother, with genuinely concern in his voice.

  Olivia turned to her youngest child. “It might take some time, they were pretty close. Soul-mates. We need to give her some time and some space so she can work things through for herself.” There was so much benevolence in her voice, which seemed to put everyone in the room at ease. The somber mood however, lingered long into the night.

  “Will she be alright taking care of Dad?” Tyler asked. It was a fair question.

  “That’s a fair question son, but I think she is a very competent person. Despite what happened she will look after your father just fine. We will have to go and help her soon anyway.” Deep down Olivia hoped she was right.

  “So how is he Mum?” Josh asked.

  Olivia gave a half smile, which showed her concern. “He’s as tough as an old boot your Dad is,” she said. “He cut himself pretty badly and we’ve been doing everything to help stop the bleeding and avoid infection. He has lost a lot of blood and Nikita isn’t sure yet, but he may need a transfusion.”

  Josh’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Well, we don’t know if he does yet, but we’re not going to take any chances which is why we needed these supplies. He’s only just recovered from the gunshot, but he’s doing well all things considered.” Olivia turned to her daughter. “And on that note, we should head in there and give Nikita a hand.”

  No sooner had they left the others in the room dispersed as well. Everyone went about their business with sadness weighing heavily in their hearts. Josh and Siobhan found themselves alone together in the kitchen.

  For days Josh had been lost in a sea of desire and emotion, he had not felt this way for such a long time and was totally smitten. The way that he looked at Siobhan now was totally different than before, he saw things, amazing things in her and viewed her in a whole new light. She was perfection.

  “Take a photo. Lasts longer.”

  “Ahhhh…” Josh was embarrassed, having been caught staring. Snapped back to reality.

  “You are so cute boyo.” Siobhan sidled next to him. She was noticeably shorter than him but her poise was such that she appeared much taller than she actually was. Reaching up she took his chin in her thumb and forefinger, pulled his mouth to hers. Slowly and sensually she slid her tongue over his, caressing and teasing him. Josh placed his hand behind her head and pulled her closer.

  “I told you,” whispered Siobhan, breaking off the passionate kiss, “we most definitely have something.” Their lips met again.

  Josh w
as aroused. Despite the somber circumstances they had returned to he was solely focused on his Warrior Princess. Try as he might he was unable to hide the swelling in his trousers. Through his clothing Siobhan traced the length of his manhood with her fingers, all while keeping her lips locked on his. As she squeezed him gently she could feel the firmness of his erection. Josh moaned quietly deeply into her mouth.

  “I want you inside me,” Siobhan whispered in his ear.

  Josh moaned again.

  Siobhan released her grip broke off their erotic embrace and walked away. She raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in a girly wave before disappearing into the hallway.

  Paranoia struck. Josh glanced around sheepishly to see if anyone had been watching, knowing it was important that they kept this as their secret. Gave a sigh of relief before heading off, wearing a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

  In the main bedroom Nikita was putting the finishing touches to the stitching on Jon’s arm. She had closed the wound with sanitized thread she found in the medical supplies just brought in. The cut looked gory to most but Nikita had seen worse.

  Despite having to deal with the sudden and shocking news of her husband’s death, Nikita had tended to Jon with the utmost care. She had administered the right amount of antibiotics, cleansed the wound and stitched his skin back together. Remarkable considering the inner pain she was enduring herself. She was bandaging Jon’s arm when Rebecca came to her side.

  “Let me finish that off for you.”

  Nikita simply nodded, handed over and started to clean up the mess in the bedroom. Medical supplies, bloodied gauzes and bandages were strewn everywhere.

  Olivia moved to intercept her. “You have done enough,” she said softly. “We are so grateful. Why don’t you take a break, we can finish up here.”

  Reluctantly Nikita agreed. By keeping herself busy she had been able to keep her mind off the pain. She knew she had lost her husband, it was just so sudden and difficult to deal with. With every step she took that led her closer to her bedroom she felt her heart grow heavier and heavier. Holding one of Rory’s shirts she collapsed on their bed, his scent filled her nostrils, her mind instantly flooded with memories. For hours she just sat there devoid of tears, lost in a lifetime of happy thoughts.

  “Fuck! You’re amazing!” Siobhan whispered through intermittent breaths, puffing. Wrapping Josh’s face in her hands she leaned forward and kissed him passionately, her naked body shuddered in ecstasy.

  Having snuck away from the compound the couple had followed an escape route to a deserted neighboring property. Filled with lust and an animalistic craving they tore off each other’s clothing, exploring their bodies with an intense sexual desire.

  Siobhan straddled her man. Her tight, toned, sexy body writhed and squirmed in pleasure as she rode her lover. Josh was sitting upright with his back against the wall. He placed his mouth over one of her firm breasts, bit softly and stimulated her nipple with his tongue. Siobhan immediately quickened the pace of her lovemaking.

  Entwining her fingers as best she could in his short hair, she exhaled. “Nowwwwww……” Closing her eyes tightly her body shuddered in ecstasy. Seconds later Josh joined her in the climactic event they now shared, leaving him short of breath.

  She collapsed in his arms resting her head on his chest. They lay motionless for what felt like an eternity, the only movement being the rise and fall of Josh’s chest. They allowed themselves to drift off for a short time, enjoying the loving embrace.

  A branch cracked outside the window, then another. Neither of them heard it.

  “We should get back,” Josh whispered.

  Siobhan lifted her head, sat up slowly. “I could just lay here forever,” she said, kissing her lover. It was a sensual kiss, one that reflected both satisfaction and the growing emotional bond between the two. Slowly they dressed and returned to the compound.

  More movement outside the window had gone unnoticed.

  Early that evening a simple dinner was served, reheated canned food and boiled vegetables. Meals varied markedly but as long as everyone was being fed no-one complained. On rare occasions they were lucky enough to have wild game stew courtesy of the archery skill of the two youngest members of the group. Fresh vegetables grew in their garden and others in nearby houses.

  It was impossible for everyone to ignore the elephant in the room that night. Initially the fireside chat focused on the events that transpired at the construction site and the death of Rory, topics that needed to be discussed regardless of how raw, uncomfortable or painful they might be. The only noticeable absentee was Nikita.

  Those present raised their glasses in memory of Rory. As they sipped the house went quiet, offering up a momentary silence for their fallen comrade. It was one of the most poignant moments that had ever occurred at the compound.

  Later that evening Josh and Siobhan shared their experiences at the Oasis with the rest of the group. They explained where they had dumped the truck, the hotel they had taken refuge in and their chance meeting with Vincent and Lily. There was genuine intrigue as to this other group of survivors in the center of the city.

  It was however, Josh’s sharing of the details about the island that totally captivated everyone’s attention. Glancing around the room he imagined that he too would have probably worn the same expression when he first found out about the island himself. Amidst all the astonished looks on every face before him he could see hope. Vincent was right.

  “I’ve actually heard that rumor too,” came a voice from the hallway. Nikita emerged from the shadows, catching everyone by surprise.

  Olivia was just as surprised as anyone to see Nikita up and about. Nevertheless she was still pleased to see her. She could only imagine the pain that losing a loved one could bring. Every day Olivia lived with the constant fear that one of her family could be taken from her. Thankfully, she herself had not yet had to face a loss of this magnitude. Pressing her lips together she smiled. She genuinely admired Nikita’s strength and courage.

  “We heard about that island a few times from different people who we met at the zoo,” Nikita added. “It didn’t sound very believable at the time so we ignored it.”

  After a momentary silence Josh continued. “Exactly,” he said, referring to Nikita’s comments. “I mean, it sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?” Turned to his mother. “Dad always said that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably isn’t. Right?”

  Olivia nodded.

  “What is exciting is that there are others out there, others like us. Groups of people looking for somewhere safe to live their lives.”

  “And we also know that there are groups of scumbags like the Four Horsemen out there too,” added Colin.

  “Sadly, that is true,” said Josh, “but meeting all the people at the Oasis proves that there are others just like us. Good people. Perhaps there are more, other compounds such as this, or even communities of survivors.”

  “I do know of another,” Nikita said. Everyone in the room immediately sat up and turned their attention towards her. “Apparently at a football stadium on the other side of town a group has set up a community of sorts. Some sort of commune that is a city made of tents. That is all we heard.” She stopped momentarily to think of Rory, then finished what she wanted to say. “The people who shared this with us were credible so even though it is only hearsay, I have no reason to doubt them.”

  Josh chewed his lip a bit as she spoke. “So what this means,” he said, trying to stay positive, “is that there is still hope for us. Hope for us all.” There was a murmuring amongst the group. “If something happened here and we had to use our escape plans we now have some options. Some realistic places to consider.”

  “That’s a fair call,” said Gerard. “We all know that anything can happen. I say we map these locations to make sure we have a sound getaway plan. Just in case.” Gerard sensed some uneasiness in the room. “We’re not in any immediate danger, but we have to have somewhe
re to go if the shit hits the fan here, for whatever reason. Things are changing out there, I can feel it.”

  There were unanimous nods of agreement. The next few hours were spent discussing escape plans and plotting routes to potential safe havens, including the Oasis. Despite the fact that they were not in any immediate danger there was certainly a sense of urgency and proactivity about what they were doing. As Olivia and Rebecca cleared away the mess from dinner the other three women retired to their rooms for the evening.

  Darkness fell upon the compound, the only light coming from the flickering candles which illuminated a few of the rooms. Several oil lamps burned brightly in the dining room where the men continued to paw over maps and discuss strategies.

  In a bedroom near the rear of the house Siobhan sat on the edge of her bed in near darkness. A faint flame burned from a tiny candle on the bedside table providing just enough light to make out objects in the room. Reaching down she unlaced her boots kicked them off and wriggled her toes. She then slid her t-shirt off, stretched and started to unplait her long ponytail.

  A soft tap at the door startled her. Before she could ask who it was, the handle turned and the door opened.

  “It’s just me,” said Zoe, poking her head through the opening. “I hope I’m not interrupting.” She smiled, stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

  Siobhan had been caught off-guard and had quickly covered her semi-naked breasts with her hands. Upon seeing who it was she relaxed, resumed what she was doing with her hair.


  “What’s up?” Siobhan replied. She had not had that much to do with Zoe up until now, but she liked her.

  Zoe was short fair skinned cute to look at and alternative in a Goth steampunk kind of way. She sported a buzz cut blonde haircut and wore short shorts and boots similar to Siobhan’s. She was carrying a black bag in one hand and hairbrushes in the other. “It’s probably been a while, but I was wondering if you’d be keen for a do-over tonight.”


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