The Alpha Loves The Brat

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The Alpha Loves The Brat Page 45

by Allysa Mkermo

  I swiveled in my seat, legs spread out as wide as they would go, letting my mini skirt stretch as far as it could; sure, I was just here for an exam, but that didn't mean I shouldn't dress to impress; this was the place I was going to be working at soon enough, after all. That doesn't mean I wore any underwear today, I thought with a devilish grin as I rocked forward, stretching in one of my morning yoga poses and thoroughly enjoying the way that the cool texture of the bed seeped through my thin skirt. I gasped as that sharp cold hit my clitoris fully, and I ground against it, relishing in the feel of the chilling stimulation. I felt the heat of my core contrasting with the cold of the exam bed, and the mixture was enough for me to feel my climax slowly building. Oh, did I dare be so naughty before the doctor came in?

  I was now curious as to whether or not I would even be able to climax before the doctor knocked on the door, but I always liked a challenge, I decided as I pressed myself harder against the exam bed. I bit my lip to avoid moaning and giving away what I was doing to anyone that happened to be outside the door. The last thing I needed was to be caught, but I needed to climax so badly, I decided that it was worth the risk. I rocked back and forth even harder, gasping as my orgasm began to build in earnest.

  I was completely pulled out of the experience as there was a sharp knock on the door. "May I come in, Delanie?" It was a deep, male voice that sounded smooth, and had a low tenor tone to it, and made me shiver in delight, despite the fact that he stole my orgasm from me. I hadn't expected a male doctor to be performing my physical, but the thought of him looking at me, at my newly sexy body made my already positively throbbing core tighten even more in arousal – not enough to get my climax, but just enough to find appreciation in it. I hadn't planned on flirting with my doctor, but my recent spike in self confidence made me feel like anything could happen. Clearly, I thought with a smirk as I rearranged myself around the bed in a much more decent manner.

  Chapter 2

  "Yes, please come in,” I said in a low, feminine lilt, swiveling back to face the door fully, and smoothing out my skirt to hide any evidence of my frisky foreplay. My breasts bounced and jiggled ever so slightly with my frantic movements, even after I had stopped moving. The doctor came in and closed the door behind him. I found myself surprised that I hadn't met this particular doctor before, but I found myself taken by how handsome he was all the same. The man looked to be in his mid-thirties, but had aged gracefully. Streaks of gray in his otherwise deep chestnut hair framed his temples, giving him gray fox sexual appeal, and his face creased with crow's feet from years of smiling and laughter. He had a twinkle in his bright aquamarine eyes as he looked at me, extending his hand to meet mine. I took it, and he shook my hand with the firmness of authority that came with years of being a respected doctor. I squirmed in my seat, crossing my legs a little tighter than I had pressed my thighs together before, in the bathroom. My, but this was a nice treat; to have something lovely to look at while I was being examined. And some eye candy to ogle in the break room once I started working here, I thought with a giddy sort of glee.

  "Hello there, Delanie,” he greeted warmly as he let go of my hand. “I'm Doctor Weiss, and I'll be performing your exam today." In the hand that hadn't shaken mine, he had my file in his hand, the manila folder bright against his sun kissed skin. I swallowed, and hoped it wasn't heavy enough of a swallow for him to hear. I smiled at him, full lips quirked flirtatiously. Let the games begin, I thought to myself.

  "It's awfully nice to meet you, Doctor,” I said, maintaining the low, alluring voice that I knew most boys would go crazy over.

  “Likewise, Miss Delanie,” Doctor Weiss nodded gently, already flipping through my exam chart. "And what brings you in for a physical for today? Oh!" He must have found the note on my file saying that this exam was part of my hiring process into the company. “It's a mandatory employment exam! How wonderful!” Dimples formed in his cheeks when he smiled warmly at me, eyes crinkling at the corners, following the lines of his crow's feet. “It'll be such a relief to get some young blood in the building!” He laughed. “And you'll be our receptionist, no less! Wonderful! I had heard Agnes was going to be leaving soon,” he grinned as he appraised me. “I think I'll look forward to working alongside you.”

  “I can't wait to start my career here,” I replied smoothly, slowly uncrossing my legs, and finding myself grateful I wore a mini skirt when I watched his eyes dart to follow my legs movements. I wondered if he caught a peek at my womanly folds; I didn't wear underwear today, after all, so if he saw something, then he saw all of it. A shiver of thrill ran up my spine at the thought.

  “It seems like you've been coming here for the past while, too,” he nodded to my file. “Good, that means you'll be familiar with the building, too.” He blinked as he reread something on my chart. “That's quite a difference...” he trailed off, and I couldn't help but grin smugly, as I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  "I've been working out and eating right nonstop these past few months, and I'm awful proud of my progress,” I said with a grin, jutting my breasts out further as I pulled my shoulders back and straightened my posture. I mean, it was just so incredibly hard not to preen in front of such a pretty doctor.

  He nodded as he looked back at my chart. "It shows in your charts; you're almost forty pounds lighter than last year,” he put away my chart on the counter top and turned to face me. “Now then,” he straightened his collar as he stepped closer to me. “Let's get to the vitals part of your exam.”

  “Should be easy enough,” I said with a nod, arms out as he asked me to roll my sleeves up.

  “If you don't mind, Delanie,” he said, coming up to the bed I was seated back on top of. “I just need to check your pulse,” The doctor came up to me, placing his fingers on my wrist. He pressed down, lightly at first, and then applied a little more pressure without taking his eyes off of his wrist watch as he counted my pulse.

  With him standing so close to me, I could breathe in the scent of his aftershave – sandalwood with a hint of juniper berries. The smell was positively intoxicating, and I found myself leaning just forward enough that my clitoris was being stimulated against the edge of the bed, not enough to climax, but just enough to take the edge off of my arousal. "Pulse is normal,” he stated conversationally, as if he had no idea I was effectively masturbating to him right in front of his very eyes. "Good,” he said with a pleased nod. “Very good. Now for the physical check." Doctor Weiss set his pen down on top of my chart and moved his hands to my cheeks, pressing against my cheekbones and my nasal cavity. "Does your jaw ache? Any redness or swelling, Ms. Delanie?"

  “No,” I said, and though I tried to shake my head again out of habit, his strong hands held my face in place. He hummed and picked his pen back up after he let go of my face. He scrawled something on my chart as I rubbed my face gently. It still felt warm from his touch.

  “Are you aware of any physical or mental illnesses that you may have?” He asked, while putting the ear buds of his stethoscope to his ears and brushing my shirt to the side to listen to my heart. “Your chart says that you've been relatively healthy for the past few years, but it also says you were sick as a child. Anything come up lately?”

  "No,” I said with another shake of my head. I tried not to sigh in irritation at this question; I was literally in the best condition I had been in in years, possibly ever! “I haven't had anything change since last year other than my weight loss."

  The doctor chuckled. "I hope you haven't been exercising too strenuously, as it might do some damage to your muscles,” he stated. "Are you absolutely certain your body isn't having any aches or pains for an extended period of time before or after your workouts? It could be a sign of over exertion, and if left unchecked, could potentially damage your muscles in a very permanent way."

  I bristled under the scrutiny, but held my cool and collected facade. I had done my research before going into the whole diet and exercise thing, I was no fool. "I can promise
you,” I responded with a confident smile. “That you can look as much as you want, but there isn't anything wrong with me.” The doctor looked at me in surprise for just a moment, eyes wide and brow quirked in silent questioning. I had no idea where his mind went with that insinuation, but I wanted to find out, as he had clearly not expected me to challenge him so openly. The pulsing heat between my thighs was growing more intense, and I could feel the heat radiating from the center outward, warming my thighs. I was going to be working alongside this man, and here I was, already asserting myself in front of him. My, how naughty I was being!

  "Well then,” he said in a low, even voice. “Let's begin the physical,” he plucked a couple of medical latex gloves from the box on the counter behind us. He fitted his hands into the pair of gloves, punctuating the end of his sentence with a snap of the glove against his wrist. My back straightened at the reverberating snap that seemed to ring out. Another spike of arousal shot straight to my loins.

  He had instructed me to change into a thin cloth exam gown that was open in the back and held there by a thin tie. I shed my clothes and put it on hastily as the good doctor looked away, keeping himself busy by taking another look over my chart. What more was there to discuss? I was literally in the best shape of my life, I thought with an indignant scoff as I finished tying it behind me. Once I let him know that I was finished changing, he turned around to face me, and resumed the examination, returning to my face and pressing against my jaw again.

  “Still no pain?” He asked quietly.

  “No,” I murmured, aware of the shift in mood between us, and the tension that hung in the air like a lightning storm waiting to happen.

  He continued down my face, using the flat underside of his fingers to put slight pressure on my neck, feeling my arteries, working his way down past my collar bone to my chest. His gloved hands slipped under the paper thin robe, firmly cupping the swell of my perky, full breasts. I felt my face heat up in a flush as he began to squeeze them experimentally, like a cat kneading a pillow.

  "Very firm and supple, I have to say,” he said in awe, and I noticed that his pupils were blown out in arousal and desire. Oh, that's exactly what I was looking for, I thought as I relished in my victory. “I have to say, that's usually the first to be lost when someone's getting in shape. How'd you do it?” He asked conspiratorially, a devilish grin on his chiseled face.

  “I guess I just have good genes,” I said, matching his grin with one of my own despite the fact that I was still blushing furiously. Doctor Weiss laughed invitingly in response.

  "I can tell." He slowly slid the flimsy dress down my shoulders until my breasts sprang out. I gasped at the sudden exposure, not expecting the cold air to touch them, my nipples hardening against the chill in the room. I did my best not to moan, but I liked the attention. The good Doctor let his eyes wander over them. He reached out with a hand, groping my breast once more, but in a slower, more sensual manner than last time. He pinched one of my nipples, and I let out another soft gasp in response, my eyes opening wide.

  “They're so firm, and well formed,” he commented easily, as though he wasn't directly teasing me in a sexual manner. I arched even further forward, my clit pressing more firmly against the bed, and my breasts jutting out deeper into his hands. His other hand came up, giving the same treatment to my other neglected breast.

  Feeling the doctor stimulating me made me blush harder, and I bit down hard on my lower lip to try and regain some footing. I wanted this, needed this, and I was shamefully already primed for the act itself. Flames licked my insides as I squirmed against his touch, wanting and needing more and yet feeling entirely too stimulated all at once. I panted as he relished in his own fascination with my sexual, tight body. I wanted this more than anything, and yet I tried so hard to make it last, to hold off my impending orgasm. I forced myself to breathe steadily, knowing that this had become so much more than just a physical exam. I closed my eyes, relaxing, moaning at the sensations of my body. I gasped, eyes popping open as his hands resumed their trek lower, feeling out my ribs. He pressed firmly against my rib cage, pulling down the gown with his hands as he went.

  “Still doesn't hurt?” He asked, his voice dropping even lower. I sucked in a shaky breath.

  “N-no,” I said quietly, trying not to squirm even more than I already was. He must have been emboldened by my words, because he smirked, and began to push the gown down even further, hands skimming my flat stomach. I sucked it in even more, startled by the feather light touch. He slowed his hands to a stop, one hand cupping my womanly folds, not quite touching, but close enough that I could feel the heat of his fingers against my labia. I chewed on my bottom lip and held my breath, waiting for him to just move already.

  “Tell me...what is it that you want? What is it that you need?” He asked.

  “Need...” my words were swallowed in a groan that was all but punched out of my lungs when he nudged my face over, allowing him access to my neck, mouth and tongue playing on my pulse point. He must have felt my heart pounding out a rhythmic beat in time with the blood pumping through my veins, and he subconsciously rolled his hips against it, seeking friction. “Need you! Need your cock inside me!”

  Chapter 3

  He moaned before sinking his teeth into the spot on my neck he had lathered with his tongue. I all but wailed, my knees buckling at the pulsing need that flooded into my molten core. His erection looked like it was bordering on painful at this point from what I could see of it, from restriction in his dress pants and the friction built from his hips grinding into mine blindly. I flicked the button on his jeans to pop it open. His erection did the rest of the work for them, pushing the zipper down to spring free of its confines like a man escaping prison. His tongue darted out to lap at my jawline.

  “I'm hazarding a guess,” Doctor Weiss whispered huskily as he lowered a hand to squeeze my full, supple rear. “That you prefer me to actually touch you here?” He asked, his words punctuated by his fingers slipping even closer, pressing against the outer most part of my labia, but still not entering me. I nearly growled in frustration, rocking to try and get his fingers in me, but his clever fingers followed my movements, preventing me from getting him to finally touch me.

  “Yes,” I keened, and yelped in surprise when he completely removed his hand, only to wrap both arms around me and lifted me effortlessly to tear my flimsy exam dress off of me. My legs automatically wrapped around his middle, as we began rubbing our genitals together as he set me back down on the bed.

  “I could just fuck you against the wall,” he groaned into my mouth as we kissed again. “Or I could have my way with you right here,” he tossed the discarded thin dress that had barely contained my decency to the side, a clear indicator that he wasn't really in the mood for switching positions, but I knew he would, if I asked. “Do you like it when someone talks dirty in your ear?” Though the question had been murmured in that sexy husk Doctor Weiss was clearly talented at, I felt more than I heard at the honest question, and panted a moment before responding.

  “Y-yeah,” I swallowed when he groaned against the skin of my neck. I gasped when I began to push his pants past the curve of his ass, just enough to squeeze his rear and push him closer to me. I mewled when those talented hands grabbed one of my breasts, kneading the flesh in a rhythmic pattern. The response I had intended to throw his way dissolved into a quiet moan as I watched him stroke down his length with one hand, steadily pumping himself while his free hand came up, skimming over my womanly folds, not entering, but teasing until I was practically sobbing.

  “Tell me what you need,” he growled into my ear.

  “I need to come, please fuck me, please, sir,” I was scarcely making sense, but I was past the point of caring. The ache in my core is near unbearable, and I craved release like it was a drug habit that I just couldn't kick.

  “My, my,” he cooed, slicked finger finally sliding into my tight channel. I actually sobbed in relief at the near forgotten press
ure that came with having something there, but I knew I needed more of it, and for Doctor Weiss to just fucking move. “You're just so eager for me,” he said, after a moment of fumbling, I cried out when he hit my clitoris at last, my hips trying arc into the touch, to chase his fingers to keep the friction there, but the elusive digits simply wriggled away. “I wonder how long it's been since you've been fucked. How long have you been fantasizing about this? Showing up for a physical, only for your doctor leaning you back against the exam bed and fucking you senseless,” he added a third finger, and it left me a babbling, writhing mess, desperate for him to find that stroke that will send me careening off the edge.

  “N-no teasing, please, I can't take it, Doctor!” I hoped my begging didn't sound like whining, but I'd do or say anything at this point if it meant he would let me come. I'd been denied an orgasm by this man before he had even entered the room, and now he had the nerve to tease me! That wasn't even remotely fair!

  “Doctor Weiss,” I rasped. “Doctor,” I leaned my back further on the bed, feeling a moment of absurdity that he was still mostly clothed before he withdrew his fingers. Though I whimpered in protest, the brief respite was enough for me to get my bearings before I felt him lining up his engorged cock at my entrance.

  “Open your eyes. Want to see you when you cum,” he mumbled into the skin of my neck before pressing kisses there. When had I shut them? I couldn't remember, but it wasn't worth the effort, I thought as I forced my eyes back open to look up at him.

  “Ah, doctor,” I panted, my fingers fumbling with his belt, desperate to pull his pants off and expose him to me.


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