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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 7

by Ahren Sanders

  “Are you going to be okay with the distance?”

  “I have no choice. If I want to be with him, that’s the trade-off.”

  “What about after he and Nate graduate?”

  “That’s where things get a little shady. They’ll both have to go to Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island for at least twelve weeks. After that, I don’t know.”

  “I think it’s safe to say he’s into you, Devon, deep. OCS won’t change that. So can we discuss something serious?”

  “Of course.” I look at her nervously.

  “If this thing heads down the aisle, promise me you won’t make me wear a pink bridesmaid dress. Actually, no pastels at all.”

  “Quinn! That’s your serious discussion? You’re insane. A little soon to talk about that. Besides, I’m only nineteen.”

  “Yes, but you’ll be twenty soon. Your parents got married young.”

  “Stop, we aren’t talking about this. At all. You’ll jinx it before it even has a chance to start.”

  “Okay, but I reserve the right to bring it up again when I think things are that serious.”

  “Fine!” I huff and roll over. Her chuckle irritates me, but I smile as I doze off.

  Cold water dripping down my arm wakes me. The cabana bed dips, and I roll into a rock hard, wet body.

  “Bryce! What are you doing?”

  “Staking claim.” His arm slips under my waist, and he pulls me half on top of him.

  “We’re at the beach, in public.”

  “I know.” He kisses along my jawline.

  “There’s a question I’ve been dying to ask, but it’s really rude.”

  “Try me?”

  “How did you afford all this? The flight to Colorado, the flight here, the ocean front room?”

  “I’ve got a decent savings account. The Navy Reserves pays a little, and I’ve been doing some work in Knoxville, bouncing at a bar a few nights a week.”

  “You work in a bar?”

  “Yeah, pays decent, and they work with my schedule.”

  “I can’t believe I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It never came up.”

  “Anything else I don’t know?”

  “Nothing really. I think you know the most important things.”

  A feeling of unease comes over me, and my eyes fill with tears. I try to will them back, but they escape and roll down my cheeks, dropping on his chest.

  “Hey now, what’s going on?” He lifts my chin, giving me no choice but to meet his gaze.

  “I just realized how much of your life I missed. I didn’t even know you had a part-time job. For a minute, my mind wondered back to when I knew everything: your classes, your schedule, everything.”

  “Baby, quit it. Remember, we let it all go. You’ll know now and every day going forward.”

  I nod to agree with him and lean forward to kiss him lightly.

  “So let’s talk about tomorrow night. What are we doing?”

  “It’s a surprise, and I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I enjoy anything when I’m with you,” I say softly, laying my head back on his chest.

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Chapter 7

  “I can’t believe you did this!!!” I squeal, taking in the beauty of the boat in front of me.

  “Believe it. Besides the captain, it’s just us for the next two hours.” He takes my hand and leads me to the front of the boat where a candlelight picnic is set up.

  He pours me a glass of wine and gets a beer for himself then sets out the food, making us plates. The boat gently moves out of the slip and into the intercoastal, leaving the lights of the marina and city behind us.

  Even though I’ve tried not to think about it, sadness overcomes me. We’re leaving in the morning, and I don’t know when I’ll see Bryce again. With the exception of the few days I was in Miami without him, we’ve been together for almost fourteen days. It’s going to be hard to be so far away, especially now.

  Last night boosted my confidence further that Bryce is sincere in his quest for a serious relationship. He didn’t let go of me all night and took every opportunity to kiss me lightly or whisper sweet things. Quinn rolled her eyes all night but smiled as she did so.

  The only thing that is driving me crazy is his reluctance to go further than kissing me. I’m not saying we need to fuck like rabbits, but he stops me every time things get heated. He crawls into bed shirtless at night and pulls me to him, kissing me until my mind is mush. But when I run my fingertips down his defined abs, he stops me, repositioning us. Besides grabbing my ass, he hasn’t made one move to touch me intimately. My body is about to internally combust. I’ve never felt this much sexual tension before.

  “What are you thinking about?” His smooth voice draws me out of my thoughts.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “You’re frowning. I know something’s going on in your head.”

  Trying to come up with a good excuse, I smile at him. It doesn’t work.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’m sad we leave tomorrow?”

  “Probably true, but that’s not it.”

  “I’m going to miss you terribly?”

  “Hopefully, that’s true, but it’s still not what’s bothering you.”

  “Ugh!” I groan. “I’m sexually frustrated, okay?”

  His face changes from concerned to smug then serious. “Devon, have you ever had sex?”

  Oh shit, how embarrassing. I knew we’d have to talk about this at some point, but my stupid mouth forced it.

  “Well, kinda.”

  His features change from soft to tense immediately. His body posture goes rigid. “What do you mean kinda?”

  “I’m not exactly experienced, but I’ve been with someone before.”

  “Fucking who?” he growls.

  “A guy I was dating for a few weeks.”

  “A few weeks? Fucking few weeks? You were willing to give yourself over to some asshole after a few dates?”

  “Hey, quit yelling at me.”

  His nostrils flare, and his face is an alarming shade of red. His loud breathing has me concerned, and when I try to look at him, he turns from me.

  “Why are you so mad? You almost had a baby with another woman.”

  “Because you are fucking mine. The thought of anyone touching you infuriates me,” he seethes.

  “Bryce, let it go. You asked. ”

  “You deserve everything in the world handed to you. I’m busting my ass to make sure that happens.” The pain in his voice is evident.

  His words melt me inside. He’s truly upset. The last thing I want to do is ruin tonight. I slide my food over and move quickly to straddle his lap. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I lean into him, brushing my breasts against him lightly.

  “Bryce, I know you don’t want to hear about it, but it wasn’t a memorable experience. It was over before it started.” I grind against him, eliciting a low moan.

  “Don’t want to hear about it, Devon.”

  “Okay.” I go still against him and wonder if I’ve gone too far.

  “Babe, give me a second. My mind and body are raging but for two totally separate reasons. My head hurts thinking about you with someone else. My dick jumps anytime you touch me.”

  A sense of boldness takes over, and I position myself so my legs are wrapped around his waist. Before he tells me to stop, I cover his mouth with mine and pour all my energy into kissing him. His body relaxes, and he gives in, running his fingertips lightly over the bare skin of my thighs. My dress slides up, and I feel his straining cock against the silk of my underwear. Sparks shoot through me as desire pools in my stomach.

  “Devon, please stop. You have to quit.”

  “I don’t want to,” I moan against his lips.

  “I don’t want to either, but I’m not keen on the boat captain watching. We’re not alone. “

  “Oh shit! I forgot.” I scramble off him and fix my dress.<
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  Heat creeps up my cheeks, and I turn back slightly, looking for the old man that was on the boat when we arrived.

  “We’re not moving. He probably went downstairs to give us some privacy.”

  “How embarrassing.”

  He gets up and offers his hand to help me stand. Leading us to the railing, he positions me in front of him and rests his hands on my hips. We watch the sunset silently. The boat starts moving again.

  “Devon,” Bryce whispers in my ear.


  “Don’t be embarrassed, babe. You’re fucking hot. My job, as your boyfriend, is to take care of you. I haven’t done a good job of that. I promise you, tonight, we’ll take care of your sexual frustration.”

  Butterflies swarm in my stomach. Fucking finally.

  If he doesn’t hurry and get us in the room, I’m going to scream. If I had my choice, we would have run back to the hotel from the marina, but Bryce decides to stroll leisurely, holding my hand as if we have all the time in the world. He obviously doesn’t know how ‘frustrated’ I am.

  “Bryce, where’s your freaking key?” I whine as he looks through his wallet.

  “In a hurry, baby girl?” He smirks.

  Oh, now he wants to be a smartass? Two can play this game. I start to squirm and dance around. “Well, I have to use the restroom, so yeah, I’m in a hurry.” I lie and smile sweetly.

  Darkness clouds his face, and he slips the key into the reader and then pushes the door open with force. I slide past him but don’t get more than a few feet when his hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me to him. Before I know what’s happening, he has me pressed up against the door, lifting me so my legs circle his waist. My hands clutch at his shirt, and when our eyes lock, my breath hitches. His gaze is full of pure lust.

  “Bryce—” I groan.

  “No, babe, no talking. I’ve been dreaming about touching you for longer than you can imagine. Feeling your body against mine, hearing you moan, watching you come. Kissing, licking, claiming every inch of your body. Teaching you how a real man can take care of you. I’m not going to make love to you tonight, but I am going to worship you.”

  His hands grip my ass, and I push into him, silently begging for him to touch me. One hands slides against the silky material of my panties and pulls gently at the side. It snaps easily, and he does the same thing with the other side. The material falls to the floor between us, and I inhale deeply, a desperate need building from inside. I can’t remember a time my body craved anything as much as his touch.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  “Please what?”

  “Touch me.”

  “With fucking pleasure.”

  His hand goes between my legs, and his fingers find my slick center easily. He uses one finger and glides it along the line of my seam, barely inserting. My core coils with anticipation, waiting for him to slip it inside.

  “So wet. Is this for me, Devon?”

  “Yes, only you.”

  He slides one finger in followed by another, and I moan, throwing my head back against the door. My hips thrust into his hand. He moves his thumb to my clit and rubs it in slow circles. My nipples strain against the fabric of my dress, aching to be touched. He leans into me, biting down on my neck and then kissing the sting away. Sensations start at the pit of my stomach, and I shamelessly purr.

  He moves his finger expertly inside me, and when he hits my g-spot, I scream out. The orgasm erupts, and I clutch onto him, mumbling incoherently as the fiery explosion sends tingling through my veins.

  “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard,” he says against my skin.

  I drop my head forward in the crook of his neck and try to catch my breath. Air hits my bare ass, and I realize we’re moving. Bryce lays me down gently on the bed and moves down to take off my shoes. Finally, I open my eyes and watch him pull his shirt out of his jeans and kick off his own shoes.

  “Let me.” I sit up on my knees and reach for him. Lifting his shirt, I lick my lips at the sight in front of me. Throwing the shirt to the side, I lean in and kiss a trail across his chest from shoulder to shoulder and then down until I reach his belly button.

  With shaky hands, I undo his belt and unbutton his pants. He cups my chin and gently urges me to look up. When our eyes meet, my pulse races. His gaze is filled with passion and desire. I rise up to kiss him, lightly running my lips across his before slipping my tongue inside.

  The urgency from earlier returns as my heart slams in my chest. Years of longing and loving this man flash through my mind, and I can no longer wait.

  His hand covers mine as I lower his zipper and feel the straining bulge against the waistband of his boxers. His jeans fall to the ground, and he kicks them off. He breaks our kiss for a second and pulls my dress over my head, his eyes growing wide when he sees I’m not wearing a bra. Then he goes right back to kissing me.

  Keeping our lips locked, he leans into me, pushing me back on the bed. The warmth of his skin covers my naked body, and the familiar ache returns. His fingers thread through mine, and he raises my arms over my head. I wrap my legs around his waist and lock my ankles, pulling his hips to mine. The cotton material of his boxers is a flimsy barrier between us.

  With no shame, I rock against him, searching for relief. He groans and breaks away, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Baby, stop.” He tries to move back, but I tighten my thighs.


  His hands release mine, and he pushes up, hovering over me. His eyes rake down until they land on my chest. I look down to see my nipples tight and pebbled. He swivels his hips slightly, hitting me exactly where I need. When I groan, he lowers himself and takes one aching nipple into his mouth, sucking hard.

  My mind and body both swirl in pleasure. Arching into him, I loosen my grip around his waist. He takes advantage and spreads his thighs, unlatching me from him. The smug grin he gives me briefly shakes me out of my euphoria, but his mouth goes back to my chest, sucking and massaging each of my nipples. He kisses down my breastbone and slowly lowers himself.

  “Jesus Christ. You’re almost bare, so wet, waiting for me to taste you.” His words send a shiver up my spine.

  When his lips touch my clit, I whimper. His tongue curls into me, and I buck my hips. He grabs my ass to hold me still and then swirls his tongue inside of me. One finger slides inside, and I grip the comforter, squirming. My release builds slowly. When his thumb touches my clit, my vision becomes blurry, and I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the tingling sensations run through me. His mouth expertly works me into a frenzy. When the orgasm hits, I chant his name loudly.

  Bryce kisses a trail back up my body and nuzzles his face in my neck. “So fucking beautiful.”

  We lay still for a minute, clinging to each other. His raging length is pressed into my hip, and I know it has to be painful.

  Without warning, I use all my strength to twist and roll, trapping him under me. The surprised look on his face makes me smile.

  “Bryce, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m not as innocent as you think.”

  He opens his mouth to speak, but I cover it with my fingertips. “You see, as your girlfriend, it’s my job to take care of you, too. First things first, the boxers have to go.” I scoot down his body and pull the offending material with me. When they are past his knees, he shakes them off.

  Seeing Bryce naked is better than I ever could have imagined. It’s obvious how physically fit he is, but his body is made for worshipping. As soon as my eyes land on his cock, I lick my lips. He’s hard and thick, his length reaching his navel. I look up to find him smirking.

  “See something you like, baby?” There’s a teasing glint in his eyes.

  I crawl up his body and kiss along his exposed skin until I reach his mouth, using my tongue to outline his lips. “Yeah, I see something I like.” I grind against him, knowing my core is still soaked and he feels it.

  I slowly push myself back down until I’m e
ye level with the tip of his dick. It’s glistening, and when I lick the slit, Bryce groans loudly. His hands move to my scalp, where he clasps tightly.

  “Devon, you don’t have to do this,” he pants.

  “I want to taste you.” Lowering my lips back down, I take as much of him as possible. His grip tightens when I use my tongue to circle his head and nip lightly. His low moans become louder so I increase my suction, bringing him all the way in my mouth and hitting the back of my throat. My hand moves between his legs and squeezes his balls firmly.

  Bryce jack-knifes up, grabbing my shoulders, trying to move me, but I don’t budge. His hips buck into my mouth three more times until he yells my name and falls back on the bed. Hot, salty liquid coats my throat, and I swallow him greedily, continuing to massage his balls. When I know he’s through, my lips slide off him, making sure to suck his crown one last time.

  He’s still breathing heavily when I slink up his body. It’s my turn to nuzzle into his neck and listen to him regain his breath. Both arms lock around me, and he kisses my temple lightly.

  “I’m fucking screwed,” he says.


  “Because I just got the best blow job of my life, which makes me fucking thrilled. But I’m scared to know how you learned to do that.”

  A giggle escapes, and I lean up, bracing myself on his chest. “That was not a result of the loser list, Bryce. That comes from hours of reading smut romance and Cosmopolitan, and Quinn and I may have researched a few things online—purely for educational purposes.”

  Relief flashes on his face, and he pulls me close, rolling us so we can scoot under the covers.

  “So is my girlfriend feeling a little better? Sexual tension eliminated?”

  “Huh, maybe. You think you’ve got a few more magic moves before we leave in the morning? We need to stockpile my orgasms until Spring Break, which is two months away.”

  His face scrunches at me. “Why Spring Break?”

  “I figured that was the earliest we’d see each other, unless my project gets picked up for the exhibit.”

  “No, babe. We’ll figure something out.”


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