Bella Cove_A Second Chance Romance

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Bella Cove_A Second Chance Romance Page 11

by Rochelle Katzman

  She’d left the store early, so she could help her mom prepare dinner and then change. By the time she made it downstairs, everyone was outside, including Gabe, who was laughing with Sarah.

  “There you are, beautiful. Your father just put the burgers on the grill,” her mom said as she grabbed the potato chips from the kitchen counter and went back outside.

  Standing at the kitchen window, Kayla watched her dad barbecue. He had recently purchased a large gas grill, which he loved using. He appeared happy and relaxed, which was nice to see for a change.

  Kayla took one more deep breath to calm her nerves before she opened the back door and stepped out. The moment she did, all eyes were on her. Even Josh stopped stuffing his face with potato chips long enough to stare her way.

  “Hi.” She didn’t address anyone specifically, but instinctively, she turned her head and locked eyes with Gabe.

  The warmth that had filled his eyes while he’d been talking with Sarah faded away.

  “If my family hasn’t already told you, thank you for coming to dinner.” She held her smile. She couldn’t even count how many times she had envisioned Gabe at one of her family dinners. Just not like this.

  “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  Kayla looked around at her family, but she didn’t hold eye contact with any of them for long.

  “So what did I miss?”

  “Your family was welcoming me,” Gabe said, grabbing a potato chip.

  “Great. Then the party has started.”

  “Absolutely, beautiful,” her dad said, flipping the burgers.

  As she glanced over at her father, Matt and Jessica came up the back stairs. Kayla’s heart skipped a beat as she went to greet them.

  “Hi, Matt.” She gave him a big hug.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “Hi, beautiful.” He took a step back and winked at her.

  When Kayla hugged Jessica, she whispered in her sister-in-law’s ear so no one else would hear. “Thank you so much for coming. You have no idea how much it means to all of us.”

  Jessica smiled. “Thank you for sending us Erica. We started acupuncture at my house. She’s wonderful. I can’t tell you how much better she’s helped me feel. Normal, and even a bit hopeful.”

  Kayla gave Jessica a warm smile. “I’m glad. And if acupuncture doesn’t work, we’ll think of something else.”

  Jessica and Matt then introduced themselves to Gabe, who seemed completely at ease. She would love to know what he thought of her family.

  “Let’s make a toast,” Kayla said, grabbing a bottle of water. To help out Josh, the women in the family only drank water or soda around him. Her dad and Matt each had a beer, but only because Josh hated beer and would never touch it. “To friendly neighbors, but most of all, Gabe. I hope Bella Cove gives you everything you’re looking for. It’s a magical town, where miracles happen every day.” Kayla raised her bottle of water, hoping Gabe understood what she was trying to say.

  “Thank you. And thank you, Lynne and Paul, for inviting me here. You have a lovely family, and I’m looking forward to being your neighbor.”

  “As your new neighbor, is it okay if I go skinny dipping in the bay some night?” Sarah blurted out. She was such a tease.

  “Only if you warn me. If I look outside, my eyes may hurt from the awful view.” Gabe laughed, and Sarah threw her napkin at him.

  “Sarah, there’ll be no skinny dipping,” her mom said sternly, taking a sip of her ginger ale.

  “Is it okay if I grab a microphone at two o’clock in the morning and start reciting the Constitution?” Lauren asked, batting her eyelashes.

  “Do you even know the words to the Constitution?” Josh asked.

  “I’ll learn it once Gabe’s house is built and he moves in,” Lauren said.

  Her entire family laughed hysterically, including her parents.

  “I know Matt and I aren’t your neighbors, but would you mind if we brought our karaoke machine here to sing at the top of our lungs late at night?” Jessica asked sweetly.

  “Jessica forgot to add that we’re both completely tone deaf,” Matt added.

  Everyone was laughing so hard. Kayla was beaming inside. Her family had touched her with how natural they were being and how Jessica was embracing them all. She was proud of them.

  “All of you can do whatever you’d like; just warn me ahead of time, so I can stay at my grandfather’s old house in the Hamptons,” Gabe said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “The Hamptons? We’re so much better than the Hamptons. In fact, we’re the way the Hamptons should be. They should rename the Hamptons Bella Cove Wannabe. West Hampton would be renamed West Bella Cove Wannabe. Southampton would be renamed, South Bella Cove Wannabe, and East Hampton would be East Bella Cove Wannabe,” Sarah said.

  “What about all the other towns there like Amagansett and Sag Harbor?” her dad asked, placing the hamburgers on the table.

  “Just Bella Cove Wannabe.”

  “I like it, sis. I think it could work,” Matt said.

  “I like Bella Cove better than the Hamptons, too.” Gabe grabbed a burger and put it onto his plate. “Everyone’s been really warm and inviting to me here. It’s much better than I expected. I’m pleasantly surprised.”

  “Why do you think that, Gabe?” Mom asked, as she threw some salmon and hot dogs on the grill for Dad to cook.

  “I found something here I thought I had lost two years ago, and I didn’t expect that to happen.”

  Kayla looked at her empty plate as her heartbeat quickened.

  “What did you find?” Matt grabbed a burger and added ketchup to it.

  Gabe paused, his expression turning deadly serious. “I found a part of me I’d been missing, a part of me I once loved.”

  Kayla inhaled as she glanced at Gabe, who was looking directly at her. She turned toward her dad, who was still busy grilling, so she was safe from anyone noticing the tears that had formed in her eyes, but her dad chose that exact moment to look at her. He didn’t say anything. He simply looked her directly in the eye and winked. He suspected something, but there was nothing she could do. So far, he hadn’t confronted her, but it was only a matter of time.

  The rest of the meal went smoothly. Everyone continued to laugh and joke. Jessica grew tired, so she and Matt were the first to leave the party. Gabe said goodnight and thanked everyone again. But before he left, he looked at Kayla and took a deep breath. This night had been one of the best nights of her life because Gabe had met her entire family, and it had gone so well. But it had also been one of the worst because he came as her neighbor, not as her fiancé or husband. Still, she didn’t regret tonight. She only hoped her plan was starting to work, and he’d leave there feeling less bitter and resentful. She hoped maybe the hurt he felt toward her was starting to go away. If that was the case, then tonight may be the start to a friendship at least.

  Without considering the ramifications of her actions, she followed him. “I’ll be right back,” she told her family, not giving a crap what they thought. “I want to personally thank him for coming.”

  “That’s a good idea, honey,” her dad said.

  She glanced at him. Was he being sarcastic? Didn’t matter…she had to speak with Gabe alone for a moment. She dashed down the back steps and around to the front of the house.

  “Gabe,” she shouted.

  He was getting into his SUV. Right before he was about to close the door, he must have seen or heard her because he paused. He had parked up by his property, so she had to run up the hill to reach him. By the time she got to his truck, she was out of breath.

  “Thank you,” she said as she grabbed onto his car door and caught her breath. “For coming to dinner with my family.”

  Gabe clenched his jaw. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Then what do you want to talk about?”

  Gabe grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her. But this kiss was different than the last one. This time, she reacted differently
. She opened her mouth, craving his tongue, and when she felt it against hers, she moaned. She kissed him back with everything she had, enjoying the feel of his lips, the feel of his tongue, the feel of his stubble that was rubbing against her cheeks.

  Gabe dug his hands into her hair, stopped kissing her, looked into her eyes with such intensity it burned, and then resumed the kiss. He kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough of her, as if she’d disappear.

  They were breathing each other in, and Kayla couldn’t tell if her lips were leading or his were. All she knew was she didn’t want the kiss to end. But when she touched his chest over his shirt, Gabe pulled away. Maybe the touching part was too much.

  Gabe released her and looked up toward her family. They couldn’t see. There were too many trees separating them.

  “What was that for?” she asked, hoping he’d say something like he had in front of her family. That he’d missed her and loved her. Even though that wouldn’t solve their problems, she still wanted—needed—to hear him say the words.

  But he didn’t say anything like that. “I saw a drop of the old Kayla. I wanted to see if it showed in the kiss.”

  “Did it?” she asked quietly.

  “It did.”

  That’s a start at least. “I’d like to spend more time with you, Gabe. I’d like you to get to know me again. And I’d like to get to know you again, too.”


  Kayla smiled softly. “Because I miss my best friend.”

  “Baby steps, Kayla.”

  Kayla didn’t have a chance to respond because Gabe started his engine and closed the door, forcing her to step back. Then he drove away, leaving her standing there feeling as if he’d stolen her heart and had taken it with him.

  Kayla briefly closed her eyes. She could work with baby steps. It was a beginning. This dinner had been a success, after all.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Kayla walked into Magical Toys the next morning, her heart sank. Deep down inside, she’d been hoping to see Gabe. But he had finished painting, so there was no reason for him to be there. In the past, seeing her would have been a good enough reason for him to come by, but those days were clearly gone. She already missed him like crazy. That kiss had really jarred her. She’d swear she could still feel her lips tingling.

  Aside from his kiss, last night’s dinner had been special. Throughout the whole meal, she’d felt his eyes on her. There were moments when she’d look back, and he’d glance away. Knowing he was looking at her—and not ignoring her as he usually did—had helped her make it through the meal. Her family had behaved. In fact, everyone had been in a good mood, including Josh. Everyone had acted as if Gabe had been a member of their family for years, which was both difficult and beautiful at the same time. But his eyes had soothed and calmed her. And made her body pulse. She felt alive for the first time since Nana became ill.

  Kayla had tossed and turned all night long, wishing Gabe was lying next to her, craving him like there was no tomorrow. He’d told her he was willing to take things slowly. Baby steps, he’d said. So when she couldn’t sleep, she’d been obsessing over what her next baby step should be. If she had his cellphone number, she’d call him and ask to go for an iced coffee. To sit and talk. But she’d have to call his office, and Alice would probably answer. She could do that, but she’d rather not have to go through Alice first.

  Last night, after Gabe had driven away, Kayla had walked back to her house and helped her mom clean up. Lauren had tried to talk to Kayla about her date with Jordan, but everyone in the family was still around, so Kayla was hoping she and Lauren would get a chance to chat today.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Lauren walked into the shop beaming. “I can’t believe how early you get here.”

  Speak of the devil…Kayla didn’t want to tell her sister she arrived early only because she’d been hoping to find Gabe here, too.

  Instead, she said, “I own this place. I want to make sure we’re ready for the day.”

  “Are we ready?” Lauren threw her purse inside the office and then leaned over the register desk, balancing her upper body while her legs were dangling slightly in the air.

  “Someone’s happy this morning and bursting with news,” Kayla said, smiling at her sister.

  “I had the best time ever with Jordan. He was on his way home from his friend’s place in the Hamptons, so we only had time for coffee. But we sat at the coffeeshop for three hours yesterday afternoon.”

  “Wow,” Kayla said.

  “I know. And he’s charming, funny, and handsome.” Lauren smiled dreamily, zoning off into space.

  At one point in Kayla’s life, she remembered feeling that same way.

  “So what happened at the end? What did he say?” Kayla asked. The last fifteen minutes were always the most important part of the date because that was when the woman found out where she stood and what the guy’s intentions were.

  When Kayla went on her first date with Gabe, at the end of the evening, he’d said she was the most beautiful and spectacular woman he’d ever met. Although he hadn’t really given marriage any thought, he’d known she was meant to be his wife. Kayla had wanted him to explain how he knew, and he’d said he couldn’t. He just knew.

  In a sense, she’d known, too. On their first date, she had never been so drawn to a man as she had been to him. He was good looking, but his intelligence captured her heart. She would bring up any topic, and he’d flow with her. He would challenge her, and he forced her to think outside of her normal box. The topics of their conversations were far from mundane, and their discussions ran deep. Deeper than any other conversations she’d ever had. On their first date alone, he had inspired her and made her feel alive.

  And maybe that was why everything about his return to her life felt wrong. Their kiss last night had been amazing, but still, they were both being careful with each other. There were walls around them, thick walls that had never existed before. She had to destroy those walls or they’d never have a chance for a future. And Kayla wanted that. She’d settle for friendship, but her heart wanted more. She wanted all of him.

  “Kayla? Hello, Kayla? I’ve been trying to tell you about my date, and you look like you’re in la-la land.”

  Kayla blinked. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little tired.”

  “Uh-huh. I don’t buy it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I saw the way Gabe was checking you out at dinner. He couldn’t stop looking at you. Sarah noticed, too.”

  “No, he wasn’t, silly.” Kayla kept her tone light despite the emotional turmoil going on inside her.

  “I think he’s still in love with you.”

  Kayla rolled her eyes, even as her heartbeat sped up. “He sure doesn’t act like it. I think he’s still mad at me, but last night, he said he’s willing to take baby steps with me.”

  “Oh, my God,” Lauren said, throwing her arms around Kayla. “That’s amazing. It’s a step. A baby step but still a step. Kayla, he could be your future husband like you always imagined.”

  Kayla laughed as she squeezed her sister and then stepped back. “You’re such a romantic. I’d settle for friendship.”

  Lauren grabbed a ball from the floor, picked it up, and put it back in its proper place. “Don’t settle for anything. That’s what you’ve always told me. Take your own advice. Besides, there’s no way he can resist you. He may be putting up a good fight, but you’re gorgeous, intelligent, and you have a great heart. He’d be an idiot not to give you a second chance.”

  Kayla put her finger on her nose, pushing it up, like they did as a kid when they were trying to see who could make a funnier face, while batting her eyelashes. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  Lauren busted up laughing. “You’re also a dork,” she said in between chuckles.

  “And that’s why you love me.” Kayla reached out and messed up Lauren’s hair, knocking the ball over where her sister had just placed it, causing it
to go flying through the store.

  Lauren ran after it. “That and the fact that if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have met Jordan,” she said, catching her breath.

  There was one major thing about Jordan that disturbed Kayla.

  “Lauren, he works in the city. Are you willing to move to Manhattan if things become serious? I know you’ve only gone on one date with him, but he’s the first guy in a long time who’s managed to catch your interest.”

  Lauren looked at the ball as she twirled it in her hands. “I’ve thought about that. I don’t think I could leave our family, Kayla. I know you did when you went to graduate school, but you’re so much braver than me. And stronger, too.”

  Kayla smiled warmly. “Manhattan is a lot closer than California. We could see you all the time. You could come here every weekend if you wanted to.”

  Lauren groaned. “Let’s not think about that now. I already told him how much I love Bella Cove and that I never saw myself moving.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said he wasn’t attached to Manhattan, and that wasn’t where he saw himself raising his children. Right before he left, he told me he really likes me, and if things continue to progress between us, he could definitely see us in a relationship.”

  “Did you think that was too much to say on the first date?” Kayla asked. Gabe had said more, but her sister had certain views on how men should behave on each date.

  Lauren paused. “Normally, I would have thought so, but with Jordan it’s different. I agree with what he said. We clicked.”

  Kayla understood more than her sister would ever know. “Then I think you should keep an open mind and see what happens.”

  Lauren nodded. “I will, but I won’t leave Bella Cove. That’s a deal-breaker for me.”

  A customer came in, interrupting their conversation, and Lauren helped her. Lauren’s spirits had drastically lifted in the few days she’d been working there. Meeting Jordan had helped. Kayla hoped her sister and Jordan worked out. It would be nice if her older sister was happily married. Lauren deserved it.


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