Book Read Free

With Friends Like These

Page 2

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  Ricky smiled at Camille one more time. “Bye, baby. Hope I see you around,” he said, licking his lips.

  “I hope you do, too,” Camille sweetly said as he took off toward the court.

  “Y’all are goin’ to make me throw up, for real,” Jasmine said, turning and heading off the court.

  I jumped in front of Jasmine. “Oh, no, you don’t. Why did you not tell me that fine thing was your brother?”

  “I’m sorry, I would have no earthly idea what fine thing you’re talking about,” Jasmine coolly replied. “Because you couldn’t possibly be talking about Jaquan. Besides, you saw him at the banquet last year.”

  I leaned back and looked at Jaquan again. He did look familiar, but I would’ve definitely remembered somebody that cute.

  Jasmine shook her head. “He was a lot shorter and a lot nerdier looking. He just sprouted up over the summer. Now he thinks he all fine and stuff.”

  “He is.” I glanced toward the court again. “Hook a sista up.”

  “First of all, the slang. Not you,” Jasmine said, wagging her finger side to side in my face. “Second of all, I really do like you. And since I wouldn’t fix my brother up with my worst enemy, that’s not an option. Got it?”

  “Nope,” I replied with a smile. “He’s the one.”

  “You don’t even know him. He’s a jerk.”

  “You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to talk to him,” I responded.

  Jasmine sighed. She should’ve known I wasn’t trying to hear anything she had to say.

  “So, will you stop being my friend if I talk to your brother?” I asked as I cocked my head at her.

  “Huh? Of course not. But I’m just trying to tell you—”

  I cut her off. “Then the only thing I ask is that you tell your brother to call me.”

  Jasmine looked at me like I was on drugs. “I can’t stop you from talking to Jaquan, but I dang sure ain’t gon’ help you. And if you know like I know, you’d stay as far away from my got-a-different-girlfriend-every-week brother.”

  I ignored Jasmine as I took another look at Jaquan’s cute self. Yep, I was determined to get to know her brother a little bit better—with or without her help.



  Rachel was bouncing off the walls. She was so excited, she could barely contain herself.

  “Miss Rachel, are you going to tell us what’s going on or what?” I said. Her excitement had me curious. We were at our weekly Tuesday meeting, but instead of talking about community service or Bible lessons, Rachel had said she had a major announcement.

  She smiled as she looked out the door. “I told you all it was a surprise. One I’m sure you’ll love.”

  I took my seat up front, bracing myself for Rachel’s surprise.

  “Okay, quiet, quiet,” she said as she stood at the front of the room. By the time Tameka, Jasmine, Julia, Angel, and Alexis had all shuffled to their seats, I was about to lose my mind with anticipation.

  “One of Zion Hill’s faithful members, Shereen Young, has an incredible opportunity for you girls. Shereen works at Channel 2, and today she’s joining us to make a very special announcement. I’d like you all to give her your undivided attention, and please save your questions until she’s finished.” Rachel looked around the room. “Okay, it looks like everyone is ready. Let me go and bring her in.”

  The minute Rachel left her post at the front of the room, the whispering started. Everyone was more than just a little curious about this “surprise.”

  Rachel stepped back in the room, accompanied by a beautiful, heavyset woman who was wearing a long flowing skirt and ruffled sleeveless blouse. Her sandy brown hair was in a curly Afro.

  “Hello, everyone,” Shereen said. “As I’m sure Rachel has told you, my name is Shereen. I have been a fan of the Good Girlz program since its inception.”

  We all looked on, still trying to figure out what was going on.

  “I’m glad to be here with you today,” she continued, looking at Rachel. “Thanks for giving me this time to speak with your girls.” She turned her attention back to us. “I’m here on behalf of my station, KPCR, Channel 2. We are doing a new show called Teen Talks, and I’m heading up the new program designed to target issues facing teens today. We had a host scheduled to start in two weeks, and because of circumstances beyond our control, she simply will not be able to do it. That puts us in a bad situation, as we’re scheduled to start taping in a couple of weeks. So I’ve been charged with finding a new host for the show, quickly. We’re looking for just the right person to bring excitement, talent, and personality to the program.”

  A huge grin crossed my face. I looked around the room. Everyone, including Tameka, looked as excited as I was. Well, except for Julia. She kept her same weird look. We all started talking and asking a bunch of questions.

  “Settle down. I’ll answer all of your questions in a minute,” Shereen said. “But I need to add that not only would you host the show, which will tape once a week in the evenings, but the job also pays five hundred dollars a week.”

  That made all of our eyes get even bigger.

  “I’ve been trying to find the best way to go about finding the perfect host,” Shereen said. “And since I’m a faithful member of Zion Hill, I decided to start here. You ladies have the first shot.”

  “Wow!” I said. “That is so cool.”

  Shereen smiled as she folded her arms and nodded. “We think so.”

  All I could think was that she was speaking directly to me. I could see myself now in that position as the host of this new teen show. I immediately started thinking about all the great ideas I’d come up with.

  “So, are there any questions?” she asked.

  Every hand in the room flew into the air. I was honestly too mesmerized by the idea of being able to host my own show on TV. I had questions, but my real question was how I could get the job. That’s all I was really concerned with. Besides, I had a feeling Angel and Alexis or even Jasmine would ask enough questions.

  “So, what do we have to do?” Alexis asked.

  “Well, there is an audition process,” Shereen continued. “And because you’ll be a role model of sorts in this position, we do ask that you be passing all of your classes.”

  “That’s no problem for my girls,” Rachel stepped in and said. “Everyone is passing, right?”

  We all nodded.

  “So, what will you be looking for?” Tameka asked, finally seeming to lose the attitude she’d had since day one.

  “We’re looking for a host with personality. One who can draw the viewers in and keep the show moving along,” Shereen said.

  “When do we get to audition?” I was so excited. I already wanted to be a television news reporter when I grew up, so this was right up my alley.

  “Well, there are three rounds of auditions you’ll have to go through. The first will be a basic on-air test to make sure you even have what it takes to host a show. Some people freeze up on camera, or know this is something they could never do. We don’t want to waste their time or ours. So I guess that would be my first question. Anyone in here not interested in hosting the show?”

  We all looked around the room. Julia, who was sitting in the back of the room, slowly raised her hand. “Actually, I won’t be able to do it. This is my last meeting. My parents are moving to Ohio.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Rachel said.

  We all looked like we could care less—probably because no one really knew her, and she definitely hadn’t made an effort to get to know us.

  Julia shrugged like it was no big deal.

  I didn’t mean to sound cold, but I had too many questions to be worrying about Julia. “I think we all are excited about the opportunity,” I said.

  “Actually,” Angel interrupted me, “as much as I would love to take part, and I dang sure could use the money, my mom works in the evening. And I know with the baby, I just can’t do it. But I’m definitel
y here to help my girls out.” She playfully pushed my shoulder.

  “Well, that settles it, then,” Shereen said. “We have four candidates for the job. Now, I have to tell you, if myself and the other producers don’t think any of you is the person we’re looking for, we will open the search up to other Houston-area teens.”

  “You won’t have to look anywhere else,” I bragged.

  “That’s right, because you’ve found your new host right here,” Tameka said, pointing to her chest. “Television is in my blood. My cousin is a reporter for CNN.”

  I cut a sideways glance at her. She sure was arrogant all of a sudden. She’d barely said two words since we first met, and now she was all cocky.

  “Not,” Alexis joked. “I would say the Teen Talks host is right here.” She stood up and took a bow.

  Jasmine stood up next to Alexis and bumped her with her hips. “You mean right here.” She patted her chest.

  We all laughed, except for Tameka. She looked like she might be taking this a little too seriously.

  “All right. Settle down, girls. Let Shereen finish telling you how the audition will work,” Rachel said.

  Everybody took their seats.

  “I’m glad to see such enthusiasm,” Shereen said. “We’ll do the on-air test next week. That will be followed by a round of interviews with the producers, and then you’ll actually tape a show.” She started passing out some papers. “If you all would, please, fill out this application and bring it with you to the on-air test, which will be held at the Channel 2 studios on next Friday.”

  Shereen answered a few more questions before heading out.

  “I trust that you all will represent me well,” Rachel said after she was gone.

  “And you know this,” I playfully said.

  “And I’m not going to support this unless we all agree this will be a friendly competition,” Rachel added.

  “Of course,” I said. Everyone else nodded as well.

  After we wrapped up that conversation, Alexis stood up, looking at her watch. “We’ll be all set, Miss Rachel, but for now we have to go. We’re all working a catering event for my dad.”

  “Not all of us,” Tameka said.

  I raised my eyebrows. Alexis’s father had asked us to help out as waitresses at some business event tonight when his caterers found themselves short-staffed. Alexis had immediately called me, Angel, and Jasmine. I bet she forgot to call Tameka and Julia.

  “I’m so sorry,” Alexis said. “I wasn’t even thinking, Tameka. I’m sure it won’t be a problem for you to help, too.”

  Tameka stood and grabbed her purse. “No, thanks. Since I’m just an afterthought and all, I’ll just go on home and start practicing for my audition.”

  She turned up her nose as she walked out of the room. While I desperately wanted the Teen Talks job, if it didn’t go to me, I’d rather it went to anybody but Tameka.



  This money was burning a hole in my pocket. Alexis’s dad had given us all two hundred dollars for working his business event. My mom had made me save a hundred dollars—talking about a rainy day. Shoot, the way the rain was pouring down around us right about now, I’d tried to convince her it was a rainy day. Of course, she wasn’t hearing it and told me I’d better get out of her face before she took the other hundred.

  I rounded up my girls, and they were just as geeked as I was to get to the mall. Jasmine was the only one who wasn’t anxious to spend her money. She was talking about how she wanted to put her money up. I guess that’s because she probably hadn’t seen two hundred dollars in her life. Her family was dirt-poor. We’d convinced her to do like me and put one hundred up and come with us to the mall. She’d done so reluctantly, but now that she was here, she was like a kid in the candy store. Alexis, on the other hand, had looked at the money like it was no big deal.

  “You can’t buy nothing with two hundred dollars,” she’d griped.

  “You might not be able to, but I dang sure can,” Jasmine had replied. “And if it’s no big deal to you, gimme your part.” Jasmine held her hand out. Alexis laughed and shook her head.

  We were now making our way through First Colony Mall. I had to pull Jasmine away from Foot Locker because when we’d met her, she dressed like a boy, in warm-ups and tennis shoes. Now that we’d gotten her to dress somewhat like a young lady, we wanted to keep her that way.

  “Oh, Donovan would love you in that,” I said to Jasmine as we stopped and looked in the window of Forever 21. She looked at the aqua dress I was pointing at.

  “Dang, that’s tight,” Jasmine replied.

  “As microbraids,” Alexis said.

  We all looked at her.

  “You are so corny.” Jasmine laughed.

  Alexis gave her the hand. “Don’t hate, appreciate.”

  “We told you about those busta sayings,” I replied.

  We looked around, noticing Angel wasn’t around. “Hey, where did Angel go?”

  “Where else?” Jasmine said, pointing to Children’s Place across the mall.

  I felt kinda sad for a minute. Angel’s daughter Angelica was almost a year old now. She’d made it clear that when she got her money, she couldn’t spend it on herself. She had to buy her daughter some clothes because she was always growing. That was jacked up, but I guess that was what motherhood was all about. I didn’t even want to know about that until I was like thirty-something.

  “I hate that Angel can’t at least buy herself something,” I said as I watched Angel sift through the clearance rack in the children’s store. “She really—” I stopped talking as I turned to Alexis and Jasmine. They had turned around and were staring at one of the most gorgeous guys I’d ever laid eyes on. He was tall, sandpaper brown, had a tight fade, and his Sean Johns hung just enough to be sexy but not enough to be a turnoff. He was in the music store with some headphones on, bobbing his head to whatever it was he was listening to.

  “Oh. My. God,” I said.

  “You can say that again,” Alexis said.

  “Oh. My. God,” I repeated.

  “Okay, he’s almost as fine as Donovan,” Jasmine said.

  I stared at the boy. “Naw, boo. I know Donovan is fine as all get-out, but that is fine, with a capital F.”

  The boy turned and looked out the window, catching us staring at him. We giggled and quickly looked away. I bet we looked so stupid standing out in the middle of the mall giggling like we were in junior high or something. He held up his hand, I guess asking us to wait. He motioned to someone else in the store and headed toward the door.

  “Jasmine, you have a man,” I whispered. “So move. This one is between me and Alexis.”

  Jasmine shook her head. “Y’all need some medication to cure that boy craziness.”

  The boy came walking toward us, followed by another guy who must’ve been his friend. His friend could’ve stayed in the store. He had to be a good four hundred pounds. Then the gold around his neck had to add another fifty pounds.

  Me and Alexis smiled as the guys approached us. We grinned and put on our sophisticated-girl looks.

  “Can we come hang out with y’all? ’Cause shisters be looking finnnnnneeee,” the cute one said.

  I don’t know whose smile faded first, mine or Alexis’s.

  “Shisters?” I said.

  The big boy laughed. “He’s trying to say sisters. My boy got a small speech impediment.”

  “Shisters. That’s what I said,” he repeated.

  I looked at him crazy. “It’s sisters. No h.”

  “And that’s not the only thing he’s got,” Alexis said as she took a step back and fanned her hand in front of her face. “Good grief. Have you been eating garlic or something?”

  It was his turn to look crazy. “Huh? My breath stank?”

  “So much that it should be a crime,” I said, taking a step back myself.

  His boys started laughing as he covered his mouth and nose and blew into his hand.

nbsp; “Whatever,” he said, after smelling his hand. “You trying to be funny.”

  I wanted to tell him, really I’m not, but I didn’t want to be any more rude than we’d already been.

  “Yo, I’m Big T,” the big guy said as he took a step forward. “This is Luscious D.”

  “Are y’all rappers or something?” Jasmine asked, finally stepping into the conversation.

  “Naw, that’s just our names,” Big T replied. “’Cause I’m big, and my boy is luscious.”

  Jasmine stared at him for a minute. “Don’t ever, ever, ever tell anybody that again.” She turned and walked away, shaking her head.

  “Sho, what’s the deal,” Luscious said, stepping toward me again. “Y’all gon’ let us hang out with y’all or what? I got a pocketful of money, and I figured we could shwing by Applebee’s or shomething.”

  I stepped back again. It didn’t make any sense that such good looks were wasted on somebody like him.

  “You need to shwing by a speech therapist,” Jasmine said, rolling her eyes. I hit her with my elbow, and she shook her head again as she went and sat down.

  “Well, look here,” I said, as I stepped out of the way to let some people pass. “We’d love to hang out with you guys, but, ummm”—I looked around, trying to figure out how we could get these guys away from us. “Our boyfriends wouldn’t like that.”

  Alexis looked at me funny.

  “Boyfriends? They don’t have to know,” Luscious said.

  “Well, ummm, they’re here at the mall with us,” I said as I looked around nervously. I know Jasmine was wondering why I didn’t just tell them we weren’t interested and move on. But while she was the mean one, I did try not to hurt people’s feelings too bad.

  I guess Alexis finally caught on. “Yeah, so we’d better get going. See ya, ’bye.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

  We walked a couple of steps and looked up to see Luscious D and Big T following us.

  “I don’t shee no boyfriends,” Luscious said, looking around.

  Jasmine rolled her eyes, and me and Alexis tried to keep from busting out laughing. We looked up at three guys walking out of the Eddie Bauer store. I made eye contact with one of the guys. He smiled, and I took that as my opportunity. “Hey, baby,” I said as I walked quickly over to the tallest of the three. I wrapped my arm through his. “We’ve been looking all over for you guys.”


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