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Hometown Christmas

Page 6

by Joleen James

"I'll be back," the nurse said on her way out.

  "Thank you." Tawny settled back against the pillows. She and Rick had a lot to talk about. She loved him so much and she intended to make sure that he knew it.

  "Hey," Rick said as he came into the room, a cup of coffee in his hand. "You're awake. How do you feel?"

  "Good. Better." She smiled. "Sounds like I might get out of here today."

  "That's great news." Stubble coated his jaw. His hair was messed up. She was sure he'd been wearing those same clothes at the cabin. "Have you slept at all?"

  "Some." He took a seat. "This recliner is surprisingly comfortable."

  "You should go home," she said. "Shower and rest."

  "Do I look that bad?" He took a sip of coffee.

  "Yes," she teased, but to her he'd never looked better.

  "You seem more like yourself today," he said, taking her hand. "You know what I want for Christmas?"


  "You, home, healthy."

  She saw such love in his eyes. "I love you. When we were trapped in the cabin all I could think about was how we'd left things between us."

  "Don't think about that now," Rick said, his fingers tightening around hers. "We are fine. I was out of line with my demands. Nothing is more important to me than you. I love you. I need you."

  They were interrupted by a man bringing in her breakfast tray.

  The doctor came next, telling her she was a lucky girl and he'd be releasing her that afternoon.

  Tawney was resting again when she heard, "Is she awake?"

  Star! "Yes," Tawney said, eager to see her sister. "Come in."

  Star was in a wheelchair, her baby in her arms. Cade pushed her into the room.

  "I wanted to come sooner, but you were always sleeping," Star said. "How are you? You look good."

  "I'm fine," Tawney said, so happy to see Star. "You look great." And her sister did look fantastic. She glowed with happiness. "How is Patricia?"

  "See for yourself," Star said. "Cade?"

  Cade took the baby from Star and brought her to Tawney.

  Tawney didn't hesitate. She took Patricia into her arms. Tears filled her eyes as she gazed at the tiny, perfect face of the sweetest little girl ever.

  "Hi, Patricia," Tawney said. "Aren't you gorgeous? I’m your Aunt Tawney and I love you so much."

  The baby yawned.

  "And obviously she's bored with me." Tawney laughed, her attention on the baby. "You're such a beautiful, special girl. And you have the best mother in the whole world."

  "Hey, what about me?" Cade asked with humor.

  "And the best daddy." Tawney glanced at Cade. "Thank you for bringing her to see me."

  "We're heading home," Star said. "I can't wait to get there."

  "We're hoping to go home today as well," Rick said.

  "You are?" Star beamed. "That's wonderful news. Maybe we can salvage this Christmas after all."

  Ruby poked her head into the room. "Hi."

  "Ruby," Tawney said. "Come and see the baby."

  Ruby and Dane came in, followed by Brandi and Bud.

  Tawney's heart filled with love for the people in the room. "I'm so happy to see everyone. Look at this beautiful baby."

  They all cooed over Patricia. The little bundle was passed from sister to sister. Soon the visit was over. Tawney said goodbye to Star first, then the others.

  When it was just her and Rick again, he said, "You okay? They didn't tire you out too much, did they?"

  "No," she said, her eyes on him. "None of the girls mentioned our time at the cabin, but it's there between us."

  "Do you want to talk about it?" Rick leaned forward in his chair. "I'm a good listener."

  "No," she said. "Not right now. It's enough that it's in my head like a bad horror movie."

  "I'm here for you, T," he said. "We all are."

  "I know."

  He kissed the back of her hand. "Rest. Soon we will be home. We can sort all of that out together. All of us."

  The nurse came into the room. "Who wants to go home?" She smiled.

  "Me," Tawney said.

  "You can get dressed, honey," the nurse said. "I'll bring the discharge papers in soon. Looks like you'll be home for Christmas Eve."


  Everything was covered with snow, but the roads were passable. Tawney drank in the winter scenery as they drove home from the hospital. Everything was blanketed in white. It was a true Christmas snow.

  Rick turned the corner toward the cottage. Home. She loved the cozy cottage, couldn't wait to get inside. It seemed like she'd been gone forever.

  Rick pulled into the garage and cut the engine. "Stay put and I'll come around to help you."

  "I'm fine," she told him. And she was. Her head barely hurt anymore. Her body was in great shape, with just minor aches and pains. The cut on her lip bothered her more than anything, but it was a minimal annoyance at best.

  Rick opened her door and helped her out, walking her inside.

  "It's warm in here," she said, surprised. "Oh, and the Christmas tree is lit. And it smells like hot cider." She glanced at Rick.

  "I had Ruby and Dane stop by and get the place ready for us."

  "That was nice," she said, as Rick helped her out of her jacket.

  She wandered to the tree. "The presents from the cabin are here."

  "I thought you'd like to give them to your sisters."

  She smiled. "Thank you."

  "Do you want to lie down?" Rick asked.

  "What I'd like is a nice, hot shower."

  "Okay," he said. "One shower coming up."

  Tawney followed him to the bedroom. Rick passed through to the bathroom and turned on the tap while she got rid of her clothes. She snagged her comfy Christmas pajamas on her way into the bathroom, setting the clothes on the lid of the toilet.

  Rick took her arm and she stepped into the shower.

  "I'm okay, really," she said. "Not dizzy at all."

  "Are you sure?" he asked. "You know I'm happy to get in and assist."

  "Come on in," she said. "I'm sure you need a shower, too."

  He shucked his clothes and joined her, helping her soap up. This wasn't an erotic shower like they usually shared; this shower was tender, more of a cleansing of both the inside and out. Something they both needed after everything they'd been through the past few days.

  The washing of bodies done, they came together. Rick held her as the warm spray of the water washed over them. It felt so good to be in his arms, safe. A dam of emotion built inside her and she let herself remember the fear and anger Mr. Tall and the short one had caused her. Tears came and Tawney sobbed against Rick's shoulder.

  Rick stroked her back. "Let it out, baby. I'm here."

  Tawney cried for her sisters, for baby Patricia, for herself and the fact they were all safe. She cried for Rick and the fragile state of her marriage. She needed this release for so many reasons.

  When the crying stopped, she raised her face to the shower spray washing away the tears.

  Rick smoothed the hair from her forehead. "Okay?"

  "Yes." She smiled. "I guess I needed to cry."

  "You've been through a trauma," Rick said. "I'd think it strange if you didn't cry."

  She nodded.

  "Ready to get out?"

  "I am."

  He turned the water off, wrapping Tawney in a thick towel. He dried her everywhere, then helped her into her fleece pajamas before drying himself off.

  Tawney made her way to the sofa, her eyes on her beautiful Christmas tree—this one decorated with gorgeous Victorian ornaments. Sparkles, glitter, lights. She couldn't get enough of the sight.

  "Cider?" Rick asked as he walked by on his way to the kitchen.

  "Please. Everyone is gathering at Star's tonight for Christmas Eve."

  Rick brought her the cider.

  Tawney inhaled the apple spiced scent before taking a sip.

  "Do you want to go?" Rick asked. "Are yo
u well enough?"

  Tawney set her cider on the coffee table. "What I want is to spend Christmas Eve with you. Just you and me. Together."

  Rick sat beside her and pulled her into his arms. "You read my mind. I'm not ready to share you yet."

  Tawney looked into his eyes. "Don't ever doubt that I love you."

  "No doubts," Rick said just before he kissed her.

  * * *

  Rick hummed along to a Christmas carol as he cleaned up their dinner dishes. Tawney's appetite was back. She'd had no trouble inhaling the Tabor Christmas seafood stew he'd made her, using his great grandma's recipe.

  From the living room, Tawney called out, "Come on, I want to open my present."

  He shut the light off in the kitchen. "It's not Christmas morning yet." The glow of the Christmas tree softened the room making everything more beautiful, including his wife.

  "I can't wait." She clapped her hands. "You know I'm a Christmas nut. Besides, tomorrow morning will be crazy with all of us together, so many presents. Tonight it's about you and me."

  "Okay," he said, settling on the sofa next to her. Even dressed in pajamas, Tawney's beauty floored him. She'd always been the one for him, even when they'd been teenagers.

  "You go first." She passed him a box wrapped in shiny blue paper covered in glittering snowflakes, a big white bow on top. Tawney smiled. "I hope you like it. Agreeing to get each other only one gift made this super hard for me."

  Rick gave the box a shake.

  Tawney's eyes danced with merriment.

  He tore the paper, opening the box. Moving the tissue aside, he lifted out a photo. His parents and him. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. They'd gone to the ice festival to see the ice carving his grandfather had done of the cabin. In the photo, he stood with his parents in front of the ice cabin. He remembered the sting of the cold on his cheeks, the warmth of his father's arm around his shoulders. He remembered the love in his mother's eyes. Even now he missed them. They'd been killed in a car accident shortly after that day.

  A sweet ache started in his chest. He glanced up at Tawney. "Where did you get this?"

  "From your Aunt June," she said. "I went to her and asked for photos. I couldn’t find any around here."

  "I love it," Rick said, his throat tight with emotion. "You've given me back a beautiful memory." He blinked away tears. What was happening to him? He'd been a sentimental marshmallow since Tawney had been hurt.

  She touched his cheek. "They will always be in your heart."

  He nodded. "Thank you. It's a wonderful gift."

  "My turn." She clapped her hands together again.

  Rick smiled, passing her a small box wrapped in shiny red paper. The silver bow had little bells attached.

  "Oh!" Tawney gave the box a shake and the bells tinkled. "I love the bow! You're doing great so far. Remember, the wrapping is half the gift."

  He laughed. How could this woman take him from tears to laughter in the space of a second?

  Tawney carefully removed the bow before unwrapping the box. She lifted the lid. "A pouch." She smiled, holding up the soft black pouch. She loosened the drawstring and reached inside.

  "Oh, my," She held up the necklace. "Is it an amethyst?"

  "Yes. My father gave my mother this necklace on the day I was born. She wore it often."

  "It's beautiful," Tawney said. "Look how the stone catches the light, turning it a dark purple. And I love the antique chain and setting. The color is unusual, almost copper. I love it. I love that it has so much meaning for you, for our family."

  She held the necklace out, lifting her hair so he could fasten the chain. Tawney ran her hand over the stone. "Thank you."

  "I'm glad you like it." The stone glowed against her skin, catching the lights on the Christmas tree.

  "It's perfect." She leaned in to kiss him.

  He took her face in his hands, kissing her, unable to get enough of his wife.

  "Take me to bed," she said against his lips.

  "Are you recovered enough?" More than anything he wanted to make love to her, to show her how precious she was to him.

  She moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, "Be gentle with me."

  Rick wanted her with every fiber of his being. He wanted to erase the past few days from her mind and fill her head with good memories. He helped her up.

  They looked into each other's eyes, the glow of the Christmas tree surrounding them.

  "Put your arms around my neck," he said.

  She did, and he picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom. He placed her on the bed carefully. She smiled as she began unbuttoning her pajamas. Rick pulled her bottoms off.

  Naked, wearing only the necklace, she watched him, her eyes like glowing jewels as he shucked off his own pajama pants and t-shirt, and then they were together, skin to skin.

  He kissed her, deeply. Tawney moaned.

  "I'll use protection," he said. "No more arguing about kids. I want what you want. I want you."

  "No." She pressed a finger to his lips. "I want a baby. I just didn't know I did. Being with Star at the cabin, talking things out with my sisters, I realized I was afraid to raise a child, afraid to be that happy. My fear was pulling us apart. I’m not afraid anymore, not with you by my side."

  "Are you sure?" he asked, her words making him love her even more than he thought possible.

  "Yes, and how wonderful would it be if we made a baby on Christmas Eve." She smiled.

  Rick kissed her again, and again, and again.

  And when he finished making love to Tawney, he knew she had no doubt of just how much he loved her.


  December 25th, Christmas Morning

  Tawney stepped into the O'Brien house and grinned.

  "Merry Christmas," Cade said, taking a bag of gifts from Rick.

  "Merry Christmas, Cade." Tawney gave her brother-in-law a kiss on the cheek.

  "You look good," Cade said.

  "Don't sound so surprised." She laughed. "I'm tough."

  "I'll give you that." Cade smiled.

  "Merry Christmas, Cade." Rick shook Cade's hand.

  "Same to you, buddy," Cade said. "Come on in. This party is just getting started."

  They gave Cade their coats before hitting the living room. All the people Tawney loved most in the world were there. Brandi, Bud, and Will. Ruby, Dane, and Ellery. Cade's brother Ron, his wife, Trudy, and son, Daniel. Cade's and Star's kids, Brad, Finn, and Emma. Star. She sat on the sofa, holding Patricia.

  Tawney made a beeline for Star. "Merry Christmas," she said to everyone in the room.

  "Merry Christmas," the group called out all at once.

  "Sit here." Star made room for Tawney.

  "How are you?" Tawney asked as Star passed her the baby.

  "Never better," Star said. "You girls did a great job delivering Patricia. We both came through the birth just fine."

  "Thank God." Tawney touched Patricia's soft cheek. "She's so beautiful, Star."

  "I know." Star smiled. "You look good with a baby, T."

  "I want one," Tawney said. "You helped change my mind."

  "Really?" Star squeezed Tawney's hand. "I'm so happy for you."

  "You look so much better, Tawney," Ruby said as she joined them.

  Brandi also came over. "We made it, girls. We survived."

  "I think we kicked butt at the end." Ruby made a punching motion with her fist. "Pow."

  "I don't want to talk about Mr. Tall and the short one now," Tawney said. "I'm too happy."

  Ruby laughed. "Mr. Tall and the short one? Hysterical."

  "That's what I named them in my head," Tawney said. "I know we all need to talk but not today. Let's just be Christmas crazy."

  "Sounds good," Star said.

  "I have a little something for each of you," Tawney said. "I brought these gifts to the cabin, but we never got to open them. Brandi, can you reach in my bag and pass out the gifts?"

  "Sure." Brandi p
ulled three beautifully wrapped packages from Tawney's bag. "Brides?"

  Each package had a small bride ornament attached to the bow.

  "Darling," Star said, taking her package from Brandi.

  Ruby accepted her gift.

  "Go ahead," Tawney said. "Open them." She smiled at Patricia who now slept in her arms.

  The sisters began tearing the paper.

  Star uncovered her photo first. Her eyes filled with tears. "It's us and Patsy the first Christmas we spent here. I'm holding you, Brandi."

  "I'm a baby." Brandi stared at her own photo.

  "I remember that Christmas," Ruby said. "It was magical. Santa came in a big way. Patsy always had the best trees. They smelled so good."

  "Alaska Christmas trees," Brandi said. "The best."

  "That moment in the photo, that's when I became a Christmas nut," Tawney said. "I've held onto that photo for years. I think I’m feeling a little sentimental this Christmas."

  "Thank you, Tawney," Star said. "This is a wonderful gift. I'll treasure it always."

  "So will I." Ruby smiled.

  Brandi nodded, holding the photo close to her chest.

  A knock sounded at the door and a minute later Destiny and Earl entered the room, their arms full of packages.

  "Merry Christmas," Destiny called in a sing-song voice.

  Ruby got up to greet her parents. Tawney watched with envy as Ruby hugged her dad. What did it feel like to have a father? Tawney looked at Patricia. She had the best parents in Star and Cade. And when her own baby was born, he or she would have a great father in Rick. Tawney smiled. The sisters were breaking the cycle of bad marriages Destiny had started. Despite their mother, all four girls were happy in love.

  Joy filled Tawney's heart.

  The door sounded again, and Rick's Aunt June joined them.

  Rick helped his aunt with her presents and coat.

  "How are you doing, tiny dancer?" Destiny asked, filling the seat Ruby had vacated.

  "Great," Tawney said. "Want to hold Patricia?"

  "You know I do." Destiny held her arms out for the baby. "Oh, look at that sweet face. I could eat you up."

  Star laughed. "She's my little Christmas angel."

  "I've said it before," Destiny said, "you always were a little mother, Star. A natural."

  "I guess I agree with that statement now," Star said. "It took me a while to get here, but I've never been happier."


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