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Dragon Trap [Coalition Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Sarah Marsh

  “Oh, that’s definitely a relief. Gosh, Sal, I think this one sounds amazing. I mean, as soon as I’m free to leave, I’d want to come back here to be closer to the rest of you, but it sounds ideal. Where do I sign?” she said, now actively trying not to bounce in her seat. Finally! Marisol was going to have the family she wanted. It was all coming together.

  “Okay. Are you certain you don’t want to think about it at least overnight?” Sally asked, handing over the tablet that required her thumbprint and DNA as a signature.

  “I’m sure. The sooner the better,” she answered, putting her thumb down next to her name.

  Chapter Two

  Luca came roaring to alertness as he leaped off the bed, claws out and his muscles straining. His body was drenched in sweat from fighting for his life in his dreams once again. As soon as he realized he was in his room, alone, his heartbeat began to slow, and all at once the pain in his leg had him falling to his knees.

  Shifters were not supposed to have injuries that would linger. They could heal almost any wound, and he was a dragon, after all, the most fearsome of all the shifters. If he hadn’t been so near death when his leg was severed, it most likely would have grown back perfectly, but without professional medical intervention, he was left with a scarred and twisted version of what once had been. If Baelion hadn’t found him when he did after the slavers threw him back in their prison, protecting him while he’d healed, he would have died.

  It was nights like this one where he almost wished that he had.

  When his family finally found and rescued them after four long years of captivity, they had been mortified at what he’d had to endure. He was no longer the lighthearted boy who had set out in search of his first adventure off his home world of Dali. He had been branded a slave when they’d first taken him. Many of the prisoners and fighters had learned how to cover up the brands with tattoos, and Luca was no different. He was now covered almost head to toe in them just to spite his captors.

  Despite his injury, Luca had never lost a fight. His dragon had grown strong and full of rage at being confined in any way. Baelion was a dragon shifter, as well, although his people came from the northern regions of their planet, where the ice dragons lived. It had only been natural to stick close to the only other dragon the slavers had managed to capture, and they’d learned to lean on each other in many ways.

  “Luca? Are you all right?” Bae asked as he raced into the room and threw on the lights.

  “Ahh, turn the lights back off, Bae! I’m fine,” he answered, covering his sensitive eyes.

  Both Luca and Baelion worked for the Coalition Council as search-and-rescue specialists. Neither one of them had been comfortable going back to their homes and families on Dali once they’d been freed from captivity. Living in a small village was hard enough, but there would be no escaping the pity and shame they’d both felt at having been captured slaves. Pride was a huge part of a shifter’s genetics, and dragons had more than their fair share.

  Given the disfigurement of his leg, there was also very little chance that any female dragon would take him as a mate. It wasn’t superficial cruelty; it was simply the nature of their beast to be drawn to the fiercest and most attractive breeding partner. While he was certain most males could not best either him or Bae in ferocity or fighting ability, they were both emotionally and physically scarred from their time in the pits. What kind of mates would they make a female? They had each other to take care of their needs, and that was the most they could hope for now.

  “Was it another dream?” Bae asked as he kneeled down beside the bed and tried to massage the seizing calf muscle of Luca’s injured leg. “You haven’t been going to your therapy sessions. The doctor sent me a message.”

  “I’m sick of yacking with that head shrink. He keeps pushing for me to have the regeneration done on my leg. I just need to get out of this city.” Luca relaxed into Bae’s magic touch. “Have they found us a new assignment yet?”

  “You could have it done, you know,” Bae said quietly. “No one would blame you given the amount of pain you’re in on a daily basis.”

  Luca pulled away from his lover and partner, standing carefully. He walked toward the bathroom.

  “I am not weak. Dragons don’t have cell regeneration therapy, and you know that just as well as I,” he spat out, furious that Bae would suggest this again. “It would shame my entire family.”

  * * * *

  Bae knew as soon as the words left his mouth that he shouldn’t have suggested the procedure, but it pained him to see his mate in such agony.

  “I know, Luca.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around Luca’s tense body. “I know how strong you are. I just worry for you. You’ve been so unhappy lately.”

  “I’ve had much to think about since the news of Grae’s mate delivering their child.” Luca finally looked down into Baelion’s eyes. “I don’t want to hold you back from the opportunity to have your own family, Bae.”

  Baelion had to hold back a sigh. He’d had a feeling that the video communication they’d received from Luca’s brother and his two mates was the cause of this depression. It made him furious at his own species that a brave and fierce male like Luca would be shunned by the females of their kind because he was a survivor.

  “You are my mate, Luca, and whatever our life together will be, whatever happens, I will be satisfied as long as I have you.”

  He loved the growl that came from Luca’s chest as Luca backed them both up and pushed them onto the bed, then covered Bae with his weight as he claimed Bae’s mouth in a devastating kiss.

  “You are correct about one thing, love. You will be satisfied,” Luca rumbled as he bit and nibbled along his mate’s neck. “Over and over again.”

  Chapter Three

  “Sally,” Mari whispered furiously as she watched the Dolovian ambassador exit his ship and walk toward them—in all his flaming red glory. “Sally, I thought you said that they looked like us!”

  Sally responded with a tight smile, still looking perfect as the Guild representative to greet the new arrival.

  “I’m pretty sure I said mostly, that they mostly looked like us, Mari,” she whispered back out of the side of her mouth, the smile never wavering, “and they do…mostly. Sheesh, Mar, don’t be so racist.”

  “But he’s red,” she answered back, trying not to panic. “How am I supposed to blend in well on their planet? I’ll be fucking fluorescent!”

  It wasn’t that Mari had any issue with his race, but her entire plan was to get this done so she could raise a family on her own. She had to think about her children’s safety first, and there had already been numerous attempts on the lives of the other human women by factions that were against mixing their alien DNA with other species. How safe would her family be on a planet where they stuck out like a sore thumb?

  With that, Sally did do a cursory look up and down over at Marisol. Then she just shrugged.

  “Meh, we’ll get you a spray tan,” she said before walking toward the group in front of them. “Gentlemen, on behalf of the Courtesan Guild, let me welcome you!”

  Mari followed Sally and her two guards forward. She wondered for a moment where Kali was, as she usually didn’t leave Sally’s side, but there had been some mention yesterday of the Dolovians and the Tokka having a not-so-friendly history.

  “Guild Matron.” The oddly handsome red alien came forward and placed a kiss on Sally’s hand. “What an honor to have you greet us. Councilman Trikna is very eager for the inspection. He sends his regrets that he could not be here himself, but he is quite busy with Coalition business.”

  “Of course, Delegate Bromm,” Sally answered as she stepped back and motioned Mari forward. “Let me introduce you to the reason that you are here. This is Marisol Lewis.”

  “Hello.” Mari smiled, trying not to feel like a slab of meat as the delegate looked her over in a rather creepy manner.

  “She is quite striking, even for her age…”

bsp; What now? Did that smarmy bastard just call me old?

  Sally must have seen the storm brewing in Mari’s eyes, as she stepped back up toward them both.

  “Marisol is a fine example of our human genetics, Delegate,” Sally answered, the chill in her own voice conveying that she hadn’t cared for Bromm’s comment either. “While she may be more mature than a typical donor of this type, I assure you her life experience will only be an asset in your society.”

  “Yes, of course,” he answered, reaching out to stroke along Mari’s arm. “Our medical staff has assured me that they will be able to correct any cellular degradation her advanced age may cause.”

  Mari pulled away from his touch. She was used to people putting on airs and trying to act superior. Hell, the doctors at the hospital she’d worked at had done it all the time back on Earth. But as a surgical nurse, she was obligated to speak up when necessary—people’s lives counted on it—so her shy days had been over long ago. This little bastard? Well, Mari had no problem bringing this male down a peg or two.

  “Delegate Bromm,” she began, looking him straight in the eyes, “if you have an issue with my advanced age, as you called it, then tell us here and now. I think we both know how many others would be more than willing to get their hands on my genetic material, so if Councilman Trikna isn’t interested, don’t waste my time.”

  She was well rewarded with the muscle tick at the male’s brow. Mari knew from her research on Dolovia that they were a male-dominated species, but that shit wasn’t going to fly with her. It was best that he learned it now if she had to live on the planet for years under their protection.

  “We accept the contract,” he finally answered stiffly. “You have five hours to prepare before the ship leaves. It will take us three days to reach your new home.”

  With that, he turned and retreated back to his ship.

  “Well”—Sally turned back to Mari with a grin—“that was a complete clusterfuck. I bet you one hundred credits he’s filing a complaint against us with my husband as we speak. He was a bit of a dick, right?”

  “Yes, he was,” Mari answered, hoping like hell the rest of the Dolovian population was nicer than that, or the next decade or so for her was going to be rather unpleasant.

  “We’d better go get you packed up,” Sally said, linking her arm through Mari’s as they left the hangar. “I’ll come with you to tell Devyn the news…. There’s going to be a lot of crying. And Mari, don’t worry about what they look like. You’ve forgotten that they’ll be used to having a variety of species living among them. You’re still thinking like you’re living on Earth.”

  “Yeah, of course, you’re right.” She felt like an idiot for her momentary panic at the sight of him. “It was just a shock. I haven’t seen any of his species before in person. They’re quite a bit, well, brighter than in the pictures.”

  “Well, I bet he’s making a similar complaint, only that us Earth females are bitchier than they’d heard about.” Sally laughed out loud as they made their way back to her offices. “But seriously, Mari, are you sure you want to do this?”

  Was she sure? Marisol had to remember her end game here. A three-day trip to a new planet, a few doctor’s appointments, and then she’d be free to finally begin a new life with a new family all her own. She didn’t care if she had to live on a planet filled with rhyming orange Oompa Loompas. She was going to get the child she wanted, no matter what.

  * * * *

  It hadn’t taken Mari long to pack up what little belongings she’d collected in the months she’d been here, but Sally surprised her with an impromptu going-away party. No matter what Mari had thought when she’d first arrived on this planet, she couldn’t regret ending up here. She sure had made some great friends. No, not friends. These women were more than that. They were the sisters she’d never had.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving in an hour!” Devyn cried and pulled Mari in for another hug while the rest of their friends either sniffled themselves or tried not to get caught rolling their eyes. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “Dev, you’ll be leaving for Tertia in less than a year once you’ve completed your classes. Then you’ll only be hours on a ship away from me. We can visit each other, and it’s not like you can’t comm me every day if you want,” Mari answered, hugging her back.

  “Yes,” Sally agreed, lifting her glass of wine in a toast. “Mari, you should look for your sperm donor on Tertia. Just imagine how handy those water-breathing mermen would be in the bath.”

  Giggles ensued, causing both Mari and a now beet-red Devyn to spit their own wine right across the table.

  “Seriously, Devyn?” Sally smirked. “Are you telling me that hadn’t occurred to you when you signed your apprenticeship contract?”

  “Well…no…I just—well, they are a fascinating species, to be sure,” Devyn stammered out, making all the ladies laugh once again as her red face clashed with her hot-pink hair. “I’m going there for work, Sally!”

  “I’m totally coming to visit you now,” Marisol, added trying to keep a straight face.

  Chapter Four

  Traveling through space was a fascinating experience, especially since Mari was actually awake for this trip, unlike her first one. The Dolovian ship was absolutely stunning. It was very clear that her soon-to-be benefactor was extremely wealthy. She’d just finished settling into her spacious quarters and having a nice hot shower when the door buzzer went off. Seems as though someone was trying to come into her room without announcing themselves…. Good thing she locked it before heading into the lav. After wrapping her robe tight around her, she unlocked and opened the door, curious as to who would be so rude.

  “Delegate Bromm,” she said, “seems you forgot to announce yourself before you tried to walk into my room.”

  “For safety’s sake you should not lock your door,” he answered, his eyes heating with lust as he took in the fact that she was only wearing a thin robe. “What if there is an emergency?”

  “With all due respect, I’m on a ship full of strange men,” she answered, pulling the robe tighter to make sure no skin was showing. “There’s no way I’m leaving my door unlocked.”

  “I see. You are concerned for your virtue.” He stepped closer, causing her to back up farther into the room. “If you’d like, I could arrange for you to stay with me in my quarters for the trip back to our planet. I can assure you, you would be in most capable hands.”

  Mari was almost too shocked at Bromm’s obvious invitation; when he reached out and trailed a finger along the side of her covered breast, it took her a moment before she slapped his hand away.

  “Delegate Bromm, I just contracted with your employer. I have zero interest in shacking up with another man for the three-day journey it will take to reach Dolovia.” Mari was getting a little worried now. Yes, she could report his behavior once she got off the ship, but in the meantime, he was in charge here and she needed to tread carefully. “Besides, what would Councilman Trikna think?”

  “The councilman relies on me to see that all of his wife’s needs are fully satisfied. I have been given this task for his last three marriages.” Bromm trailed his fingers along Mari’s arm while that information sank in.

  “Wait, what?” she asked in disbelief. “You mean you have sex with his wife for him?”

  “Yes. The councilman has done his duty to try and produce an heir for many years. However, his sexual preferences lie…elsewhere.”

  Okay, that was pretty clear. The councilman liked men, and Bromm was more than happy to keep the missus satisfied and on her back so that she didn’t make a fuss about it. Well, to each his own, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be his next conquest. So how do you give an alien man the “it’s not you, it’s me” brush-off?

  “Well, I’m sure you’re great at your job,” she started, trying to seem sincere, “but the thing is, I’m just starting off a new life and I’m looking for a relationship, not casual sex. So, thank you fo
r the offer, but I decline.”

  Bromm frowned as Mari walked back toward the door and opened it.

  “I’d like to finish getting dressed now, please. Shall I meet you in the mess hall for dinner in twenty minutes?”

  “Very well,” he answered as he walked back out, sounding more than a little pouty about it.

  Great, only a couple of hours into this trip and things had already gotten more complicated than she wanted them to be. All Mari could hope for was that Bromm had gotten the hint and would leave her alone. She dressed and left her room, making her way to the mess hall. When Mari stepped into the room, she could feel the gazes that were suddenly on her. She had a moment of panic but then remembered that all of these men knew why she was here. Mari had to stop being so paranoid.

  The food looked delicious and she was starving, so she piled up her plate and searched for a place to sit. She didn’t deliberately look for Bromm. She figured he would have approached her if he was here. He was probably somewhere still licking his wounded ego at her refusal of his offer.

  “May I sit with you?” she asked, approaching a table filled with younger males. They looked a little less intimidating than some of the larger men.

  “Of course, Mistress Lewis. Please do.”

  One of the boys jumped up and offered her his seat at the end of the table, while the rest stared at her with open admiration…but Mari was still stuck on the fact that he’d called her “mistress.” She had to remind herself that each species was going to have different ways of addressing each other, and try like hell not to laugh when she pictured herself in black latex.


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