Somebody To Love (Ryker Falls Book 1)

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Somebody To Love (Ryker Falls Book 1) Page 14

by Vella, Wendy

  Her silence was enough.

  “So you’ve been miserable for years and couldn’t find a way out?”

  “Don’t be dramatic, Beau. I loved what I did, I’ve just been feeling the restrictions he put on me lately. The accident allowed me to change things.”

  “Dramatic! Jesus, my baby sister has an accident, and has been living in hell, and she couldn’t tell me. The one person who should always be there for her.”

  Bailey struggled to fight back the tears.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  “I-I’m okay. It’s the wine.”

  “I’m glad you found your way to Maggie. I always liked her.”

  “M-me too.”

  He talked gently until she was in control again. Telling her he loved her, and always had, and it was a wonderful feeling, to know that she had a person in her life who cared solely about her.

  “Where have you been since leaving Boston, Bailey?”

  “I took to the road. Moving from town to town.”


  “Of course alone. I just told you I wanted to do that, find myself, and try and survive on my own.”

  “I just went cold,” Beau muttered. “The thought of you taking care of yourself for the first time at your age is terrifying. I don’t think you even know how to boil water.”

  “I do so... well I do now, anyway. It’s true that it’s been hard, but I’ve enjoyed learning things. I actually went into a bank and opened a separate account, and then transferred money into it.”

  “What do you mean? Why haven’t you had a bank account before?”

  “I had one, Beau, and thought I was in control of my money, but turns out he is.”

  “Bastard! Controlling, manipulative—”

  “He loved me the best he could, Beau,” Bailey interrupted her brother. “But his way of loving is controlling, and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. Especially when Clark joined in.”

  “Clark?” Her brother frowned.

  Bailey sighed. She needed to tell him everything; he was her brother, and deserved to know.

  “My agent. The man Grandfather wanted me to marry. For a while I thought maybe... then I realized I didn’t want that.”

  Beau swore long and loud, and Bailey found herself laughing.

  “God, Bailey, I’ve just realized that’s the first time I’ve heard you really laugh in years. Shall I send you a ticket so you can come to Paris, and I’ll look after you?”

  “I can take care of myself,” Bailey said.

  “Really? Is this a new thing, because from memory he kept you in a bloody glass cage.”

  “Which is why I have now broken out of it, Beau. I wanted to have some say in my life.”

  “Well hallelujah. Don’t tell me you finally developed a backbone after all these years.”

  Bailey snorted.

  “Come to Paris, and live with me.”

  She could do that. Go there, and Beau would watch out for her, but wasn’t that moving from one support system to another? Granted, this one would be nicer, but still....

  “No, I don’t want you to watch out for me. I need to find myself first, Beau.”

  “I have absolutely no idea what that even means,” her brother said, sounding frustrated.

  “It means I love you, but I don’t want you looking out for me until I’ve learned to look out for myself.”

  “Do you have enough money?”

  “I’m working here.”

  “That bastard isn’t allowing you any money, is he? You worked for it, and he’s keeping it?”

  “Yes, but I can manage. So please don’t worry, and now I can Skype you.”

  “I wish I could hug you.”

  “I wish it too.” Bailey swallowed. “But for now this is enough. I love you, big brother.”

  “I love you, Bay.”

  She blew him a kiss, and closed the screen. She found her friends sitting on Maggie’s bed.

  “You look happier,” Piper said.

  “I really am, thanks to you,” Bailey said.

  “Right. We’re going out to celebrate the liberation of Bailey Jones. I’m choosing what you wear,” Maggie said.

  “But you’re heartbroken,” Bailey said.

  “Kind of, but not really, so I’m ready to party now, which I know makes me sound shallow, but possibly the wine may be helping there. Tomorrow I’ll be heartbroken again I’m sure.”

  They left the house twenty minutes later, and Bailey wasn’t sure what the future held, but she knew it would have friends in it, because she now had two—plus a big brother.


  “ About broke my heart,” Jack said.

  “What about broke your heart?” Joe was seated outside his bar in the street. It had been closed off for the parade and following street party. Apple Sours had set up a bar outside, and a DJ played music. He was seated with Jack, Fin, and someone called Claudia who Fin had just met. She didn’t speak a word of English, but Joe was pretty sure that hadn’t been the drawcard as far as Fin was concerned. The woman was stunning, especially her long legs in that short skirt.


  “Why did she break your heart?” Joe let his eyes move over the crowds. He was not looking for her, he assured himself.

  “I saw her trying to figure out how to get the music running on my iPad at the stables. I let her go for a while, then stepped in and gave her a lesson. She’s one of the hardest workers I know, but a total innocent, who has no everyday smarts. It’s like she’s lived in a bubble.”

  Joe knew what his brother meant. He’d seen her with the washing machine. Her grandfather had kept her prisoner, was the best Joe could come up with. She’d had all the trappings and no freedom. The thought made him want to get on a plane and go find the bastard.

  “How’s she working out in the stables?” Fin said.

  “Really good. The horses love her, and she’s a fast learner.”

  “And Buzz loves her,” Joe added, still searching the crowds. “He’s real picky about his women.”

  “Where is he?”

  “I took him home. He needs a solid eight hours or he gets cranky.”

  “Hey, Joe.”

  “Hi, Angie. You having a good time?”

  “I really am.”

  Her smile was genuine, much to his relief. It seemed she’d moved on and there were no hard feelings between them.

  “A group of us are going down to the boardwalk. Do you want to come?”

  “No, but thanks for the invite. You have a good time.”

  She lifted a hand and was soon swallowed up by the crowds.

  “That was awkward,” Fin said. Claudia had disappeared, so he could focus again.

  “No it wasn’t. We never had anything to make it awkward between us. Things are amicable.”

  “Amicable, my ass,” Jack scoffed. “No woman likes being dumped, even if you ‘never had anything.’”

  “True that.” Fin raised his glass.

  “Speaking of Joe’s woman, will you look at Bailey,” Jack said.

  Joe’s head turned so quick at Jack’s words, his neck made a cracking sound. She was standing in a group of people behind him. Maggs and Pip were there, but it was Bailey he saw. She wore a short pink skirt with a flirty hem that he knew would kick up when she moved, and black wedges that showed off her sexy legs. Her top was white and off-the-shoulder, and hugged some serious curves. She was laughing, head thrown back. A real laugh, not the tight smiles he’d been the recipient of. Her hair was still loose, and she looked seriously hot.

  “Your woman’s hot, Joe.”

  “She’s not my woman,” he made himself say, but the words came out gruff.

  “Sure she’s not,” Jack drawled. “But just so you know, if she does become your woman, I’ll kill you if you hurt this one.”

  Joe dragged his eyes from Bailey to rest them on his brother.

  “She saved my life.” Jack shrugged. “Plus, she’s sweet, inno
cent, and lost. She’s also a really nice person I would hate to see hurt, because I think she may have suffered enough already in her lifetime.”

  “Nice words, bud, and also true.” Fin raised his glass.

  They both looked at Joe.

  “I would never hurt Bailey.”

  “I figured that, but what I can’t figure is why.” Jack spoke, his eyes thoughtful. “There’s something between you, a history that has this tension… I can’t put a name on it, but it’s there. Care to enlighten us?”

  “No, but yes, there is history,” he added.


  “And it was innocent, and she was a friend when I needed one. We lost touch after she left, and I never saw or heard from her until she returned to Ryker.”

  Jack studied him. “I don’t remember her.”

  “I do,” Joe said slowly as he got to his feet. “And now I’m going to talk to her.”

  He made his way to where Bailey stood.

  “Here’s my handsome cousin.” Piper wrapped an arm around his waist. “Hey, Joe.”

  “Hey.” He kissed the top of her head. “You seem happy.”

  “We are. Me, Maggs, and Bailey have been drinking and eating chocolate.”

  “Who dumped who?” Joe knew the ritual. Pip had cried all over him enough during breakups, while Jack or Luke went and got her a supply of wine and chocolate.

  “Ben of the flaccid dick dumped me,” Maggie said as loudly as she could.

  Joe looked around, but didn’t see her ex. He wouldn’t mind bumping into him and giving him a lesson in manners.

  “He was a loser, Maggs. A hot woman like you doesn’t need someone like that in her life. You’re worth ten of him.”

  “I love you, Joe.” Maggie walked into his arms after he’d released Pip.

  He hugged her hard. “He seriously doesn’t deserve you, sweetheart.”

  “I know,” she sighed. “But it still hurts.”

  He kissed the top of her head.

  “Want to come and dance with us?”


  Bailey hadn’t looked at him yet.

  “But I get to partner the pretty pianist first.”

  “Good move,” Maggs whispered loudly, releasing him.

  “And I’ll take the angry redhead.” Fin arrived. He then wrapped an arm around Maggs’s waist and nudged her through the people.

  Joe clamped his fingers around Bailey’s wrist and followed.

  “Joe, I don’t think—”

  “Don’t think.” He leaned in and kissed her, just a brief brush of his lips over hers.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  “Shutting you up, which will give me a chance to apologize for being an asshole earlier.”

  “We both behaved badly, which tells me we should keep our distance. This… you and me, it’s too complicated, and I can’t do complicated right now.”

  He’d like to do her, but kept those words to himself .

  “I don’t buy that. We have a connection, Bailey. You know it, just as I do.”

  “Maybe we once had that... but not now. We’re different, Joe, and tonight I turned another corner in becoming who I want to be.”

  He drew her in closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his body. He thought she’d resist, but instead she rested a palm on his chest, leaving a few inches between them.

  “What drove you round this corner?”

  “Friends, and maybe two glasses of wine, but the point is I have a long way to go to become the person I want to be. I can’t complicate that with... with you.”

  Someone bumped into her, sending her into Joe.

  “We can’t talk here. Let’s go.” Joe took her hand in his and began walking through the crowds, towing Bailey behind him. He walked around the back of the bar and let himself inside, closing and locking the door behind them.

  “Piper and Maggs will wonder where I am. Plus Maggie’s nursing a broken heart. I should be with her.”

  “He didn’t break her heart, Bailey. He was a loser, and she knows it.” Joe led her through the room, which was lit only by security lights. Reaching the bar, he grabbed Bailey and lifted her onto a stool.

  “I can’t see, Joe.”

  “I can, and you look seriously hot tonight.”

  “Joe, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to talk?”

  “We’ll get to that.” He held her face, looking into her eyes. “Right now I really need to kiss you again.”

  “No.” She shook her head, but leaned closer so they were only inches apart. “I don’t think we should.”

  “Yes, you do.” He kissed her softly, giving her a chance to pull back. When she didn’t, he took it deeper.

  “This is real, Bailey.” He eased back a little. “We owe it to the people we were to pursue this.”

  Her fingers shook as they touched his jaw.

  “I’m a mess, Joe. I’ve never lived like others. I’m.... I let someone else run my life for me. I don’t even know the person I am or want to be, and my friends made me realize how much growing I have to do.”

  “Friends. I bet that feels good?”

  “So good,” she whispered. “I didn’t realize how good until I came back here and found some.”

  Joe cupped his hands around her face, holding her eyes on his. “I’m not going to stop you growing as a person, Bailey. Not going to stop you from doing what you want. I simply want to get to know you, and if in the course of that I get my hands on you... well, that would work too.”

  Her giggle was sweet. She then traced the line of his cheekbone tentatively, before moving to his hair, where her fingers stroked. Joe was already hard with wanting her; her touch ignited him further.

  “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “This being?”

  “Flirting, interacting, being a woman with a man she feels something for.”

  His heart kicked at her words.

  “You’ll learn, and if you keep touching me, that education will come sooner than you expected.”

  “I know what happens, the sex part, and yes, I’ve done it once. But I wasn’t very good at it.”

  “How did we jump from flirting and interacting to sex?” Not that he minded.

  “Because the wine has loosened me up, and because when I’m around you I feel this ache deep inside me, which tells me I want you, Joe.”

  “I have that ache too.”

  “But it’s not right. We’re strangers now, we can’t do this.”

  “We could never be strangers.” He kissed the side of her jaw. “You’re a part of me, Bailey Jones, and you always have been.”

  “I shouldn’t want this, Joe.”

  “This being?”

  “You. Your lips on mine,” she whispered the words against his mouth.

  He slid his hands up the outside of her thighs and stepped between her legs, closing the distance. Their kiss was hot and wet, and in seconds he was too far gone to pull back, and expected she was too. She was like kryptonite to Joe. The feel and smell of her, the smooth texture of her skin beneath his hands, it all drove him crazy. He wanted her with a desperation that had built steadily since he’d seen her in the grocery store, and he was done fighting.

  Joe kissed the line of her jaw while his hand stroked her thigh, moving slowly up her body. Teasing the lines of her ribs, he found what he sought next. Her breast was the perfect size for his hand, the nipple hard and pressing against the sheer cup that restrained it.

  “I want to see you, Bailey. All of you.”


  He was close enough that Bailey could see his features clearly. Behind them the music from the street party was loud, and only the front of the bar kept them from the hundreds who were out there enjoying it. Bailey’s heart thumped, her breasts felt full, and Joe’s hand felt so good cupping one. He stroked her nipple, and her breath grew choppy.

  “Take off your top, Bailey.”

  Her fingers fumbled a
s she drew it over her head. This was Joe, she reminded herself. Her Joe, one of the few people she had ever loved in her lifetime.

  “You’re beautiful,” he rasped.

  Bailey could do nothing to stop the moan as his finger traced the satin edge of her bra. He then picked up her locket. The gold oval had been a gift from her father when she was five, it now held something special that she’d carried close for years.

  “Who gave you this?”

  “My father.”

  Releasing it he then lowered a satin bra strap, exposing her nipple.

  “Joe,” Bailey whispered as her body arched into his.

  “Right here.”

  He licked her then, one hot stroke from his wet tongue over her nipple, and her body shuddered. He steadied her, and then continued to caress her with his mouth. Bailey could hear the sighs and moans she made, but could do nothing except hold on as he continued the sensual torture. By the time he’d moved to the other breast, she was wet and aching.

  His hand began moving too, tracing the edge of her panties. He stood between her legs, his body holding her thighs open, exposing her, and she could do nothing to stop him easing a finger under the elastic and touching the wet heat… not that she wanted to.

  “Oh Lord, Joe.”

  “That’s it, baby, just feel.”

  He kissed her as his finger stroked the soft folds. He found the tight bud between her thighs, and the tension inside Bailey tightened to an almost unbearable point. He then took her nipple and pushed a finger deep inside her. She came apart in a shuddering climax.

  “I... I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

  “Good,” he whispered against her lips. “I want to be the first.”

  Bailey wanted to touch him, make him feel what she was. She opened his shirt, and slid her hands inside. Joe moaned as she explored his chest, tracing each muscle and rib. She’d never been this close to a man before. So close she felt a part of him.

  “You have a lovely chest, Joe.” Her nail scraped a nipple, and the breath hissed from his throat, so she did it again.

  “So good,” he whispered. “Your touch is exquisite, Bailey.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him. His breathing quickened, so she licked him.


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