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Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising)

Page 18

by Sherry Guyberson

  "You know you are never alone," she heard.

  "Yes, I know, but I seem to forget," she answered.

  "Maybe if you can remember to always ask for guidance, you will make it a habit. Help is always here, but you have to ask. If you find something to help you to remember to ask, it will come naturally," the voice said.

  Jillian saw a bracelet in her mind's eye. "What if I had a bracelet? I would always know it was there, and I would remember to ask."

  "Try it. We will be with you every moment," she heard.

  Opening her eyes, she had an idea. She went on into the house and into her room. She picked up Tiffany Marie and hugged and kissed her while she stretched and yawned. On the dresser was a small jewelry box. Inside was a neon green wristlet. She pulled out a Sharpie from the desk and sat down with Tiffany Marie.

  "Tiffany Marie, I am going to make a reminder for myself. It is going to say ASK." So, all the way around it she wrote ASK with a heart in-between each word, and a halo above the A's.

  "This is so I can remember to ask for guidance when I need help!" she said, slipping it on her wrist and picking up Tiffany Marie, who said "Meeeowww."

  As she got ready for bed, she thought about what she was going to write in the journal. This had been another extremely full day. All the information they got from GG and Lois, Lois and the cancer, Sonya had seen it. The guy who wanted to use their investigation for his show and asked if they wanted to be a team. The necklaces Sonya made for them. The weird mist and how Sonya acted. The voice that talked to her in the garden.

  She lay down on her bed to start writing. Tiffany Marie walked up on her butt and made herself comfortable. Jillian giggled. She could feel her purr from there! She wrote and wrote, amazed how it all seemed effortless. She was getting pretty tired, so she thought she'd stop for a minute or two.

  Blurriness. Can't see straight. She felt like she couldn't keep her eyes open. Eyes open... water. Eyes closed, eyes open...houseboat. Eyes closed, eyes open... look up, it's so blurry, W..A..R..E... eyes closed. Eyes open... lights on the water.

  "JILLIAN!" Sonya had screamed her name.

  Jillian was jolted into the reality of her room. She was still on her bed, pen in hand, journal in front of her. Her heat was beating so fast. Something was wrong with Sonya.

  Jillian put Tiffany Marie in her basket, pulled on some clothes and ran upstairs to her aunt’s room.

  "Aunt Jana, Aunt Jana, please wake up," Jillian begged as she shook her aunt’s shoulder.

  "What's the matter?" her aunt said as she started to sit up.

  "Something's wrong with Sonya," Jillian said shaking her head, tears in her eyes.

  "Oh honey, it was just a dream, wasn't it?" her aunt asked, putting her arms around her.

  “Oh my God...was it a dream? I don't know any more what's real,” Jillian thought. “Focus, focus, relax. Sonya, where is Sonya?” She started seeing the light, the water, the boat.

  "No, I don't think it was a dream. Please, can you take me over there? I need to check," Jillian explained.

  "Okay. Give me a minute," her aunt said as she grabbed some clothes from the bathroom.

  Uncle Tim rolled over. "What's going on?"

  "Jillian thinks something's wrong with Sonya. We are going to check," Aunt Jana explained.

  Aunt Jana and Uncle Tim quickly got dressed. When they got to the car, Jillian wasn't there. They shook their heads and got in. They knew she must have taken off on foot, so they headed to the B&B.

  Jillian ran up the dark walkway to Sonya's. The front door was wide open, and the living room light was on. Lucky was sitting on the couch yeoling. Jillian ran into Sonya's bedroom where she left her, and all she found was an empty bed. She tried calling Ryan, but there was no answer.

  She heard something in the living room. She ran out there, but it was Aunt Jana and Uncle Tim.

  "She's gone," Jillian took a deep breath and focused. "Where is there water and a houseboat? That's what I see. Ripples in the dark water, a yellow houseboat, and the word WHAR?"

  Aunt Jana and Uncle Tim shook their heads. "Houseboat and water would be on the river. W-A-R-F could be wharf? It's just a few minutes away," her uncle said.

  "That's what it feels like. Where? Can we go look?" Jillian said, desperately worried about her friend.

  "Let’s go down by the river and see what we can find," Tim said, turning on his heel.

  Aunt Jana grabbed his shirt, "Should we wake up Hilde?"

  "No, we don't have anything to tell her," Tim said, heading out the door.

  Jillian turned off the light and shut the door, leaving poor Lucky all alone. There was no one to tell what he saw.

  Jillian, Jana and Tim got in the car and headed for the river. They didn't see a light turn on in the B&B. They didn't know that someone had woken up and sensed the urgent situation. They didn't know that Ryan had just woken up from a terrible nightmare and had tried to call both girls, but to no avail.

  As Uncle Tim was driving to the river, Jillian kept seeing the same images over and over.

  She tried to relax and breathe. “But time is of the essence,” she heard. This was Amanda's voice. “Amanda, please help me, I have to find her,” Jillian thought. “Follow your tum-o-meter, and you will find her.” Jillian looked as they pulled onto the road that ran parallel to the river. “Please, angels and spirit guides, please help me to know where she is, “ Jillian said in a whisper. Uncle Tim kept driving. When they crossed one intersection of an alley, Jillian felt like she got punched in the gut and was going to be sick.

  "There, go down there," she pointed as she grabbed her stomach.

  As they got closer to the docks, Jillian saw the dark rippling water, and the yellow house boat. "Stop the car!" Jillian jumped out and ran over to the dock where a large, old building stood. When she looked to the left, there was Sonya sitting on the ground, propped up against the building. WHAREHOUSE were the letters above her head. "Here she is, here!" Jillian screamed. Uncle Tim ran to her and checked her pulse. Aunt Jana stood by the car and called 911. Uncle Tim said, "Sonya," loudly a number of times and slapped her face. She was like a noodle.

  "Ambulance is on its way," Aunt Jana said, running towards them. "What is she doing here?" she asked, kneeling down and holding her hand. "She's cold. Go get a blanket from the truck," she instructed her husband.

  The sound of the siren a block away jolted Jillian back into reality. It was kind of a blur. Uncle Tim rode in the ambulance. Aunt Jana drove to the hospital while calling Doreen, who would take Grandma Hilde to the hospital. Jillian was stunned. Such a strange feeling, like her consciousness was bigger, and yet she was such a tiny piece of the whole puzzle.

  She sat in the white hallway, with white floors, and white lights, watching people dressed in white walk by. She was leaning against her aunt, who had her arm around her. She heard a few of the words the adults had said, but not much. They hadn't said she could go in and see her now. That was the only thing she wanted to hear. She sensed something, and looked up. Ryan was walking down the hallway towards them. He took Jillian's hand and led her away.

  "What happened? I tried calling both of you, and I went to Sonya's, and Elise told me she was here," Ryan said, holding Jillian's arms.

  "I had a dream. She screamed my name, and she showed me pictures. We went and found her. The doctor said it's alcohol poisoning, most likely moonshine. They pumped her stomach, and she's on fluids. Why would she do that? She's not stupid enough to drink. I don't understand," Jillian said, burying her head in Ryan's chest.

  "I don't think she knew. I had a dream, too. It was about Deryk. It was like Miranda was watching him, pulling strings like he was a puppet. And then I saw him with his back against a mirror, but when he walked away, he split into two. And then he looked at me, pointed and said “Jillian's next.” And then I saw a black mist, floating down the mountain, pushing everything out of its way, and it was engulfing the town. People were inhaling it and falling to the ground.' />
  "What? What does he want from us? You think he did this to Sonya?" Jillian asked, shaking her head.

  "Well, I certainly don't think she did it on her own. And look at her strange attitude on the porch at GG's after dinner," Ryan said, looking at the doctor that was now talking to the adults. They walked over to hear the conversation.

  "It looks like she will recover fine. It was alcohol poisoning from moonshine. She consumed almost a pint. She had a lot of food in her stomach, and that was a darned good thing for her. Timing is crucial, too. The longer the alcohol is in the stomach, the harder it is on all of the organs. If she had been like that for hours, there could be irreparable damage. We will keep her for observation to watch her. You never know what is in the stills. There can be all types of toxins," he said, looking to see if anyone had any questions. "She is asking for Jillian and Ryan. You can go in, but only for about five minutes."

  The two immediately went inside the room.

  "Hi," both of them said.

  "I know what you’re gonna ask. I feel like crap." She rolled her eyes around, and then squeezed her eyes shut. "I felt euphoric, from the time we were sitting on GG's porch. I remember that I was lying in bed and someone came to the door. It was Deryk. And even though it was Deryk, it was okay. He was so sweet! He asked if we could go somewhere to be together. So we walked and walked, and once I thought he was behind me, but then he was on either side of me. Like he was playing peek-a-boo. Anyway, he asked if I wanted anything to drink and I said no. He said it would make him extremely happy, so I drank a little and it burned. I knew what it was. But he said I was making him so very happy and he wanted me to drink more. So I did, and it stopped burning. Then I saw two of him. The sky grew black, and then clouds rolled in above the water, and there was so much lightning. And laughing. Then a voice, something deep down inside of me, like my gut started yelling, 'Stop it, you have to stop this NOW.’ And that's all I remember."

  "Why would you go with Deryk? How could it ever be all right?" Ryan asked, holding her hand.

  "Because he wants to be with me. He thinks I am beautiful and smart. He understands about my family. He likes me for who I am weird and all. He said he knows everything about me, even the things no one else knows because he has his own powers. He knows about mine and he wants us to be a team. A couple. You have never acted that way with me. You are just my friend and nothing more, and he told me that was all you would ever be. That sooner or later, you, too, would take advantage of me. But not him. Finally, I found someone who wants to be with me. Have a life together. He said he loves me. He promised he wouldn't be like all the other boys who used me, dumped me, and then talked trash about me." Sonya stared at Ryan. She looked at Jillian and started to cry, realizing what nonsense she had just said, and that what he actually wanted to do was kill her.

  "Your five minutes are up. Let her rest, and tomorrow will be a new day," the nurse said as she shooed them out.

  Grandma Hilde walked in and nodded at the kids, mouthing the words ‘thank you.’

  There was a small gathering in the hall outside Sonya's room. Elise took Jillian and Ryan's hands and pulled them aside to a kitchenette and looked around. "You see what others do not," she said to them. They both nodded. "Tonight, when you came to the Bed and Breakfast looking for Sonya and she was not there, I asked what is it that you need to know right now. The message was very clear. There are forces that are angry. Three or more. One queen and three princes. They want revenge. They are only concerned with worldly things, not of the spirit. This energy is as old as the hills seeking revenge and will not rest until they get what they want. They will not let anything stand in their way, anything," she said. "I know that these forces are much, much stronger than you. Protect yourselves and ask for help. You will be in perfect alignment when you need reinforcements," she said and walked away.

  As Ryan and Jillian left the hospital, they talked about the danger they were facing. Should they stop, or continue what they started. But there was too much in Jillian's mind, her head was so full and there was no way to focus, let alone talk about the future. She wasn't even sure of what started this whole mess. They planned on meeting at the hospital at 8 am and said good night.

  Aunt Jana and Uncle Tim were sitting in the kitchen when Jillian walked in. "Thank you for all your help. I can’t imagine what would have happened if you hadn't taken me there and if we hadn't found her," Jillian said, tears welling up in her eyes.

  Her aunt got up and held her. "But everything is okay now, right? Sonya will recover, and then maybe they will try to find out why this happened. Maybe she needs help. I don't know, but I have heard things about her family, and I don't want you to get hurt. Do you think maybe you shouldn’t be too involved with her right now?"

  "No, I don't think that at all. I do not believe she intentionally drank that moonshine. How did she get there? Where is the container it was in? Someone set her up, and…and how would she feel if I turned my back on her now?" Jillian protested.

  "All right," her aunt said.

  "Okay," Jillian said, nodding.

  She gave them both a hug good night, and then she went to her room. Propped against her door was a small box. She went inside and loved on Tiffany Marie for a little while. She opened up the box and there was a note inside from her mother, asking about the last few days. Had she made any new friends, how was Tiffany Marie and if she had thought any more about being home-schooled.

  She opened the wrapping paper and inside was another journal. The spine said, MY STORY Chapter 2. How did she know that I was gonna need a new one? She finished the bit she needed to write before she dozed off and was awoken by the screaming. Then she wrote about what happened to Sonya and the hospital. She looked at her new alarm clock. It was 3:33 am. There were two blank pages left in the journal, so she wrote.

  Note to self ~ get answers:

  Home-schooled here? By who?

  How are they going to treat Lois's cancer?

  What else does she know from the family history?

  What does Deryk's family want from us?

  What actually happened on GG's porch and the mists?

  Do there seem to be a lot of paranormal people here?

  I have seen four ghosts this week. How many more?

  Is Seelie an Indigo?

  What does the locket mean?

  Are there tunnels under the city connecting the houses?

  Who are the queen and the three princes?

  Why are they dangerous?

  Who wants revenge? For what?

  Why did Amanda have a journal that looks like mine?

  Why is Amanda here and what is this agreement we had?

  Was Deryk trying to kill Sonya?

  Why did Ryan dream that Deryk said, “Jillian is next?”

  Does Sonya like Ryan, and she didn't say anything to me?

  How did I see Sonya's regression?

  If we do investigations, will we get famous?

  Can Ryan tell what I am thinking since he is clairvoyant?

  Who is the support team Elise was talking about?

  The veil, it's getting thinner. Is that good or bad?

  Jillian was so tired she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Her phone went off, scaring her, because that never happened. She looked at the number, not recognizing it. She read the text. Her jaw dropped open. She blinked as if she was imagining what was before her eyes, and then a tear slid down her cheek. "This is Doreen. I am still at the hospital with Hilde. Deryk showed up a bit ago. Sonya has slipped into a coma. They have admitted six more teenagers into ER tonight.”



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