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Make Me Yours

Page 13

by Charity Ferrell

  “As of lately, no. I lost most of them in my breakup with Knox.”

  “What? Like a prenup? You got the curtains and fine china, and he got the crew upon going your separate ways?”

  She laughs like she finally realizes how ridiculous it sounds. “Something like that. They had to choose, and they chose him.” She shrugs mindlessly. “I’d rather keep to myself now anyway. The last thing I need is someone finding out about this whole Eli scheme and blabbing about it.” She’s acting like it’s not shit, but there’s no doubt it bothers her to lose people she thought had her back. Maybe money and fame don’t always buy happiness. She scrubs her hands over her face and takes another sip of wine. “I have an idea.”

  I arch a brow. “Your ideas are never good.”

  “Let’s make a wager.”

  “Do proceed.”

  “Scrabble winner gets to choose how we end the night.”

  “In other words, the winner gets to decide if I spend the entire night fucking you in that pool or not?”

  She flinches, my answer catching her off guard, and warmth swims over her cheeks. “Exactly.”

  “That doesn’t exactly make me want to win.”

  She winks. “Then maybe you’ll be all gentleman-like and lose.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it. I told you us Barnes men are competitive about our board games.”

  “Bring it.”

  “Arousal?” Stella screeches around a fit of laughter so loud I’m sure she woke the neighbors. We’re still out on the patio while finishing off our second bottle of wine and battling over our first round of Scrabble. “How the hell did you possibly get all of those letters?” She reaches over the table to snatch the box up and starts searching through it as if looking for evidence that my move wasn’t legit. “You have to be cheating. That doesn’t happen in real life.”

  I hold my hands up. “Playing entirely fair and square over here, Princess. Don’t be pissed because the Scrabble gods are in my favor.”

  “I think you’re wrong there. They’re actually working in my favor considering the little bet we have going.” I wouldn’t look at it as a little bet. A little bet is streaking around the barn or drinking sixteen shots of whiskey. Banging your boss, a monumental move that will change everything, is much bigger than a simple bet. “I have a feeling they’re trying to tell you something if you have the letters to spell out freaking arousal.”

  She does have a point. I’m still mind-blown at the fact I’m trying to beat her when the outcome is having sex with her if I lose. I snatch the box from her, set it back down, and point to the board. “Your turn, Princess.”

  She runs her manicured hand over her chin, palming it for a few seconds while dramatically debating her next move. Her eyes squint before a sly smile spreads across those plump lips. I run a finger under my own bottom lip, remembering how delicious she tasted this morning. I scoot forward to watch her spell out the next word on the board. My mouth drops, and I do a double take when she’s finished.

  “Balls deep?” I question, going back over the letters as if there’s a mistake. And she thought my ass was cheating? “That’s two words.”

  “Says who, Webster?”

  I signal down to my lap. “Says the guy with balls.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Okay, well says the girl who’s had her fair share of working with balls, I get some say, too.” Her hand flies up to her lips, her face turning red. “Dear god, can we please act like those words never left my mouth? This is what happens when I drink too much wine. I start talking about my experience with balls.” She smacks her forehead. “See! There I go again!”

  I can’t help but bust out in laughter. She gives me a look that falls between dirty and annoyance while I try to calm myself down. She’s right about the booze. It’s getting to us. I never imagined I’d play Scrabble so damn kinky. Add Stella and booze into the equation, and this is the best damn game night I’ve ever had.

  “Care to share some of those working experiences?” I finally ask. I shoot my hand up to stop her before she answers. “Scratch that. I don’t want to hear a peep about any of your past experiences. I’d rather you show me about how you work with them and let me experience it myself.” I glance down at my cock that’s now stirring with excitement from all of this balls talk.

  Her hand is now covering her entire face, and she keeps it there as she gets up from her chair. “Excuse me while I go drown myself now.”

  I jump out of my seat when she heads over to the pool and grab her wrist to spin her around to look at me. “Oh, come on. I think it might look pretty damn bad on my resume if I let my employer drown while on the job.” I chuckle. “Besides, don’t be embarrassed. My dick liked it.”

  She tries to pull away from me to block her face again, but I don’t allow it. “I appreciate you trying to make me feel better and all, but that so did not turn you on,” she mutters.

  I move my hand to hers and slowly run it over my jeans to my aching erection. She doesn’t flinch or move her hand. This action right here is sealing our fate. There’s no going back after this. I can’t do that to her … or me again. “Still think I’m lying?”

  She slowly moves her hand around, massaging me, and I release her as she takes a step back. “Possibly. All of the evidence is yet to be determined, though. Remove the pants, and then I’ll believe you.”

  “Let me convince you with Exhibit B then.” Her eyes widen and follow my every move. Nervousness drives through me like a bullet while I unbuckle my jeans. Anticipation slams into me at the sound of my zipper going down in the silence. Any hesitation I had about leaving Stella alone is long gone.

  Long fucking gone.

  Nothing will cure me of my obsession with her but her.

  I’ve been jacking off for days, trying to rectify my attraction for her on my own, but nothing has helped. I haven’t even touched her and I’m harder than I’ve ever been.

  I hear her gasp when I drop my pants, my boxer briefs going with them, and stand in front of her in all of my naked glory in the middle of her backyard. It’s secluded, but I’m still hoping none of her stalkers are creeping around and get a shot of my dick … or one of me when I pound it into Stella here soon.

  She stays quiet, her eyes glued to me, and I glance down at my pulsating cock.

  The fuck?

  It’s hard as a rock – not flaccid or any other weird shit, so what’s going on? She’s been upfront about wanting my dick, but now that I’m handing it over to her she’s mute?

  Maybe she’s rethinking this.

  Maybe her plan was to get me all worked up and then walk away like I did her.

  I’d deserve it.

  I clear my throat. “A little quiet over there.”

  “Just taking in the view,” she says.


  “Not bad.”

  “Just not bad?”

  She chews on the tip of her nail. “I mean, you know what they say about cars. It can look nice but what really matters is the acceleration and speed you get out of it. What’s under the hood. What do you have for Exhibit C?”

  “How about I show it to you.”

  There’s a shit-eating grin on her face. She wants my dick, I’m sure of it, but there’s something more mischievous on her agenda. I lift my shirt over my head and throw it down as I get closer to her.

  And I thank the good man above that I have kickass reflexes, in large part to Dallas picking on my ass for years until I learned how to defend myself. As soon as she goes to push me in the pool, I grab her arm, taking her in with me, and hold in a breath when I go underwater. I swim back up, making it there before her, and she lets out a deep gasp when she breaks through the surface.

  “I show you my dazzling cock and that’s what I get in return?” I ask, catching my breath and shaking my head. “So ungrateful.”

  She’s laughing. “You didn’t have to throw me in with you.”

  “Oh, yes I did.”

  Because we’re a
bout to have some fun.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My breathing drags, my lungs working on overdrive, while we stare at each other underneath the bright moonlight. I saw Hudson’s cock. His perfect, hard, has to be at least nine inches long cock that made my mouth water and my pussy throb.

  His cold hand reaches out to capture me around the waist, and he pulls me into his muscular chest. Our eyes meet while he looks down at me with a sin-filled grin. I gasp, our eye contact breaking, when I close mine at the feel of his erection brushing up against my thigh.

  I’m terrified but eager for his next move.

  “Looks like you’ve won, Princess,” he whispers, our lips only inches apart. He’s so damn close I can feel his heart beating against mine.

  I tilt my head to the side, licking my lips. “What do you mean?”

  “The wager. You won. Now tell me what the loser needs to do to redeem himself.”

  I don’t give him an answer.

  Well I do, but not with words.

  It’s with my lips crashing into his with urgency and desperation.

  There’s no more holding us back. No more denying something we’ve been aching for.

  He groans into my mouth, slipping his tongue through, and guides us to the shallow end of the pool, our connection never parting. I moan when I’m pushed against the wall, and his strong arms cage me in, one going to each side of my body.

  His tongue plunges further into my mouth, skillfully massaging it against mine.

  This kiss is aggressive. Abrasive. We’re devouring an act denied for too long. He pulls at the hem of my top before ripping it right down the middle.

  Yes, he fucking rips it.

  And then throws it on the ground like it’s last season’s Gucci.

  I break away to give him a dirty look. “That’s my favorite shirt.” It was also expensive as fuck.

  “Was your favorite shirt,” he corrects. “It looked expensive, and I didn’t want it to suffer any more water damage. I heard that’s bad for fine silk. Which is why this is the next to go.” He unsnaps my bra and tosses it next to my shirt, and I’m about to praise him for at least taking care of my precious lingerie when he traces my nipple with his tongue and latches onto it, sucking hard.

  I love my high-end fashion. Don’t get me wrong.

  But those garments give me nowhere the pleasure that Hudson’s tongue does.

  I’m screaming at myself when I push at his shoulders to stop him. “No condom again,” I whisper, my voice trembling. My vagina and brain are having a showdown right now. One wants to stop this before it might end terribly. The other doesn’t care as long as he keeps doing that thing with his tongue. “If that’s still your rule, stop now. Don’t lead me on and do that shit again, or I might take my dinner knife and castrate you.”

  My threat might be a little overdramatic, but whatever.

  Getting someone worked up and then walking away is quite possibly the most overdramatic thing you can do, right?

  “So you need to make a decision.” It’s not a request. It’s a command.

  “I won’t stop,” he assures softly. “If that’s okay with you?” He moves in closer, and I can feel his heart thumping against mine. “I’m clean, and I trust you are.” Water flies from his hair when he shakes his head. “What I said earlier came out wrong. I have shitty delivery, and I’m sorry.” He puts some distance between us and tilts his head forward to run his tongue between my cleavage.

  Hell yes. How the fuck is everything he does so damn hot?

  He moves into my touch, the water moving around us, when I reach down to stroke his shaft. I love the sound of him moaning in my ear while he slides his hands down my sides and hitches my legs around his hips, giving me a better sense of how hard he is for me. I gasp at the temperature change as he walks us up the pool steps and straight to the outdoor living area.

  My heart is hammering so hard I can feel it against my throat as he carefully lays me down on the couch and takes a step back. He licks his lips, drinking in the sight of my half-naked body on display for him. I hold in a breath when he leans down and unsnaps my shorts, dragging them down my legs and tossing them to the side. A heavier burst of energy rushes through me when gets down on his knees at my side and teasingly begins to rub me through my panties. I arch my back, begging for more and loving the stimulation of the lace caressing my clit. He’s not even directly touching me where I want him, yet he has me on the top of the orgasm ladder. He doesn’t let up until I’m almost to my brink, almost right fucking there.

  That’s when he pulls away – because it wouldn’t be a moment with Hudson if he didn’t start fucking with my mind and orgasm in some way.

  I throw my arms down, huffing, when he stands up. “What the hell?” I scream. “I told you to let me know if you were going to change your mind!”

  I narrow my eyes but take the time to admire the view of his cock so close to my face. The tip glistens with pre-come, and I almost fall off the couch when he slowly strokes it once.

  That’s my job.

  That’s what I’m supposed to be doing.

  “Princess, there’s no way I’m walking away from you tonight,” he grits out. “I’m only getting started.”

  “Then get started, shit! Why are you still standing there?” I’ve done this before. He doesn’t need to worry about making it all romantic. All I need is an orgasm, and I’m good – which is why I’ve had such a good relationship with handheld electronics.

  He glances from side to side. “You sure you’re okay with us doing it here?”

  I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous we probably look. He’s standing in front of me with a massive boner while giving me some damn questionnaire. I’m sure I don’t look any better by laying on my pool furniture in only my panties and nipples hard enough to cut glass while giving him a dirty look because he’s making this too complicated.

  “Yes. Now fuck me,” I demand.

  He grins, stroking his cock once more, before moving to the end of the couch. My panties are off in a flash – flying through the air at the same time he slides up my body and hovers over me. We do one of our infamous stare-downs.

  The horniest stare-down that’ll ever go down in history.

  And then our lips meet again, igniting a passion higher than anything I’ve ever experienced. I break away, my lips roaming down his neck to his hard nipple, and I tug at it with my teeth.

  It’s hypnotic the way we move so effortlessly with one another. The way his fingers know just the right place to toy with me. The way my tongue finds his most sensitive spot. I’m not sure how much time passes as we lie on that uncomfortable couch and get each other even more worked up.

  I’m a sweaty and hard breathing mess by the time he sweeps my hair back to meet my gaze and slowly pushes himself inside of me. I inhale and tilt my hips up, taking in every inch of him while adjusting to his large size. Just like his muscles, his chest, his mouth, Hudson is big everywhere.

  Confession. I’ve never had sex with anyone without a condom before either. Knox and I both made it clear we weren’t ready to have children, and our managers provided us with every birth control method known to man. I never thought I would, either. I’ve always been the safe-sex kinda chick, but it seems okay with Hudson. I trust him.

  He withdraws and then slams back into me, our eyes still glued to each other. My breasts bounce as he pumps into me, and his hands travel up to squeeze them. I spread my legs wider as his balls smack against my ass, and his tongue is cold as he sucks on my nipples. He kisses me while we both pant into each other’s mouths and starts to slow his pace – which isn’t how I want it.

  I need rough and hard.

  Like earlier, he thinks he’s running the show.

  One thing I need to teach Hudson Barnes is that I like being in charge, too.

  “I want to be on top,” I moan out, writhing underneath him.

  He’s awakening an inner freak in me I neve
r knew existed. With Knox, I’d been shy. He tried to break me out of my shell, but I always felt inexperienced, even after we’d been having sex for years.

  I gasp when he pulls out of me, helps me up, and then falls down on the couch in a sitting position, his legs spread apart. He grins over at me as I stand in front of him in nervousness. He points to his dick covered in my juices and starts to rub himself around it. I inhale a breath and straddle him in confidence because that’s exactly how he makes me feel – confident. I shudder when I sink down on his erection and watch his head drop forward to stare at our connection.

  I run my fingers through his wet hair before pulling at the roots while slowly starting to ride him. He grabs my hips, pushing himself further into me, and I find my rhythm.

  “Fuck yes,” he moans. “Ride me just like that.”

  I’ve taken the control from Hudson – a man who has to have it all the time – and he seems not to give a shit less as I ride his cock, taking in every inch with authority. He’s abandoned his dominance. I’ve abandoned my gracefulness.

  “Does that dick feel good, Princess?” he hisses through clenched teeth.

  “Yes! So damn good!” I groan around other words that’ll make me blush tomorrow. I’m trembling, my legs tangled and shaking against his, but nothing is holding me back. It’s as if I’m on top of the world. Well, on top of the world’s best cock.

  He palms my ass and rocks his hips up, intertwining our movements at the perfect pace until we’re both moaning and sweating and letting out our release while hoping we don’t wake the neighbors.

  He holds me up as I blow out a series of short breaths. My stomach knots as I avert my gaze around the yard before looking down at him. I’m nervous. Terrified. Did we get caught up in the moment?

  His hand glides up my back, and his fingers stroke my skin as he smiles up at me. I can’t help but laugh at myself for being so worried. Hudson isn’t that kind of guy. He won’t give me a pat on the shoulder and then walk away.


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