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The Boss' Desire

Page 8

by Z. L. Arkadie

  Nolan jumps back. “Abby.”

  My face falls. Shit. I hope he’s not growing a conscience again.

  He steps closer and looks in my eyes. “I want this. I want you so fucking bad.”

  I gulp, frowning and confused. “You do?”

  He’s breathing heavily. “I do.”

  I gently bang his chest with my fist. “Then why did you stop?”

  “Because I want you in my bed.”

  I part my lips. “Then take me.”

  We’ve been driving for over thirty minutes. The blinker on Nolan’s SUV signals left, and I follow him down a long drive. He soon comes to a stop in front of a quaint little cabin. Snow drapes the trees. I can see a few faint lights through the foliage on each side of the lot. All told, I feel as if I were just transported to the middle of an Alaskan hideaway. My body warms in anticipation of waking up next to Nolan in this winter wonderland.

  I open my door, and Nolan is already out of his car and headed in my direction.

  “You need me to carry anything?” he asks.

  I stuff my shaking hands into my coat pockets. “Nope, I’m fine.”

  He nods. “All right then, after you.”

  Nolan follows me up the steps to the front door. He lets us in and turns on a couple of lights. He wastes no time pouring two glasses of wine.

  “Let me take you around the place,” he says while handing me a glass.

  I inhale the red and some of Nolan’s scent. He takes my hand and walks me to the living area, where there are large floor-to-ceiling windows. We’re trapped in a moment of nervous silence as we look out over a bed of snow glistening beneath the moon.

  Nolan nods toward the snow. “That’s a lake.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I say, trying not to sound so nervous.

  He takes the glass from my hand. “Yes,” he says breathlessly and sets our wine glasses on the coffee table.

  My heart is pounding like thunder. Nolan undoes my blouse and turns me around. I can’t keep myself from shivering as his hands move from my shoulders down my arms, across the front of my belly, and into the front of my pants. I gasp. My clit has swollen in anticipation. Nolan’s finger penetrates my wet vagina. I moan.

  Nolan puts his mouth to my ear. “Your pussy is so ready to fuck.”

  All of a sudden, my feet swing from the floor. Nolan has picked me up and is carrying me to the room next to us. He drops me onto the bed. Within an instant, my pants are off and his face is buried in my vagina.

  “God,” I say when his tongue hits my clit. “Ah.”

  I can’t control myself as he strokes it over and over again. My breaths are heavy while thoughts come back into my mind about him being my boss. At this point, I don’t care. I whimper as my pussy pulsates.

  I grab him by the collar. “I want you inside me. Now.”

  Nolan hurries up and takes off his shirt. Then he unbuttons and unzips his pants. One thick, long dick stands up as he steps out of his pants, spreads my legs, and slides the tip of his erect penis right into my pussy.

  “God, Abby, you’re dripping.”

  His thrusts mount the walls of my vagina, striking all my nerves. My mouth falls open, and my eyes widen. Nolan’s cock feels good. His thrusts bring us both closer to climax. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. Our breaths are in sync, both of us panting deeply. My pussy quivers, and I scream.

  Nolan puts my ankles in the air, and his penis is striking new angles of my vagina. He’s manhandling me like a stud, and my moans are out of control. What started as interludes of romantic thought have turned into the greatest fuck of my life. Nolan grunts and quakes as he explodes, leaving a mess upon my belly.

  I exhale as he falls alongside me.

  “That was fucking amazing,” he says, out of breath.

  “That was,” I say with a sigh.

  We lie in silence for a while. Nolan gets up, grabs a towel, and wipes my belly.

  “Thank you,” I say once I’m all cleaned.

  He throws the towel on the floor, lies down on the bed, and pulls me on top of him. I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck. I sigh. I’m in heaven. I think I’m falling in love.

  I awake to the sun ascending over the crisp snow-covered lake. The light sparkles off the ice like thousands of little diamonds scattered across white fluff. I turn to my right and reach for Nolan, only to find an empty, cold nest of sheets. I sit up, stretch my arms to yawn, and catch sight of Nolan’s shirt draped over the chair in the corner of the room. So last night was not the best dream I ever had—it was real. Nolan Patrick made my body feel sensations that I never thought possible.

  I go to the chair and slip my arms through the sleeves of Nolan’s shirt. The crisp material smells freshly laundered. I make my way back to the main living area and catch Nolan standing in front of a large window, facing the lake.

  He turns to me and grins as he takes me in. “You look good in my shirt.”

  I twist my body daintily. “Thank you.”

  He winks. “How’d you sleep?”

  I go stand next to him. “Good.”

  We both admire the view, and I’m feeling surprisingly comfortable in Nolan’s presence. I place my elbow onto Nolan’s shoulder and lean into him. “So what are we doing today?” I ask.

  Nolan turns; those baby blues and sexy smile make my body go flush. “Well first—” He reaches under my legs and sweeps me into his arms. “I’m going to take you back into the bedroom.”

  I laugh as he carries me off. “And then?”

  He sets me gently onto the bed. “And then, I’m going to kiss your neck.” I feel Nolan’s lips delicately and slowly dance all over my neck. “And then?” I feel Nolan’s tongue slide down the center of my chest, over to the nipple of my left breast, then my right.

  I sigh. Next, he moves down my belly and past my belly button. I inhale deeply as he passes my pelvis, outlining my pelvic bones with his tongue. And then I feel his tongue ride the inside of my vulva up squarely into my clit. I clench the sheets and carefully move my pelvis toward Nolan’s face. My eyes roll backward, and I moan. Nolan plants his tongue on top of my clit. I inhale deeply and exhale. His tongue brushes my clit with perfect pressure. I bite my lower lip. His finger penetrates my vagina; all the while, his licking intensifies. My breathing quickens as my orgasm builds to heights unknown. Finally, I release. I cry out. My pelvis rises toward the sky, and my body shakes. When the sensation subsides, my pelvis slowly drifts back to earth. Nolan removes his fingers from my wet pussy and floats kisses upon my belly until his scruffy face finally rests next to my cheek. His leg slides up against and over mine. I love how the weight of his leg resting on me feels. My fingers pass through his hair as my gaze falls across the room. A gust of wind brushes snow against the window.

  We lie in bed for another hour, resting, touching, and kissing, narrowly avoiding another round of making love. We’re hungry, so we shower, dress, and meet each other in the kitchen. Nolan is already scrambling eggs. I open the can of biscuits that’s sitting on the counter, put them on a cookie sheet, and slide them into the oven.

  “Biscuits and eggs, the breakfast of champions,” I say.

  Nolan takes a jar of jelly out of the refrigerator. “We have this, too.”

  I chuckle.

  He scrapes the eggs out of the pan and into a porcelain plate. I can’t take my eyes off his sexy physique. Could this gorgeous man dipped in hotness become my new boyfriend?

  He puts the pan in the sink, turns on the water to rinse it, and grins at me. “What?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Nothing.” I quickly lift a finger as a memory populates my mind. “Actually, there is something.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “There’s something?”

  His sexy expression makes me tongue-tied for a second, but I recover quickly. “It’s about John and Misty.”

  His face drops. “What about them?”

  “Before the files were taken, Misty left Liza’s key to the basement at th
e receptionist desk for John.”

  Nolan grunts then clutches the sink. I don’t say anything, giving him time to process what I just revealed.

  “I want to show you something.” He raises a finger. “Wait just a minute.”

  Nolan dashes out of the kitchen but is back quickly.

  I skip a breath as he approaches me, holding his wallet in one hand, a torn yellow slip of paper in the other. “Does this look familiar to you?”

  He stops in front of me, and I take what looks like a torn business card from him. My eyebrows furrow as I read the letters. “I think this is the business card for Ink Docs.”

  Nolan frowns inquisitively.

  “We use them to restore and protect official documents.”

  He nods thoughtfully. “I see…” Our minds are active as we stare into each other’s eyes. “Do you know the exact date they had the documents taken out of the building?”

  “I wrote it down. I’ll send it to you by e-mail on Monday.”

  “That’ll be perfect.”

  Our lips move closer together.

  “Thank you, Abby, for being so diligent.”

  I can feel his breath against my mouth. “You’re welcome,” I whisper.

  As we stand face to face his nose brushes mine. Finally, we kiss, and his tongue and lips taste so scrumptious.

  “Um…” he says as he licks my taste off his bottom lip. “So, Abby…”

  I’m dazed. “Huh?”

  We’re absorbed by each other’s nearness.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?”

  “Sure,” I say with a sigh.

  We kiss again. We make out for about five more minutes then prepare for our walk. Nolan takes a bin full of men’s and women’s stocking caps, mittens, gloves, jackets, and scarves out of the closet. I ascertain that the women’s apparel belongs to his ex-wife. I don’t ask, and he doesn’t mention it. There are also several snow boots in the closet that are in my size. I put on a pair along with a warm pair of sweatpants, and we head out.

  It’s a beautifully crisp winter day. With each step we take, the snow makes a creaking sound. Tree shadows scatter sunlight across the forest floor. The snow is largely untouched, aside from the scant imprints left by animals.

  I lightly bump my shoulder into Nolan’s arm. We smile at each other.

  “The cabin is beautiful,” I say.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you come here often?”

  His gaze falls on the path ahead of us. “Um, no. My family owns a cabin about three miles from this one. When I come up to fish or boat, I usually just stay there.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Why that cabin and not your own?”

  He shrugs. “Good memories. My grandparents bought the land that cabin sits on in the fifties. When I was a kid, we used to go there. We would swim all day long, make campfires at night, and then cook the day’s catch over the fire.”

  We continue walking.

  I picture what his family must’ve looked like vacationing in these parts—the perfect portrait of the American dream—then a memory abolishes that vision. “Isn’t Liza your stepsister?” I ask.

  Nolan kicks a clump of snow to the side of the road. “Yep.”

  “And you’re older?”

  He nods. “My parents divorced, and my dad remarried to Betty, Liza’s mother.”

  “Oh, so everyone got along?”

  He half-smiles. “Not everyone, just Liza and I did. Our mothers have always hated each other and still do to this day.”

  Our pace slows a bit.


  “The fact that Liza and I are close is all my father’s doing.”

  “Bill… he’s a good guy.” I smile thoughtfully. “Whenever he comes into the office, he makes us all feel like family.”

  “Yeah,” Nolan says with sigh.

  I glance at him. He seems to have a lot on his mind. “How’s Bill doing anyway?”

  “He’s still in the hospital, but he’s getting better.”

  “Do you know what landed him there in the first place?” I ask cautiously.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “He had a heart attack.”

  “Oh.” Bill looked pretty healthy to me, although it’s been a while since I’ve seen him.

  “But he’s getting better, so…”

  I nod. “Right.” I feel as if the topic of discussion is difficult for him and he probably wants to drop it.

  Our pace is still slow, and we are largely silent. I can feel a deep connection with Nolan, and I like it. I’m not sure what’s happening between us, and I don’t care. Nolan holds out his hand, and I take it. Here we are, walking hand in hand, and I can’t remember being so happy.

  Soon, the trail ends. We are standing at the edge of a meadow where long blades of golden-brown grass protrude from the snowy blanket covering the ground. A light breeze whisks them back and forth. Nolan takes me into his arms. I press my head against his chest, feeling as though I could stand like this forever.

  When we get home, Nolan starts working on a fire in the living room. I go over to the window and watch the sun dip behind the trees. Nolan approaches me from behind. His hand reaches around my pelvis, and he pulls me toward him. I can feel his lump.

  “Hungry?” he asks.

  I look up. “I’m famished.” His hand slides up underneath my shirt and across my belly.

  “Me, too,” he whispers in my ear. “What are you hungry for?”

  “Ah, I’m hungry for…” God, my mind is distracted by his bulge pushing against the small of my back. I turn toward him. “I’m hungry for whatever.”

  His hand caresses my face. “You’re so sexy.” He moves his lips closer to mine. “How about we worry about dinner a little later.”

  I nod, our lips now touching. “Yes,” I say breathlessly.

  His mouth parts mine, our tongues meet, and his finger dives into my wetness. I undo his pants. He grabs my hips and pulls me into his raging hard-on.

  “God…” he whispers and guides me to the floor.

  Nolan snatches my pants off, and I take off my shirt. The next thing I know, we’re both naked, and Nolan is thrusting into me.

  “I just want to fuck you,” he says in my ear.

  I lock my legs around his waist and stare squarely at him. “Then fuck me.” Part of me feels dirty. I’ve never said anything like that before, but his thrusts feel so good in all the right places. I adjust my hips to complement the movement of his penis. It slides easily in and out of my lubricated vagina. His pace and intensity is something I’ve never felt before. I come, and not long after, Nolan’s body begins to shake as his release splashes up my belly. He falls limply onto the floor next to me and pulls me against him. I rest my head on his chest, and we lie like this until our breathing slows.

  Later, I put on an oversized T-shirt, he puts on a pair of pajama bottoms, and we head to the kitchen to make some dinner. He thaws a couple of steaks in the microwave then puts them in the oven. I make pasta with butter and herbs that are stored in the cabinet. The tender filet mignon only takes fifteen minutes to bake. Nolan plates our food while I pour the wine. We carry our dinner into the living room. The air smells of seasoned meat, burning wood, and sex. We settle in on the couch to eat, and feeling perfectly content, I happen to look out the window.

  “The moon is bright tonight,” I say.

  “It’s very beautiful”—he raises his eyebrows—“like you.”

  I gaze off to study how the moon illuminates the snow, making the landscape look like a gigantic light bulb. “My parents practiced not complimenting me about my looks. It was: Abby, you’re so smart. You’re so funny…” I shake my fists. “You can conquer the world!”

  Nolan looks directly at me. “They’re right on all accounts, and you can conquer the world, but you’re also very beautiful… and sexy.”

  My lips part, and I skip a breath. “Thank you, I feel that way tonight.”

  After dinner, Nolan leads me into the ba
throom and starts the shower. We giggle as we strip each other’s clothes off and get in. Immediately, I feel Nolan’s penis against me. His hands rub down my chest and massage my breasts before we take turns lathering each other. We kiss deeply, but before we can do anything about his erection, he steps out of the shower, and I take a few minutes to wash my hair.

  After I dry my hair and body, I find Nolan in bed, looking at his phone.

  “Checking messages,” he says.

  “Oh,” I say.

  He sets the phone down, and I slide under the covers. His naked body rests against mine. Our lips connect.

  “I’m exhausted,” Nolan says.

  “I’m tired, too.”

  Nolan turns off the light. I rest my head against his chest and stare out the window. It looks cold outside, but I feel warm and safe in his arms. I close my eyes and dream about what life would look like if I lived here with Nolan for the rest of our lives.

  I wake up and look out of the window at a white sparkly bliss. I snuggle against Nolan and feel his morning hardness against my belly.

  He moans.

  “Happy to see me?” I ask.

  He smiles and kisses me. “Always.”

  We lie next to each other for a few minutes before Nolan’s phone rings.

  “Damn,” he says.

  I flip onto my back. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Nolan gives me a quick kiss then gets out of bed with his phone. I admire his firm naked ass while he walks across the room.

  “This is early.” He looks at me. “It’s Liza,” he mouths.

  I nod, and he listens to whatever she has to say. His smile fades into a severe frown as he leaves the room.

  “Shit!” Nolan fusses. “I’m on my way. I’ll see you at the hospital.”

  He comes back into the room and goes straight for his pants.

  I frown and sit up on the bed. “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s Dad. He flatlined. I have to go.”

  My mouth falls open. “Oh, my God. Okay.” I hop out of bed and scramble to find my clothes.


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