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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

Page 37

by Colin Griffiths

  “So nice to be outside.” Todd said,

  She smiled, she had a nice smile Todd thought, “Have to go back in in five Todd, I got loads to do.”

  He loved it when she calls him Todd, it was like a little bit more of his life is given back, not a lot just a bit, just enough to keep him from going completely mad.

  “That’s fine.” He said.

  Five minutes later they were stood at the side of the cliff, Cathy typed something into the gadget that she had in her hand and a part of the cliff face opened up to reveal the lift. Todd, the first time he seen it thought it was amazing and looked extremely real, but if you looked closer you could see this part was false and you could see the seam of the opening but who was going to come up here anyway. They never had visitors here, he could die here and nobody would know. He guessed that was the plan.

  10 minutes later he was in his room, but that was okay, he had enjoyed it outside, they had been outside for almost an hour. He picked up the book that he had, when he asked Cathy to get him something to read, it was Stay Close by Harlan Coban. He read a page but found he couldn’t concentrate, soon there was a knock on the door and someone entered, it was one of the younger nurses, one of the ones who used to laugh at him when he was naked, but recently she didn’t laugh anymore. She never said anything, she seemed a little scared and she just left him his tray of food and quickly left. He nearly shouted at her then realised she didn’t know he could talk, unless Cathy had told the others he spoke, but he didn’t think she would, he liked her, it was like it was their little secret and he liked having secrets, it made him feel human, not completely owned, though deep down he knew he probably was.

  He ate his tea, it was some sort of stew not very tasty but he ate it all. For some reason he knew he had to eat, it would keep him strong and before bed he would do his exercises he knew that was a good thing to, he wasn’t sure how he knew all that, he must have read it somewhere, or maybe even before he got here that’s what he used to do. If there was a before of course, maybe he had been here all the time, that thought had occurred to him, but there was no Wendy here and he knew he loved a Wendy. Cathy had taught him that by calling him Todd, she had taught him a lot only she didn’t realise it.

  He lay on the bed of his windowless room, the lights casting shadows, he could hear people mumbling in the corridor, it sounded like Cathy, he hoped she was telling the other girl off. He flicked the lights off with the switch by the bed and he lay there for a while, he could see shadows at the bottom of the door now and again as people walked past. He had never seen a camera in his room but guessed that there was one somewhere and they could always see him. The light off made him feel like he couldn’t be seen but then guessed that they had night vision, and then he wondered how he knew about night vision. He needed some sleep.

  He lay there for some time in the dark watching the shadows go past his door and he had this strange feeling, he had had it the night before but it went quickly. It was as if someone had been trying to talk to him, but there was no one there, it frightened him yesterday but tonight as he lay there he didn’t feel frightened. His head spun like someone was in his head, how can that be he thought, how is that even possible. He lay there for a while listening to this noise inside his head until at such a time he thought he was going to scream, then it suddenly stopped but before it stopped, he heard a voice and he was sure the voice was from inside his head, it was a man’s voice, deep and quite frightening and it said.

  “Stop taking the tablets Todd.”

  Then it had gone, then he lay there and thought,

  I might try that tomorrow, see what happens.

  It had been a long day and Todd Fenton soon fell into a dreamless sleep. He woke up 6 hours later, I have a brother, he thought, I think he’s older than me.

  Chapter 20

  Madison sat on her bed, her iPad was on she was staring at the picture of William Fenton. Chantelle had stayed for a little while until Madison’s parents had got home. Madison was trying to work out what had happened earlier when William Fenton called her Madison. How did he know, she thought, she was really hoping that what she heard was a voice in her head, and that she could hear again, but she knew it was that evil man. He knew her name now her cover was over, she would have to re-plan, re-visit her options.

  She went onto her downloads and put on the interview with Daniel and Wales Today, she fast forward to the part where Daniel said he believed in Madison, she slowed it right down to the part where Daniel said he believed his sister, she paused it, looked into Daniels eyes trying to find something just anything. She looked deep and long, she got out a photo of Daniel that was taken when Daniel was on his campaign trail, it was a close up the camera had caught him perfectly, it was her favourite photo of her new found brother. She looked at the photo then back to the iPad, back and forth, the eyes on the iPad looked deeper, darker more sinister, was it the light at the studio? She wound it on frame by frame, it looked like light in his eyes as every frame seemed to make his eyes look different. Then she shuddered as she thought she saw something in his eyes, it was the time the camera had zoomed right onto Daniels face, right into his eyes, she paused it, what was it she could see? a face, she shivered a bit, could be a camera man or something, she took a screen shot then went into her photo app, found the screen shot and blew it up. Now only Daniels eyes were on the screen, and while a lot of focus had gone she could see a figure in Daniels eyes, a face, a face she had seen earlier that day. He’s got into your head , she thought, Daniel, William Fenton has got into your head.

  She threw her iPad down got out her mobile out and phoned Chantelle, she answered on the third ring.

  “Hi babes what’s up?”

  “Chantelle will you take me again tomorrow please?”

  “Are you sure?” Came the voice on the other end of the phone,

  “I’m positive he got into Daniels head,”

  “What!” said a surprised Chantelle,

  “Never mind I’ll tell you tomorrow, I’ll tell my parents were going shopping.”

  Madison put the phone down, she rang Daniel’s mobile, and it went onto voicemail.

  “Daniel its Madison,” she said into the phone, she paused and thought about what she was going to say, “be careful your grandfathers got into your head.” She said and put the phone down, she sat on the bed with her phone in her hand realising how stupid that would sound, she rung Daniels number again it went to answerphone.

  “Daniel just ring me please.”

  She wanted to go down to Wales, but first there was a visit with William Fenton to arrange, so that’s what Madison did, she arranged a visit to the old peoples home and booked train tickets to Wales at the end of the week. She thought she would stay for 2 or 3 days, she hadn’t for one minute thought she would be attending a family in chaos.

  Chapter 21

  It had been hard work but it had almost been done now, some of the plants he could not save as the roots had been too badly damaged, but the ones he had replanted hadn’t been out of the ground to long and with a good soaking they should be okay. In any case it was the best he could do, would they survive he didn’t know, I can’t smell death anymore, he thought. Then he cursed out loud, he held the hosepipe soaking the ground giving the plants a good soaking in the early evening sunshine, there was no body’, he thought, what the hell’s happening?

  He stood for a while soaking the ground with the hosepipe, trying to wash the memories away or at least the bad ones.

  He had put the gardening stuff away and was about to walk back into Marie Roses bungalow, he paused by the kitchen door, he could hear crying.

  Until that time Marie Rose had refused to accept what she had done, she wanted to call the police as someone had vandalised her garden but James had persuaded her not to, telling her it was probably just kids and if the police were called then they would probably only give them more bother. He hadn’t let her see what the pulled plants spelled out, she didn’t seem w
ell, there was no body, he thought as he entered the house through the kitchen and into the living room. Marie Rose was sat on the settee crying, it looked as if she had been crying for a while. James went over to her put his arms around her to comfort her, he went over to the cabinet, poured two large whisky’s, handed one to Marie Rose, she thanked him through her sobs.

  They both took sips, long warming sips.

  “I’ve been watching you,” she sobbed “through the window, why did I do that I loved my flowers?”

  “They will be okay,” James reassured her he paused, took another sip, he sat on the edge of the settee, “I’m more worried about you.” he said.

  Her sobbing had calmed down, she dried her eyes only for them to weep once more.

  “I did it!” she said, “I pulled up those flowers and I know what I spelt out, don’t try to hide it James, I know.” The tears started flowing again, she wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

  They sat in silence for a while both trying to comprehend what had happened, it was James who spoke first,

  “Why do you think you done it?”

  “I didn’t think I had at first, but when I was watching you putting them back it all come back to me,” she looked at James, she looked so vulnerable at that time, so old and vulnerable, she reminded James of his wife and that brought a tear to his eye, “am I cracking up?” She said.

  “No,” he replied, then more assertive, “you are definitely not cracking up, but, those words, there was no body, there not yours, you just had a mini relapse after all what’s happened.”

  Marie Rose smiled.

  “I hope your right, is it over now?”

  “Your relapse? Yes I think so,”

  “Is it over?” She repeated.

  He held her hand, he held it tight, he so wanted to tell her that it was over and that everything was going to be all right and the Fenton’s couldn’t touch her anymore, and her grandchildren were fine and they were going to live to a ripe old age and have a good life but instead he said,

  “Don’t think it is, not now.”

  Marie Rose just looked at him as if she already knew the answer to the question.

  “Pour the drinks,” he said “I’ll just finish off outside, I’ll stop here tonight and maybe tomorrow we can visit your family.”

  Marie rose got up, picked up the now two empty glasses.

  “That will be lovely.” She said.

  James McCarthy went into the garden through the kitchen, walked along the path to the flower bed and looked at the flowers he had just planted, hoping that he had saved most of them, it had been a strange day watching Marie Rose fall apart. It made him feel weird himself, and as he looked at the flowers, he opened his flies took out his penis and pissed all over them.

  Chapter 22

  Sandy Potts pulled out of the car park of St. Matthews, her passenger, Wendy sat beside her, she had been crying, her face was tear stained, her clothes were dirty. She held her arms around herself as if trying to protect herself from something. To her friend she looked a mess. They hit the main road, it was early evening, a mild night and the stars shone. Wendy wound down her window, took in the air and looked up at the stars, still wanting to see a silhouette flying across the skies. Her head was clear now, the nurses at the hospital had recovered her clothes and belongings and Wendy had called Sandy to pick her up.

  “Thanks for coming.” She said, her voice was childlike, sorrowful.

  “You’re welcome,” said Sandy, she drove for about a mile,

  “They said they found you naked!”

  Wendy screwed up her face through embarrassment, a tear trickled down her face, she did not look at Sandy, she could not.

  “I’m your friend Wendy,” Sandy added, trying to reassure her,

  Still looking out the window Wendy whispered quietly,

  “I know you are,” she said.


  Wendy turned and faced her friend, Sandy turned to look at her at the same time trying to keep her eyes on the road.

  “Can you take me back to the Café and I’ll talk to you there?” She said.

  “Of course I can.” And for the next twenty minutes no one spoke, Sandy feeling pain for her friend, and Wendy, well she wasn’t sure what she felt, she was still trying to fathom out what just happened.

  Sandy opened up the Café, she put on the boiler and made two coffees, they both sat in the back room which was used for staff when they were on a break. Wendy sipped her coffee, Sandy sat just stirring hers with a spoon, until Wendy put her hands on hers, Sandy stopped,

  “Sorry, old habits.” They both sipped at the same time,

  “Want to talk about it?”

  Wendy nodded, there was a pause, Wendy eventually spoke.

  “I just visited Katy, I stood outside for 2 hours went back in and asked them to show me how to be a lesbian!”

  She sipped her coffee and raised her eye brows, screwed up her nose as if to say that’s all, nothing much.

  Sandy looked at the frightened little girl sat in her staff room, someone she had known for years, her best employee, and a good friend, a loyal and trustworthy friend. At that moment she wanted to be that to her.

  “Why sweetheart?”

  “Oh my god!” Wendy’s voice got louder, panicky, she stood up, “Katy doesn’t know does she, I must go and see her.”

  Sandy sat her back down and held both her hands “No one knows but me and I’ll keep it that way ok!”

  Wendy sat back down, the panic in her voice gone “Before she went in Katy tried it on, she didn’t mean it, she’s more fucked up than I thought.” Wendy said solemnly.

  Sandy’s face saddened,

  “So as always Wendy thought she’d help out, when is Wendy going to think about Wendy?” She asked her.

  Wendy looked at Sandy, Sandy noticed Wendy’s eyes look tired, her face drawn, still in her teens, she looked old to her friend today, I’m 42 and at this moment this 18 year old looks like my twin, she thought.

  “Can’t you see it’s my fault!” said Wendy.

  “What’s your fault?” Asked Sandy.


  Sandy took her hand in both of hers,

  “And why is it your fault?”

  “Because I should have died,” Wendy said, “that night I should have died, but I was cured, Todd cured me, not Katy, me, now he’s dead and Katy’s fucked, I should have died, none of it was worth it, not now, not ever.”

  Sandy had heard the stories but had chosen to ignore them, now Wendy was telling her that Todd saved her.

  “Todd loved you.” Was all she could think of to say.

  “Then why did he go, when I spoke to him on the mountain he said we would be together forever,”

  “You spoke to him on the mountain?” Said the now shocked Sandy,

  “Yes as he was saving me’ he told me he loved me, can’t you see it’s all my fault.”

  Sandy went and sat beside her, held her in her arms and hugged her tight, it was all the comfort she could give at that moment.

  “No I can’t see anything being your fault, do you want to stop at mine tonight?”

  “Yes please.” Wendy cried.

  “Do you think he’s dead?” Sandy added,

  Wendy gave it some thought pulled away from Sandy’s embrace, she lifted her shoulders and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, there was a hint of a smile, just a hint.

  “Madison says he didn’t die there was no body.” Wendy said, more in hope than anything else.

  “Then maybe we should ask Madison.”

  Chapter 23

  Carol woke at just after 8am. She had had a restless sleep drifting in and out, then being awoken by the dreams, it seemed that it was only recently she had been having those dreams again. She could tell it was going to be another lovely day as the sun penetrated the gap in the curtains as they blew from the open window. She lay there for a few moments watching the curtains gently blowing from the wind. Her mind dr
ifted for a little while, she was back in Blackpool visiting Marie Rose, but when they got there Marie Rose wasn’t there. She suddenly snapped out of it, realising she had been day dreaming, she wondered that if the fortune teller wasn’t there the day they visited Blackpool would she have ever had Todd?

  She held her lips together tightly, she was glad Marie Rose was there, at least she had seventeen good years with Todd. She shuddered in her bed as if trying to blow away the memories. She got out of bed and realised she was naked, she usually slept in her pyjamas, she saw her pyjamas on the floor and wondered if she had taken them off during the night because of the heat. She couldn’t remember though the room seemed stuffy and hot. She couldn’t remember going to bed and thought it may be because she drank too much wine, but I didn’t have a drink last night, I’m sure I didn’t, then her mind got confused, she couldn’t remember what she did yesterday, none of it, like the day hadn’t existed.

  She put her dressing gown on coughing as she did so, hope I’m not coming down with something, her throat was dry, another sign of having too much to drink, she thought.

  She caught a glimpse of herself in the wardrobe mirror, she stood and stared a little while, you look haggard.

  She left her bedroom and passed by Daniels room as she did every morning she woke up, she paused as she seemed to do all the time, she wanted to open the door but she paused just a moment too long, maybe later.

  She walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Her throat was dry and she was still coughing occasionally. As she opened the door she paused momentarily, the kitchen always reminded her of that day, it had so many memories, maybe it brings back to many memories, she flicked the kettle prepared her coffee as it boiled. She made her coffee and sat at the kitchen table, it was then she saw the empty cigarette packet and the overflowing ashtray, I smoked, the first time in 22 years, why?


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