New Homeport Island
Page 23
haha, come here and be my Captain.” Artimus made odd wheezing noises and became dizzy. Sounding as though he were passing out from the shear intensity of his erection Artimus repeatedly issued the phrase, “You fuck…you fuck…” Homo- erotica had always been a power play intimidation to Dave and now it seemed it was to be his life style.
Charlie McCree was standing near a pentagon wall and said, “Well, that’s freedom for ya’. I would like to state for the record…once again…at least I’m not a chubby chaser.” Sam
Tomly standing next to her asked, “How is the master chief, I mean…your old man?” Charlie replied, “Well, fuck you. But we’re doing fine.’’ Sam replied, “Glad to hear it.” and walked away to check on the patrols.
I sat again tending to the grooming of the women. Athena’s ankle rest on my shoulder as I singed the hair on her inner thigh,
Athena whispered in a hush, “Be careful down there.” Flush with overwhelming arousal I replied in a similar whisper, “I am.” as I slid my hand smoothly over her thigh. From the deepth’s of relaxation she looked at me sternly and said clearly in a full voice, “Hey… she’s next” and pointed at Tammy.
Tammy said, “If Michelle see’s you like that she’ll bust your balls.” and laughed. Athena laughed and said, “He’s not getting any of that either. Maybe you should visit Tommi in the bushes.” I retorted, “Just because I’m keeping my eye candy from looking like dudes don’t think I won’t fuck the shit out of you.” Michelle came out of nowhere and whispered on the back of my neck, “promises, promises” Athena pulled her leg away and pressed her foot to my cheek and said, “Rob, if you’re not a good boy when Michelle shaves you later it’ll be more than just your face.” Tammy interjected, “Then they be staring at your ass.”
Mike Elper called out from across our cobble stone courtyard, “You’re always to accommodating Lyon…but,
Williams…he is a man and you may end up getting what
Michelle there is getting.” Michelle scoffed and walked away.
Athena put her leg back over my shoulder as she propped herself up with her elbows and hung her head back to look at mike to gauge his sincerity. Athena said, “I’d say bullshit by the look on your face Elper, but your upside down.” Tommi called out from a nearby bush, “I’m just going to go amazon.”
A couple of weeks later I was up on the mountain, we had taken to calling it a mountain despite having realized it is most definitely just a hill, and I saw Artimus arguing with a crowd of people regarding his conspiracies. They had lost all hope in rescue and changes were coming fast. It was likely my experience of having a deaf neighbor at the age of five and learning lip reading that saved us from a horrible end. I saw
Chief Brosuer throw the captain down into the spread eagle position like a pissed off cop and he held him there until they fetched some line. I was considerable distressed that they had lost stability but strangely satisfied that at least they had been making rope and line from plant materials. They disappeared from sight but from the onlookers I could still see I assumed they tied him to a tree. There was a strange large nest in a tree that they had taken materials from and began building a cage. I called for Mitch and Mike to observe them from the mountain; we would stand another watch to figure out what was going on before rations delivery.
I headed back to our camp while Mitch and Mike watched, just as I got to camp I heard what seemed to be the very end of an argument. Athena said, “…So Lyon reached the end of his contract and left…that’s how that story ends.” and she
walked off in a huff. Micheal and Jennifer were apparently in the conversation they both had an odd reserved look about them which caused me to check the boilers and they were all fine. I asked, “Is everything alright?” and Jennifer said, “Ya Rob, just leave her alone.” It wasn’t the first time I had been told something to that effect about Athena and rarely did I know what caused it. She was a beautiful girl we had been close…at times, especially in long beach before the change of homeport.
But Artimus had his schemes of sibling rivalry and contrasting personalities. I once saw him try to snap the ship into a battle condition for an evaluation and saw the folly of his ludicrous theory; Getting people of similar personality types to have friction to prevent social cliques and coming up with ‘special projects for the captain’ to get those that had conflicting personality types to learn to get along. Once disaster strikes, some will find they get along fine after all, others will find they have learned to get along…the reality was instead everyone had disturbingly different views making them incompatible or had had bad experiences together leading to contempt and strife.
Artimus had been attempting child psychology on college age trade workers and students. Just another absurd assumption by the ‘eighties guy’ that refused to grow old, resulting in the notion that if you were born in nineteen seventy four you must still be twelve years old since the captain had been twenty four years old since that year and every year after.
Over at the landing Artimus murmured, “You really think…you really think you’re gonna’ cage me?” There was a tremor to the captains voice. Chief Brosuer said, “It’s just a procedure sir, I’m afraid this trail is very real.” Artimus growled, “And then what!?” Smity said, “Don’t worry sir I’m sure justice will be served.” and Koleson interjected, “Ya, I
won’t let them kill you.” Smity interjected, “ya…no, I mean worst case you get some kind of work detail or somethin’ you know?”
Artimus watched as they struggled to form a box out of
Japanese knot weed, as they struggled to make line to lash the bamboo like stalks together he was dismayed but content until they tested the line or the fixtures and ensured they wouldn’t break. His stomach turned as Atrisia Wells tested each part of the cage that she had made showing no signs of a failing resolve every time a bit of line or a particular stalk failed. She simply looked at it analyzed the failure and improved her efforts. Every time she made eye contact with him through this process he nearly vomited.
Koleson brought him water and rations of bread with flirtatious delight. His big daddy boyfriend would soon be in a dungeon of delight. Koleson said, “Take this bread now and take me later.” Artimus looked koleson in the eye originally in disbelief, but in a matter of seconds it turned to lustful anticipation. Tied to that tree with a quivering stomach, tingling hands and toes, and baited breathe Artimus became sexually charged and erect. The bulge in his slightly torn khaki pants was teasing; then massaged by Koleson discretely enough that only
Atrisia noticed. She smirked a sly knowing look both intimidating and welcoming at Dave Artimus that seemed to say,
‘ya bitch it’s coming’
Artimus asked, “Can you make it bigger” the working party stopped and looked at what they had so far and Atrisia pointed at his bulging pants with the look of a school teacher and said,
“We already did.” then glanced around to the others working on the cage and made sure they all saw where she was pointing and that they noticed his current state of arousal. This mockery
further aroused Dave and his breathing became heavy and rapid.
Koleson started taking measurements of his Captains ankles, wrist, neck, thighs, and abdomen with a couple of coils of string.
He did this only to not incense the rest of the crew as he excersized an excuse to fondle Dave. The guilt of knowing his obvious fate and that he may never see his wife again thrust dave to the height of ecstasy as koleson pulled firmly on a coil of string around Dave’s thigh just as Atrisia tested the resilience of a short section of knotweed resulting in the knotweed snapping with a noticeable crack and pop sound that sent Dave over the top. Dave Artimus a castaway and former navy captain of a spurance class destroyer let out an orgasimic moan as the bulge in his pants twitched with a pumping rhythm. Atrisia stepped up and leaned in over Dave to inspect the wet spot on his pants crotch and glancing up to Dave’s eyes to enjoy the look of guilt and fear made a poi
nt of asserting she had witnessed his shame with her facial expression as she pointed left to right back and forth between Artimus and Koleson and said, “I think your actually going to like this, turns out you’re a bitch.”
The rest of the survivors at the landing had taken to duties that removed them from the area of the captains impending incarceration, preparing fires to nearly be only ceremonial, seating areas of sand covered with loose grass and leaves, and a spot marked by a rock for the judges.
Chief brosuer in a conversation with ensign Bruce Deckly said, “It’s almost like the Captain has developed a split personality, but then if he had been gay or bisexual this whole time we wouldn’t have known. As for Koleson, we suspected it to the point of knowing; it wasn’t an issue and sort of asserted he was always an inferior to anyone that wasn’t gay.” Bruce
replied, “Under the suspection that the captain has always been gay it would be simple that his conduct was perfessional, but I work closer with him than you and I think it’s more a matter of stress. But, ahh…I’ve been there to see the admiral call him a passive aggressive fag.” Bruce laughed and continued, “…I don’t know about the fag thing but he was being very passive aggressive.”
Bruce explained, “Captain Artimus wasn’t the I.S.i.C. the
‘immediate superior in command for one of our inspections. So
Cap’n Dave said ‘if your gonna treat me like a child I’ll act like one.’ It was an epic tantrum. Every time Admiral Duff said something Dave had a snide under the breath comment or sighed loudly.” Deckly laughed, “Clarkson’s been doing it to him ever since.” Bruce laughed so hard he had to sit down it was a welcome relief to the pressures of island idleness. The officers speaking with the captain over night time rations in the pentagon referred to the situation as ‘a depression that masturbation couldn’t cure.’
Brosuer said, “When we conduct this trial e should include charges for having lost the ship.” Deckly replied, “Ya, just formalities I guess.” Brouser asked, “You are his defense attorney aren’t you?” Deckly said, “no…ya, it’s taken care of.
But, what’re you gonna’ do you know?” Brosuer replied, “I don’t know…jail him until rescue?” Deckly responded, “Ya, he gets all the breaks. Considering life on this island being properly jailed and maintained would be like being sent to a holiday resort. I’m just wondering if the punishment you are seeking requires congical visits, and which female you’ll order to do those.” having said that bruce smirked. Chief Brosuer was startled at the comment and replied, “I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention but his bitch seems to be QM2 Koleson
and maybe congical visits should be mandated.” With that comment bruce placed his hand on brosuer’s back and patted him on the chest as he walked by saying, “excuse me.”
Deckly headed over to the ‘trial grounds’ a fair grounds of sorts soon to be quite the circus. He attempted to assert his authority as the defense attorney by making ridiculous demands as to the setting of the trail, more or less insisting there would have to be an entire courtroom built.
Brosuer stood in quiet contemplation considering his role as prosecutor and realizing political games he was unprepared for had already begun. He glanced around at everyone preparing for the trial and the mood seemed positive. He dedicated himself to getting actual justice one way or the other the cocked his head to the right and started singing the lymric ‘barnacle bill the sailor’
I was back at the boiler site and Athena had walked off, I figured maybe she’s doing the ‘bush thing’ but it turned out that was only Tommi’s gig. Micheal and Mike were working on the fishing boat. We had it all finished but we had to replace lines frequently. It was somewhere between sixteen and twenty feet long, I had really measured it. Its hull was a dark reddish black color from the smoke we sealed it with. The pontoon section no longer looked like a small log it had been smoothed with sand after burning away the bark but it was a natural wood color rather the red. The sail was a triangular sheet which worked nicely, but needed to be reworked every few days. The cabanas where holding up nicely and we braced the bottoms of the support columns with clay rings, maybe we would work them into being large ceramic columns but no reason to be too ambitious at the start.
We would be fishing again soon and I worried about the fish migration patterns and we were recording the approximate size of the schools of fish into the navigation circle which was originally just a sun dial.
Athena stood down the beach and I could help be drawn to her. She stood there in her dungaree shirt and panties with her pants and bra lying on the beach beside her. She glanced at me as I walked up and she didn’t seem to concerned. I asked,
“Anything wrong Athena” She starred out at the water and said,
“Ya, Rob were stuck on an island.” I replied, “We’re working on it.” Athena responded, “Ya…I know. We have a boat. Yay…but it’s just for fishing because we need three months of provisions for the trip. Like the what?” I replied, “The pinta or nina”
Athena continued, “Columbus’s ships. and it took two years to build those…two years.” I said, “Ya, I know. But we have to stay distracted, let’s go make some dominos and a Chinese checker board.” Athena looked at me blankly and tried to yell in anger but she chocked and coughed, and as she put her hand to her throat she uttered, “Bullshit” So, I took her hand and we walked up to fetch some clay.
I told her the story of my fourteenth birthday money. I went to a library and looked up music instruments, took a design for a clay ocarina to a crafts shop and made one. It cost my twenty two dollars out of the thirty six I had but after testing it I went over to the music store and sold it for two hundred dollars. The extra holes I gave it to ensure it could hit binaural tones seemed to add significantly to its value. Athena looked at my testing my honesty then laughed and said, “Only you. I don’t know about that binaural stuff but I am definitely making a flute or whistle.”
Athena had been pent up in frustration she eventually broke as we were making the Chinese checker board and said just after
she licked her thumb, “The whole time I’ve known you you’ve walked around with dirty on your face.” and she wiped at my jaw line she looked dismayed and said, “It doesn’t come off…” I replied, “Athena…I have Piuate native American ancestry.
Because my grandmother actually knew her grandmother there is no question, those freckles you are wiping at are freckles I get through that part of my bloodline. Honestly I wouldn’t have expect that misinterpretation from a black women.” She looked embarrassed and said, “I…some of the officers on the ship made some comments about you that I just belived…sorry.” I asked,
“What’s got you so stir crazy? Just cabin fever ehh, island fever?” Athena asked in harsh tone, “Isn’t that enough?” I calmy replied, “Yes, but sometimes it isn’t everything.” Athena retorted, “Just because we sleep together doesn’t mean you’re my husband.” I laughingly replied, “Well give me some time.”
Athena started mashing the divots into the Chinese check board a little more violently than what was required, and I said,
“sorry” she respond with a sigh and said, “Fuck you…how many of these marbels to we make for this?” I said, “I’ll have to remember what the board should look like and count them.”
Mitch, Tommi and Micheal launched the fishing boat and as had become Athena’s habit since the fishing boat started to look like a real boat she looked up and called out to them, “Are you leaving us?” and the reply was what had become the custom, “We’ll be right back.” sometimes we would add ‘with fish’.
Chapter Eight
It was a simple way of life
Artimus had really come through as an all-around villain, he had given our problem a name…and a cage. Contact between the two sites we lived in on the island had become more relaxed and the standoffishness had subsided. They informed us the trial would take place soon and if we didn’t intend to testify or present charges we sh
ould stay on our side of the island. I was there when Ensign Deckly with QM2 Koleson and GMMC
Brosuer with Atrisia Wells as well as the Command Master
Chief referred to it as “our side of the island” and breathed a noticeable sigh of relief, Hauldbalm scratched his head and said to his group, “I think they prefer to sit this out, they’re very busy keeping us all alive.” Mr. Deckly nodded an assuring nod and said, “We’ll be able to help more once this is all straightened out.” Athena, Michael, and I thanked them; Tammy, Tim, and
Mike were a little more reserved.
Once they headed away from the clearing with the rations we had brought, we headed back feeling less under threat. Dave Miles was the watch on the hill and Michelle had the patrol. Mitch was tending the boilers and I decided I needed to do some scouting. In truth there were a few things I needed to sort out and needed the time alone.