Home from the Dark Side of Utopia
Page 35
Magón, Ricardo Flores, 120
“Malacara” (Ugly, the Tupamaro), 150–152, 153, 156–158, 218, 224
Maneiro, Alfredo, 237
Manuelote Reservoir (Venezuela), 285
Mao Zedong, 51
Maracaibo (Venezuela), 282, 283, 285, 290
Marcano, Cristina, 194
Marcos, Subcomandante (Galeano), 6, 121–122
Marea Socialista (Socialist Tide), 311
Mario (Nicaraguan taxi driver), 175–176
Maritain, Jacques, 56
Márquez, José Gregorio Hernández, 152–153, 262
Martí, Farabundo, 99
Martí, Felipe Pérez, 306, 311, 326
Martin, Jim, 96
Martínez, Eugenio “Puzkas,” 217
Marx, Karl, 20, 61, 74, 92
MAS (Venezuela, Movement Toward Socialism), 237, 323
Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 98
Masperó, Marcela, 256
“Matute” (Mérida, VZ, Tupamaro) 152, 224
Maurin, Peter, 49, 56
Maya, Margarita López, 261–273, 276, 292
McNamara, Robert, 188
MDC (punk band), 93
Mérida (Venezuela), 140, 145, 149–154, 156, 158, 178, 179, 181, 182, 185, 197, 199, 205–211, 214, 218, 220, 228, 234, 252, 280, 282, 292, 293
Merton, Thomas, 53
Mexico, 109, 113–115, 119–122, 130, 135–136, 271, 284
Mexico City (D.F.), 109, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 136
Meyendorff, John, 59
Miguel (former teacher in Ejido, Vz), 292–293
Ministry of Communications (Venezuela), 180
Ministry of Culture (Sandinista, Nicaragua), 84, 91–92
Ministry of Education (Sandinista, Nicaragua), 136
Ministry of the Interior (MINT, Sandinista, Nicaragua), 88
Ministry of Land and Agriculture (MAT, Venezuela), 158, 159
Miranda, José Porfirio, 70, 71
Miranda, Roger, 166, 168, 169, 172
Molina, Ricardo, 255
Mollinedo, Pedro Portugal, 155
Moltmann, Jurgen, 74
Mondragon (Spanish cooperative), 130–131
Monimbó, Nicaragua, 170
Montero, Ezequiel, 322
Montevideo, Uruguay, 154, 155, 187, 304
Montreal, Canada, 42
Moral Majority, 48, 79
Morales, Evo, 6, 156
More, Thomas, 331
Morgan, Julia, 68
Mounier, Emmanuel, 56
Movimiento 21 (Movement 21), 295
MRS (Nicaragua, Movement for Sandinista Renewal), 139, 174
Mucuchíes, Venezuela, 181
MUD (Venezuela, Democratic Unity Roundtable), 215, 217, 322, 323, 324, 325
Mumford, Lewis, 14
Müntzer, Thomas, 74–75
Nacional, El (Venezuela), 277
NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America), 188, 280
Nagel, Juan Cristóbal, 216–217
Narváez, Zoilamérica, 173
National Assembly (Venezuela), 196, 197, 214, 217, 262, 264, 321, 323, 324–325, 326
National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 301
National Inquirer, The, 92
Navarro, Hector, 311
New Earth Press, 108, 115, 119, 123, 125, 133
Nicaragua, 3, 4, 10, 66, 70, 81–89, 91, 92, 95, 97–101, 108, 136–140, 163, 164–176, 220, 328, 364 n42
Nichols, Ken, 44
Nixon, Richard, 300
NoFX, 106
Norway, 131, 313
Noyes, Henry, 94–95
Nugent, Anthony, 50
NWLF (New World Liberation Front), 47
Oakland, City of, 23, 45
Oakland Police Department, 123
Oaxaca, Mexico, 135
Obama, President Barack, 300, 303, 304
Ocando, Casto, 301, 302
Ochs, Phil, 270
O’Donnell, Bill, Fr. 105
Office of Strategic Intelligence, 34
Opinion, La (Colombia), 199
Orígenes (literary group), 114
Ortega, Daniel, 83, 138, 139, 140, 163, 165, 166, 173, 17, 173–176, 280, 328, 349 n18
Ortega, Humberto, 138, 139, 165, 171
Orthodox Church (Eastern), 52, 58, 59
Orthodox Church (Indian), 76
Osorio, Betty, 149–150, 211, 218, 220
Osthathios, (Bishop) Geevarghese Mar, 75–76
Oventic, Mexico, 135
Pablo (of Galpon de Corrales, Montevideo), 155
Pacheco, Hernan, 245
Pact of Punto Fijo, 240
Padilla, Heberto, 235
Palacios, Ángel, 147, 152
Palamas, Gregory, 59
Pamplona (Colombia), 199, 201
Panama, 101, 103
Panorama Newspaper (Venezuela, 283
Park, David, 42
Parker, Dr. James, 43–44, 48
Parnell, Sherriff Byrd, 31
Patton and Boggs, 302
PDA (Colombia, Polo Democrático Alternativo), 159
PDVSA (Venezuelan Oil Company, S.A.), 193, 204, 228, 268, 297, 306, 312–313
Penfold, Michael, 276, 301
Pennywise, 107
Peña, Hugo, 179
People’s Park (Berkeley), 47, 50
Pérez, Carlos Andres (CAP), 143, 159, 223, 289
Petkoff, Teodoro, 277
Petras, James, 305
Petro, Gustavo, 159
Phifer, Calhoun, 60
“Pintor,” Arnold “O,” 107
Plan for the Homeland (Venezuela), 289
Plan Puebla Panama, 136, 347 n1
PLC (Nicaragua, Liberal Constitutionalist Party), 173
Pledge of Resistance, 92
Poesía Libre, 91
Polanyi, Karl, 132–133
Poor Konrad, 86, 94
Popper, Karl, 332, 334
Portillo, Lusbi, 283–291, 329, 335, 338
Posada Alemania (Venezuela), 177, 211
PPT (Venezuela, Homeland for All), 261
Prado, Guillermo, 119
Prat, Damian, 222, 225–226, 234–237, 292, 338
Prensa, La (Nicaragua), 91, 170
PRI (Mexico, Institutional Revolutionary Party), 109, 271
Prieto, Rubén, 154
Primera, Ali, 141
Pro Davinci(.com), 277
PROVEA (Venezuelan Education-Action Human Rights Program), 222, 226, 227, 248, 257, 318
PRV (Party of the Venezuelan Revolution), 222
PSUV (Venezuela, United Socialist Party of Venezuela), 178, 179, 185, 204, 216, 254, 255, 256, 270, 271, 278, 293, 309, 316, 322, 325
Public School, The (Oakland), 276, 277
Puerto América (Venezuela), 286, 287
Puerto Bolívar (Venezuela), 286
Pulpa y Papel, CA, (Venezuela) 5, 193
Quakers (Friends), 48, 59
Radical Religion, 76
Radix Magazine, 44, 54, 60, 62, 66
Radonski, Henrique Capriles, 196–197, 198, 200, 203, 208, 210, 214, 216, 219, 220, 224, 226, 244, 246–246, 247, 294, 303
Ramírez, Alexis, 179
Randall, Margaret, 3, 114
Rangel, Clavel, 234, 235, 294
Rath, Kevin, 60, 71
Rauschenbusch, Walter, 48
Reagan, Ronald, 65, 66, 76, 79, 95, 101, 131, 142, 166, 167, 169, 172
Red Army Faction (Germany), 72
Red Brigades (Italy), 72, 98
Red Star/Black Rose Printing and Graphics, 93, 94, 96–97, 100, 119
Rein, Marcy, 6, 134, 135, 138, 154, 175, 177, 178–179, 182, 185, 187, 188, 195, 252, 261, 279, 280
Report on the Americas, 279
Reuters, 194
Revelation, The Book of (Bible), 17, 17–18, 19, 21, 62–63, 332, 341 n5
Reynolds Aluminum, 232
Richards, Keith, 156
Riera, Alfonso, 314
Rights and Revolution: The Rise and Fall of Nicaragua’s Sandinista Movement, 166
> Rivas, Humberto, 149–150, 211, 218–219, 220, 221, 227–229
rivera, bob, 67–68, 71–73, 76, 78, 80, 92, 107
Roberts, Kenneth, 277
Roberts, Melissa, 122–123
Rock Hill, South Carolina, 37
Rojas, Kleber Ramírez, 293
Roman Catholic Church, 59
Romero, Sabino, 280, 288, 292
Rosa Luxemburg/Dorothy Day Cultural Brigade, 68, 78, 83
Ross, Lilly (grandmother), 42
Ross, William, “Harmon” (father), 23, 25–28, 30, 45
Rouseff, Dilma, 328 n42
Roz, José Sant, 151
Ruddy, Fr. William, 61
RunRun.es, 277
Russia, 220, 223
Sai Baba, 197, 273
Saint Joseph the Worker Church, 105
Salazar, Leamsy, 216, 217
San Antonio (Venezuela), 209, 281, 298
San Cristóbal (Táchira, Venezuela), 185, 197, 205, 206, 281, 298, 317
San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico), 121, 136
Sandinista Revolution, 10
Sandino, Augusto “Cesar,” 78, 99, 138, 168
Sanford, Charles L., 20
Santos, Juan Manuel, 289, 291
Saudi Arabia, 313
Schaeffer, Francis, 43, 55
Schiblin, Richard (“Dick”), Fr., 86, 87
Schmitt, Jutta, 140, 145
Schultz, George, 169
Schumacher, E.F., 44
Scott, James, 128
Scott, Steve, 62, 64
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 2
Seattle, Washington, 23
SEBIN (Bolivarian National Intelligence Service), 246
Second Coming, The, 78, 83
Shaw Air Force Base, 28, 34
Sidor (Alfred Maneiro Steelworks of Orinoco), 225, 233, 244, 294, 297
Sierra de Perijá, 280, 285, 286, 292
Silva, Mario, 196, 310
Sintraferrominera (Venezuela, Ferrominera Workers’ Union), 254, 295
Six Nations (see Iroquois)
SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army), 47, 65
Smith, Dave, 59, 60, 70, 71, 75, 77–78, 92–93, 96, 97, 134
Smith, Stansfield, 320
Soliah, Steve, 65–66
Sölle, Dorothy, 76, 78, 87
Somoza (Debayle), Anastacio (son), 70, 82, 91, 137, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174
Somoza (García), Anastacio (father), 99
South Campus Christian Ministry, 49
Southeastern Oklahoma State University (SOSU), 44–45
Soviet Union (USSR), 3, 22, 79, 82, 94, 101, 103–104, 167, 168
Sparks, Jack, 51, 52
Speak Out!, 278
Spear, Monica, 317
Stelmach, Harlan, 49, 50
Steppenwolf, 34, 35
Stringfellow, William, 44
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 2
Submarine Church, 50
Sucre (Venezuela), 287
Sumter, South Carolina, 28, 33
SutraCarbonorca (Worker’s Union of Carbonorca), 237
Swearengen, Peter (“Pete”), 108
Switzerland, 42–44, 55–58
Symeon, the New Theologian, St., 59, 157
Táchira (Venezuela), 206, 286, 317
Tal Cual, 277
Tao Te Ching, 335
Teatro Colibrí (Venezuela), 149, 152, 185, 211, 218, 220, 221, 222, 229
TechNica, 92
Telesur, 143, 302
“Teresa” (of FZLN), 120
Thatcher, Margaret, 101, 142, 143
Third Way (Venezuela), 249
Tinoco, Victor Hugo, 174–175
Tlatelolco Plaza, Mexico, 236
Tobago, 313
Toro, Francisco, 193
Torrealba, Jesús, 324
Torres, Fr. Camilo, 69, 71
Tracy, California, 75
Tracy, Timothy, 245
Trinidad, 313
Trotsky, Leon, 3, 337
Trujillo, Rafael, 241
TSJ (Venezuela, Supreme Tribunal of Justice), 265, 324–325
Tulé Reservoir, 285
Tupac Amaru, 151
Tupamaros, 151–152, 213, 224–225
Tyler Assembly of God Church, 40
Tyszka, Alberto, 194
Ultimas Noticias, 261
UNASUR (Union of South American Nations), 143
Unger, David, 339
University of Simón Bolívar, 320
UNT (Venezuela, National Worker’s Union), 179, 254, 256
UNT (Venezuela, A New Era political party), 323
Until the Rulers Obey, 6, 276
Upsidedownworld, 227
Uribe, Alvaro, 289
URNG (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity), 97
Uzcátegui, Rafael, 188, 222, 247–259, 276, 277, 304, 320, 350 n7
Uzcátegui, Ricardo (driver to Mérida), 209, 210
Vallejo, California, 75
Vega, Judith, 178, 180, 185
Venalum, 232, 234
Venezuela, 4–6
Venezuelanalysis(.com), 180, 227, 277
Venezuelan Information Office (VIO), 302
Venezuelan Social Conflict Observatory, 319
Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle, 248–249
Veroes, Juan, 145, 149, 178, 180, 183–184, 185, 200
“Victor” (Guatemalan teacher in Honduras), 85–86
Vietnam, 189
Villá, Marc, 161–162, 196, 199
Villegas, Ernesto, 227
Viloria, Eduardo, 162
Viloria, Gilmer, 162
Vista Community College (see also Berkeley City College), 83, 149
Voice of Fire, 119
VP (Popular Will), 323
Vuelvan Caras, 146
Waldo, Peter, 54
Ware, Fr. Timothy “Callistos,” 58
Warren, Eugene, 92
Wayuu (Indigenous people), 283, 285, 287, 289
Wertmueller, Lina, 53
Wilpert, Gregory, 278
Winstanley, Gerard, 76
Witness for Peace, 92
Wolff, Antonio Navarro, 159
World Bank, 287
X, Malcolm, 2
Xica (daughter of Betty Osorio and Humberto Rivas), 150
Yoder, John Howard, 54
York, Richard, 49–51
Young, John, 58
Yuan Yin Supermarket, 221
Yukpa (Indigenous people), 280, 283, 285, 287, 288, 289
Zabalza, Jorge, 155
Zapata, Emiliano, 135
Zealots, 333
Zelaya, Mel, 163–164
Zibechi, Raúl, 126–128, 154–155, 187–188, 189, 304
Zinn, Howard, 69
Z Magazine, 302
Znet, 302
Zoroaster (Zarathustra), 17
Zulia (Venezuela), 282, 283, 284, 287, 343
Zwickau Prophets, 74
Home from the Dark Side of Utopia:
A Journey through American Revolutions
© 2016 Clifton Ross
This edition © 2016 AK Press (Chico, Oakland, Edinburgh, Baltimore)
ISBN: 978-1-84935-250-5
E-ISBN: 978-1-84935-251-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015959319
AK Press
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“An Old Clown to his Son” first appeared i
n The Americas Review, vol. 24, nos. 1–2, Spring–Summer 1997.
“Proud Sinner’s Prayer” was first published in Translations from Silence: Selected Poems by Clifton Ross, Freedom Voices, 2009.
Cover design by Josh MacPhee | antumbradesign.org
Interior design by Margaret Killjoy | birdsbeforethestorm.net
Printed in the USA
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