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Faking It (Single Dad Fake Marriage Box Set#1-5)

Page 17

by J. J. Bella

  "Nightcap?" he asked, his voice low and quiet.

  "Sure," said Ashley.

  Ashley headed out to the back deck, the water of the pool silver with the light of the moon. Scott returned with a pair of wine glasses, each filled with a glass of something red and delicious-looking. Ashley kicked off her shoes and sat with her feet dangling in the cool water of the pool. Scott saw this, rolled his pant legs up, and joined her.

  "Cheers," he said, handing her a glass and raising his.

  "Cheers," she said.

  They drank their wine in silence at first, both appreciating the still of the evening.

  "It's good for her, I think," said Scott. "Having a woman around, I mean. She's at the point right between being a girl and turning into a young lady. I feel like I'm starting to be more and more out of my depth with each day."

  "You're a great dad, though," said Ashley.

  "Sure, I do what I can. But there's only so much you can do by yourself."

  "What…" started Ashley, unsure if she should ask the question, but going on anyway, "…what happened to her mother?"

  Scott said nothing for a moment, instead taking a slow, long sip of his wine.

  "She died in childbirth," he said, his gaze forward. "She and I were college sweethearts. We weren't expecting a kid, but we figured that we could do anything, just as long as we were together. We married in a small ceremony, and spent the time between classes talking about our life together- baby names, where we'd live, what our house would look like, that sort of thing. When it came time for Olivia to come, everything looked great. I even bought some of her favorite ice cream so it'd be waiting for her when she got back. But then something happened, some kind of complication. They said she just wouldn't stop bleeding. Olivia came out just fine, but her mother…"

  He took another sip.

  "Just like that. It happened over the course of an hour, but it felt like five minutes. There, then gone."

  Ashley regarded him, a look of tender concern on her face.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Thanks. I've made my peace with it, as much as one can be expected to. Thankfully, I was able to make my money right out of college, so at least providing Olivia with the life she deserved wasn't an issue. Everything else, thought, being a dad, that's just been by the seat of my pants."

  "Well, I think you're doing a great job. That kid loves you."

  "Sure," he said. "We'll see if she's singing that tune when she's fifteen."

  Silence returned, Ashley and John letting their bare legs drift below the still water. Ashley could feel subtle heat between them, and casting a glance downward, she saw that her and Scott's arms were nearly touching.

  Looked up, her eyes met Scott's. She looked into them deeply, the blues silvered with a frosted sheen of moonlight. She felt her tongue drag slowly over her lips, as if beckoning him to her.

  Then, time moved to a slow crawl as Scott closed the distance between them, placing his lips upon hers in a firm kiss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Scott felt himself sink deeply into the kiss, his hand moving up and upon the slight curve of Ashley's neck. The kiss was chaste at first, a soft pressing of lips upon one another. But after a moment, Scott felt Ashley's lips part, and his tongue moved into her. They kissed like this for a time, Scott's hand moving slowly down her shoulder, then her arm, finally coming to a rest on her hip.

  What am I doing? he thought, every bit of his rational mind telling him that this was a terrible idea, that despite the nearly euphoric feeling of the blood rushing through his body at the feeling of her lips against his, that this couldn't go any direction but south.

  But as soon as Scott's hand moved up Ashley' body, under her shirt and towards her breast, he felt her tense up, her muscles stiffening. With a quick movement, she took his hand and guided it down and out from under her shirt.

  They continued to kiss, but the tension of her body remained.

  "Something wrong?" asked Scott, parting his lips from hers.

  "I don't know," she said. "I don't know if this is a good idea."

  "It's a great idea," said Scott, moving his lips back towards hers.

  "It's just that…I mean…"

  Uh oh, thought Scott, feeling a revelation coming on.

  "I'm a virgin."

  Scott's eyes went wide.

  "A virgin?" he asked, his voice carrying a tone of disbelief.

  "Yeah," said Ashley, her eyes now downcast. "So, I don't do this whole…thing."

  "What whole thing?"

  "This…one-night-stand stuff. It's just not who I am."

  Scott sat back, resting his weight on his arms behind him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

  "I'm…a little surprised, to be honest."

  "Oh?" asked Ashley. "And why is that?"

  "I mean, a girl who looks like you…I'd think you'd have guys lining up to take you out."

  "Well, how many guys have I gone out with since living with you?"

  Not a one, thought Scott. She's got me there.

  "Back in high school, when I was still friends with Regina, I didn't exactly get the boys to come running. And in college, once I started, you know, finally filling in…"

  That's putting it mildly, thought Scott, the brief feeling of her skin on his fingertips still fresh in his mind.

  "…I'd already decided that school was where I wanted to focus my attention. It just seemed like every girl I knew who dated a lot was either partying constantly, or miserable, or distracted from school…I didn't want to be like that."

  "So, you just decided to never date?" asked Scott, now more curious than anything.

  "I didn't decide to be a virgin specifically, it just kind of happened that way when I started making school my priority."

  Scott didn't know what to say. He could've been talked into believing that Ashley was less experienced, but a virgin? That was difficult for him to swallow. But she seemed as sincere as it gets.

  "I…should get back inside," said Ashley, slipping her legs out of the pool and standing up. "I had fun tonight. Good night."

  And just like that, she was gone, leaving Scott alone, thoughts of the events of the last few minutes swirling in his mind.

  The next few days were tense. Scott noticed right away that Ashley was distancing herself from him. She was still as attentive and efficient in her works as ever, but her affable nature had been replaced by a cold professionalism. She simply did her work, turning her attention back to her studies when her time with Scott was finished for the day.

  But Scott noticed that she was just as sweet with Olivia, the two girls still growing closer by the day.

  The next few weeks went by in this fashion. Scott learned from the school papers that Ashley occasionally left lying here and there that it was nearly finals time. When Scott first saw the word, he couldn't believe it; it felt to him as though fall had yet to start. But checking his calendar, he saw that it was mid-November; he couldn't believe how fast the time was flying by.

  This is probably for the best, thought Scott one night as he finished up some work by himself in his office. I was getting too attached to her. I wouldn't mind keeping Ashley around like this for as long as she'd like; romance getting involved would just ruin things.

  But deep down, in his heart of hearts, he knew that he couldn't simply wish his feelings away. And as he considered how Ashley was throwing herself into her work with just as much fervor as he was with his, he couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way.

  Chapter Fifteen

  November came and went, and soon the month of December was upon them. Ashley approached her finals, the last tests of her college career, with her usual intensity and drive. When the last one was finished, she arrived back at the house and collapsed on the leather living room couch, wishing she could know her grades right then and there.

  "Why are you just lying there?" asked Olivia when she arrived back from school.

  "I'm done with my classes
," said Ashley.

  "You're done with school? Like, forever?" asked Olivia, her voice carrying a tone of disbelief at the idea that school might someday be over.

  "Yep. Like forever."

  "Wow. Lucky."

  Anxiety formed a tight knot in her stomach over the next few days. But slowly, her grades came in. A…A…A+, they were exactly what she was hoping for.

  But to her chagrin, as soon as the final grade was turned in, an A- in her European History class, the elation of finally, finally finishing her courses was replaced by concerns about the issue that she'd been putting off thinking about for nearly a month: that of the night with Scott.

  She alternated between feelings from one minute to the next. She'd feel anger at him making such a bold move in one moment, then regret for not letting him do with her what he clearly wanted.

  I can't be a virgin forever, she thought, closing her laptop and making her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. But to go all the way like that with my boss? After a night of pizza and bowling?

  She knew that fantasizing about her first time was silly- her mind always seemed to conjure the cliché images of champagne, a setting sun, and a bed covered in roses. But she didn't think that, at the very least, losing her virginity to a man that she was in a committed relationship was beyond the pale.

  Her coffee was soon done, and she took a slow sip of the steaming drink as she considered this, not to mention what she might do with herself now that her college career was over.

  "Hey," said Scott, entering the kitchen and tossing his Italian leather briefcase on the counter of the kitchen island.

  "Hey," said Ashley.

  Even I get this stupid cold professionalism between the two of us is getting old.

  "I, uh, finished my classes," she said, offering the sort of personal information that she'd been keeping to herself since that night.

  "Really?" asked Scott. "Congratulations!"


  "So, what's next for you?" he asked, leaning against the counter.

  "Haven't thought that far ahead yet," she said. "If it's OK with you, I wouldn't mind continuing this, um…arrangement."

  "That's perfectly fine with me," he said. "You've been a real asset. To me and Olivia."

  Ashley felt her face go red.

  "Well, we'll have to do something special for dinner tonight," he said.

  "Oh no, nothing fancy. Mexican actually sounds perfect."

  "Mexican it is."

  Scott poured himself a cup of coffee and spoke as if remembering something.

  "Oh, I forgot to mention: there's a Christmas party this Friday. It'll be the usual bigwigs you've met before."

  "Sure, that sounds great," said Ashley. "But I think I've gone through my extremely limited collection of fancy clothes."

  "Not an issue; why don't you and Olivia go for a shopping trip tomorrow? Get something nice to wear, buy her some ice cream if she starts whining," he said with a sly smile.

  "Oh, you don't need to be buying me clothes like that," said Ashley.

  "It's my pleasure," said Scott. "Besides it's only fair that if I'm having you play the ‘rich guy's fiancée' act I at least help you dress the part."

  "You know, when you put it that way, I can't help but agree," she said with a smile.

  It was the night of the party, and Ashley had just finished putting on her new dress. It was a red cocktail dress that showed off just a hint of leg, along with a matching pair of clear heels. As she turned in the mirror, looking at her bare shoulders and few inches of cleavage, she wondered if she was dressing perhaps just a bit too sexy for a work event.

  I'm allowed to show off what I got, she thought, a devilish smile playing on her face in the mirror.

  Geez, the next thought quickly followed, I'm letting this ‘engaged to the hottest bachelor in town thing' go to my head.

  She walked out to the living room, where Scott was waiting for her, a cocktail in his hand. He was wearing a dark suit with a crisp, off-white dress shirt and a dark green tie that gave him just the right amount of holiday cheer. His eyes went wide as his gaze settled on Ashley.

  "You look amazing," he said, the words almost blurting out of his mouth.

  "Thanks," she said. "Can you, um?"

  She gestured to the zipper on her back.

  "Of course," he said, finishing his drink and walking over to Ashley.

  As soon as he stepped behind her, a surge of heat rushed through Ashley's body. Her heart rate increased and her breath quickened as he placed a hand on her shoulder. As he dragged the zipper slowly up her back, his finger grazed her skin, another rush of something flowing through her body. At that moment, all she could think about was his large, strong hands on her, caressing her skin and bringing her body close to his.

  "Let's head out," Scott said, snapping Ashley out of her reverie. "There's a subtle but important difference between ‘fashionably late' and ‘rude late'."

  Ashley forced a smile on her lips as the gooseflesh faded from her skin.

  "Yeah, let's go."

  After a brief drive, the two arrived at a palatial home in the Mission District. It was a Spanish-styled house with a tiled roof and beige exterior, a black-wrought iron fence separating it from the rest of the almost outlandishly large homes on the street. Cars were parked out front, and valets dashed here and there, dipping into the fleet of luxury cars pulling in front. Ashley watched as glamorous men and women stepped out of the cars and began walking towards the house.

  Crazy how these parties are just a part of my life now, she thought.

  After the driver dropped them off in front, Scott took Ashley's arm into his and walked through the doors of dark, rich wood and into the beautiful entry hall of the home. The floor was tile, the walls were the same beige as the exterior, and portraits of serious-faced men and women in 19th-century garb were hung on the walls. Aside from the electronics and holiday lights, the place seemed to Ashley like a home from another time and place.

  "Looks like your dress is already a hit," said Scott over the Christmas music that filled the space.

  Ashley was confused at first, but saw quickly what he was referring to: nearly every man nearby had noticed her, their reactions ranging from furtive glances to the sort of open-faced stares intended to be seen.

  She shook her head in amusement as she scanned the crowds of wealthy partygoers, all dressed in tasteful holiday finery with subtle red and green accents.

  "And It looks like I'm not alone in that department," said Ashley, noticing the young women hanging on their rich husband and boyfriend's arms casting seductive glances at Scott.

  Scott chuckled; Ashley noted once again how used to female attention he was.

  "Shall we make the rounds?" he asked.

  Ashley nodded with a smile, and they were off.

  After an hour or so of chatting with various Silicon Valley bigwigs, Ashley noticed a familiar face in the crowds: Regina. Decked out in a skin-tight, pine-colored gown, she was looking glamorous and seductive as ever. Ashley spotted a blandly handsome man at her side, and surmised that this was the man that Regina had referred to as her fiancé. Ashley's face reddened as she spotted Regina; she didn't want to get sucked into another dramatic conversation with her quasi-friend. Thankfully, Regina acknowledged Ashley's presence with nothing more than a tight, prim smile from across the room before returning to her schmoozing.

  A bit more time passed, and Ashley felt the need to get some fresh air. She left Scott to his networking with Michael and some other men and women, and walked up the spiraling staircase to the less-populated second floor. She found a quiet balcony, and stepping out, was presented with a beautiful, sweeping view of the western half of the city. She stayed out here for a time, sipping her wine, listening to the soft strains of the Christmas music, the air cool on her skin.

  Time passed, and checking her watch, she was surprised to find that a half an hour had slipped by.

  Scott must be wondering just w
here the hell I went off to, she thought, making her way back into the house. She took position on the stairs that allowed her to overlook the majority of the first floor and scanned the crowd. But she couldn't find Scott.

  Heading back down into the crowd, she found Michael and asked him where Scott went off to.

  "Oh, that girl…the redhead. She pulled him away from us, said she had something important to talk to him about. Somewhere on the second floor, I think."

  Ashley's eyes went wide.

  Regina! What's she trying to pull?

  Ashley downed her champagne and made a hurried dash towards the stairs, her face hot with anxiety. She weaved through the smattering of people and, after a time reached the end of the hallway. There were a dozen doors, and as Ashley looked them over, she realized she had no idea which one Scott and Regina were behind, if they were even still up here.

  Then, she heard a lilting laughter, that same laughter she'd heard dozens of times before; it was the soft laugh that Regina employed when making her move. And it was coming from behind the door to her right.

  "Hey," she heard Scott say through the door.

  Ashley approached the door with trepidation. Reaching for the handle, she felt her stomach tense at the thought of what might lie behind it.

  More laughter sounded.

  Taking the cool, metal knob into her hand, she opened the door carefully and quietly.

  She couldn't believe what she saw next.

  It was Scott and Regina, alright. Scott was sitting on a chair across from the bed, and Regina was sitting on his lap, her legs open on top of him.

  "I think I know how to make you feel better," Ashley watched her say, her slim finger moving through Scott's blond locks.

  It was all Ashley needed to see. Her vision a blur, she made her way back down to the first floor, and, snatching a glass of wine off of a server's tray, rushed out of the house. All she wanted in that moment was to make her escape before anyone could see her cry.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Regina!" said Scott, his voice now stern and commanding.


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