The Alpha Loves The Brat

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The Alpha Loves The Brat Page 46

by Allysa Mkermo

  “Lay back, I've got you,” Doctor Weiss placed a hand on my shoulder and coaxed me to lie flat on my back on the exam bed. He soon followed, hovering over me for a moment before his fingers were back inside me. He began to hit that sweet spot that made me all but sing, my head thrown back, pleading for my long delayed orgasm. After thoroughly working my entrance, he finally replaced his fingers with the tip of his swollen cock, pressing it past my slick folds.

  I keened in pleasure, suddenly remembering why I loved the feeling of being filled with someone, and how much better it felt now that my entire body was tight and fit. His erection was just long enough and thick enough that the pleasure never quite morphed into pain, but still made me feel stretched. When he was at last buried to the hilt, we both sighed blissfully.

  “That's it,” he rasped when I squirmed to take all of him in as deep as I could. “Take your time, adjust,” he rocked his hips against mine- not enough to pull his length out, but just enough to ensure that there was still friction while I stretched to accommodate his girth fully.

  “I'm fine,” I insisted, pushing my hips into his. “Move, doctor, please oh, doctor-!” The good doctor complied, pulling out nearly all the way until it was only his head that was still inside before sliding back home, and soon we set ourselves a steady, if grueling pace. His hips snapped against mine like a well-oiled piston, and it wasn't long before the heat that coiled deep in my belly threatened to snap, needing to be let out. We were both panting, desperate for release but reluctant to end it.

  “Delanie,” he panted after a few long moments. “So tight, I'm so close, ah,” he brought his hand between us and began to stroke my clit with vigor. He might as well have shot me, for how much I jumped when my orgasm hit. I clenched around his cock as tightly as I was able, and it was finally too much, and the good doctor was tumbling after me over the edge of bliss. We both froze there as we tried to gulp in more air, feeling like it would never be enough. After a few moments, Doctor Weiss carefully slid his steadily softening member out of me. He sighed shakily before he tucked himself away.

  “So,” I asked as I began to pull on my regular clothes. “How'd my exam go?” He breathed out a laugh as he straightened himself.

  “I daresay,” he said with a grin. “That no matter how deeply I examined you, I couldn't find a single thing wrong with you!” He tilted his head, as though he were doubtful. “But I'm not so sure, I think we'll need a follow-up appointment for me to be sure.” I grinned broadly.

  “I think that can be arranged, Doctor,” I said, strutting out of the office, past that snobby receptionist that I was replacing with an extra sway in my hips, knowing that the good doctor was watching me the entire time.

  The End!


  Chapter 1

  “Are you sure we're ready for this?” I whispered as Jacob stepped closer to him. He hummed low in his voice, a noncommittal noise escaping his throat as he crawled into bed to join me. He slowly traced my abs. My muscles twitched in response, and already I felt my cock twitching in anticipation for what was to come, so to speak.

  “You know we are, Brandon,” he hooked his thumbs into the waistline of my boxers and began to slowly drag them down. “Alexa is on her way, and we've all been looking forward to this for ages.” The boxers snagged on his already throbbing erection, but Jacob persisted, tugging them off of me fully and tossing them to the side. I smirked at him as I hooked my leg around him and rolled them so that Brandon was on top.

  “Oh, I know that,” I said said as I bit my lover's collarbone. “I was just making sure you were ready to share me,” he groaned and thrust his hips blindly for a moment before snarling and pushing me back town. Jacob towered over me, and the hungry look in his eyes made me lick my lips as the flames of arousal licked at my insides.

  “It'll be hard,” he smirked down at me before he sunk his teeth into my neck. I cried out, my back arching against him in pleasure. “But I'm looking forward to us both sharing her, don't you agree?” It was easier to look at it that way, I had to admit. Not that we liked sharing much of anything when it came to all things sexual, but it was easier to look at it that way than having to share one another.

  Jacob and I had been together for years now, and had never been happier, both with each other, and with the sex. With both of us being bisexual, it was easy for us both to appreciate the human form in all its shapes, and it wasn't long before we started to see our lifelong friend, Alexa, as more than just a friend. They knew that she had been attracted to both of them for the longest time, but had never brought it up out of respect for them. After the two of them had talked it over after a night of particularly hard fucking, they decided that they wanted Alexa to be a part of their relationship, and approached her about it.

  It took very little convincing for her to want to be a part of it, and soon after she agreed, we were hammering out the details of how the relationship was going to be negotiated. Jacob and I were surprised by how much both of us were reluctant to share Alexa, rather than each other; both of us were very much an alpha personality, and when we had something that needed to be split between us, it was always a war of dominance to see who would get the lion's share, and Alexa was no exception to the rule; we taunted, flirted, and danced our usual, sexual dance of dueling over dominance that we always did, and Alexa drank it all in.

  “Just remember,” Jacob snarled as he nipped at my neck again. “I get to take her first – we agreed on that.” I sputtered indignantly; sure, we had settled on him getting more of her than me, as I wanted to be the one that made her cum in the end, but that didn't necessarily mean that he got to go first. I rolled my hips against him defiantly, lunging up and biting his lower lip, bringing it into my mouth to sip at. He gasped at the sensation.

  “I don't think,” I said in a low growl that I knew he loved. “That's what we agreed upon, love,” I managed to pant when Jacob pulled back just enough to suck in a gulp of air to recover from my blatant teasing. With another groan, he pressed another kiss into my mouth, this one much harder, more demanding, and I shuddered, lost in the sensation.

  “Is that right?” Jacob murmured against my mouth with a haughty grin, clearly pleased at the effect he was having on me as he tried to get his way. My lips pulled back into a snarl – I wasn't going to give in so easily!

  “You're getting her for most of the session,” I was cut off with an audible gasp when Jacob pushed our hips together, all but drilling me back into the mattress as much as he could with only his cock and his determination. The sensation was enough to drive thoughts of the argument from my mind for a few moments. “Oh, fuck, Jacob, I need...” my words were swallowed in a groan that was all but punched out of my lungs when John all but ripped my shirt off of me, fully exposing my naked form to him. He bent over, swirling a tongue over one of my nipples, and I moaned wantonly again.

  “So eager to be fucked already?” Jacob teased with a moan. I yelped when he nipped a bite into the spot he had lathered with his tongue, my sensitive nipples hyper stimulated from the touching as it was. I all but wailed, my knees buckling at the pulsing need that flooded into my loins. My erection was bordering on painful at this point, from being so fully teased and brought to arousal, and the hand that John had snaked between them, palming the swollen member as fully as he could. “My, you're a little slut for my cock, aren't you?” Jacob flicked at my neglected nipple with a thumb, and I whimpered, already too stimulated as it was.

  The head of my engorged member was already purple with how much blood was flooding to it, and all I wanted to do in that moment was to cum all over my boyfriend's chest and stomach. He wasn't going to let that happen, though, and I knew it; we'd been waiting too long for thing to finally happen, to be able to bring Alexa into our little fold and make her ours, and me spilling all over us like some out of control teenager wasn't going to make that any easier on everyone involved. So, even though I was screaming on the inside for release, part of me was glad
that I wasn't going to get it yet.

  “Y-yes, yes, I am,” I was panting heavily, as though I had just sprinted a mile, and I started pressing his hips back against Jacob's insistently. His head fell into the crook of my neck, and he let out a throaty chuckle at the way I was so desperate for release already, when we hadn't even had sex yet.

  “I'm hazarding a guess,” Jacob whispered huskily as he lowered a hand to squeeze my rear. “That you want me to make you cum?” The hand that was gripping his cheek inched further toward the center, and I involuntarily bucked when I felt him begin to press the tip of his finger into the cleft of my ass, just barely out of reach of my entrance.

  “Yes,” I keened, and yelped in surprise when Jacob lifted me effortlessly off of the bed and pressed me against the wall. my legs automatically wrapped around Jacob's middle on reflex, eliciting a groan out of the two of us when our bulging erections were pressed together from the change in position, my bare one flush against his still clothed cock.

  “Noted,” he said, fumbling in the drawer of our bedside table before pulling out a tube of lubricant. “Not until you say it out loud,” my response dissolved into another groan that was torn from my chest when I felt his lubricated, dexterous fingers begin to gently swirl around the pucker of my ass, not entering, not yet, just circling lazily to draw it out longer. “Tell me that you're a slut for my cock.” I grit my teeth and snarled. Nothing was going to get me to submit to him – one of the downsides to both of us being Alphas was the fact that neither of us wanted to back down from a challenge, ever, and that often dragged out even the quickest of our sessions into possibly hours, depending on how stubborn we were being.

  I'm sure there's a downside to that, somewhere.

  Just as things were getting heated, the doorbell rang, and though I was frustrated that the moment was passed, I grew excited at who I knew was waiting on the other side of our front door.

  Chapter 2

  “Wait here,” Jacob said with a bite to my lower lip. I growled, but I knew that he was right – he was the only one of the two of us that was fully clothed, after all. He wiped his hand clear of lube and went to the door, and I heard Alexa's soft voice float in from the hallway. I leaned one shoulder against the wall that Jacob had pushed me against only moments ago and smirked at her as Jacob led her back to the bedroom. Her eyes flashed eagerly with want as she let them rove over my naked body, my erection still throbbing from the earlier teasing.

  “Well, well,” she greeted as she licked her lips. “What have we here?” She stepped forward. And grinned, but was a clearly still sheepish about all of this. I grinned and closed the gap, hooking a finger under her chin and kissing her soundly. My hand tangled in her hair, and I nipped at her bottom lip. She let out a low moan that, in spite of how quiet it was, was enough to spur me into action. I tugged her jacket off and tossed it to the wayside, and let a hand drift over to her full breast, giving it a firm squeeze.

  I heard Jacob come in behind her, and felt his hands loop around her and begin to unbutton her jeans blindly. His hands kept brushing against my cock as he went, and judging from the low hum he let out, I knew it was on purpose. I pulled back from kissing Alexa to find Jacob was already on her neck, assaulting it with bites and nips. Alexa was already awash in arousal; her face was flushed pink from the stimulation, and gone was her timidness. She reached out to me, one hand on my cock, and the other bringing me in for another kiss like she was starving for it. My groan was swallowed by her kiss, and I went to work unbuttoning her shirt to rip it off of her.

  It didn't take long for me to make quick work of the buttons, and soon I was tossing that in the pile with all of the rest of our collectively discarded clothing. I went back to her breasts, squishing and tugging at them, only to find my hands were blocked from feeling the entirety of her breasts by some rather thin fabric. Confused, I pulled back again to find that she had taken the liberty of wearing some sexy lingerie to the occasion; it was a lace corset, clearly well made and rather expensive looking for what amounted to human wrapping paper. As Jacob all but ripped her pants off of her, the action revealed that she had white thigh high stockings that had matching blue lace on the top.

  “It must be Christmas,” I said with a grin. Alexa opened her eyes and looked at me with pupils fully blown out from how intense her arousal was. “Because I get to unwrap the best looking present here,” I nipped at her earlobe, and she ground against me in retaliation.

  “Who said you got that honor?” Jacob said possessively. “Because she looks good enough to rip this,” he said as he tugged at one of the ribbons with his teeth. “Off of her. Don't you think so?” He moved the sheer lace away from one of her breasts and began to stimulate her nipple. She cried out, ass pressing against his cock. He must have removed his pants when I was distracted by Alexa's incredibly alluring figure in such lovely attire.

  “Boys,” she chided breathily as I went to work trailing my hands lower on her, fingers resting lightly on her outer labia, teasing her. “No need to fight over me,” she rocked her hips, trying to get my fingers to slip inside of her, but I wasn't quite ready to allow that to happen, so I just let my fingers follow her movements to stay outside. She was already soaking wet, and I knew that she didn't need anymore prepping before we started, but it was nice to tease her, to have complete control over her pleasure.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” I said with a grin as she whimpered. “You don't get any until I say so,” I swirled my fingers over her outer lips, spreading the wetness that was already leaking out of her. She cried out as Jacob's hands both came up to stimulate her breasts, his mouth going to her neck as he continued. “You'd like that, though, wouldn't you? For my fingers to push up into your cunt and let you orgasm?” I inserted one finger shallowly, just enough to be inside her without really stimulating anything. She looked like she was about to cry with frustration. “You're already so wet for us,” I pulled my finger out of her. “Why don't you feel for yourself, Jacob?” She cried out, trying to thrust into Jacob's incoming finger, but he was adept to teasing, and only allowed her to feel what he wanted her to.

  “My, my, Alexa,” he purred in her ear. “You're positively soaked down there,” he slowly began to kneel. “I just want to lap you up.”

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, yes, oh, please-!” I slowly began to stroke myself as I watched Jacob take her ass in both hands, part her folds and begin to eat out her pussy. She wailed and threw her head back, blonde hair whipping behind her from the motion. I resumed where Jacob had left off and turned my attention to her breasts.

  I gasped as I felt Jacob's familiar hand begin to pump my straining cock. I shuddered, and felt my knees briefly buckle before I strengthened my resolve and tamped down on my urge to let go and come all over Alexa's fancy lingerie. That just wouldn't do – it looked like she spent so much on it, I didn't want it going to waste; who knows how many other times we'd get to put that to good use, after all?

  Alexa ground her hips into Jacob's mouth, eyes rolling back into her head as he worked her to climax. But I knew him – she wasn't going to cum until he wanted her to. Nor would I, I realized as he let go of my engorged dick. I growled at him but he reemerged behind Alexa, lips slick with her quim. He smirked devilishly as he wiped his mouth clean with one hand.

  “You didn't honestly think I was going to let you cum that easily, did you?” He asked her, tilting her head back to kiss her lips, letting her taste herself on him. She moaned, hips jerking erratically as though she was trying to spur him into giving in to his wants and fucking her brains out. An admirable attempt, but I knew better, I thought as I knelt to take one of her nipples into my mouth – he and I both had an iron grip on our control most of the time, and it was incredibly unlikely that he would lose it now, when he had what he wanted right where he wanted it. “Oh, no,” he purred against her mouth as they parted. “I'm not done with you yet.”

  “Oh,” she panted from my ministrations to her breasts and the way that Jacob's
fingers slipped back into her channel, just enough to tease her. “Please, please, I'm so close, I need it, please,” she whined low in her throat. Evidently, she was so lost to pleasure and stimulation that she couldn't form anything but pleas and begging. The thought make my cock twitch, as I was positively thrilled by; if she wasn't decided on sticking around after this before, she certainly was entertaining the idea a bit more seriously now!

  Chapter 3

  “Not yet, Alexa,” I hummed against her breast, my hand coming up to tweak the neglected nipple. She cried out, and resumed trying to fumble to stroke my cock as I drew myself to my full height. I allowed her to begin to resume her hand job and I let my head fall forward into the crook of her neck, as I enjoyed her attentions that she was lavishing upon me.

  “Fuck, you're sexy all dressed up like this,” Jacob growled into her ear. “But we need this off of you,” he tugged at one of the laces of her corset. “Now.” I helped him make quick work of taking the corset off of her, and set it off to the side so that it wouldn't get in the way of us enjoying her body fully. Even without the corset, she had curves in all the right places; a narrow, trim waist that had rock hard muscles underneath her soft skin, her breasts were full and perky and were supple enough that they positively oozed between my fingers when I squished them. I watched in fascination as the curve of her ass press against Jacob's groin, and the way that it bounced against his cock as she tried to get him inside her in any way that she could.

  “Now,” her voice was already hoarse from her cries and pants. “Please, get your cock in me now, I don't care whose it is, but I need to cum!” She grabbed at my shoulders, my collarbone, one of her arms flailed behind her to loop around Jacob's neck. Her body writhed under our attentions, and it was almost enough for me to want to cave in and get my cock inside her as deeply as I could. Almost.


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