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Gwen's Lifesavers

Page 20

by Eileen Green

  Gwen moved over to them and wiped her daughter’s tears from her cheeks with her thumbs. “I’m so happy that you are okay with all of this. You’ve deserved a mother and a father…”

  “And now I have a mother and two fathers,” Heather said, interrupting Gwen. “But please know, Mom, I never thought badly of you for me not having a father. You’ve always been honest about what happened, and I understood why I didn’t have a father. I respect you for making the decision you made and for providing for me on your own. I’m glad you found happiness.”

  “Oh, sweetie, thank you. I always wondered if you felt like you were missing something as you grew up. I love you.” Gwen threw her arms around Heather’s shoulders, holding her close.

  Andrew rubbed his hand up and down Gwen’s back in support. Looking up, he found Jake standing not too far back in the hallway watching the encounter. A tight smile on his face told Andrew that his friend was just as pained and pleased to hear Heather’s confession. Silently, they both agreed they would be the best fathers the girl would need.

  Letting the two women have their moment, all Andrew could do was make sure Gwen could feel his love through his touch.

  After a few minutes, Heather straightened up and wiped her face. “Now,” she said with a smile. “I believe someone mentioned horses?”

  “Yes, but you might want to change into something a bit more, less nice,” Andrew said, his hand making a motion from her shirt down to her jeans. “It’s dirty out in the barn.”

  Gwen took her hand and started pulling her down toward the master bedroom. “You can wear some of my sweats. Andrew even bought an extra pair of boots for you to wear out in the yard or to the barn, but I believe they are still in the truck.”

  Taking the hint, Andrew and Jake looked at each other, grins widening on their faces. Andrew knew he was thinking about last night and he was certain his friend was, too.

  “We’ll bring up everything we bought yesterday.” Jake had said as he headed down the front staircase. Andrew followed him, chuckling as he went.

  * * * *

  “What a magnificent room!” Heather exclaimed as she looked around, taking in every little nuance.

  Gwen stepped over to the door to the bathroom, and held it open to her daughter. “Check this out, sweetie.”

  Heather came over and peeked in the room, her brown eyes widening in surprise. “Wow! You are living in the lap of luxury, aren’t you, Momma?”

  “Andrew worked really hard to make this house a place to come home to and relax. I’ve seen pictures of the house before he remodeled and it wasn’t anything like this. He transformed it. The master bedroom, the kitchen, and the great room weren’t there before. He added it all on.” Gwen was proud of what her man had accomplished.

  “Why aren’t there any knick-knacks sitting around? You know, personal touches?” Heather asked as she checked out the walk-in closet.

  “They want me to decorate the way I want to. I just really haven’t had a chance to do that,” Gwen answered as she rummaged through some boxes in the closet. “Just like I haven’t really unpacked yet.”

  Finding a pair of black sweat pants along with a red sweat shirt, she handed them to Heather. “Those should fit you. They may be a little big, but they’ll do.”

  “Geez, mom. I wish you’d stop saying things like that. You’re not big.” Being chastised from her daughter surprised Gwen. When the guys said it, she just figured they were being nice because they loved her, but now Heather was saying the same thing.

  Looking back at the days at the club in Denver, not once did anyone mock her or make fun of her when she was dressed so scantily. Everyone accepted her for what she was. Perhaps she needed to stop being so hard on herself. Nodding, she hugged Heather. “Thank you, sweetie.”

  “It’s the truth. You have two men who love you and you need to embrace that. It doesn’t matter what the scales say, or what size the tag on your clothes say. It’s how you feel in here.” Heather pressed her hand above Gwen’s heart.

  Smiling, Gwen looked deep into her daughter’s eyes. “When did you get to be so smart?”

  Heather blushed. “I learned from my mother. And, my psychology professor. I have decided on my major. I want to be a social worker and help disadvantaged children.”

  Leave it to Heather to want to help others. She had such a big kind heart and now she wanted to make sure other kids that were in precarious situations like her upbringing had enough to eat and a decent roof over their heads.

  Looking back, Gwen had seen how foolish she had been not to accept a little help when she needed it. The system was there to help people although she knew many people abused it. She wouldn’t have been one of those people, but there were plenty of times they could have used it.

  “I’m proud of you, Heather. I know you’ll be the greatest social worker ever.”

  “Oh, Momma!” Heather laughed. “You’re just biased.”

  Both ladies laughed as Andrew and Jake entered the closet carrying in the bags of things they had bought yesterday. They set them down and headed out again. Gwen knew there were more bags still in the truck.

  “They’re going to spoil you,” Heather said as she and Gwen stepped out into the bedroom.

  “I believe that is their intention.”

  “Well, you deserve it, Mom.”

  Gwen looked around the room and then out the window. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would have such a luxurious house to live in, or a ranch with so much room to live on. She was very lucky.

  After the guys finished bringing in all the bags, Gwen found the boots she and Heather needed and they all headed out to the main barn. It was used for the younger animals and those that needed medical attention.

  Besides the main barn, there was a horse barn and a barn for cattle along with outbuildings that held hay, feed, and farm equipment.

  Gwen proudly showed off her foal, a girl. She still hadn’t come up with a name yet, but was working on it. Recounting watching the little one be born to her daughter was something she spoke proudly of. It had been such a momentous occasion and she hoped that one day Heather would be able to watch something similar.

  Since Gwen nor Jake had really been given a tour of the ranch, Andrew proudly escorted them around. In addition to three Appaloosa mares and one stud, he mostly raised Quarter horses. His grandfather had a contract with the state police to provide horses for their mounted patrol and Andrew was carrying on with that agreement.

  Besides the horses, there was cattle which helped provide beef for the ranch along with chickens, a few head of sheep, and a donkey. The last being a wild whim of his grandmother’s before she passed. She had always wanted a jenny so her husband had bought her one.

  After touring the ranch on a golf cart, the foursome settled in for the evening. With a roaring fire in the great room, the guys taught the girls how to play pool and poker, eventually being beaten by both of them.

  While Jake and Andrew played one last round of pool with Heather, Gwen sat at one of the bistro tables with a glass of wine and watched. Contentment filled her heart as she watched the three of them laughing, joking, and sharing a camaraderie that every child should have with their father. Through some divine intervention, Heather was being blessed with two fathers even though she was an adult.

  Everything happens for a reason, Gwen thought to herself. She never indulged in the what-ifs while raising Heather. The time was never allotted to her for that. But now, since she was an adult, Gwen had to wonder if Dale had been involved in her life, what would have been different. Most likely, not much. From what she knew of the man, he was still just as self-centered as he was back in high school. No, everything happened for the best.

  Andrew placing his hand on her shoulder brought Gwen out of her thoughts. Smiling up at him, she had to wonder how long he had been standing there.

  “I think our daughter is a pool shark,” he said jokingly. “She has won time alone with you tomorrow. Perhap
s you two can go shopping. The house does need some more décor, don’t you think?”

  Pleased that he had taken to calling Heather their child so easily, Gwen smiled. Taking a drink of her wine, Gwen watched Jake as he put away the pool cues. “So, for me to spend time with our daughter, she has to win at pool?”

  Looking back at Andrew, she found him staring at her as if she had sprouted another head. Had he really thought she was serious?

  “If that’s the case, I can only imagine what I can get if I win,” she said as she reached out and cupped his cheek.

  Andrew relaxed at her words and then leaned over so his mouth was a mere inch away from her ear. “All you have to do is ask for what you want and you’ll get it, baby girl. Just like I know what you really want right now. As soon as Heather goes to bed, you’ll get your reward.”

  As her nipples pebbled and her cunt leaked, Gwen licked her lips at his words. She wasn’t sure how they’d be able to do much with Heather right down the hall, but she looked forward to finding out.

  It didn’t take long. As if she was wanting to give the trio time to themselves, Heather kissed Gwen good night and made her way upstairs.

  After she was gone, Andrew and Jake stood before Gwen, devilish expressions on their faces. “Now,” Andrew said matter-of-factly. “Let’s see if we can give you what you have been craving all day long.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Finding herself flying through the air, Gwen landed in the middle of the large king-size bed in the dungeon. Giggles escaped her lips as she righted herself and looked at the two men standing at the foot of the bed.

  Even after being with them for several weeks, she had never noticed that all it took from them was a stance and a stern expression on their faces that indicated they were in Dom mood. Their arms were crossed across their muscular chests, their biceps bulging from the sleeves of the T-shirts they had donned after their ranch tour. Feet several feet apart gave them a fierce stance, but Gwen knew they would never hurt her.

  She remembered seeing Alex taking that stance at the club, as did all the Dom’s there.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt her panties getting wet. Pressure within her bra told her that her breasts were swelling from the excitement, her nipples feeling like they were being pinched, trapped against the material.

  Moving to her hands and knees, she began to slow crawl to the foot of the bed, feeling like a cat. As she moved, she looked from one man to the other, a sly smile on her lips. Once there, she reached out to Jake’s belt buckle, but he stepped back. Andrew did the same thing when she reached for him. Sitting back on her knees, she let her lower lip slip out into a pout.

  “Aww,” Jake said, the timbre of his voice slightly lower. “Our sub thinks she can get to us by pouting.”

  “But she should know that a bratty sub doesn’t get what they want. They should never try to top from the bottom.”

  Why did her men always seem to talk about her as if she wasn’t there? But she had discovered that when they spoke that way, she did learn a few things.

  The term “topping from the bottom” had been mentioned several times while on their trip to Denver by both Dom and sub. Jake and Andrew had also made the comment before, but she never understood it until now.

  A sub should never try to get their Doms to do what they wanted through manipulation, even if it was just by pouting. For being new to the lifestyle, Gwen found she was learning quickly.

  “I’m sorry, sirs. I didn’t mean to try to manipulate you. I’m still new to this and need to be taught.” Looking up at them, she saw their looks change to one of curiosity. “Please teach this sub how to serve her Doms.”

  Both men glanced at each other before looking back down at her. Andrew took a step forward. “Of course we will. We want you to know that sometimes we joke about things such as topping from the bottom, but we know that’s all it is. We don’t expect you to be a twenty-four-seven sub.”

  “Huh?” she asked, confusion running through her.

  Squatting down before her, Andrew was nearly eye to eye with her. “Some people expect their subs to live every day, every minute, being a…”

  “Slave,” Jake finished for the man as he, too, squatted down. “There are subs, which is what we expect of you. Showing your submission in the bedroom. Then, there are slaves, where the sub and Dom are committed to living every minute of every day in the lifestyle. The sub usually doesn’t work and does everything for her master.

  “There is a lot you have to learn, especially since you are going to be working for the club, but you have a lot of resources at your fingertips. You have us, your new friends, even the internet. If you have questions, please, no matter the subject, never hesitate to ask us. If we don’t know the answer, we can always get it quickly.”

  Jake’s explanation made sense. Gwen knew they would guide her, even without her asking, but she wanted to prove to them that she was theirs, in every aspect of their relationship.

  “Okay.” She didn’t know what else to say.

  “Now, strip and step over to the St. Andrew’s cross!” Jake said, his voice deep again.

  Gwen’s heart did a somersault in her chest. Quickly pulling off her shirt, she tossed it aside before standing. As she walked over to the ominous cross in the far corner her bra was tossed aside. By the time she stood before it, she had pushed her pants and panties down so that she was able to kick them off. Standing there, she waited.

  Anticipation built within her. Moisture coated her thighs and if she looked down, she would have seen that her nipples were standing up. Concentrating on her breathing, she tried to breathe slowly, but the excitement that was flowing through her was proving to be difficult.

  Rustling behind her indicated the men were moving, but doing what she had no idea. Determination to please her men drove her to remain still no matter how curious she was. She didn’t have to wait long.

  Two sets of hands gently grasped her wrists. They circled them with leather wrist cuffs and then they followed suit at her ankles. In just a few moments, they were pulling them outward to attach them to the lower beams of the cross. Afterward, they stood and attached her wrists to the upper beams so that she was now a human X.

  With nowhere to look, she gazed into the corner but then Jake stepped into view. Pleasure consumed his face as he moved forward and let his lips cover hers. His tongue demanded entrance as it swiped across her lips. Opening to him, he plundered.

  He tasted of the beer he had just a little bit ago and his own unique flavor. His tongue swept against hers, tangling with what she gave him in return. Her moans filled the room, garnering more passion from him until she felt as if he was going to swallow her whole.

  Once he pulled back, he licked her lips again before he looked into her eyes. “I love you so much, my little honeybee. I don’t know how you got under my skin so quickly, but I am going to keep you there for the rest of my life.” He glanced over at Andrew, who had moved over next to him and she saw Andrew nod a quick, brief nod. “We were going to wait to do this, and we aren’t totally prepared. I know we’ve told you that we want you with us for the rest of our lives, but we didn’t want to frighten you by bringing everything down on you at once.”

  Gazing into Jake’s face and then Andrew’s, Gwen was confused at what the former was trying to say. Not sure if she could take any more life-altering changes in her life after the overwhelming events of the past few weeks, she swallowed hard.

  “Gwen Bowers,” Jake said cupping her cheek in one hand while Andrew cupped her other cheek. “We want you to be our wife. Will you marry us?”

  Tingles of delight rushed through her body at his words. She would have been content to live with these two men forever, as she hadn’t really thought they’d propose. Surprise had overpowered her and she knew her mouth hung open, uncertain what to say.

  “Gwen? Are you okay?” Andrew asked, concern registering in his eyes and his voice. He was her emotional man even though he w
as a Dom. Jake was her controlled, calculating man.

  “I-I don’t know what to say! I wasn’t expecting this.” She had to be honest with them. With herself. She had hidden herself away for so long, sometimes she forgot what she really wanted in life.

  “Why would you not be expecting this, honey?” Jake asked, confusion on his face. “We told you we wanted you forever.”

  “I just…” Gwen was going to say what she really thought, but then the thought she might hurt them. “I’m just so surprised.”

  As if understanding dawned on him, Andrew’s lips tightened into a thing line, his words dripping with disappointment. “You thought we would just want you to live with us, with no commitment.”

  Pain, physical and mental, shot through Gwen. She hadn’t meant to hurt them and she couldn’t even turn away from their hurt faces. Tears stung behind her eyes. Hanging her head in shame, she turned her head to the side to get their hands to move.

  Not only did the movement not dislodge their hands, but they gently made her turn back toward them. Her eyes remained closed though as she held back her tears.

  “Look. At. Me.” Jake’s voice commanded she do as she was told, but her inner voice, the one that had been protecting her since she was fifteen, argued with it.

  “We are not going to let you hide from us, baby girl.” Andrew’s voice was just as commanding, but he seemed to want to let her know they weren’t going anywhere, no matter how much she tried to push them away.

  Opening her eyes slowly, she saw two concerned men watching her. They were two of the most handsome faces she had ever seen and she had to consider herself one of the luckiest women in the world. That they wanted her forever touched her heart, melting it even more than they already had.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I would have been happy just being yours without you proposing, really, I would have. I mean, is it something we can even do? I don’t understand.”

  “You would marry me, since I’m the oldest,” Jake said. “Then we’d have a private binding ceremony to bind you to both of us.”


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