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by Alexia Stark

  Content warning: this book contains adult situations, explicit sex scenes and strong language. This book is intended for mature audiences only. All sexually active participants are 18 or older.

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2013 Alexia Stark


  Alexia Stark

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any informational storage retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher except in the brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  It was supposed to be the happiest day of Caroline's life. Instead, she stood frozen, studying the beautiful stranger in the upright oval mirror. The antique frame fit in perfectly with her silk and lace, floor length A-line dress. Over her pale, bared shoulder, she could see her step father Dominic's face. His sharp, powerful features were softened by a generous smile that lit his puppy brown eyes.

  "You look beautiful, honey." At his kind words, she sucked in a deep breath. Since her mother had died over a year prior, he'd been her stone, her constant in an ever changing, terrifying world. Now she was going to break his heart.

  "I can't do it, Daddy," she said, smoothing her hands over her ivory lace clad hips.

  His smile widened, revealing even, white teeth. "Pre wedding jitters are normal, love. Take a few deep breaths and you'll be fine." his hand found her shoulders and the pads of his thumbs worked easily over the tension in her knotted muscles.

  She shook her head, knowing it was going to take more than that. "I know it's bad luck, but I need to see him."

  "I don't believe that superstitious nonsense, do you?" Reassuring hands left her skin, and he strode from the room with his typical lithe grace.

  She made her way toward the door, holding her breath. What if the old legends were right? There had to be a reason everyone followed those old rules. Her gaze swept the great hall and the throngs of family that lined each side of the isle. Though she'd wanted to get married on her family estate near the water, she'd given in when Robert demanded they get tie the knot in the church where his parents got married.

  A commotion drew her attention, we well as the eyes of all two hundred fifty eight guests. She stared in horror as her father drug her soon to be husband out of a janitor's closet, followed by a tearful, disheveled bridesmaid, June. Caroline could hear her father's furious words over the sudden buzz of chatter and the hiss of gasping that filled the cavernous room.

  "You're going to march up front, admit what you did in front of all your guests, and apologize to my daughter. If you don't I'll snap your neck here and now." She'd never heard her father, usually so calm and composed, so very angry. Robert took a second to fix his messy slacks, and suddenly, it all made sense to Caroline's disbelieving mind. Shock gave way to blazing fury that flushed her neck, cheeks and chest and tingled through her balling fists.

  Robert made his way toward the alter, his nervous hazel eyes scanning the crowd while crimson color stained his cheeks and ears. "I know you all came to see a wedding today," he began as the whispers and loud coughs slowly faded to a dull hum. "I'm sorry that you won't get what you came for."

  "Why not?" her father asked, crossing his arms with a deep stare of fiery hatred aimed at the cheater standing in God’s house.

  "Because I screwed up." Robert refused to look at June, who glared at him with a dangerous spite Caroline recognized from other times the woman had been jilted.

  Robert's glance swept back as if seeking Caroline out, and she ducked back a few inches, seconds too late. His eyes pleaded with her to forgive him, but she didn't think she could, maybe ever. "I'm sorry, Caroline. You deserve better."

  Loud chatter followed his words and people began to rise from their seats. Caroline saw her father and Robert's parents step close and could tell from her father's relaxed pose that he was happy with whatever was transpiring. Before Robert could fight through the throng toward her, she turned, lifted her skirts, and bolted for the doors, escape the only thought in her turbulent mind.

  Her heart slammed painfully in her throat. The ache in her chest brought tears to her eyes, but she ignored the pain. With fleet feet clad in heels, she sprinted toward the horses that were staked out by the reception tables in the large field overlooking the lake to the right of the church. Without thought, she made her way to Whisper, the pretty white mare daddy had bought just for her and planted a foot in the stirrup. Tossing her leg up and over, she settled in the English saddle, hiking her dress up her thighs.

  Gathering the reins, she caught sight of Robert following her out and turned her horse round. Kicking the mare, she lowered her body and they raced alongside the lake toward an unknown destination.

  When she glanced over her shoulder, it wasn't Robert following her, but her father instead. She slowed her mare to a walk, letting him ride up beside her. The horses walked side by side, nodding their heads in unison as her father glanced over at her.

  "I love you," he said simply, as if he knew she couldn't handle anything else at that moment. For a while they rode in silence, though her mind raged at the injustice of it all. The lake sparkled, crystal blue with white whipped tops where the wind played on the surface. Fragrant crushed grass scent lingered in the air while the horses stepped along, nickering like old pals. The sun, high and bright but not too hot, warmed her flesh but did nothing for her frozen core.

  Finally, the roar of her thoughts burst out. "How could he?" the words were a near whisper, but she could tell by her father's stiffening spine that he heard her.

  “How about this,” he said, not looking her direction. He gazed over the lake instead, his warm features oddly at ease. “why don’t you go on your honeymoon?”

  She shook her head. “Everything will be set up for two. I’ll be all alone, and feel stupid.”

  “So take someone with you.”

  She wondered how everything was always so easy to him. Didn’t he see the problems with his plan? “The only person I think I can face right now is you. I mean, June was my friend.” She paused, the words sinking in. “Well, I thought she was my friend.”

  “It’s understandable your trust is shaken. Trust me, getting away would be good for you. Time and space heals all.” He flashed her a quick smile, and she stifled the question bubbling up within her. Has time and space healed you? She knew he missed her mother dearly.

  “Why does everything have to be so hard?” she whimpered, tears filling her eyes. Before she knew what was happening, he pulled his stallion up next to her and gathered her in his arms. She let him drag her onto his horse in front of him. Winding her arms around his neck, she pressed her forehead to the hollow at the base of his throat while he took the reins of her mare. Whisper walked alongside, bombproof and docile as could be. He held her tight, his lips near her ear.

  “I could have handled things better. I’m sorry.” His soft voice filled with regret, but she shook her head, a grin fighting through her tears.

  “No way. You were great. I swear, every girl needs a daddy who’ll threaten to snap a guy’s neck for being a douche.”

  His chest rumbled with laughter, and she curled into him, loving the comfort of his embrace. Though she sat sidesaddle, her fear of falling was oddly absent. Daddy would never let anything bad happen to her.

  As if he heard her thoughts, he pressed a kiss to her hair. His chest lifted as he inhaled, his words startling in their simplicity. “How about I go with you?” He pulled back, looking into her eyes. “I mean, I’d like the chance to catch up. You’ve been so busy.” He jerked a shoulder up, and hurt crashed through her. The wedding had occupied all her time and energy, and he’d suffered for it

  “No tears.” His quiet intensity increased as his hot chocolate eyes met hers.

  She nodded, hardly trusting her words. “I’d like that.”

  He shifted, the subtle motion making her cling harder. She pressed her cheek to his chest as he chuckled. “I won’t let you fall, hun. Hold on.”

  The horses turned about and his arm tightened around her ribs. Drawing a deep breath, she inhaled his scent, mouthwatering cologne, hay, horses and musky male warmth. Home. He smelled like home. A glitter peeking from under his white collar caught her eye, and she reached up to snag the looped chain. He didn’t move as she pulled it from around his chest. It popped free and she gasped.

  “Do you… have you been wearing this all along?” she asked in her most demanding voice.

  “Yes.” She studied his onyx ring, the one her mother had slipped on his finger all those years ago.

  Part of her wanted to tell him it was okay to move on, but part of her understood. She gasped. “Did you get mom’s ring for me?” She glanced down at her hand where the large ice blue sapphire engagement band rested. The day Robert had asked daddy for her hand, he’d given him her mother’s set. Dominic had excellent taste in jewelry.

  He reached into his breast pocket and she caught sight of the wedding band, pale sapphires and diamonds alternating on the pretty white gold setting. He didn’t seem to think before taking her hand in his warm fingers. She froze as he slid the band on her ring finger. Her breath caught in her throat as he brought her hand to his lips, glancing down at her while the stallion slowed to a stop where he’d been tethered originally.

  Shock and some odd sensation tangled in her belly while she gazed up into his suddenly molten eyes.

  “It’s his loss,” he whispered over her hand. He pulled free of her grasp and dismounted. When he reached his arms up, she put her hands on his shoulders. Powerful fingers gripped her ribs, the ripple of muscle under her hands brought a warm rush to her head, leaving her lightheaded as he let her slide down slowly, her body pinned between him and the stallion’s solid shoulder.

  Glad to have her feet on solid ground, she entwined her fingers with his. He led her across the lawn toward the parking lot before stopping short. “Damn it,” he said, startling her. He spun to face her. “I brought the crotch rocket, not my car.”

  She grinned at his words. “Bring it on.” She walked past him toward the bike. Robert entered her field of vision and she struggled to pull in a deep breath around the tight bodice of her dress. Aware of the emphasis it put on her breasts, she still couldn’t help the surge of fury filling her when he stared at her tits.

  He stopped before her, the apology already spilling from him in a jumble she didn’t want to hear. “Just leave me alone. If I ever see you again, it’s too soon.” She tried to walk around him, but he back peddled, still talking.

  “Look, just hear me out. It wasn’t what it looked like. I love you.” His face echoed his genuine tone, but her lips twisted in a sneer.

  “So you weren’t fucking my friend at our wedding? Leave me alone.” Her steps sped up, but his hand caught her wrist. She turned in time to see her father land a mean hook to Robert’s jaw. The sickening crunch of bone on bone turned her stomach even as satisfaction rose up in her.

  “When a lady asks you to leave her alone twice and you grab her, expect to get the shit kicked out of you.” Her father looked up and nodded at officer Brady, who nodded and waved him off.

  She put an arm around her father’s shoulders and they made their way to his motorcycle. He handed her the backup helmet, then pulled his own over her head. She giggled. “You look like a Mass Effect character,” she said.

  “Hopefully not Wrex.”

  “Oh, daddy, awesome.” She giggled. He sat on the bike, his feet on the ground. Holding it upright, he gestured for her to get on behind him. She hiked her skirt up her thighs and climbed up behind him.

  “Tuck your skirt under me,” he said, standing with both feet on the ground. She did, understanding what he was up to. He sat back down, pinning her skirts and she lifted her feet to the back pegs and clung to him. The engine roared to life and he lifted his feet and leaned forward. She moved with him, and they ripped out of the lot at speeds he would have frowned at her for going.

  The power between her thighs and the closeness of daddy soothed some of the tension in her body as they wove and out of the light traffic in their small town on the way to the airport. The wind crashing over her buffeted and pulled, trying to steal her skirts, her hair, and even her body.

  She clung onto daddy, loving the freedom, the rush of air and adrenaline. It was over all too soon as he pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. He got up, putting his helmet on the seat and she followed suit.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. “Yeah,” he murmured into the phone. “Pick up my bike. You’ve got the horses covered, right?” He gave a nod, smiling at her. “Great. Thanks. I’ll be back in a week. Well thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”

  He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. “Everything’s handled and we’ll be picked up when we get back. No worries.” He touched her cheek. “Time to go, love. No backing out now.” His smile warned her he knew her mind.

  She took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  Caroline woke to Dominic’s gentle touch on her shoulder. She got to her feet, steadied by his hand on her elbow. The plane ride had been horror, with person after person offering her congratulations on her nuptials. Daddy’d been awesome, though. He’d slipped on his ring and fended off the nutters while slipping her a valium.

  She gazed out the little window at the emerald green, misty landscape of Ireland. Her father’s hand on her arm eased her tension and discomfort. She glanced at his hand, noticing the onyx ring and suddenly everything was weird. She wasn’t supposed to be here with him. He was her dad, not her husband.

  Her gaze traveled up to his face. His lips were pressed tight, his chocolate eyes had lightened to a honeyed amber. Jesus. She hadn’t even thought about it. They’d honeymooned here too. Guilt gnawed at her heart, but he led her off the plane with an air of confidence.

  As she stepped into the hall between the plane and the entry, her heel slipped in the crack. She squealed, losing her balance. His arm locked behind her shoulders. He swept the other behind her knees and whisked her up, cradling her to his chest. He gazed down at her, and her heart pounded like a moth beating its wings against a light.

  His breath caught, and people around gave soft sighs. She only saw him, heard his heartbeat, felt a sudden shift between them. He lifted his chin, facing forward, and carried her along the hall to the lobby before setting her on her feet amidst clapping strangers.

  His fingers entwined with hers and he led her out of the place with sure steps. She caught sight of the person holding a sign with her married name and sucked in a painful breath as her chest ached. Daddy snagged the sign and smiled at the guy.

  “Let’s go.” His words were terse, and she sensed something else bothering him. The guy nodded and turned. He walked to a horse-drawn carriage and motioned them to get in. Caroline’s hands began to tremble when her father turned and grabbed her ribs. He hoisted her up into the carriage and she sat. He settled next to her and they rode in silence to their destination.

  They pulled up in front of a building she recognized. She turned to daddy in breathless wonder. “Daddy…. Ballybur Castle?”

  He smiled at her. “Are you disappointed?”

  She shook her head, speechless as he helped her down from the carriage. He swept her up in his arms and carried her in. Her head was a hazy mess as he set her down and led her through extensive kitchens and to the stairwell. The stairs spun around a central point. Sunlight streamed in through windows with deep sills.

  “Do we have this place to ourselves?” she asked.

  “Yes. The whole place for the week. The only person who’ll bother us is the housekeeper.” He gave her another

  “Wow… daddy… it’s perfect.”

  “Want to look around first?” he asked, and she nodded. He pulled her out onto the first floor and why walked the master bedroom. A massive four poster bed brought her to the realization she wouldn’t be losing her virginity here. The bed seemed too big to sleep in alone. Her heart sank, but he led her into the master bath and a gasp broke from her lips.

  The huge room boasted an overlarge Victorian bath. She sighed. “Well, I know where I’m spending most of my time,” she said with a little laugh.

  He only smiled, then led her through another bedroom. This one was smaller, though, and she assumed it was the guest room. They made their way back to the stairs, and made their way up to the next floor.

  “Hold on,” he said, then tugged her up the stairs. They walked all the way up to the fourth floor and she gasped at the vaulted ceilings and beautiful window seats.

  “This is my favorite room,” he said, releasing her for the first time. “The drawing room and ramparts.”

  She gazed around at the oak beamed ceiling and giant chandelier. The whole place was like a portal back in time. He made his way to a hand crafted swing and turned to her with a grin. She made her way over and sat, hands folded in her lap while he sat next to her and gave them a gentle push.

  “I’m feeling like we should be cracking open champagne.” He grinned at her, and she looked down at her dress.

  “I guess I should change.”

  “Leave it on. You’ve earned the right to look like a princess for the rest of the night.” His hand covered hers, and warmth bubbled up in her.

  “Want to see the secret room? They kept prisoners there.” He nudged her shoulder, but she shook her head.

  “I want to go up to the ramparts and drink champagne.” She gave him a winning smile, and he nodded.

  “It’s funny, I thought you might say that, so let’s go.” He stood and offered her his hand. She took it, allowing him to lead her up another set of stairs. Mist shrouded the world in mystery, and he left her on the edge. She placed her elbows on the ledge, staring at the beautiful green land and breathing deep the fresh Irish air.


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