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A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries Book 7)

Page 12

by Blake, Lexi

  “Not good enough. I told you I’m not a curiosity.”

  He was a frustration. He was going to make her say it. She needed to be bold and plain. How would Charlotte put it? She wouldn’t prevaricate. She would simply use words that would mean something to her man. “Simon, if you don’t eat my pussy I’m going to die.”

  She found herself in his arms again. “That will work, love. I was going to spend the night in throes of frustration if I didn’t get my mouth on you.”

  He lowered his lips and suddenly his tongue was inside, tangling with hers as he backed her to the bed. She loved kissing him. She could lose herself for hours in just playing with his mouth. Now that she was naked, she took inventory of how it felt to be against him. His shirt was off so the hard warmth of his chest met hers, making her nipples peak. Somehow she’d damn near climbed up his body. She wasn’t sure how it had happened, but her legs were around his waist and she could feel the material of his slacks against her thighs.

  And then she felt the bedspread against her back and his weight on top of her. He was heavy. So heavy. But he was Simon, so she forced herself to take a deep breath and not flip out on the hot guy who was really just trying to give her an orgasm.

  “What happened?” Simon’s head came up. He looked down at her. “Sorry. I forgot.”

  He eased his body to the side, sliding over so he could nuzzle her breasts.

  How could he have known that being pinned down bugged her? “Forgot what?”

  His hand found her now naked girl parts and heat threatened to overwhelm her. “I lost my head a bit. I know it bothers you to have a man’s weight on top of you. It’s all right. We can do this your way for now.”

  “How did you know? And I don’t think I have a way, Simon.” He was confusing her. He knew so much but there was no way he could really know. Charlotte wouldn’t have told him. There were no records to find.

  He moved down her body again, seemingly unconcerned with her near panic. “You told me you don’t like being tied down. My weight on top of you would feel very similar. I’ve got five and a half stone on you, love. If I’m on top of you, you can’t move, can’t fight me off. It’s all right. And you do have a way. We just have to find it. How do you like this?”

  He placed his thumb squarely over her clit, gently pressed down and then rotated it.

  Holy mother of… “I like it. You should keep doing that.”

  She couldn’t help it. She pressed her pelvis up, trying to keep that amazing sensation going.

  “No.” He moved his hand away, proving he was a ratfink bastard torturer Dom. Mean. Mean man. “I think we’ve adequately found evidence that you like that particular touch. We should move on.”

  “I hate you.” But it was said with a little whine because she kind of wanted to see what else he would do.

  He’d moved all the way down her body and off the bed. He was on his knees between her legs. He dragged her further down to the edge of the mattress so her backside was right there. He forced her legs high, spreading her wide.

  “Uhm, this feels a little like an exam I try to avoid on a yearly basis.” It was awkward. She was fully on display. There was nowhere to hide.

  “It’s so fucking pretty.” His voice had lowered to a sexy growl she’d never once heard from any gynecologist. “It’s a lovely pink and coral flower and it’s all mine.” He leaned over and put his nose right in her pussy and took a deep breath. “God, you smell good. You’re going to taste even better.”

  It was way too intimate. She really should do that “saying no” thing, but her brain just seemed a little fuzzy and able to focus on one thing and only one thing—her pussy and getting him to touch her there again.

  “You’re so wet, love. Keep your legs spread for me.” He let go of her ankles and his fingers were skimming her sensitive flesh.

  She planted her heels on the edge of the bed and bit her lip to stop herself from begging him to touch her harder. She wasn’t going to do that. Nope. Suggesting that he did anything but what he wanted to do would likely end up with her ass getting all the attention as he smacked it. Smart. She would play it smart because she’d learned that smart girls got all the treats.

  Or at least in her fantasy world they did.

  “Let’s see how you feel about this.”

  Pure pleasure raced through her veins as he put his mouth right over her pussy and licked along the center. Soft and hot, his tongue covered her. She could feel arousal pulsing through her system.

  “You have to talk to me, love. I can’t know that you liked that at all if you don’t tell me.” His fingers parted her labia, his tongue diving deep this time and taking away her will to do anything but remain still for him so he wouldn’t stop what he was doing.

  How could he expect her to talk? She could barely breathe. “Shouldn’t you do that thing where you observe and look for clues? You can’t expect me to give you a blow by blow of how this feels.”

  Something big started to breach her pussy. Her eyes flew open and she looked down. Simon was looking up at her from his place between her legs. He eased one large finger into her channel. “Do you mean that I should apply rational thought and take the fact that your pussy is sopping, soaking wet as evidence that you like having it licked and sucked?”

  She nodded, unable to take her eyes off him. His lips—those gorgeous lips—glistened with her arousal. He’d put his mouth on the most intimate part of her. He’d kissed her and lavished affection on her. She would never forget how decadently beautiful this man was.

  “Should I take into account that you’re soft around my finger and this little jewel is red and wanting and poking desperately out of its hood.” He leaned over, and she nearly screamed when he gave her clit another lick.

  “You’re killing me.” She wasn’t going to beg. No. She had to keep some pride, right? She had to try to stay her tough-girl self, and her inner tough girl never begged for anything.

  He gave her another little baby swipe that brought her right back to the edge. “No. I think I need a verbal clue. You’re such a mystery to me that I don’t know if I can believe what I’m seeing. I would rather hear it from your lips.”

  Bastard. Damn it. Her inner tough girl never got any orgasms. Her inner naked submissive girl really wanted one and she didn’t give a shit about pride. “Please, Simon. Please. I’m so close. I’ve never felt this way. I’ve never…”

  He softened. “Oh, love. Not even on your own?”

  She shook her head. She could never get out of her own brain long enough to relax, much less come. Her mind was always churning, but he seemed to have the magic touch. He found a way to make her think only of him and what he could do for her.

  “Then I better make this good.” He winked at her and then she felt that big finger rotate inside her as he lowered his head back down.

  She couldn’t help it. She screamed out his name as he sucked her clit into his mouth and his finger went to work. He rubbed her again, but this time from the inside. The man had the most magical hands. As his tongue worked her clit, that finger seemed to find some place deep inside her that sent waves of pleasure cascading outward. Her whole body convulsed but in the sweetest way possible. She wasn’t in control. He was and he gave her something she’d never known before. Pure and perfect pleasure.

  Her whole body relaxed as she came down from the high.

  Simon gave her one last kiss and then he was up on his feet, moving her. He settled her under the sheet and tucked her in. He was right. The sheets smelled good and the pillow under her head was a little like heaven. The rest of the place was scary but the bed was clean. She was wiped out. Simon tucked her in and then kissed her forehead.

  “Go to sleep.”

  Her eyes were already closing. She usually fought insomnia for hours, but her muscles felt loose and languid and happy. “What about you?”

  He smiled slightly. “Don’t worry about me. I’m afraid I’ll have to explain an unsightly stain to my clean
er, if you know what I mean.”

  So he’d come in his perfect suit. Somehow she loved the idea that he’d come while he was touching her.

  She watched as he undressed but her eyes closed and she fell into a blissful sleep, thinking about the fact that he wouldn’t look so perfect in the morning. He’d have to settle for sweatpants or jeans.

  She was pretty sure he would still be gorgeous.

  Chapter Seven

  Simon finished knotting his tie, frowning at himself in the mirror. It wasn’t his best, but it would have to do.

  “Where the hell did you find another suit?” Chelsea asked from the bed behind him.

  “I had one in my go bag, of course.” He might have forgotten to add sex toys to his essentials, but he was never without a proper suit. He turned and caught sight of her in the early morning light. The morning did nothing to aid the décor of the room, but it did wonders for her. She yawned a little, like a sleepy kitten who’d finally been taught to purr.

  Even after a thorough hygiene routine, he could still remember the tangy taste of her arousal and how she’d gone wild under his mouth. She’d tried so hard to be ladylike, but in the end she’d screamed out his name just like he’d said she would.

  He’d slept beside her briefly. At one point in the night, she’d turned in her sleep and ended up cuddled against his back. Her arm had gone over his waist and she’d hugged him like he was her favorite teddy bear.

  And he’d lain there with a hard-on that wouldn’t die down. He’d tried a cold shower but now that he was looking at her, he was hard again. Bloody crazy cock of his.

  “Jesse’s getting us some coffee.” She liked hers sweet. He’d made Jesse promise to load up on the sugar.

  She was right back to awkward this morning. She held the sheet up almost to her neck. He was going to have to do something about that. “Thanks. Uhm, maybe you could turn around while I get dressed.”

  He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Now why would I do that?”

  She rolled her eyes. Ah, the brat was back. “So I can get dressed.”

  Poor girl. “You really should have read your contract.”

  The sheet slipped but only so she could wrap it under her shoulders. Pretty shoulders. He loved the creamy ivory of her skin and the little dusting of freckles across her nose. She wasn’t wearing a touch of makeup and it made her younger, so fucking sweet and innocent. Perversely, that made him want to do things to dirty her up.

  “What does the contract say?”

  He reached out and got a hand on the sheet. “It says that when we’re alone, you’re naked.”

  He tugged the sheet and her breasts came into view. He loved the little squeal that came out of her mouth.

  “Damn it, Simon. It’s cold. You can’t expect me to run around naked.”

  “But you look so good naked.”

  The prettiest pink flushed over her skin. “You’re a weirdo, Weston.” But she stopped covering herself and relaxed a bit. “Who the hell has a full suit in his bug-out bag?”

  He loved the way she talked and god, he loved teasing her. “First, I would never carry anything called a bug-out bag. You’ve watched far too many television shows about people preparing for the end of the world.”

  She grinned, bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging her legs. Her feet were slightly askew and he didn’t mention to her that it gave him a lovely view of her pussy. “Hey, I knew crazy-ass preppers before they were cool. And it’s a bug-out bag and it contains only the essentials of life, like cash and burners and backup drives. Though that won’t really help me since you made me destroy my baby. Oh, and some granola bars and energy drinks. You know, in case I get stuck somewhere. What a real bug-out bag doesn’t have is a full suit.”

  There was nothing he could do about the computer, but he was enjoying the intimacy of sitting with her. “It’s the first thing that went into my go bag. We can’t let ourselves live like animals, can we?”

  “You get a suit and I don’t even get undies. How is that fair?”

  “I’m not as pretty as you, love.”

  She huffed a little. “Sure you aren’t. The underwear thing, tell me that’s just when we’re alone. Surely you don’t expect me to run around Dallas commando.”

  That little problem had neatly handled itself. “Unless you have a spare pair in your bag, I’m afraid you’ll have to fight the raccoon to get them back. I believe you’ll find they’re now part of her nest. She’ll hiss at you when you walk by to shower, but she doesn’t seem to actually bite.”

  Her eyes had gone as wide as saucers. “A raccoon has my granny panties?”

  “I managed to save your T-shirt, but she’s also got your socks.”

  She shivered a little. “I don’t like nature. Why does it have to be in our room?” She looked back at the bathroom longingly. “Can we change motels?”

  He could do something about that. “Yes, love. We’re going to get my spare car and drive a ways out of the city. Perhaps down to Austin. We’ll check in somewhere nice with our new identifications and I’ll try to get updates from Adam. I promise the next place we stay will be raccoon-free.”

  “No nature?”

  “Absolutely no nature.” He should probably try to get her a computer, but he rather liked having her attention on him. The minute he put her in front of a screen, he’d lose her again.

  She screamed and jumped on top of him, pointing behind her. “My sock is crawling. It’s crawling, Simon!”

  He stood up, easily hefting her slight weight. Sure enough, it looked as though her sock was making slow progress across the floor. It was past time to go. Mother Raccoon made an appearance, hissing his way as she dragged the baby under the sock back to the nest. He really should complain to management because thirty dollars a night was far too much to put up with a roommate.

  Still, he liked how she clung to him. She wasn’t thinking about the fact that she was naked now. He held her tight. “It’s gone now. Banished back to the nursery, which also happens to be our loo.”

  The arms around him tightened, and she buried her face in his neck. “I can’t take a shower in there.”

  “I think you’ll survive until I can find us someplace proper.” He might not though. His stupid cock was greedy. It was taking all the blood in his body. So hard. Her glorious ass was right there in his hands. Did they really need to leave?

  She brought her palms up to cup his cheeks and looked up at him. “No nature.”

  “None,” he promised.

  She bit her bottom lip and then did the absolutely unexpected. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his. “I like kissing you, Weston.”

  Fuck. She was going to kill him, and he would go out happily if he could just get inside her. “I like being kissed, Chelsea. And my name is Simon. When you’re kissing me, I want you to call me Simon.”

  She kissed him again, a slow play of her lips along his. She’d been awkward the day before, but it looked like his girl was a fast learner. And she was definitely a natural when it came to getting him hot. “All right, Simon. I think if I kiss you for a while, I might not care about where I am.”

  He knew damn well he wouldn’t care. He had a naked Chelsea in his arms. He could be in the middle of Hell and he wouldn’t give a damn. He kissed her, not bothering to play it slow this time. She liked kissing. He could work with that. He licked along her bottom lip, loving the way she shivered in his arms. “Is kissing the only thing you like?”

  She licked him back, proving she could go with the flow. She took his bottom lip and gave him a little nip that sent a thrill down his spine. “I like it when you kiss me everywhere. I didn’t think I would like that, Simon.”

  He rubbed their noses together, kissing her there, too. There was the sweetest little cluster of freckles on her nose. “Why did you think you wouldn’t like it?”

  “I thought it would be weird. That’s private, you know.”

  “Not between us it isn’t. If you
had read your contract,” he began.

  She groaned. “You’re going to throw that back in my face forever. I suppose the contract states that my private parts all belong to you, huh?”

  He squeezed her ass. She probably didn’t think she would enjoy anal play, either, but he was going to prove her wrong about that, too. “Your private parts are definitely mine. Every one of them. I expressed that in great detail in our contract. Every single pretty bit.”

  “I’m glad I didn’t read it.” She frowned suddenly. “What about your parts?”

  “Are you asking if my cock belongs to you by right of contract?” He’d been a solicitor after his service was up. It was how he’d gotten recruited into MI6. They’d needed someone to work at a charity they suspected of arms dealing. He knew how to write a contract that would bind them tightly together.

  She flushed again, but then her spine straightened. “Yes. My parts apparently belong to you. I want to know what belongs to me.”

  He lowered her a little so she could feel what belonged to her. He ground himself against her belly. “Yes, love, that’s yours. All yours.”

  It had bloody well been hers since the moment he’d met her. And she could have it when she gave him what he wanted.

  “I want to see it, Simon. I want to touch it.”

  Fuck, he would come in her hand. “All right.”

  He was just about to put her down when the door opened.

  “Hey, nice ass, Dennis. I always knew it would be pretty.” Jesse let the door close behind him as Chelsea screamed again.

  Simon turned and let her slide to the floor. Cockblocking son of a bitch. “Jesse, could you give us a moment?”

  “Yeah, like who just walks in? Dude, what is wrong with you?” Chelsea used his body as a shield.

  Jesse set down the coffee and what looked like donuts. “It’s not like I haven’t seen most of it before. We go to the same club.”

  Simon stared his partner down. “We’re not at the club now. You can give us some privacy.”

  Jesse sighed and turned his back. “This is the best I can do, boss. I had to get in here to talk to you. We’ve got trouble. Have you turned on the TV?”


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