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A Fragile Design

Page 37

by Tracie Peterson

  ‘‘Did I hear tell there was a baby to be born today?’’ the doctor questioned as he came into the house.

  Matthew lifted Lilly into his arms. ‘‘I was just getting her upstairs. She’s the stubborn type, you know. Sometimes you just have to impose your will on her.’’

  The doctor laughed and followed them upstairs. ‘‘No doubt the baby will impose his or her will on you both. Parenting is no easy chore.’’

  After dealing with the police, Liam saw the Irish girls home while Taylor took care of Ruth and Bella and Hilda. Walking back to the boardinghouse, Bella glanced up hesitantly. ‘‘Why do you keep talking of marriage to me? You scarcely know me.’’

  ‘‘I know enough,’’ Taylor replied, grinning. ‘‘I know you’re spirited and full of life. I know you believe in righting wrongs and standing your ground when you believe you’re right.’’ He paused on the walkway and took hold of her hands, turning her to face him. ‘‘I know that the thought of living without you is something I do not want to contemplate.’’

  Bella swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump of emotion that had risen from within. ‘‘Taylor, you’ve been the most important person in your life for so long; why should I believe that would change now?’’

  ‘‘Because God can change anyone’s heart. At least that’s what Uncle John told me, and I believe you’ve said much the same. I did a great deal of thinking while searching for you, and I know I’ve been wrong to push God away. My mother brought me up to love the Scriptures and to esteem God. But losing her . . .’’ His voice grew soft. He straightened his shoulders and drew a deep breath. ‘‘It was so hard. I saw my father fail every day after her death. They were one in every sense, and when she died, he couldn’t go on. That terrified me. I decided then and there I would never love a woman as my father had loved my mother.’’

  ‘‘What changed your mind?’’

  He smiled. ‘‘You.’’

  Bella shook her head. ‘‘Surely there was more.’’

  ‘‘Oh, I suppose I was impressed with Uncle John and Miss Addie. I would come away from our meetings feeling emptiness in light of what they had. I would remind myself of Father’s pain, but it didn’t seem to matter.’’ Taylor met Bella’s gaze. ‘‘Then I came to realize it wasn’t Miss Addie and Uncle John’s situation that brought about this feeling, but rather you. When I first met you, I knew you were different . . . I knew you were unique.’’

  ‘‘I’m not unique in any real sense,’’ Bella replied. ‘‘I also know I’m not without my faults. I suppose I should thank you for bearing with my errors so graciously.’’

  He laughed. ‘‘Bella, we are both troublesome creatures. We have much to learn and a long way to go toward a complete understanding of marriage and love, but I want to educate myself in those things with you by my side. I’m not asking you to marry me tomorrow—I’m just seeking a pledge that you will be my wife . . . someday.’’

  Bella felt her knees tremble and fought to steady herself without giving notice to Taylor. During the entire ordeal of being kidnapped, Taylor had been all she could think of. She had already determined that she loved him—faults and all—but she wanted very much to be certain about this momentous step.

  ‘‘I didn’t come to Lowell with the thought of getting married.’’

  He nodded. ‘‘I know, and that’s what made you exactly the right woman for me. All the others threw themselves at me. I could give them a wink or a nod, and they were totally devoted to me.’’

  ‘‘Yes, well,’’ Bella said, feeling her anger ignite, ‘‘I witnessed enough of that to last me a lifetime.’’ She pulled away from him and began walking again.

  ‘‘Bella, those girls meant nothing to me then, and they mean nothing now. Don’t you hear me? I know that toying with their affections was the wrong thing for me to do. I know I’m a sinful man, but, Bella . . . I love you.’’

  She stopped and turned, seeing the sincerity in his expression. ‘‘We’ll probably fight all the time,’’ she murmured.

  He grinned. ‘‘But then we can make up.’’

  ‘‘I have a temper.’’

  He walked slowly toward her. ‘‘So I’ve noticed.’’

  Bella bit her lower lip. She felt a surge of excitement as he stopped only inches from her. ‘‘I find it difficult to trust—especially men.’’

  ‘‘I don’t care if you ever trust other men; just trust me. That’s all I’m asking.’’

  ‘‘I still believe in the equality of men and women. I still believe in education for females as well as males,’’ she said, thinking it best to throw out everything and give him time to rethink his proposal.

  ‘‘So do I, Bella,’’ he said, taking hold of her shoulders. They stood there for several moments, neither one saying a word.

  With a startling certainty, Bella knew her heart. She loved Taylor Manning and didn’t want to go through life without him.

  ‘‘And God must come first in our home,’’ Bella finally added.

  He pulled her into his arms. ‘‘Yes,’’ he breathed against her lips.

  ‘‘Yes,’’ she murmured as he captured her mouth in a tender yet passionate kiss.

  He pulled away. ‘‘Was that yes for me?’’

  She nodded.

  He grinned in his self-assured manner. ‘‘Good. So long as we have that matter taken care of.’’ He pulled her along toward the boardinghouse. ‘‘Now we must tell Miss Addie that you’re safe and that Mrs. Cheever is having her baby.’’

  Bella felt dazed but happy. ‘‘I suppose we might also tell her that we plan to marry in a few years.’’

  Taylor stopped dead in his tracks. ‘‘A few years? I thought maybe next week.’’

  Bella shook her head. ‘‘We need time, Taylor. Being engaged for, say . . . five years could be very prudent in our situation. You know that as well as I. We both need to reaffirm our hearts to God and to allow His guidance in this matter. Our love for each other will only grow stronger—if it’s real.’’

  Taylor shook his head and guided her up the walkway to Miss Addie’s. ‘‘I’ve never known anything more real—and I never want to.’’ He paused with a grin before opening the door and added, ‘‘And I’m not waiting five years.’’


  Christmas 1831

  ‘‘Lilly, she’s positively perfect,’’ Addie said as she beheld the newest member of the Cheever family.

  ‘‘Her father certainly thinks so,’’ Lilly replied. ‘‘Would you like to hold her?’’

  ‘‘Oh, please,’’ Addie replied.

  Lilly handed her daughter to Addie, then nodded to Bella. ‘‘You, too. You can share her for a moment, and then I’m going to put her down for her nap and we shall have our Christmas punch and exchange our gifts.’’

  Addie cuddled the baby momentarily before giving her up. Bella thought her heart would melt into a puddle on the floor as she took the baby into her arms. Violet Cheever looked up at her with large dark eyes. She yawned a tiny baby yawn and made sucking noises as she closed her eyes.

  Bella gently touched her downy soft hair and smiled. ‘‘She’s perfect.’’

  ‘‘You look very natural holding her. You and Taylor should have a whole houseful of children,’’ Lilly said, reaching out to take Violet. ‘‘I’ll be back momentarily. Why don’t you both join the men in the music room?’’

  Addie linked her arm with Bella. As they crossed from the parlor to the music room, Addie stated, ‘‘I’d imagine holding Violet makes you want to speed up your wedding plans.’’

  Bella grinned. ‘‘Just don’t tell Taylor that or he’ll start pestering me all over again.’’

  ‘‘Don’t tell Taylor what?’’

  Bella looked up to find Taylor at her side. ‘‘Never mind,’’ she said. ‘‘Some things are better left unsaid.’’

  ‘‘Since when? I’ve always known you to speak your mind and make certain that everyone knows your thoughts,’’ Taylor teased

  Bella smiled as Miss Addie left her with Taylor and joined John and Matthew across the room by the fireplace. ‘‘You are purposefully trying my patience in the hope that I will tell you what I do not wish to share.’’

  He laughed and pulled her close. ‘‘I can be most persuasive, Miss Newberry. Would you like me to show you how?’’ He gently caressed her cheek with his fingertips, then trailed the touch down to her lips.

  Bella trembled. ‘‘Hmm, yes, actually . . . I think that might be a nice diversion.’’

  Taylor roared with laughter and kissed her soundly. Bella wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed. Maybe putting the wedding off for five years would be too long. Maybe three would make better sense.

  Their kiss deepened as they completely ignored the other people in the room. Maybe, Bella reconsidered, a year would be enough time to wait.

  Books by Tracie Peterson

  A Slender Thread •

  What She Left for Me Where My Heart Belongs


  Summer of the Midnight Sun

  Under the Northern Lights • Whispers of Winter

  Alaskan Quest (3 in 1)


  Dawn’s Prelude • Morning’s Refrain

  Twilight’s Serenade


  A Promise to Believe In • A Love to Last Forever

  A Dream to Call My Own


  Shadows of the Canyon • Across the Years

  Beneath a Harvest Sky


  Land of My Heart • The Coming Storm

  To Dream Anew • The Hope Within


  A Shelter of Hope • Hidden in a Whisper

  A Veiled Reflection


  A Lady of High Regard • A Lady of Hidden Intent

  A Lady of Secret Devotion


  Distant Dreams • A Hope Beyond

  A Promise for Tomorrow


  Treasures of the North • Ashes and Ice • Rivers of Gold

  Books by

  Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller


  A Daughter’s Inheritance

  An Unexpected Love

  A Surrendered Heart


  Daughter of the Loom

  A Fragile Design

  These Tangled Threads


  A Tapestry of Hope

  A Love Woven True

  The Pattern of Her Heart

  Books by Judith Miller

  The Carousel Painter


  Somewhere to Belong


  In the Company of Secrets

  Whispers Along the Rails

  An Uncertain Dream

  * with Judith Pella




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