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Rectify Injustice (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 6)

Page 36

by Sarah Noffke

  “Has she, or hasn’t she?” Zac asked his bodyguard like the question was of real importance.

  “He’s outside and totally fogging up the windows,” Ramy answered.

  Zac sighed. “We just had them washed.”

  Ramy nodded, an apologetic look on his face. “I thought of that, sir. Should I offer it something?”

  Zac thought on this before glancing at Sophia. “Does your dragon want something in payment for backing up from the house?”

  This whole scenario had turned so strange Sophia didn’t even know where to begin.

  Ice cream, Lunis suggested in her head.

  “He wants broccoli,” Sophia suggested earning a loud growl from her dragon in her head. It actually wasn’t so quiet. The noise shook the window, making Ramy skip over a few steps and pretend to inspect towels on the shelf.

  “He wants Ramy to feed them to him,” Sophia continued then added, “by hand.”

  Ramy’s eyes widened and he looked at Zac with a pleading expression.

  The movie star considered this for a moment before waving at his bodyguard. “Go on then. Go feed the dragon. Give him what he wants while I find out what’s going on here with his dragonrider.”

  “Sir…” Ramy’s voice was shaking.

  “Go on,” Zac ordered.

  Sophia couldn’t help but feel a bit of glee.

  I’m not eating broccoli, Lunis stated.

  You haven’t had a vegetable in months, she told him. You’ll eat out of that bodyguard’s hand and like it. That’s the least we can do for nearly making him pee in his pants.

  Fine, but after this we’re stopping by the ice cream shop and getting cookies and cream, Lunis argued.

  After this, we’re stopping by the mysterious place and getting a katana, she countered. You will get your ice cream when everything is done.

  You’re not the boss of me, he fired.

  And just like that, I deleted the Netflix account you pirated, Sophia joked.

  No, Lunis screamed in her mind. Fine. Mission now. Ice cream later. Have it your way, do-gooder. In my next life, I’m going to be a bad dragon and pillage.

  No, you won’t, she said with a laugh.

  One can dream. Lunis sighed. Send Sweater Vest out here. I’ve found a ball I want him to throw for me to fetch. It’s a tire but we’re going to call it a ball.

  Sophia shot Ramy a look. “The dragon is ready for his broccoli, and he has a game for you.”

  Ramy didn’t look relieved by this news. Once again, he looked at Zac for rescue.

  His boss didn’t offer sympathy. “Go play with the dragon. I need to see what this is all about.”

  Taking in a deep breath, Ramy charged out of the bathroom, calling to Lunis as he did. “Nice dragon. Who wants trees and cheese? I’ve got extra cheese for good dragons.”

  Sophia giggled, directing her attention roughly in the direction of where Zac’s head was, conscious he was totally naked under the bubbles in his bath. “Hey, I’m Sophia Beaufont, a rider for the Dragon Elite.”

  The star sat up, making the water trudge back and forth in the bath. “Nice to meet you, Sophia. What brings you to my bathroom?”

  “First off,” she started, indicating Ramy who was hurrying downstairs, she was guessing to get broccoli from the refrigerator. “Your bodyguard…”

  “Yeah, he’s got spirit and I find that encouraging,” Zac said.

  Sophia could appreciate that. “Anyway, I have a mission that requires you.”

  “Oh, is it an acting role?”

  She shrugged. “Couldn’t really say. The truth is, I don’t know. It involves getting a magical katana but I don’t know much more than that.”

  Without warning, Zac stood from the bath, giving Sophia little notice. She spun around but found a full-length mirror behind her, which gave her exactly the view she was trying to avoid. Quickly she pressed her eyes shut. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Getting dry,” Zac replied. “I’ve been looking for something to prepare me for my next role and this seems like just the kind of thing. It’s got mystery, an element of danger and dragonriders. How can I say no?”

  “What’s your next role?” she asked, too curious not to.

  “Beats me,” he answered, toweling off. “Haven’t landed it yet, but what better way to prepare. No one in Hollywood will turn me down when I tell them I worked alongside the Dragon Elite.”

  Sophia kept her eyes shut as she nodded. “Cool. I had no idea we were such help with endorsements.”

  Zac began humming as he threw a robe on. “For sure. In this volatile climate, there are two sure-fire ways to land a major role. Become a vegan or associate yourself with the Dragon Elite. I’m glad you showed up when you did because the idea of giving up cheese was pretty much robbing me of my will to live.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

  “When this is all over, we still have to clear up some stuff,” Wilder said, eyeing Zac Efron who had been totally okay with traveling through a magical portal alongside a dragon who had barfed up broccoli all over his lawn. They arrived outside the Gullington to meet Wilder and had then traveled through another portal to a remote part of Japan. It was the location Lee had messaged to Sophia, telling her it was the place where the mysteriously magical katana was located.

  “Why I’ve dragged you off on a mission with Zac Efron and my delusional dragon?” Sophia asked him, grateful to finally get to spend some time with the guy, even if she had a movie star and Lunis beside her.

  Wilder shook his head. “Nope. That seems about usual. Just wondering why Hiker is trudging around the Castle and shaking his head and muttering to himself nonstop. He doesn’t seem right ever since you gave him that gold token.”

  “Oh,” Sophia said. She was going to have to check in on the Viking and find out how things were going. The newest mission had taken over her thoughts, as they tended to do, but she didn’t want to lose sight of the progress the leader of the Dragon Elite was making, although it didn’t sound like he was making progress. She’d check on him upon returning.

  “Right.” She pulled out the magical compass Liv had loaned to her. “First things first though. We need to find the location of an ancient temple that’s hidden away from most eyes.”

  “Is this when you tell me why I’ve been selected for this mission?” Zac had his eyes on Lunis who had his head down low and kept tilting it back and forth, flashing him strange expressions.

  “Wish I knew,” Sophia said absentmindedly. “Truth is, that part is a mystery to me.”

  “And the magical chewing gum that makes the chewer happy?” Wilder asked, having gotten quickly briefed on things before leaving.

  She shook her head. “No idea.”

  “I’m guessing you also don’t know why Lunis and I are required either then?” Wilder questioned.

  “Here I thought you were just a pretty face,” she said to him, pulling her gaze up from the compass and flashing him a flirtatious grin.

  “Hey now,” he admonished. “Don’t you go judging me on my brains and skills. I work out for a reason and want to be appreciated for my hard work.”

  She nodded. “Don’t worry. I’d never dare to get all obsessed over what’s on the inside.”

  “Are you two going to be like this the entire time?” Zac wanted to know.

  Undoubtedly, Lunis answered for them.

  Zac leaned in over Sophia’s shoulder. “Is there a reason your dragon keeps looking at me strangely?”

  Sophia giggled, still trying to work out how to use the magical compass. “Yeah, I think he wants you to recommend him to your agent.”

  Zac sucked in a breath. “Oh, man. The thing is dragon—”

  Lunis Wilfred Montgomery the Second, Lunis corrected.

  “His name is Lunis,” Sophia stated dryly. “Just Lunis. I named him. I should know.”

  Hey, Lunis chirped. Show dogs get unique names and I want one too. Something that sets me apart.

nbsp; “Your insanity does that,” she argued.

  “Yeah, so the thing is,” Zac said carefully. “My agent only represents…how do I put this…”

  “People,” Sophia supplied. “His agent represents people, Lun. You’re not one. Oh and you already work for the Dragon Elite saving Mother-Freaking-Nature’s planet. So get over the dream.”

  Lunis huffed, letting out a plume of smoke. Boring. Thanks again for crushing my dreams, Meanie Face.

  “No problem,” she replied, returning her attention to the magical compass.

  “Have you worked out how it’s supposed to get us to the temple?” Wilder asked, leaning in close, his chin an inch from her cheek.

  “I think it’s intention-based,” she stated. “I know what we’re looking for in general terms. I guess I just need to focus on that and it will point us in the right direction.”

  “Magic is cool,” Zac said, his eyes wide with excitement.

  It’s all right, Lunis said. You know what’s cool is High School Musical.

  Sophia shook her head and focused on the ancient Japanese temple where the katana was apparently stored. Lee had said once they found it there would be minimal obstacles, but considering the source, that meant nothing to Sophia. As she began to focus on the place they needed to find, the needle to the compass began to toggle back and forth until it pointed due north down a sloping hill that led to what appeared to be an expansive valley, pristine and untouched by modern society.

  She started forward, her entourage following behind her as her dragon began to hum A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman movie.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three

  “One night isn’t enough,” Zac explained to Lunis as they strode down the hillside, coming closer to the bottom. “You need at least two to fully appreciate Disney Land.”

  See! Lunis exclaimed. I told you, Soph.

  She shook her head, trying to concentrate on the compass but telling the chatty dragon and his new best friend to hush was about like trying to get Evan to floss his teeth.

  Tell me more about Hugh Jackman, Lunis encouraged, talking excitedly to Zac. Does he really smell like roses and do cherubs sing when he walks?

  Zac laughed good naturedly.

  The needle of the compass took a hard turn to the east and Sophia pivoted. Thankfully Wilder was paying attention and directed the other two who were deep in conversation.

  “Where do you think this thing is leading us?” Wilder asked, catching up to her.

  It was a good question because up ahead roughly a hundred yards away was a cliff. Sophia wasn’t going to blindly follow the compass over the side. There was faith and there was stupidity and she already felt a bit foolish having gone on this mysterious mission with so few details.

  “I think we won’t know where it’s taking us until we're there,” she said, not knowing where the answer came from. It felt like it was the right answer as she said it aloud. Life was weird and often supplied information in such ways.

  She found her feet continuing to move as her eyes stayed glued on the compass, her intention set for the temple they needed to find. Sophia felt confident Wilder would keep his eyes on the path up ahead and not allow her to walk into an obstacle. She felt strangely relieved Lunis and Zac were doing all right based on their conversation which had seemed to go on without pause for the last several minutes.

  “I think we’re there then,” Wilder said after a moment, his tone surprised.

  Sophia jerked her head up to find a large Japanese temple towering over them suddenly. It hadn’t been there when they had been standing at the top of the valley. It hadn’t even been there a few minutes ago, the last time she’d allowed herself to look up. The building had simply materialized when they were only feet from it.

  “Wow, that’s really cool,” Zac said in awe.

  If you think that’s cool, Lunis began. I have my own YouTube channel.

  “He also lives in a secret uncharted cave in Scotland only the Dragon Elite can see,” Sophia said dryly.

  Stop boring the man, Soph, Lunis chimed.

  “Nope, secret cave in Scotland is pretty noteworthy, Lunis,” Zac offered.

  The dragon nodded. Yeah, I’ve got my own pad away from the others because they are so twentieth century if you know what I mean.

  Zac nodded.

  Sophia was having a hard time with the two gabbing behind her. “There’s a trick to this place,” she mused, mostly to herself.

  “Why do you say that?” Wilder asked at her side.

  She flashed him a grin. “Because there’s always a trick. It’s like some weird arrangement I made with life before being born.”

  He nodded. “I made the same one. I’m not sure what we were thinking but at least we think alike.”

  The Japanese temple was breathtaking sitting in the middle of the pristine valley. Multiple tiers rose up, each getting smaller as they reached higher into the sky. The blue tiles on the roof were exactly as Sophia associated with Japanese structures. So were the white walls and black beams. One aspect was out of place from how she pictured a Japanese temple.

  “There it is,” she said pointing to the entrance covered in a thick sheet of ice.

  “The trick,” Wilder agreed with confidence. He held out his hand and sent a neat ball of fire toward the obstacle. It hit, piercing through but only making a small pinhole.

  “At this rate, we’ll be out of magic before we get through,” Sophia stated.

  “Now I think we know why you needed me,” Lunis said, stepping forward.

  Sophia flashed him a smile. “Of course. You’re supposed to—”

  Sing you the best rendition of It’s Never Enough from The Greatest Showman for encouragement, Lunis interrupted, clearing his throat and beginning to sing. I’m trying to hold my breath. Let it stay this way. Can’t let this moment end. You set off a dream in me—

  “Would you blast that door with fire,” Sophia ordered, cutting off her dragon’s horrible singing.

  He cut his eyes at her. Really? I wasn’t even to the chorus yet.

  “Lunis,” she said, a warning in her voice.

  Okay, fine, he sulked. I guess I was brought here for my boring magical abilities rather than my awesome stage skills. Talk about a waste.

  The ancient dragon opened his mouth and unleashed a gorgeous stream of orange and red fire that hit the target perfectly and melted it at once. A large door was revealed and popped open at once, as though to welcome them in.

  Sophia smiled wide. “That was brilliant. Great job, Lun.”

  He slumped. I guess it was all right.

  Zac nodded, impressed. “That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  This brightened Lunis up considerably. I can swallow a sheep without chewing. Do you want to see that later?

  “Later,” Sophia said consolingly to her dragon. “Right now, we have to find out how to get the katana and it’s going to involve entering that temple.” She gave Lunis a thoughtful expression.

  He seemed to understand at once. Don’t worry. I’ll stay out here and keep guard. Watch out for Zac. Don’t let anything happen to him.

  Sophia nodded. “I’ll watch out for myself too, Lunis. Stop fretting over me.”

  He shrugged. Bring me back something.

  Wilder gave the dragon an uncertain expression. “Like a souvenir?”

  Or a hotdog, Lunis suggested. I’m hungry.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

  “My last girlfriend will never believe I got to go on a mission with a fire-breathing dragon,” Zac began as they entered the temple. “I can’t wait to tell her about this.”

  “He’s not like most,” Sophia warned.

  To her surprise, Wilder nodded and said, “He’s better than most. My dragon being excluded, Lunis is way more entertaining. Don’t tell her that or she’ll have my butt.”

  That admission made Sophia smile. It meant a lot to her that Wilder thought Lunis was special, and not in the wa
y some kids eat glue.

  The temple was all fire pits and ancient runes as Sophia had expected. It was kind of lackluster with a long hallway made of thin partition walls and pedestals decorated with bonsai trees. The place was in pristine condition though, like it had just been cleaned.

  Pausing in the long hallway, Sophia turned to Wilder. “What do you make of this?”

  “I’ve seen it before,” he began tentatively. “It’s a corridor and we walk through it until we get to the end. Very confusing, albeit straightforward.”

  Sophia rolled her eyes at him. “Seriously, you’re as much a pain in the ass as my dragon.”

  He batted his eyes at her. “You would have it no other way, would you?”

  She shook her head. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  The hallway ended at a narrow opening that appeared to empty out into a garden full of Japanese maples and a koi pond. The whole scene appeared quite idyllic. So much so that it instantly raised a flag for Sophia.

  She held up her hand before Wilder stepped forward to the path. To get across the pond one had to hop across steppingstones.

  “What?” he asked.

  She indicated the stones that traced across the pond, ending on the other side where there was an altar. “Notice the markings on the stones?”

  He narrowed his eyes at the first one. There was a single red dot. On the next stone there were two red dots. It went on like that, changing between one to three dots on each.

  “What do you think that’s about?” Wilder asked.

  “Anyone speak Japanese?” Zac pointed to a sign on a neighboring wall.

  Sophia didn’t, but thanks to her role as rider for the Dragon Elite, she was able to speak and read many languages in most contexts. She narrowed her eyes at the sign.

  “It says, ‘Tap once or twice or three times to get to the other side, but more or less will end in doom.’”

  “Wow, they aren’t sugar coating nothing,” Wilder joked.

  Sophia nodded, speculating on what this could mean. Zac began to tap his feet rhythmically, humming a tune.


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