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Favored by Felix

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by Shelley Munro

  Favored by Felix

  Shelley Munro

  Middlemarch Capture, Book Two

  A new resort specializing in capture fantasies—the perfect place for Captain Casey Seonaid to blow off steam. To embrace her feminine side, possibly for the last time. And just as she’d hoped, it’s not long before she finds herself “kidnapped”. Let the sexual hijinks begin.

  Attractive yet with an air of sadness, Casey snares Felix Mitchell’s attention at first sight. As feelings deepen, he comes to realize Casey just may be his perfect mate. But despite their shared passion, something is amiss with his intriguing lover, something that keeps her from giving herself fully…something she won’t share.

  Unexpected troubles plague the resort, drawing the couple ever closer. But the biggest danger comes when Casey finally shares her secret, revealing a familial enemy—and his shocking plans for Casey’s future.

  Inside Scoop: Felix may look big and bad, but Casey knows her shifter mate is just a big pussycat.

  A Romantica® sci-fi erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Favored by Felix

  Shelley Munro


  For Hollie. Thanks so much for your feedback and enthusiastic help. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Pronunciation Guide

  Some of the alien characters within these pages bear Celtic names. Our heroine’s surname is pronounced as follows:

  Casey Seonaid: (kay + sea) shone + aid

  Chapter One

  Casey Seonaid wriggled and attempted to get comfortable. She flopped onto her side and prayed for the sweet oblivion of slumber. Seconds later, her body itched to move to a new position. Scurvy sky pirates, her brain buzzed like an angry drill-saw, too busy, too unsettled, too agitated to attempt sleep.

  Finally giving up her valiant battle, she untwisted her body from the covers and slipped off her sleep-bed. She pulled on her robe—the garment she’d lovingly designed and made, rather than the complimentary resort one—and let herself out of the room she shared with her best friend Eva Henry.

  At this time of the morn, the Middlemarch Resort on the island of Ione, planet Tiraq, was quiet—too silent—and jerked her from holiday mode into military.

  Just what she wanted to avoid.

  Sighing, she held her body still while she went through the checks drummed into her by years of military training.

  Look, watch, listen, smell.

  Her glance proved she was alone. The long seconds she stood frozen confirmed nothing suspicious. Hearing check. Smell…

  A slow smile curled over her lips. And she was back. The sweet scent of flowers, the close heat of the tropics, the faint tang from the waves running onto the shore scrubbed away the horrors of her job.

  Automatically, Casey’s feet turned in the direction of the sea. Bare feet, she realized, when she hit a gravel path. Too bad. She didn’t intend to go back to their bungalow for something as pragmatic as footwear.

  She limped over the gravel, another sigh gusting from her when she reached the more forgiving white sand. Her strides lengthened until she was almost running. As was usual, ever since her last meeting with General Seonaid.

  Her father hadn’t wanted a daughter.

  He’d wanted sons.

  Three sons.

  And he sure as phrull didn’t value her achievements or the way she’d advanced up the military ranks to match the careers of her two older brothers. No matter what she did, it wasn’t sufficient.

  She wasn’t good enough for the general.

  Casey slowed and padded across the white sand until she came to the edge of the water. A soft breeze wafted across her military-short hair and a wave washed over her feet. The water was cooler than she’d expected and startled a decidedly non-military eep from her throat.

  “You shouldn’t be out here alone,” a male voice said.

  Casey turned slowly, her leisurely action belying the way her heart drummed at her breast. Gods, she was more upset than she’d realized if someone could sneak up on her without raising her well-honed senses.

  “Why not?” she asked, and openly studied the big man who’d emerged from the shadows. “The resort is in a fenced compound. The place is full of women.” Lousy with them, the general would say. The thought brought Casey great satisfaction. “What could happen to me here?”

  The man walked—no, prowled was a better description for his gait—closer and came to a halt a few feet from her. He flashed a grin full of white teeth, and she found herself returning the expression. A natural smile instead of the conscious ones she forced for her best friend while she pretended everything in her world was perfect.

  “Let me see.” He pretended to ponder while his gaze slid over her in a way that made her feel like a woman instead of a soldier. “I’ve heard there is a race of aliens who have a shortage of women. They’re out to steal themselves mates.”

  “I’m all a-shiver,” she said, returning his gaze of interest.

  There was much to be admired. His black hair hit his shoulders and was three—phrull—four or five times longer than her own black locks. Even in the dim light cast by the astral moon and the resort’s artificial illumination, she could see his gorgeous green eyes. Just a few shades darker than the color of the jade sea that surrounded Ione. His broad shoulders were garbed in a loose white shirt, his lower half in tight black trews and black boots, and he was taller than her six feet by a few inches.

  “And what if I’m one of these alien males?” His voice held a smoky tone that reminded her of late nights and smooth aged liquor on ice. He stood close enough now for her to feel the heat coming off his solid body.

  “I should start running?” Gods, was that flirtation? She’d thought she’d forgotten how, since one didn’t fraternize romantically with fellow soldiers. She cocked her head a fraction. “Scream for help?”

  “You’re lucky, sweetheart. Tonight, all I’m after is a kiss.”

  And he grasped her shoulders and pulled her to him, his mouth covering hers in a hungry kiss before she could gasp out a protest.

  Sensations struck her like laser fire. His hot mouth. His hard body. His expertise. The pleasure of contact ripped away her lethargy. She gasped, and he took advantage, sliding his tongue into her mouth and stroking against hers.

  So nice. So good. So perfect.

  Casey gripped his shoulders and let his mouth ravage hers, blast her with the sensations she’d craved for long, lonely months.

  Finally he lifted his head, grinned down at her while his thumb brushed across her tingling lips. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”


  “Felix,” he said.

  Her brows rose. “Not Alien Marauder?”

  “Sexy Seducer.”

  Her brows inched a hairsbreadth higher, and she fought the burst of humor currently tickling her tongue for release. “You think you could seduce me?”

  “Breathing elevated. Nipples hard. And if I was crass enough to check, I’d find you wet, or at least on the way there.”

  Common sense told her to knee him in the balls or punch his nose, but instead amusement came to the fore, keeping the capable soldier at bay. “Rather sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “I haven’t had any complaints.” Those green eyes of his glittered in a silent dare.

  “So are you going to capture me, tie me up and keep me as your slave?” A shiver went through her at the idea of being his prisoner, and she knew he caught the tell because his grin amped up into a full-on smirk.

  Phrull, she must be more tired and stressed than she’d thought.

  “You like the idea,” he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek.

  “Not really,” she said dismissively,
while her mind screamed liar. Capture would solve her problems; put her out of reach of the general. For a time. He’d come for her eventually though, and toss her right back into reality—and turmoil—until her loyalty was tested to the limits. Gods!

  “Let me kiss you again,” he said.

  “You’re asking this time?”

  “I figured that way I could progress to touching your tits, check if they feel as beautiful as they look.”

  Casey forced back the hysterical laughter battling for release. Now wasn’t that a kicker? One of the offending body parts that made the general hate her was the very part this sexy man wanted to touch. She shrugged, fought angry tears and won. “Why not?”

  Felix took her into his arms, pulled her tight to his body, and she discovered he wanted her. He liked what he saw. Heady stuff. She opened her mouth, let him use her as he wished and drifted on the pleasure of his hands on her body, drifted on the knowledge he wanted her, just drifted…because it was safer than concentrating on reality.

  Or her future.

  Felix Mitchell held the quivering woman in his arms, his curiosity roused. He’d watched her wander along the beach for the last couple of nights, wondered if she’d arranged to meet with one of the resort’s male staff. Instead she’d spent hours staring out to sea and looking so damn unhappy, she’d brought his protectiveness to the surface.

  Most of the women who came to the resort wanted their fantasies brought to life.

  Captures. Multiple lovers. Kink.

  Whatever they wanted, Middlemarch Resort’s male employees were happy to oblige, either in the virtual reality rooms or in a real scenario.

  After the first time he’d seen her alone, Felix had started looking for her during the day. She hung out with another woman—a petite blonde.

  This woman—Casey Seonaid—and her friend Eva Henry had made the cut. He and his brothers intended to whisk them away from the resort and hold them captive until the women came around to the idea of staying. After much deliberation and weighing the pros and cons, he’d picked the blonde, Eva, as his potential mate.

  Right now, he was starting to wonder if he hadn’t made a mistake.

  No matter which he chose, seizing a woman and running off with her was a hell of a way to find a mate.

  Felix wasn’t sure he approved. Hell, he didn’t sanction kidnapping women and seducing them into marriage. Saber was out of his mind. Maybe losing his fiancée to the virus had done a number on his big brother’s clever brain, and he’d lost his grip on reality.

  But like his younger siblings—three brothers and a sister—he’d agreed with Saber and their mother that leaving a virus-stricken Earth for the unknown space frontier was preferable to dying. The rest of their evolving plan—the resort, and the captures to replace the women who had died in triple the numbers of the males—he wasn’t so sure.

  Aw, fuck it. He’d talk to Saber, express his doubts again, do something for a change, instead of merely resenting the way he worked and lived in big brother’s long, tall shadow.

  “I thought you intended to kiss me and touch my breasts.” A faint tremor sped through her lithe body. “All you’re doing is holding me.”

  “You don’t like being held, sweetheart?”

  “Doesn’t happen very often.”

  Something in her tone had him pulling back to study her face. “Good or bad?”

  “I don’t need to be touched.”

  “Everyone needs physical contact.” Felix pressed her head against his shoulder. For an instant, she held her body tight then she seemed to sag, her breath expelling in a sign of surrender. “My people—”

  “Your people?”

  “My family. We’re very affectionate. Tactile. We like to touch. I especially like to stroke a beautiful woman.”

  “You’re full of dino-crap.”

  He laughed at her blunt tone. She didn’t pull her punches, didn’t act like most of the hedonistic airheads who were staying at the resort. He and his brothers had chosen well. For a fleeting moment, he wondered if he should ask Leo to swap so he could capture this woman instead of the blonde.

  No. He’d better leave things as they were. He’d snatch one last kiss before he left her alone. He lowered his head and claimed her lips. Started out slow, gentle, and then let the spark between them grab hold and flare hot and bright. His hand slid beneath the neckline of her robe to cup a heavy, naked breast.

  She started before relaxing again. Her moan vibrated against his lips and he decided to up the stakes. He tugged her nipple between finger and thumb, pulled another one of those sexy moans from her. His cock pressed against his trousers, his balls pulling tight to the point of pain so quickly, he felt dizzy. Fuck, this woman—she fired something in him.

  Unable to resist, he lifted her off her feet and laid her on the sand, quickly following. He slipped his fingers inside her robe again, gave her nipple another twist, and she made a tiny mew at the back of her throat. Sexy. His hand smoothed over her stomach. He pulled at the silky fabric to bare her luscious body. Big breasts. Lean belly. Muscled frame with feminine softness, enough to entice any man.

  Felix slipped his hand between her legs and found wet, hot flesh. He nudged her legs apart, half expecting a struggle, but she let him continue. Scalding honey made her folds slippery as he explored her flesh. He skimmed her clit and she jolted.

  On just the second pass of his finger, she came with a choked sob, the hard knot of nerves pulsing beneath his fingertip.

  Felix smiled, kissed her gently and wished he had time to fuck her properly. But no, this woman belonged to his younger brother, even though she didn’t know it yet. He’d already crossed a line when he kissed her and this finger fucking was doing a number on his guilt tripwire.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he whispered, and, unable to resist, kissed her one last time. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and smooched until he was desperate for a breath and had to lift his head. He traced her lips with his fingertip. “Maybe you can sleep now.”

  “Maybe,” she said when he rolled away and stood.

  She accepted his hand and rose before refastening the tie on her robe.

  Unable to help himself, he brushed his fingers over her cheek and smiled down into her golden-brown eyes. “See you later.”


  And with a final wave, Felix walked away, even though every particle in his body urged him to forget—hell, ignore—Leo’s claim on this woman and whisk her away to his rooms for a private capture.

  Chapter Two

  “If your lady isn’t in her bungalow, you’ll find her on the beach. You’ll probably be able to walk up to her without difficulty,” Felix said.

  Leo gave a curt nod, his mood terse and sullen. “Her files say she’s military. I’m going prepared with a medi-cloth.”

  “Good idea.” The tranquilizer cloths were useful. Felix opened his mouth to say more, to suggest a trade, but Leo turned away, fading into the darkness. He didn’t know what was with his younger brother at the moment. Their mother was worried about Leo’s unpredictable mood swings and his recent weight loss, but when Saber had suggested he accede this first capture to one of the twins or one of their many cousins, Leo had lost it and struck out with his fists. Crazy times.

  Felix shook his head and stealthily made his way to the bungalow Eva Henry shared with Casey. Time to get this show on the road.

  * * * * *

  “What’s wrong, Felix?” Joe taunted. Joe was one of his younger brothers and came with a twin, Sly. Identical twins. They were identical pains in his ass and took great delight in teasing him. It was their job, they’d informed him on numerous occasions.

  “Yeah, Felix,” Sly said. “Did the little itty-bitty blonde get the better of you?”

  His arm throbbed like a bitch where she’d bitten him and drawn blood like some storybook vampire. His ribs didn’t feel so shit-hot either, where she’d used her pointy elbows to good effect. He wouldn’t damn well underestimate h
er again.

  If he ever had to do this again, he’d emulate Leo and use the medi-cloth straight away instead of as a last resort, as he’d done with Eva. Leo’s capture was sleeping, and according to Joe, Leo had carried her off the beach in that state. Felix wasn’t about to ask questions since Leo stood by the shuttle, a black scowl on his face. No doubt he’d be joking in a few minutes. Leo’s black to white and back again mood swings made Felix dizzy.

  Saber stalked up to him. “How is she?” Saber’s eyes went right to the woman, her pale face and her loose golden hair. His tender gaze as he stared at Eva gave Felix pause.

  “Still sleeping due to the sedative on the medi-cloth,” Felix said. “I’ll wait around until she gains consciousness.”

  Leo appeared, with Joe and Sly trailing him.

  Saber scowled. “How is the other woman?”

  Leo lifted his hands in surrender. “Whatever the problem is—I didn’t do it.”

  “Not guilty,” Sly and Joe chorused.

  Felix ignored his brothers and carried Eva past Saber. Sly and Joe took in Eva’s form with undisguised interest, their gazes lingering on the woman’s legs and breasts.

  Saber issued a low warning growl.

  Felix glanced back at his older brother quizzically, looking back and forth between him and the sleeping woman in his arms, before shrugging off the growl and continuing to one of the huts.

  When he emerged, Saber was nowhere to be seen.

  “He went for a run,” Leo said.

  Felix nodded. “Probably a good idea to scout the area. I’ll check the fence as well, to make sure nothing has broken through.” Anything to take his mind off the way he’d hurt Eva. She’d have bruises, and she’d hurt her head. Fuck, he hadn’t meant to injure her. He would tear off his left nut before intentionally wounding a woman.

  The camp was a small clearing with two rough huts to one side. After they’d sighted several zylon in the region, he and his brothers had constructed a sturdy fence covered with fine mesh to keep the tiny furry beasties away from their captives. The last thing they needed was for their prospective mates to die of zylon poisoning. Bad publicity for the resort, for one; rumors of a horrid death would scare away prospective customers. These things had a way of getting out.


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