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Curve Ball (Stadium Series Book 2)

Page 4

by S A Clayton

  She tilts her head again, a questioning smile crossing her lips.

  “I want to start over, forget about what happened before this moment.”

  “Okay.” She’s biting her bottom lip, and it takes all of my self-control not to devour her the way I want.

  “So, you’re saying yes?” I ask, winking.

  “Seriously?” She laughs. “We just had mind-blowing make-up sex and you’re questioning whether or not I’ll go on a date with you again?” She shakes her head in disbelief.

  I take her hands in mine and bring them to my lips. “I just wanted to make sure. And for the record, I did tell you I would get you to change your mind.” I give her another wink as she bursts out laughing, rolling her eyes.

  “Shut it, or I’ll rescind my answer,” she teases as my heart melts at the happiness I see in her eyes. I grab her hips, pulling her to me as I wrap my arms around her middle.

  “No take backs,” I mutter against her neck, kissing my way up the column of her throat and sucking at the skin, making her moan loudly.

  “What are you, twelve?” She’s trying to be mocking, but it comes out full of desperation.

  “If I was twelve, could I do this?” I lift her, pinning her beneath me, and take her to a place no twelve-year-old should ever know about.



  Josh is gone by the time I wake up. I remember vaguely that he kissed me goodbye, and I believe I told him to have a good flight, but I was half asleep, so for all I know that could have all been a dream. The last few days have been a roller coaster, and if it wasn’t for the delicious soreness between my legs and the smell of him that still lingers on my sheets, I would think it was all some elaborate dream. I close my eyes once more, trying to get some more sleep but my phone vibrates next to me, and when I pick it up, I smile at who is texting me.

  Josh: Good morning, Sunshine.

  It’s been a few days since he spent the night, and honestly, he hasn’t left. Well, he has gone to the stadium to do his job, but every night he seems to make his way to me, and I have no issue with that at all. The events of last night start flashing through my mind as a blush creeps up my neck. The way that man can command my body is impressive, and if I had it my way, he’d be here right now showing just how well he knows how to play it. I still can’t believe I was fighting this so hard because the feelings I have fluttering inside me right now are glorious.

  Me: Morning, handsome. I didn’t expect to hear from you today.

  This aspect of his job is the hardest for me. Him being away for extended periods of time. I hated it when my dad went on road trips and apparently my feelings haven’t changed over the years. So instead of sitting around, waiting for him to respond like the lovesick puppy I’m trying NOT to be, I get up and make my way into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday, after that, we spent most of the day in bed or in the shower trying to soak up as much of each other as we could before he left. So naturally, I’m starving. I take out a piece of bread and place it in the toaster, grabbing a knife and butter off the counter. Just as the toast pops out, my phone dings.

  Josh: Why not?

  I smile. Sometimes I wonder if he realizes how busy he’s supposed to be, being a professional athlete and all.

  Me: Because you have a game tonight and I thought you’d be busy?

  I take the toast and spread the butter, then grab some peanut butter, putting a very thick layer on top. A moan leaves my mouth as I take a huge bite; there is nothing better than the taste of peanut butter. Nothing.

  Josh: I’m never too busy for you.

  The smile on my face is huge, because the idea of Josh sitting next to his teammates and texting me instead of doing whatever they usually do together makes me happy. Very happy.

  Me: Wow, your lines are getting really good.

  I love teasing him. I finish my toast, licking the excess peanut butter off my fingers as I put everything in the sink and get myself a huge cup of coffee just as another text comes through.

  Josh: You haven’t even heard my best stuff yet.

  Before I can think of a response, another text comes through.

  Josh: I can’t wait to get back to you. I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Me: Me too.

  Usually, I’d cringe at the idea of throwing myself at him like this, but at this point I don’t want to hide the way I’m feeling. I did it for too long and I’m done.

  Josh: I can’t wait to take you out when I get back.

  Just as I’m about to send him something inappropriate, my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I say, making my way out of the kitchen and into the living room, where I plop down on the couch and turn on the television.

  “Can you meet me at the gym in an hour?” Mel’s voice is laced with panic, and I sit up straight. “I really need to talk to you.” My heart races as I try to figure out what she could possibly need to talk about.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Not really. I don’t really want to talk about it over the phone.” She takes a deep breath and continues. “Actually, I probably could but it’s better if I do it in person.”

  Now she’s just scaring me.

  “Mel, you sure everything is okay?” She gives me a sound of agreement before I say, “Okay, I’ll meet you there.”

  I get showered and dressed, texting Josh back that I’m headed to work. I’ve never been with a guy who texted me so much, but I have to say I’m enjoying it.

  The moment I walk into the gym, Mel is waiting and takes one look at me and screams, “You’ve had sex!” as I close my eyes, knowing the gym is full of people that are now looking in our direction. She knows Josh and I are together, but we haven’t had this conversation yet.

  “Can you not scream so that everyone in the room can hear you? I bet even Henry heard you,” I whisper and without hesitation, I hear Henry’s voice bellow, “Yes, I did hear you, and I would appreciate not hearing it again.”

  Mel breaks out laughing as we walk toward the change rooms.

  As we walk, I take in my best friend, trying to see any signs of distress. But of course, she’s always had a great poker face, and today is no different. I set my bag on the bench, pulling out my workout clothes, hoping to get some miles in before my actual shift starts in a few hours. Seems like Mel has the same idea from the outfit she’s pulling out as well.

  “So, I was right?” Mel asks as she sits on the bench, waiting for me to change. “Did you do the horizontal hula? Roast the broomstick? Bump and grind?” She finally stops as I burst out laughing. For a split second I wonder if I could get away with lying to her, but when she gives me that knowing smirk, I know it’s hopeless. “Come on, spill. You know you want to.”

  “Fine, yes, we’ve slept together,” I admit, seeing a grimace cross her face.

  “Slept together? What are you, eighty?” she mocks as I roll my eyes and start to change into my yoga pants. “Please tell me his dick is the size of Texas… or at least Florida.”

  Jesus, it’s like she’s never had sex before. I shake my head, refusing to answer that question.

  “You’re seriously going to leave me in the dark? When I tell you everything…”?

  “Not by choice,” I point out.

  “Whatever, I want details. I mean, a week or so ago you were dead set on staying away from him. What changed?”

  Everything. Everything changed and yet I don’t know exactly how it changed. All I know is that everything seems to have shifted and I can’t go back. Not now.

  “I have no idea,” I admit, just to get her off my back.

  “Bullshit,” she mutters as my head swings in her direction.

  “Fine!” I whisper-yell, throwing a spare towel in her direction. “He’s fucking gorgeous and a fantastic kisser, okay? He made me so hot that the thought of fucking him makes me go crazy. Is that what you wanted to hear?” I stop, pulling my hair into a messy bun on the top of my h

  “Yes, thank you, that was perfect.” From the satisfied look in her eyes I know that’s the end of the inquisition.

  I’m just hoping to get a bit of a breather from all the Josh talk. I kind of love the idea of keeping him to myself for a while longer.

  We step on the treadmills and out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Angela lurking in the corner, pretending to clean a piece of equipment while staring daggers in my direction.

  “Why does the sight of her make me want to hurl my breakfast onto this treadmill?” Mel says as we turn away and start to warm up. “So what exactly happened between you two? You go on a date with the guy, then ignore him for days then get back together.”

  Why can’t I get away from these questions?

  “I need to know details, and just saying ‘I boned him’ is not good enough.” She ups her speed and I match her, looking over my shoulder just as Angela heads into Henry’s office.

  “First of all, I never said I boned him, that’s all on you,” I breathe, lowering my speed to walking because running while talking? Not my forte. “After he got back from his last road trip, he stopped by, wanted to talk.”

  She slows down her own pace to match mine, taking a swig of her water.

  “Did he admit to anything?” she asks with a quirked eyebrow, and I nod, her eyes bulging.

  “He admitted she was the one to initiate the kiss at the bar, but that’s it.”

  “You believe him?” she asks, sounding skeptical.

  “Yeah, I believe him.”

  “Makes sense. I mean, we both know that Angela is always trying to mess with you. You know how much she hates you, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why,” Mel admits as I shut off my treadmill.

  She’s right, Angela and I have never gotten along, no matter how much effort I put in. The girl hates me. My phone goes off and when I pick it up, I can’t help the smile that crosses my face.

  “That from him?” she asks as I nod.

  I open the text only to see a shirtless selfie of him on the field, reminding me just how fucking gorgeous that man is.

  “It’s not fair that he looks like that when he’s all sweaty, and we look like this.” She motions between us and I mockingly gasp.

  “What? You mean I don’t look like a ray of sunshine right now? Speak for yourself,” I tease as we walk back into the locker room as Mel sits down on the bench and pulls out her phone. I rummage through my bag, trying to find a new shirt to wear tonight when I glance over and see a single tear fall down Mel’s cheek.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” I whisper, sitting next to her and wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

  “My mom called last week and set me up with one of her friend’s sons.”

  “Nothing new there,” I mumble as she chuckles softly to herself.

  “You know they’re always pushing that country club cult shit at me, and I usually go along with it because I am not one to turn down a free dinner.”


  “But this time was different. This time it went too far.” A sinking dread fills my stomach as she places her head in her hands.

  “What happened?” the caution in my voice isn’t lost on her and she turns her eyes toward me, the fear and anxiety evident in their depths.

  She takes a deep breath as her head tilts to stare up at the ceiling.

  “I went to meet this guy, not expecting much and everything started out great. The guy was hot, like Tom Hiddleston in Thor kind of hot.”

  I wag my eyebrows but when her face turns white, I scoot closer and pull her even closer to my side.

  “As the night went on, he kept touching me, in subtle ways that usually don’t bother me but that night it started to bother me. It creeped me out the way his eyes tracked my every move, lingering on my legs and tits as if they were some kind of prize he could win at the end of the night. It got so bad that I would deliberately move away from him if he got too close, and I thought he was starting to get the point… until he drove me home.”

  She’s shaking beside me, holding her phone so hard I can see her knuckles turning white. I know saying something right now will just deter her, so I stay quiet, wrapping my arms around her and pray this story doesn’t end the way I think it will.

  “He parked the car outside my place and when I moved to get out, he locked the doors. I turned, just about to ask him what he was doing when he kissed me.”

  I tense, her chest heaving next to mine.

  “I tried to push him away, but he kept pulling me closer. His hands were everywhere, so I did the only thing that popped into my mind. I punched him.”

  I do a silent dance because I’m so damn proud of her for that.

  “I managed to get out of the car, and I just ran. I ran so hard until I couldn’t see his car anymore. I didn’t even go home. I just ran until I didn’t feel dirty anymore.”

  The helplessness that settles into my bones weighs me down. I have no idea how she feels right now but I can guess and all I want to do is take it all away from her.

  “Did you tell anyone?” I say, hoping she called the cops.

  “I called my mom.”

  I grimace, knowing right away that was the wrong choice.

  “Yeah, you can guess how well that conversation went. She told me that he was from a good family and that I should look past this ‘small indiscretion’ because it’s a miracle he wanted to go out with me in the first place.”

  I gasp. I’ve always thought Mel’s mom was a bitch, but I never thought she would stoop so low as to say something like that to her daughter. Especially after what she just told me.

  “Can you believe that? He fucking sexually assaults me and they want me to keep seeing him, like he’s going to be the next president of the United States.”

  We’re silent for a few minutes before I break it. “Why didn’t you call me?” I ask, rubbing circles on her back, letting her know that I’m not mad, just confused.

  “I was ashamed. I always put on this front that I don’t take shit from anyone, and I didn’t want you to think less of me.”

  What the actual fuck.

  “For Christ’s sake, Mel, I’m your best friend. You’ve seen me at my worst and haven’t run away screaming, so what would make you think that I would? Am I that bad of a friend?” I’m trying not to be offended or make this conversation about me, but that hurt.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Harper. I know it was stupid and I wish I could go back and call you, but I can’t. I just wanted to forget everything that happened but…” She stops, pulling out her phone and scrolling through her texts. I get that sinking feeling back in my stomach, knowing there’s more. “When I told my mother I wasn’t going out with him anymore, or any other guy she deems appropriate, she freaked out. I told her I wanted to be in control of my own life and that what happened was the last straw.”

  “Good for you, babe, you’ve been waiting for ages to tell her to go fuck herself.”

  Her sad smile has me preparing for the worst.

  “It felt good to say it in the moment, and you’re right, I’ve waited a long time to say all that to her. But then I got to work yesterday and saw this.” She holds up her phone and there’s a picture of an eviction notice taped to her dance studio’s front door.

  “What the fuck?” I mutter as Mel starts to cry again.

  “That’s exactly what I said when I saw it,” she says through her tears. “Apparently my mother has rescinded her offer to help me start my own studio, and when I asked her about it, she told me I would get it back once I come to my senses and obey her like a good daughter.” Shit. The studio means the world to Mel, and for it to be taken away with the snap of her mother’s fingers has to be devastating.

  “We’ll figure something out, I promise.” I don’t know what I’m promising but I know I will do everything in my power to make sure Mel’s dreams don’t die by the hand of that vile woman.



trips have never been my favorite part of being pro. To be honest, if I could stay in one place all year I would, but when you sign up for this, you know it’s something you have to handle with a smile on your face.

  “You okay?” Will asks as I stare out the window of the team’s plane. I look in his direction, seeing T.J. sitting across the aisle looking over at us with a self-centered smirk on his face.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I mutter, trying my best to ignore the fact that all I want to do is punch that idiot in the face. He’s a rookie, he came up from the minors and ever since he set foot on our field, he thinks he owns the joint. Most of the guys hate him, some find him entertaining with a small portion who actually like the douchebag.

  “Are you missing your girlfriend, Anderson? You so whipped you can’t go a week without seeing her?” he asks.

  I roll my eyes, knowing exactly what he’s doing and clenching my fists at my sides. It’s known throughout the league, and especially within the team, that wives and girlfriends are a no-go when it comes to ribbing. Cleat chasers are a different story since they throw themselves at us like we’re presents underneath a Christmas tree. So at the mention of Harper, my hackles go up but before I have a chance to say something, Will does it for me.

  “Shut it, Taylor, you think you’re all that ‘cause you just got called up to the big leagues? Stay in your fucking lane,” Will mutters, turning back toward me as T.J. goes back to reading the magazine in front of him.

  “I know I’m not supposed to hate on the rookies, but he makes it incredibly hard,” I admit as Will chuckles, sitting back in his seat.

  “Is he wrong?”

  I glance over, making sure T.J. isn’t listening when I nod slightly.

  “As much as I hate to admit it. I do miss her.” Thinking of Harper sends a weightless feeling through my chest and when I take a breath, I close my eyes and lay my head back against the headrest. “I know it’s only been a few weeks, and I know our lifestyle isn’t really conducive to an atmosphere that helps serious relationships but she’s different, man. She knows this business, she’s been around it all her life and she gets it, you know?”


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