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New Homeport Island

Page 30

by Robert Lyon

  Gabriel Nosion was wondering near the new wall, he had been surviving on the island foods as long as we had. Something we never knew was his constant congestion and digestive problems, as well as serious nervous conditions of anxiety and panic attacks, which he hid well, had been holding him back.

  Constantly in gastric distress and in a haze of allergy induced cognitive fog, he seemed like just one of the guys. It was all due to a food allergy, he was allergic to soy. On one occasion long ago he had to work late on the electric plant control console, it was his duty day. The problem was daunting to everyone, but had to be fixed. The long working hours and allergy effects from lunch that day combined into a tension headache for which he took a sinus medication containing ephedrine. It knocked out the allergen effect entirely making him temporarily a genius. And now without any soy to be eaten or added to his foods his intellect was sky rocketing.

  We were playing Chinese checkers and planning our next project. Tommi said, “I want to build a lookout tower.” Tim

  asked, “Like the tree house they were building?” Athena asked,

  “Is that the best we can do?”

  I glanced over at the planks we still had left and said,

  “Maybe an elevated patio deck.” Gabriel added, “About thirty feet.” as he walked in and joined us. Megan asked, “You joining us now?” Gabriel replied, “I had been over on the beach they called the enlisted club spear fishing.” Dave Miles said, “If you missed all that drama you don’t want to join them now.” Gabriel retorted, “I guess I’m over here then.”

  Michelle picked up one of the red game pieces and moved it saying, “I’m going to win.” Michael laughed, “They’ll let you win at wrestling for obvious reasons but even Chinese checkers is something they won’t throw.” Michelle looked up at me and saw the expression on my face and in a snarky utterance said,

  “Finally a real challenge.”

  Athena looked back and forth between us both then reached over and took my hand and said, “I’d rather win this and lose at the wrestling.” Then made a point of making eye contact with me and fluttered her eye lashes until I hallucinated a ‘bambi’ girl like image.

  Gabriel asked, “when are you guys going to finish that gate.” Michelle said, “Soon.” Michelle smiled over at Athena.

  Athena looked at Gabriel and said, “We work somethings in stone too. See our cistern.” Gabriel looked, “Looks good. I’ll do the counter weights on the gate.” Athena smiled and said,

  “Awesome…that is stone right?” Gabriel replied, “Ya, I’ll need stones. I’ll figure something out.” And Athena looked over at

  Michelle with the same smile Michelle had given her and shrugged, “Looks like another stone worker.” Michelle splashed her with water out of a ceramic cup and Athena laughed and splashed her back. They sat there giggling, and Michael looked

  at me and sighed, “Ahh…they’re finally girls again.” Tommi didn’t looke away from the checker board but raised her hand and said, “Me too.” Joseph uttered a whispered, “better stay that way too. I can’t swing the other way.” Tommi asked Michelle to throw some water at him too and everyone laughed.

  It was probably about three P.M. according to our sundial and we were ready to get a little more done. The fishing crew headed out, the woodworkers helped the stoneworkers with the gate, the farmers watered our field, and the hunters looked for another boar. I slipped away to my project and waved to the hunter standing watch on the mountain top, as I walked past the shipbuilders making more planks.

  It was another secluded beach with limited access I used as a workshop, still working on advanced tools and something I could call a computer. The most advance tool I could think of.

  Between calculating our position, predicting the weather, and something that could only be referred to as a tarot card reading, I knew it would take time. But in reading about artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic, and working as a mechanic I decide those geniuses that had figured out how to make electronics fuzzy for things like voice and handwriting recognition had rediscovered a mechanical problem that existed for hundreds of years…slipping pulley belts. I decided I would reinvent the ancient roman scales and they would perform all of the ‘I

  Ching’, perhaps even with an animatronic puppet for presentation. After all I was from ‘that part’ of southern


  The ship builders were tired and realized they would need to launch the ship from within the waters and prepared to build a series of wooden ‘x’, otherwise the new boat would be stuck in the sand. Michael called over to Gabriel, “Counter weight

  right?” and gestured at the ship frame. Gabriel asked, “You think we can build a crane?” Michael replied, “At this point I think we can do just about anything we’ve ever seen done anywhere…or at least try.”

  Michelle said to Athena, “We’re going to have a huge party while building that wooden crane!” Athena laughed, “Especially with its huge cement counter weights!” Gabriel looked stunned and asked, “Cement.” Athena blurted out, “We make it.” and more slyly continued, “I’ll show you.” and smiled that cheerleader smile. Michelle looked at Gabriel and mocked that smile by a rough approximation then crossed her eyes. Athena pinched Michelle’s arm and they walked off in different directions going back to work.

  Gabriel asked Tim, “What’s that all about?” Tim replied,

  “Artimus tried to divide and conquer…now they’re sisters.”

  That night at sunset we passed around ration of leeches while Athena and Michelle made their announcement. Michelle announced, “The hunters have guaranteed us they will catch a boar soon. The smartest dog you’ve ever seen is only a quarter as smart as these boar, it’s as if they don’t coat themselves in mud to cool themselves but are actually using it as camouflage and this had been the island of the super intelligent boar before we got here.” Athena added, “We have music, we’ll have extra bread, we’ll have a dance off, and our governor has promised us he will relive his days of theatric story telling on the mess decks with a story of a roman emperor that fell in love with a young gypsy.” Tim being one of the principle hunters interjected,

  “We’re going to party like it’s nineteen ninety nine, redneck style!” and Athena offered the correction, “Maybe not redneck style for everyone.” Mitch added, “Ghetto” and laughed.

  Tommi unbuttoned what was left of her shirt, exposing her breasts then laid her head back in Joseph’s lap. Athena pointed at her and said, “And with that we’re done, good night everyone.”

  McCree and Hauldbalm were just outside the fence admiring the new gate, Hauldbalm asked McCree, “With what?”

  Lightening bugs began to rise up above the plants, apparently a part of the season change. We had no idea they were there, but it was the most entertaining thing we had seen at night since the shooting star we all wished on. I wished not for rescue but for a wife, I heard Dave Mile wish for some ice cream and back the Mike Elper was one of us and he wished for a ship to command, Athena kept her wish private as did everyone after she said telling anyone your wish prevents it from coming true, except for Michael he wished for a cheeseburger and ice cream and three more wishes…and a rescue.

  The fire flies rose up and drifted through the wind over the white sand beaches and through the trees and brush. The stars were amongst us and the sky hand fallen, so we cuddled together and took comfort in our friends.

  The next day I was tending the boilers and filling our cistern which brought a sense of security and accomplishment, while Gabriel was learning cement making with Athena. Mitch was playing with the drums and Megan was playing the ocarina, everyone else was on a hunting party for boar. We were definitely going to start herding them into a pin but needed to find them and capture one for a celebratory dinner.

  Dave Miles had the mountain top watch and came down to saw from what he can see of their beach from up there it looked like they were playing football. Soon Michelle, Athena, Gabriel,

nbsp; Tim, myself and possibly Mitch would be working on a crane structure to move the boat. The Large wooden supports to hold up the keel would be moved step by step into the water. I

  suggested that wood be used as supports for an elevated deck; a patio and the notion just resonated with me, to finally be up above the sand.

  Gabriel said, “The line you guys have been making is really good…but…braid all this together and it’ll be strong enough but only one piece five feet long.” Athena walked by and snatched from his hand and said, “Ya, more rope” as she threw the piece of line in my face.

  I glanced around and there was a general mallise of depression that washed over everyone. Gabriel shrugged and apologetically said, “I’m just sayin’” I sighed and looked at the them all looking at me, then said, “A rope making loom it is…we’ll just automate.” and I strolled back to my area of seclusion where I was working on making new tools.

  I stood there looking at my secret projects; I had hoped no one followed me. Had they seen some of my idea’s I would be embarrassed to explain what I was even thinking, let alone actually working on.

  I narrated my thought, “Two winding wheels and a clamp…four each. Four clamps mounted to a winding wheel…and one operator to pull the rope being made and one to turn the sprockets. Or, one operator turning the sprockets and a winding drum as well.”

  I looked at the components I had made for the system I was devising. I had ceramic wheels and wooden wheels with holes for dowels so they could be employed as gears, a few straight sanded sticks that could serve as shafts, and line that had been woven and stitched like a miniature rope ladder that would serve as a geared pulley belt. I didn’t have the farmer’s almanac worked out yet, it had been about four years since I used tarot cards as a pickup line and I didn’t own an ‘I Ching’. The rope

  maker had to take priority and all the components I had made so far.

  As I worked the rest of the ‘Diligent’s’ or ‘Natives’ sat in a depression, those leeches we found were a real pick me up, but now everything was bland again. They say, ‘You are what you eat.’ is phrase stolen by dietitians and used as ‘you eat fatty foods you become fat’ in reality that phrase belonged to culinary artists and dated back to the French revolution. It meant if you eat simple foods you become simple, eat sophisticated foods and you are inspired to sophistication. We had become one bland group. I knew I would have to find some plant to use as a seasoning and the Japanese knotweed sprouts would be it. The boar had been eating them so I figured it was safe for a taste.

  The young sprouts tasted like sour rhubarb, but then I only knew rhubarb from a pie I had once and a sugary celery stalk I was told was rhubarb. Once I got back I asked them to start collecting it as a seasoning and gave everyone a taste. I also explained my plan to build the rope loom which they heard me mention as I walked away, as I described its means of operation and methods of construction Michael became enthused he was after all a mechanist.

  Athena jumped to her feet which prompted Michelle to jump to her feet and Athena announced, “Well hope is restored…let’s start collecting this stuff. It might actually make the fish taste less fishy, ‘cause it’s getting old.” Michelle added,

  “Rob will need some help and Michaels ready to go, so how about…” Michelle glanced around and continued, “Tommi would you help them too? The rest of us are collecting sour shit.” Tommi shrugged and joined us on our way back to what had been my secret ‘shop’

  Michelle walked the fence line looking for sprouts of knotweed and for a moment of privacy. She glanced around and adjusted her breast in her bra then reached down and scratched at herself. When she pulled her fingers out she noticed she was menstruating. The living circumstances on the ship resulted in all the women in the same berthing compartment slowly coming on to the same cycle. She realized this meant Athena, and

  Tommi were also menstruating, it that it showed in their behavior. Something else struck her, something that she had seen in the past, Tammy would also be menstruating but wasn’t exhibiting any hormonal behaviors. The last time this happened,

  Tammy was homicidal until she got laid. It was time for a party alright.

  Michelle walked up to Athena and whispered in her ear.

  Athena shifted her hips left to right then looked back at Michelle and said dismissively, “Ya.” Then Michelle whispered again and

  Athena’s eyes went wide and they peered around for Tammy.

  Tammy was glancing down the beach in the direction we had gone toward my work area. Her face was red and flush, and she had pulled down the cups of her bra in her shirt effectively turning her bra into a push up bra.

  On previous occasions tammy progress toward being homicidal at a frightening rate. The girls had found one successful means of coaxing her into resolving her sexual tension. A seduction of public sexual display, they would have sex with her able to watch and she would snap into an animal mindset and basically rape a guy .

  Michael, Tommy, and I were working out the mountings of the shafts and sprockets for the winding wheels and winding ring, the clamp mounting was simple enough. Tammy was getting hungry and she usually fished with the fishing crew,

  there were some leeches still growing nearby so we snacked.

  Tommi explained her breasts had been sore and joked that it was her boyfriend’s fault. It was somehow reassuring that Tommi and Joseph had such a stable relationship. Prior to the loss of the ship those two ending up together was next to impossible.

  I glanced back over my shoulder and Athena was standing there. She gestured me over with her finger and I walked over to her. She said softly, “There something you’re going to have to take care of tonight.” and then gave me a peck on the lips as she groped my groin. I smiled and she gave a half smile that actually seemed contemptuous then cocked her head as she turned and swaggered away with her hips swaying seductively.

  At this point things had been surreal for too long. It had been leadership based on knowledge acquired at the public library, driven by distrust in the command, resulting in an Alpha male role that seemed to trigger biological imperatives in everyone. Our saying in the worst of times on the ship had been,

  ‘Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.’ It seemed now to be ‘Lead, bend over, or die.’

  Eric Milson was apparently wandering around the island perhaps looking for a better spot for his tree house, or maybe materials. He saw the walls before he saw the gate and recognized them as the same as the pentagon walls. Eric laid down next to the wall and felt safe; there was something bigger than him just next door. Eric had been feeling flighty and impulsive, he had butterflies in his lower abdomen every time he thought of what the captain must be doing to his cabin boy and what the cabin boy must be doing for him.

  Eric laid there caressing his chest and neck. He indulged in fevered fantasies of being taken like a woman. Meanwhile the

  girls plotted sexual exploits on the other side of the wall to provoke tammy into sexual aggression.

  Kim Luds had seen Eric wander off after their football game and thought maybe he had tackled Eric too hard. Eric had been man handled and thrashed; now he felt a need to be fucked.

  As Kim happened upon Eric, Eric was in full blown homoerotic lust. Eric had frequented porn shops and when it came to straight porn he had simply seen it all before. But the gay porn struck at him with confusion, his hormones flared, the rawness of it solicited a sexual arousal the likes of which he had only experienced looking at J.C. Penny’s catalogs as a young pubescent.

  Kim laughed and said, “What the fuck dude?” Eric was startled and as he tried to reposition himself to conceal his activity he experienced an intense orgasm and ejaculation that solicited a moan we could her on the other side of the wall. Dave

  Miles laughed and said, “Now that’s football.” In retrospect I am very glad we built that wall.

  Tammy began to quiver and was flush in the face, she had heard the moan and in an unintentionally sultry
voice we had rarely heard from her she uttered one word, “Yep.” Her unusually deep raspy voice caused chills down all the men’s necks. Dave instinctively ducked slightly tucking in his head, his father used to tell him when his mother’s voice sounded like that that she was on the war path. Dave sat there tucked in instinctively and waited for that smell he never successfully connected to a woman’s musk, though he had experienced it first hand, in the wrong context it meant a mother figure would soon be crazy and violent.

  It was about then that I was sitting near the cabanas waiting for the sundial to indicate mid-day rest had ended, that Michelle

  walked up and shoved me down with her foot. I laid there with her foot on my chest looking up at her standing there with her shirt hanging open, no bra and in her panties. She said so as to be overheard by Tammy, “Oh ya.”

  Tammy broke into a feverish pant as Athena also in panties and an open dungaree shirt walked up behind Michelle. Michelle put her foot to my face and said, “Lick” The look on Michelle’s face alone had me fevered and the sight of Athena in that manner of dress had me rock hard. I licked Michelle foot and she straddled my chest and danced her way lap dance style up my body and slowly mounted my face and again she said,

  “Lick” as she pulled her panties to the side. Athena pulled down my zipper on my coveralls and yanked them down she sat square on my groin and I felt her heat.

  Tammy crawled over no longer in control of herself; she had very much become an animal. Michael and Dave were taken back so badly they nearly fell backwards and passed out. Tim however started massaging his chest and Mitch reached into his coveralls and started stroking. Tammy could smell there heat and see me desperate to comply, I may have had what they wanted but they had what I needed.

  There must have been something in the air. At just that same time over at the enlisted club Monica and Francesco, long time lovers had begun their dance as well. Monica pressed her face into Francesco’s queuing him to pull her hair. They had been leaning against a palm tree, but with a judo like move


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