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The Alpha Loves The Brat

Page 52

by Allysa Mkermo

  “Well what the fuck was I supposed to do? My car’s still in the shop and the bus was late,” Maria snapped in an undertone. All of them were holding the charts of different patients and consulting with each other, as was their custom since their internship had begun.

  “G-man’s right. Feldman won’t give a shit,” Ricky said, scratching at the back of his head with the end of a pen. “This chick’s in for the third time complaining about abdominal pain.”

  “Endometriosis,” Steven said without missing a beat. “Check the chart. She’s probably been in over the past few months when she gets her period.”

  Maria placed a hand over her stomach, grimacing in sympathy. Pain from endometriosis could easily reach a seven or eight on the pain scale, and none of it sounded like anything that anyone should ever have to suffer through. Ricky nodded at the suggestion, making a note in the woman’s chart.

  “Anyway,” George continued, ignoring the exchange, “Maria, just do better next time. Take an earlier bus, catch a ride, whatever you have to do. Feldman isn’t one to forgive or forget, so just make sure your next impression is a good one.”

  “Sure thing. Any other tips and tricks?” Maria asked, and her dry tone wasn’t lost on her friends.

  “Listen, M,” Steven said in a hushed tone. “You weren’t here for it, but Feldman was really clear. They’re going to start really cracking down. They’ll be eliminating interns, dumping them in other teaching hospitals, or even firing them. There’s been a lot of leniency already, and they can’t really afford any more screw ups.”

  Maria groaned out a quick, “Yeah, sorry, things are just…” She sighed and a hand rose to massage her temples. “I’m just so damn stressed out already.”

  “Don’t sweat it, Maria,” Ricky soothed, laying a hand briefly on the top of her head. “We’ve got your back.” And with that, he was off to talk to his patient.

  “What he said,” Steven said, patting Maria on the back. “Listen, things have gotten all kinds of crazy stressful. You should come over to our place tonight. We can blow off some steam and let loose, like in the pre-med days.”

  Maria chuckled softly. “I really can’t afford a hangover right now,” she said.

  George laughed openly at that. “Well I mean, none of us can either. But we’re all off tonight for the first time in a while, so we were at least going to get a pizza and chill. You should come too.” The warmth of his tone and smile in his eyes sold me completely. I missed having friends, missed the easy dorm camaraderie from school. It had been a long time since we had all been able to just hang out without worrying about the thousand tiny stresses that came with the job.

  “All right, you got it,” I said. “I’ll need a ride though.”

  “No worries,” Steven said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they walked off in the general direction of their patients. “Find me when you finish up. I should be in the lounge working through some paper work.”

  Maria felt bad momentarily, knowing that he would have to wait up on her to finish her shift before we could go back to his, after he had been at the hospital for at least eight hours already, but the guilt passed easily enough in light of her mounting excitement.

  “You got it,” she told him, slipping out of his grasp to enter her patient’s room.

  The rest of the day passed in a haze of faces as each of Maria’s patients blended into a series of demands, complaints, with scattered moments of gratitude sprinkled on top. Her lunch tasted slightly better than usual as she thought about her friend-date in just a few short hours. Or a few long hours, depending on the quality of her patients for the rest of the day. So long as no one got too demanding, she could always slip away for a quick nap in the on-call room.

  As if sensing the nature of her truant thoughts, Maria’s pager beeped, just as she was about to take the last bite of her sandwich. She crammed the last corner of her chicken salad in her mouth and grabbed her water bottle. Answering pages was part of the job, but it never said anywhere that she had to enjoy it.

  After three more emergencies in the afternoon, Maria was exhausted by the time she collected her things from the locker room and made it to the doctors’ lounge to meet up with Steven.

  “You look like hell,” he said uncharitably as she walked through the door, hefting her bag onto her shoulder.

  “And you look…normal.” It was true. Even after spending close to sixteen hours at the hospital, Steven looked no worse for wear.

  “Slept in the on-call room,” he admitted, a sly grin crossing over his freckled face. Maria laughed, confessing that she had wanted to do just the same thing as the pair of them headed out of the lounge.

  They got out to the parking lot and climbed into Steven’s tiny, beat-to-shit Hyundai, where Steven immediately started blasting some kind of terrible electronica that made Maria’s teeth rattle together. She didn’t say anything, didn’t have the energy to complain. Besides, the pounding beat helped her to separate herself from the grind of the workday, and from the fact that she hadn’t had any time to let loose in weeks.

  Chapter 2

  They pulled up to the apartment building without too much hassle, and hastened to get inside and start their relaxation as soon as possible. George greeted them from the couch, rising as they entered. The apartment was a strange mix of order and chaos. Stacks of books and papers lined the walls, but the carpeted floor appeared well-maintained, as did the flat surfaces. The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes, but the counters were all spotless. The new mahogany table stood out with crappy second-hand chairs mismatched on all four sides.

  “One extravagant purchase at a time,” George said with a shrug as he caught Maria staring at it. Though he had said that there wouldn’t be extensive drinking going on, he already had a beer in his hand, and from the half-stumble to his step, it wasn’t his first.

  “Don’t relax too hard, bro,” Steven said, echoing Maria’s thoughts.

  “Shut up. It was a long ass day. Ricky won’t even be back for a bit. I already ordered the pizzas though, so they should get here soon.”

  “Get me one of those,” Maria said, gesturing towards the beer. She took a seat at the table, and George and Steven soon joined her there.

  Soon enough, the three friends were sitting and chatting like it was the old days. They commiserated about terrible patients and frustrating doctors, reminisced about old classes and professors. The pizzas arrived, and they ate and drank and faded back into their school day memories. No one let themselves get drunk, but they let the warmth of the alcohol flood their bodies and erase the worry lines that the weeks past had brought to their faces. Maria let her hair down and was playing with it carelessly as George talked about one of the nurses from radiology that he used to have casual sex with, and Steven laughed until he cried, relating several separate occasions when he had walked in on George or Ricky when they had some girl over, and the time where it had happened twice on the same day.

  “What about you, Maria,” George pressed, eager to change the subject for some reason. “Any action in your life these days?”

  Maria rolled her eyes, downing the last of her third beer. “Not so much recently. My sister’s back in town, so I spend most of my free time listening to her whine about men. Doesn’t really get me in the mood, you know?”

  “Well that’s no excuse,” Steven frowned. “You’re damn gorgeous and deserve to have a bit of fun every once in a while.”

  “What I want to know,” Maria said, a devilish glint to her eye, “is why George doesn’t want you to talk about the time you walked in on him and Ricky on the same day.” Steven started laughing all over again, and George ducked his head.

  Steven explained once he got a hold of himself, “Well you see, it wasn’t just that it was the same day. It was actually the same girl. They were both banging her together.”

  Steven laughed again, and George shook his head, a strange smile on his face. Maria didn’t know what her own face looked like, but s
he could feel it twist and contort as her brain tried to supply the image of the scenario.

  “Like, you were both…” She frowned. “Did you take turns, or…How did it…work?”

  Steven took another long sip, also looking expectantly in George’s direction.

  “Well,” George said with a cough. “I should start by saying that it was her idea; it never would have happened if she wasn’t into it. But we weren’t taking turns, it was more…” His hand rose to cover his eyes and he sighed. “We were going to do her in both holes at once. It didn’t happen though; Steve barged in and killed the moment. The three of us had agreed to never talk about it again, so thanks Steve, really. Thanks so much.”

  Maria let out a startled giggle, but felt herself burning with curiosity. What would it feel like, to be fucked in both holes at once? It had already been so long since she had been with a man, but with two men? Her mind reeled as she tried to picture that sensation. She had done anal before, had played with her ass while masturbating, but still she couldn’t decide what real double penetration would really feel like. And if all three of the men were there…

  “You know,” she found herself saying, “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” The room fell silent and Maria licked over her bottom lip. “Hear me out. Ricky’s going to be home soon, and like,” she shook her head, not allowing herself to trail off and give up on the thought. “It’s been a long time since I’ve, you know, done it or whatever, but I mean, if it was you guys…” She felt the color of her face change as she cleared her throat to stop beating around the bush and just ask her question. “Do you think you would be okay if it was me? If we all…had sex together?”

  Again, the room was silent. George just blinked at her, the embarrassment finally gone from his expression. It had been replaced with dumbfounded disbelief. Steven made a few sounds in his throat that were almost laughter, but were colored with that same amount of disbelief.

  “Because, well, that didn’t sound like a bad thing, you know? Getting fucked in both holes at once, I mean,” Maria babbled, too nervous to stop at that point. The silence of the room was too much for her to bear. “We’ve all been friends for a long time and that sounds like something I want to try, and maybe I’ve just had too much to drink, but what the hell, right? Someone say something or get me another beer or just literally anything to make me feel a little less completely stupid.”

  After a smaller pause, George said, “You’re not stupid, Maria.” He handed her the remainder of his beer and leaned in closer to her. “In fact, after the week we’ve all had, I can’t think of much else that would be better to help us unwind.”

  Steven let out a half-laugh, half-cough. He looked terribly unsure of himself, but said in a very quiet voice, “I’m in.”

  Chapter 3

  Just like that, the entire mood of the moment shifted. The camaraderie from earlier faded into a strange nervous energy. The nostalgia transformed into something completely new. George was the first to stand up, and before Maria could believe what was happening, his pants were on the floor, and what was developing into an impressive erection poked out of his boxers. On her other side, Steven stood and began undressing, though he still didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic.

  Shaking her head, Maria yanked her scrubs top over her head, wishing that she would have changed back into her regular clothes before leaving the hospital. She freed herself from the table and let her pants fall to the floor. She stepped out of them, standing in only her mismatched sports bra and boy shorts. George didn’t seem to care about any of that, dropping his boxers and closing the distance between them. His mouth tasted like the pizza that they had been eating, but also held another flavor, something that was just “George,” and Maria easily allowed his tongue to pass between her lips.

  “Don’t think, just let go,” George said into her neck. “Just let yourself feel this.” He kissed Maria one more time, and then turned her to face Steven, who took her lips just as easily.

  George’s hands slid up her waist and found where the elastic of her sports bra was leaving a deep welt in her flesh. His fingers slipped inside the band and started dragging it up over her head. Maria raised her arms and pulled free from Steven, letting George remove her bra.

  “Ahh,” Steven sighed, staring openly. Maria’s dark nipples hardened in the cool air and goosebumps spread across her chest. Her face flamed, and she felt the driving need to touch and be touched, to feel their skin against hers. Her arms wrapped around Steven, pulling his chest against hers. His breath was quick and hot against her neck, and his teeth nipped against her throat.

  The door opened suddenly, and everyone froze to see Ricky drop his bag to the ground and just stare at the three of them. Maria tilted her head to the side and raised a finger, beckoning Ricky to come and join them.

  “Fucking finally,” he said after a long pause, slamming the door behind him and tearing off his shirt. Maria’s laugh turned into a moan as George’s hands covered her breasts and kneaded into them.

  Ricky stepped out of his pants and said a quick, “No, no, no.” He pulled George’s hands away and lightly pushed Steven back. Ricky then tugged Maria’s boy shorts to the floor and he led her over to sit on the table. George looked like he was going to protest, but then Ricky laid Maria down and bent down, his face between her legs. She let out a whimper as he only breathed against her sex, his hands sliding down her thighs. When they reached her knees, Ricky pulled her legs apart and licked slowly up her cunt and over her clit. When her mouth opened to gasp out in pleasure, George slid his cock between her lips.

  Everything felt so gradual, so completely seamless, but it wasn’t enough. Even as Ricky’s very skilled tongue danced across Maria’s most tender flesh, she knew that she needed more. She wrapped her hand around the base of George’s shaft, anchoring him and giving him guidance on how to best fuck her mouth. Her tongue played at his tip and swirled around his head, and he groaned his appreciation. Maria allowed herself a moment of pride in her skills, no matter how rusty, but all thoughts were driven from her mind as Ricky slid two fingers straight into her pussy. His tongue continued to lap at her clit as he pumped his fingers inside of her, still in a deliciously slow rhythm that was starting to drive Maria crazy.

  George withdrew suddenly, and Maria felt a brief wave of confusion until she turned her head to the side and saw Steven at the other side of the table. She shifted over to reach him, and he placed one foot up on a chair to allow her better access, and she sucked him into the depths of her mouth. She placed a hand behind his thigh to give her the leverage she needed to move up and down the length of him, and her other hand wrapped itself around George’s cock. Both men’s hands lazily explored her breasts, teasing her nipples as Ricky picked up the pace, thrusting deeper into Maria’s slick cunt. She moaned into Steven’s dick, spit spilling out the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin. She tried to swipe at the mess with the back of her hand, but Steven grabbed her wrist to stop her. He stared down at her, her face all screwed up with lewd need and desire.

  “God you’re beautiful,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her soiled mouth. Maria’s back arched briefly as she let herself go, feeling the desires of all three men directed solely at her body and her needs.

  “I need you to shut up and fuck me,” she groaned, already close to finding the edge of an orgasm. Ricky pulled back, taking the hand that was coated in Maria’s arousal and spreading it over his cock.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, teasing her with every small expression that crossed his face. “I could keep devouring you all day.”

  “Please fuck me,” Maria begged, writhing against the table. She still held George’s cock in her hand, and she looked up into his eyes. “Please.”

  George circled around, stepping out of Maria’s grasp. Once in front of her, George pulled Maria to sit up, and she could feel the smear that her pussy left on the polished wood of the table.

  ‘Well, if George doesn’t mind, t
hen neither do I,” Maria thought. George pulled her to her feet, and over to the couch. He laid down the length of the couch, and led Maria to sit atop him. She straddled him and descended hungrily, dragging her slit over the underside of George’s cock. Ricky and Steven followed them, watching as Maria teased both George and herself with each smooth motion.

  “Ready?” Maria asked, trying to keep from begging again. She didn’t wait for a response before sliding onto George, taking him inside of her, sighing with the relief of finally being filled. The satisfaction didn’t last long though, and Maria craved more. She rocked her body, swaying atop George, taking him in as far as she could before starting to ride him.

  “Fuck,” she breathed. His hands on her thighs kept her pace tantalizingly slow, and Maria let herself appreciate the girth of him. Behind her, she felt Ricky’s hands slide up her back, pushing her torso down to slide over George’s. Her breasts dragged against his smooth chest, and feeling his breath in her hair sent a rippling shudder down her spine. Ricky’s hands moved down to her butt, parting her cheeks. She wasn’t prepared for the sensation of his tongue tracing her asshole, and her back arched. She did her best to keep her pace slow and deliberate, but the novel sensation of the rim job had her grinding her hips back, and she lost her rhythm.

  “Relax,” George murmured into her ear. He lifted her body up slightly, and suddenly Steven’s erection was in Maria’s face. She made a noise of assent, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue to let him thrust into her throat. A finger slipped inside her asshole as Steven pumped into her face. Maria regained control, and her body resumed its slow rhythm.

  The finger provided an incredible amount of pressure against George’s cock, and Maria could barely fathom how her body would manage to fit two cocks at once. How could there be that much room inside of her? She didn’t know, but she was almost desperate to find out.

  Ricky disappeared momentarily, but soon returned, as did his finger, though it was slick with lubricant. Again, Maria was lost to a wave of disbelief, and the image in her head of her with all of her holes stuffed made her mouth water even more and her jaw went slack. Steven took advantage of that to thrust even deeper into her throat, and she gagged, pulling away from him and going completely stiff.


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