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The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

Page 16

by Amelia Wilson

  I’m surprised there are even restaurants on Avrox. They’re nothing like the ones I’ve been to on Earth. In fact, they’re a lot more laid back, as if you’re eating on someone’s front porch. Still, the décor is very nice at this place, and it’s nice to be outside. I pick at my strange food, wondering where all the pizza went. I’d give anything right now for another slice. Zayin sits in front of me, picking his teeth with the end of a fork. He’s been glaring at me the whole time, and occasionally slipping his hand under the table to grab my knee, laughing every time I cry out in surprise. I can’t let this date end, or else I’ll have to give myself to him. I have to think harder if I’m going to get out of this mess.

  I’ve tried to initiate all kinds of small talk, but he’s not giving me anything. He’s too busy thinking about what’s going to come after this dinner. “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I say. A classic move when a date isn’t going well. I get up and walk towards what I assume is the restroom.

  As I turn the corner, out of sight, I feel someone grab my arm. I swivel around, startled to see Killuk standing there, a piece of paper in his hand.

  “Killuk!” I say, my mouth agape. I can’t believe we’ve bumped into each other again. I thought after last night, we’d be separated for sure. Something is off about him, though. He looks panicked, and his hand is shaking beside him.

  “No time to explain,” he says, his voice serious. Before I can even ask, he puts the paper in my hand. “Read this. Do what it says. And don’t open it in front of Zayin!”

  He’s gone before I can even ask another question. I look down at the paper in my hands. Now mine are shaking as I open it up. Scrawled in scribbled handwriting is a note: Meet me at the large rock near the cliffs tonight. We have to talk.

  I feel a jump in my chest. I have a weird idea that it could be related to whatever is going on with the Mating Facility.

  “What took you so long?” Zayin says when I return to the table.

  “I think it’s something in this food,” I lie. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Killuk rushing from a cluster of bushes, and bounding down a rocky path. I concoct a quick escape, putting a mouthful of food into my mouth when Zayin isn’t looking. I cough and choke, making a real scene before I pretend to vomit up my food. Zayin’s face twists in horror. “So sorry,” I say in between coughs. “I feel really sick. Like…really.”

  Zayin tried to take me back, but I insisted that Earth sicknesses are highly contagious and that I’d have to lock myself away for the rest of the night. I’m sure he was disappointed that we didn’t get to mate, but I have other important matters that I need to figure out.

  Killuk has taken me to a rocky cliff, overlooking the ocean.

  “It’s beautiful,” I tell him. He seems lost in the tossing and turning of the waves.

  “I have an island out there, where I like to go to,” he says. “Whenever I’m not training, of course.”

  “What are you training for?” I ask.

  He laughs, rubbing his hand along the soft stubble of his hair. “Nothing, yet,” he says. “I was chosen to fight, while I was still young, but to be honest, I don’t really know why. I’m not even a good fighter.”

  “Then what are you good at?” I ask.

  He points down to the water under our feet. “I love to swim,” he says. “And pretty soon, I’m going to learn how to sail. But trees surround most of Avrox. There aren’t too many bodies of water here.”

  “Well you’d love Earth, then,” I tell him. “Our planet is seventy-one percent water!”

  His eyes widen with delight. “How else will you surprise me, Isabel,” he asks.

  “Oh, it’s Izzy,” I tell him. “Or Lizzy Izzy if you’re my friend, Jen.” I laugh, but I can sense he’s thinking about something else. “What did you want to talk about?” I ask.

  He looks right into my eyes, and for some reason I already know what he’s going to say. “I think there’s been a mistake,” he says. “The Avroxee Mates Program must have done something wrong because –and this might sound crazy– but I think you and I …”

  “We’re supposed to be together,” I say. He nods. “Ever since I saw you in the waiting room, I had this weird feeling—“

  “Me too!”

  “You too? Oh, thank the gods. And then I saw you at the gathering last night. We were having so much fun together, and I just didn’t understand how we’d been matched up with the mates we were,” he says.

  I feel myself sinking, remembering the strange watery void from my dream. I know it has to be Killuk. There is no other way to explain it. His hand lies next to mine, just waiting for me to reach for it. I act impulsively, weaving my fingers into his. I probably shouldn’t, but something about this feels so right.

  He looks like he’s about to say something, but I don’t want to hear anything. I want to see this for myself. Without thinking, I tenderly reach for his face, pulling him closer to me. I wrap my lips around his, feeling the warmth of his kiss. He softens under my touch, leaning more into me and soon we’re wrapped in each other’s arms on this cliff above the ocean.

  It feels exactly like my dream, and in this moment, I know for sure that we’re supposed to be a match. I can tell he’s thinking the same by the way he’s grabbing for me, pulling me closer towards him as his hands search up and down my back. This is all happening so fast, but I never want it to end. My lips find their way across his cheek and onto the firmness of his neck, where I give him a soft and playful bite.

  I’ve created an invitation for him now, to touch wherever he wants. I don’t care. I’m just relieved and excited to know that I’ve maybe found my Avroxee. His hands grab hungrily for my breasts, kneading them softly with his thumbs. I moan softly in between our kisses, as my fingers move towards his waist, spreading apart the folds in his tunic. I’m amazed to feel something long and hard against my palm, and I clasp him gently in my hand. I’m teasing him just enough, sliding up and down, his skin warm and soft under my touch. I clutch him harder and he breathes heavier now as I firmly work my hand faster along his shaft.

  I can feel warmth in between my legs, and realize that I’m just as excited as he is. I want to just climb on top of him and let him take me here so we can finish what we started so long ago. Instead, I resort to gently rubbing the tip of him, enough to send him into a frenzy. Just as he grabs for me, though, a rustling nearby disturbs us.

  We immediately let go of each other, the perfect moment shattered between us.

  “What was that?” I ask.

  “I don’t know,” he says breathlessly as he scans the nearby bushes. We wait, silent and terrified, and even a little disappointed. “I think we should meet again soon,” he says. “There’s a better place; more private. We might not be safe here.”

  I nod in agreement. “I should get back, then,” I say, standing up. Before I leave, he grabs my hand.

  “I know it, and you know it,” he says. “There’s something going on, and I think we can figure it out before you have to leave.”

  “We should figure it out before Zayin tries to claim me,” I say. “I can only make up so many excuses to get him away from me.”

  We quickly kiss each other goodnight. It’s rushed and feels horrible, with my heart tugging at the thought of leaving him so soon. But, we’ll figure this out together, and as I sneak towards the village path, I’m relieved that I’m no longer making this plan alone…



  I’m pretty bad at fighting, but today I’m absolutely of no use at all to my trainer. I’ve been knocked down today more times than I can count, and it’s all because I can’t stop thinking about Isabel…or Izzy. Last night I dreamed of what could have happened between us on that cliff, cursing fate for not allowing us just a few more moments of privacy. What I could have done with her in those few moments makes me swell up with excitement. however, I can’t get aroused here. I’d be humiliated for sure.

  I’m also con
cerned with another feeling of mine. Dread, maybe? I can’t explain it, but I have this strange idea that something might be wrong. Maybe it’s me being overly cautious about whatever was that sound last night. Still, I can’t believe that Izzy thinks the same way about me that I do about her. It only confirms my suspicions of why we aren’t together.

  My trainer gives up on me for the day, insisting that I spend more time with my mate. I forgot that Ava has been at the mating quarters for a while now. Anytime I try to make contact, though, she never answers. I assume she has already found someone else to occupy her , which actually fills me with relief. I can put more of my energy into Izzy now, and into figuring out how I can prove that she and I a true match.

  I walk back to my hut, already thinking of what we can do to clear this up with the facility. I suppose the True Love Effect might be the key to all of this, but when Izzy was touching me last night I didn’t get the glow at all. I’ve heard that sometimes intercourse brings it out best, and the thought of intercourse with Izzy only brings more crazy thoughts to my mind.

  I throw my staff against the wall, and am about to write another message to Izzy. However, when I reach for my quill, I notice something lodged into my table – a dagger. It’s long and jagged, built from the razor-like teeth of a Quetsie bird. The sight of it makes a chill run up and down my spine. I notice a piece of parchment underneath it, stabbed right through with such force that I can almost feel the malice of whoever placed it there.

  I unfurl the document. A message has been scribbled in a shaky hand; one that I don’t recognize, but it has to have been written by an Avroxee. It’s in our native language, and usually the mates from other worlds don’t know how to read or write it. I glance down at the harrowing message in front of me:

  “We are the eyes and ears of this village. We see all. We hear all. We can, and will, take all. Stay away from the Earth Girl. This is your first and only warning. He will not give you any more.”

  There’s a signature at the bottom. “The Keepers of the Peace.” The symbols glare up at me. Ink splatters pepper the parchment. It’s a threat, and they’re trying to scare me with the dagger. Who are they? Better yet, who’s the man they’re talking about? My first thought isn’t for my life, though. It’s that Isabel might be in danger, and I need to find her and let her know that we might be up against something truly terrible.

  I know that I have to get a message to Izzy right away, but I’m not sure if she’ll be able to sneak away from Zayin as she did last night. I grab some parchment and my quill and hastily scribble a note. I stuff it and the threatening letter into my satchel and throw on my sandals. I leave the dagger lying on the table. I want these “keepers” to see that I got their message, and to know that I have no intention of following their orders.

  I’m not sure if Izzy was able to come up with an excuse to not see Zayin today. I assume she’ll be waiting in the mating quarters, and so I make my way there. Luckily, she’s on the same floor as Ava, and I take the winding metal steps up to the second floor.

  I can’t stand the contrast of the facility’s modern-looking décor next to the humble rustic designs of Avrox. It’s almost as if the mating program has dissolved into our cities somehow, but never really conformed to our tastes. Maybe I’m just bitter at them for making a mistake. Then again, we don’t even have proof that they messed up, only the assumptions that Izzy and I have made. I try not to think about this, and push aside the fear that maybe we’re not really meant to be together.

  I find Izzy’s door. I remember the message I got and how they said they’re always watching us, always listening. Maybe it’s just an empty threat. Then, why are my legs going weak? And why does it feel as if eyes are burning into the back of my head? I can’t risk knocking, so I slide the note under the door, but I don’t know if Zayin is in there.

  I start to formulate a plan, and walk to the next room over and knock. Ava opens the door, wearing a see-through gown. It’s showing everything she’s got underneath, and I avert my eyes, diverting my thoughts towards ones of Izzy. “Oh, I thought you’d never show up,” she says, almost disappointed. “Sorry to disturb you,” I tell her. She lets me in, and I start to work out my plan.

  Ava shows me the room. It’s one bedroom, with a bathroom off to the side. As I look around, I notice an enormous tub of lubricant on the nightstand. Most of it has already been used up.

  “I see you’ve had visitors,” I say. She looks at me, offended. “Well, what do you expect?” She asks harshly. “You haven’t exactly been a good host, have you?”

  I hold up my hands. “Look,” I say. “I don’t care what you do while you’re here. Obviously there’s been some kind of mistake with the selection process.”

  “Of course it’s a mistake!” She exclaims. “I was with a much shorter guy during the selection. He was perfect! Look at you, as tall as a yannin stalk. Can you imagine my disappointment?”

  “Oh, I can definitely imagine it,” I say, noticing a balcony at the back of the room. Perfect. “Are the neighbors having better luck than we are?” I ask, casually making my way towards the sliding door. Ava perks up on the bed, delighted to gossip.

  “The people on this side are absolute animals,” she says excitedly, pointing to one wall. It isn’t connected to Izzy’s room to my relief. I pretend to listen to her as I’m finally outside, looking over at Izzy’s balcony to my left. I reach into my pocket and pull out the notes, folding them neatly, and checking to make sure nobody is looking.

  “The one over there is dead silent, though. Her mate will come in. Large fellow, kind of scary for my taste,” Ava prattles on. “They’re either really quiet when they mate or they’re not mating at all. It might be the second possibility. He always leaves really pissed off.”

  I lean over the thick wall of the balcony, my arms desperately stretching towards Izzy’s as I inch my way closer. There’s a potted plant on the edge of her balcony, and I manage to lift it just enough to scoot my notes underneath. I breathe a sigh of relief as I slide off the wall, but I’m terrified as soon as I knock over Ava’s potted plant. It falls and falls, until it shatters loudly onto the ground.

  “What was that?” Ava demands.

  A door opens, but it’s not hers. It’s Isabel. She steps outside and my face lights up, but is quickly dampened when Zayin also comes out onto the balcony.

  “What’s going on here?” He says. Before I know it, Ava is by my side. Izzy’s eyes widen at the sight of her getup, and flash a glance of disapproval at me. I know Zayin is watching, and I can’t explain myself here.

  “Oh, hi. I was just waiting for her to get ready,” I say, gesturing to Ava. “Sorry to interrupt your, uh, mating session.” Zayin looks at me suspiciously, but I keep a steady, cheesy grin on my face. He decides I’m not a threat and goes inside. “You should really check out the plants here on Avrox,” I tell Izzy casually. “They’re truly fascinating. Full of surprises.”

  Her glare softens as she realizes what I’m trying to say. She nods at me. To my surprise she even winks, a common Earth gesture to show an understanding between two people with a plan.

  I say goodbye to Ava and head back towards the training grounds. I can only hope that Izzy will get my message. As I look back, I can see Zayin leaving her room. He is instantly surrounded by his gang of cronies. My gut tells me that he could be involved in this whole thing. I just hope we can get to the bottom of it before it’s too late…



  “What illness could you possibly have this time?” Zayin asks as he paces around my bed. I have the covers pulled around my head, making myself appear as pathetic and ill as I can. I’ve been trying everything I can to keep him away from me; ever since the date we had the other day. Now, I can tell I’m starting to run out of excuses. Hopefully, this will be the last one I have to make.

  “It’s so cold in here,” I say, mustering the best shivers that I can. Each night I try to come up with ano
ther sickness, blaming it on Avrox’s atmosphere and climate. It seems to be working, and I can usually make up an excuse to get him and his gang of creeps away from my room.

  Unfortunately, I can tell Zayin’s sexual frustration has reached its peak, and soon he just might risk getting a deadly virus, if it means he can also get some relief. Still, I’m able to get him out of my room one more time. As soon as he’s gone, I reach for my nightstand, and pull out the notes that Killuk stashed under the flowerpot on my balcony. I must admit his cleverness is a highly attractive trait.

  His note is so troubling. Someone must have seen us the other night, and is determined to keep us apart. Killuk’s message is just as concerning. He suggests we start looking around the facility, to figure out what’s going on. I’m devastated that I couldn’t get another message to him, and for a while I wrestle with the idea of going to the facility alone. It might be too suspicious if we both go, and I can sneak off later tonight to tell him of any findings.

  I slip out of my bathrobe and into some normal clothes. Luckily I’m able to blend in with the Avroxee garments that have been placed in my room. I head for the door, but remember something. I crouch to the floor, and notice two pair of feet standing by the door, Zayin’s creeps. I feel a lump in my throat as I remember the threat that Killuk received. I think it’s safe for me to assume who’s behind all of this. Still, I need to find out for myself.

  I rip out a sheet of the complementary paper on the nightstand and scribble a quick note before heading towards the balcony. I’ll place it under the flowerpot now that Killuk and I have established it as our personal mailbox.


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