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Last Knight of Jarna (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 10

by Alexis Martin

  Then, from out of nowhere, all the air was knocked from her lungs as a muscled wolf crashed into her and spun her to all fours. The new wolf then launched into Thane, driving toward his neck. The collision sounded like thunder, and, to Rain’s dismay, it sent Thane careening back to topple over a steep cliff along with the unknown wolf that had charged him.

  A breath caught in her throat, and an indescribable sickness paralyzed her limbs. She staved off the tears and willed herself toward the edge of the cliff. There was thick fog that had settled in the ravine below, and the rushing of water echoed to her ears. She could see nothing.

  Thane was gone!

  She saw Arran leaning out over the ravine, calling out a single name over and over again. “Toria!” It was desperate and agonizing to hear.

  Rander, his nose shattered and bleeding, limped along with Tregon, whose eyes were nearly sealed shut and swollen. They grabbed Rain and drug her unwilling body away from the ledge of the sheer cliff.

  “Let us be gone from here, brother,” Rander said solemnly. “No one could have survived that fall.”

  Arran turned after several minutes, his head held low and eyes welling. “Why did she come? I...I did not know she was following us.”

  “She loved you, Arran. She saw you in trouble and sacrificed herself.”

  “Was it worth all of this?”Rain stormed in.

  “No,” Arran said meekly. “Nothing was worth this.”

  Rain wanted to cry out, to cry and scream, to lash out at Arran and Rander, but nothing would form in her throat or eyes. The loss was too much to bear right now.

  Her love was gone.

  Chapter 15

  The lower valley water was like ice, and several times he felt himself drowning, the rapids swiftly moving him downstream, over rocks, and down small waterfalls. His hands inadvertently latched onto a clump of wet fur. He held to it until the waters became less treacherous. Kicking his strong legs, he propelled himself to a rocky bank with the heavy fur ball in hand. Using the last of his reserve strength, he dragged the thing to the shore and collapsed in utter exhaustion. He could see now that the lump of fur was the wolf that tried to bite his head off.

  Rain, and the look on her face when he tumbled over the cliff, flashed through his mind. He had to find a way to her, find a way to survive. She was all that mattered to him now. Jarna would have to wait. The cold water had numbed his injuries some, but he still felt the warmth of his blood pouring from the deep wounds. He imagined that he would die relatively quickly if something was not done soon to slow the bleeding.

  Examining the wolf before him more closely, he saw that it was considerably larger, huskier than the six that had attacked him. It appeared dead, though. The chest did not rise, and there was no air escaping the nostrils. He rolled the animal to its back and set his hand on its chest to do compressions. He knew there would be a slight chance of saving this creature if he were able to compress the heart, get the muscle pumping again. But then again, why should he? This was a big one and it did try to kill him. The creature did show courage, and that was a trait he held in high regard.

  Compressing the chest, he began in steady, even movements. After several repetitions, water spurted from the mouth and nose and he felt the heart beating. Wide, chestnut eyes opened slowly, and the animal transformed in his hands into a powerfully built woman with long black hair the color of midnight. His hands still cupped her solid breasts, the palms covering her plump nipples. He had never seen a woman built so sturdy, so solid.

  “Where...where am I?” she asked in a shaky voice. “And who are you?” She lay there a moment, staring up at him in bewilderment.

  “You swallowed some water. I think you will be fine. Does anything feel broken?”

  She shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so. Ummm, why is your hand squeezing my breast?”

  “Sorry.” He pulled his hands away hastily, not realizing that he had been accidentally kneading her firm tits, almost pinching her nipples.

  “You’re injured,” she replied, resting a hand on his shoulder.

  “You and your friends did try to eat my face off, and you pushed me from a cliff.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Wait.” She spun from him and rose to her feet. “Now I remember everything. You tried to kill my Arran. I...I also saw your fangs. You are a Koltoi.”

  “They are the ones that attacked me,” he protested. “What is an Arran?”

  “My mate, and you tried to hurt him. Prepare to die.” She suddenly shifted in front of him and showed all of her teeth, snarling ferociously.

  He had never been so tired, so weak, in all of his life. The blood colored his chest and shoulders crimson. His whole body was a swirl of red and flesh tones. The life force was leaving his body, and there was no fight left in him.

  He had survived the barbarians, the winged demons of the Daribu Forest, only to be ended by a she-wolf that was exotically beautiful. Life was such a fickle thing, unpredictable and uncertain.

  He reclined back and indicated to his throat with a single finger. “Do it swiftly if you must. I do not wish for a lingering death.” He cast his gaze toward the heavens from his back. “Ahhh, Rain. I failed you. At least you showed me what love was. Maybe in another life.” He closed his eyes and waited patiently to be transcended into the afterlife.

  The death strike never came, and he once again opened his eyes. The she-wolf was in human form, squatting next to him with her arms cradled around her knees, studying him. She seemed to be deliberating internally, puzzled almost.

  “You love Rain?” she asked suddenly.

  “Aye. I do. More than anything.”

  “Arran and the others were told that you killed Colcu and were holding Rain captive. That is why they came.”

  A wheezy laugh escaped him. “I did kill Colcu, yet I had no idea he was a werewolf at the time. Rain, though, was free to leave as she wished. I never held her hostage. What is your name?”

  “Toria,” she said.

  “I am Thane,” he offered.

  Toria left his side for a few moments and returned with a shard of obsidian. She traced a line along her forearm and opened a narrow gash, then extended it to Thane’s mouth. “If you bite me I will kill you,” she warned.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You are a Koltoi and badly injured. If you do not drink soon, you will die.”Her tone was flat.

  He nodded appreciatively and carefully extracted the nutrients from her arm, suckling softly as a newborn babe.

  * * * *

  Toria reclaimed her arm only when she became dizzy from the loss of blood.

  “I thank you,” he whispered. He motioned toward his belt. “Use it to seal the wound on your arm. I must sleep now.”

  After loosening his leather belt, she pulled it free and wrapped it tight around her forearm. Her wound would heal in a few days, but she did not know if this sleeping giant would survive the night.

  This was the first instance she met a man that was larger than her and it was intriguing. There were two things that still had to be done if he had a chance of survival—stem the bleeding and keep him warm.

  After pulling off his wet boots and pants, she paused for a moment in shock of the sight between his legs. It was fat and long, the largest she ever seen. Her face warmed and her pussy began weeping immediately as if she were preparing to mate.

  Focus, Toria. Damn, the man is dying and you’re staring at his dick.

  Taking several deep breaths, she cleaned the excess blood from his chest, shoulders, and face, being extremely careful as to not touch his male member. The river moss contained some purported healing elements, and she used it to pack his wounds. With a great effort she lifted Thane and carried him to an alcove of pines, a place that was warmer and shielded from the winds. She was strong, always had been, but this man was three times Arran’s weight.

  There was no way to create a fire, and Thane shivered uncontrollably—he needed warmth. Using the natural
heat from her body, she lay against him and cradled him into her arms. His muscles trembled against her, and it was then she noticed how incredible he really was. He was not beautiful like Arran with the soft features, but he was a handsome thing just the same and awesomely built, strong and powerful like her.

  Her nipples began to harden as he shivered against her body, and she tried to sleep next to the man she nearly killed just moments ago.

  Chapter 16

  The sound of rushing water was behind her, and they were basked in the dim glow of the pale moonlight when Toria woke to Thane’s delusional rantings. “Rain,” he called again and again against her neck. Rain, is that you? Are you with me?” His warm breaths washed across her throat, and for a second she wished that she were Rain.

  “Shhh,” she whispered in a lulling voice, stroking his long hair, keeping him held tight against her chest. “It is Toria. I am here with you...get some rest.”

  “Rain, I need you,” he rumbled again. His hand shot up to claim her breast, squeezing so securely that her flesh bubbled through his fingers. It was pain infused with pleasure, and her nipples responded, becoming hard peaks.

  His mouth sought hers in the darkness, and she felt the throbbing hardness of his cock pressed against her stomach. His tongue was scalding as it lashed into her mouth. She opened fully for him and allowed the heated kiss to linger until there was no stopping.

  She should stop this...really she should. But at this precise moment she wished she were Rain—just for this one night.

  His strength suddenly overpowered her as he smashed his chest over her breasts and shifted on top of her. The head of his thick cock was in line with her folds, and she was already soaked down below for this man. She did not resist, even raised her hips for him, urging the man to enter her.

  “Rain, I need you. I love you.”He moaned.

  She couldn’t help herself—not now. The need was stinging her inner thighs as the heat from his cock caused her tender folds to quiver with expectation. “Yes, Thane. It is...Rain,” she assured him. “And I want you more than ever.”

  Tilting her hips, she hooked her ankles around his back, feeling the sweet swell of his engorged cock as it blissfully stretched her, separating her pussy more than she had ever imagined.

  “By the Gods, Rain. You are so warm.”He grunted.

  He penetrated her fully, her legs forced further apart, and right then Toria thought she just might die. The sensation was nothing she could have imagined. His weight, his raw power bending her as his cock throbbed deep inside crippling her. She rotated her rounded hips against the force of his needy thrusts, giving herself fully to this man, a man she knew nothing about.

  His pelvis melded against her, slamming into her clit with each pass, each rough stroke he dished out. She gripped his shoulders securely and held onto him with her thighs, holding on for dear life. “Take me—take me,” she echoed along with his tempo. Each jolt against her cunt caused strange tones to slip from her throat.

  He sure didn’t seem like he was a man on the verge of death. It didn’t seem possible that Rain could take on a man of this...size. She was such a scrawny thing.

  The sudden thought vanished as he rose from her chest, took hold of her ankles, and arched against her pussy. Something was about to give. The pressure and the friction combined to engulf her in a heated bliss. The climax jolted her senses, and it ripped a husky growl from her throat, the sound deep and resounding.

  His large arms held her completely spread open as his cock hammered into her orgasm harder than ever. Another release took her by storm as her hands fisted the sides of his ass cheeks, yanking him into her. His muscles bunched and his cock kicked in her womb. Her inner walls squeezed him tightly as she accepted his seed, milking the shaft with her womanly cream.

  He grunted then collapsed on top of her, sucking in huge amounts of air, and she also had labored breaths. Her hands went up to lovingly pet his back and to stroke his wet hair as his heartbeat thudded over her breasts. Tears threatened to sting her eyes from the unexpected ravishing. It had all been so incredibly intense. Rain was a lucky woman, she thought. He really loved her.

  What did she just do? How could she do such a thing? This would be her secret—it would have to be. She undoubtedly loved Arran to death, but Thane affected her most primal urges.

  She allowed Thane to sleep on her for the next hour, his relaxed cock still swimming inside her. She did not want him to leave, but she knew it had to happen eventually. Gently moving from underneath the giant, she did her best to clean them both and lay down next to him for the night.

  It had been one of the most unusual days she ever lived through. The man she wanted to kill gave her the best orgasm of her life—two, in fact.

  * * * *

  When Thane woke, the first thing he noticed was that the pain in his shoulder was gone and the wound was practically healed as if by some miracle. But his cock, on the other hand, ached considerably. It felt as if he had been squeezed by a vise.

  The pretty dark-haired she-wolf was sleeping soundly. He brushed the moss from his body and took notice of his nakedness. His boots and trousers were set out neatly and drying in the morning sun.

  His dream had been so vivid last night he thought he actually made love to Rain and could almost smell her intoxicating she-wolf essence. It was what kept him going, kept him alive. The scent and feel of Rain against him. It was one of those dreams he never wished to wake from.

  He gently tapped Toria’s shoulder with the tip of his finger. “What do they want with Rain? Where are they taking her?”

  “Back to the village of Clear Water.”She yawned with a long morning stretch.

  “You will take me to her—now,” he demanded, his voice threatening.

  Her eyes narrowed as she stood to face him. “Only if you promise me you will not hurt Arran. I will bite you in half if you lay one harmful finger on him.” He believed that she possibly could, with the menacing face she showed him.

  “It was your kind that attacked me, Toria. All I want—all I care for is Rain. Who is this Zurk fellow?”

  “The alpha of Clear Water. He is fast, but not as...strong as you.”

  “Lead me to him, this Zurk. I wish to meet him.”

  “Easier said than done. You cannot challenge him because you are not a wolf. The pack would destroy you before you even set foot in the village. Besides, I don’t think I want you to hurt him either. He seems possessive with his she-wolves, but there are many good qualities about him. I think time will tell if he becomes a good, trustworthy leader for the pack.”

  “What will he do with Rain?” His jaw clenched shut with the question.

  “Probably mate with her since he claimed her—an alpha’s right.”

  The fury swelled within him. The unadulterated rage consumed him like an angry sea. The warrior within him only saw red, and he wanted to remove the head from Zurk’s shoulders. Balling his fists, he swung from Toria and released a yell. A yell he had done so many times in the past just before battle resonated from his core. It was a battle cry that wrought terror and dismay to anyone that heard it.

  Then something happened. He felt oddly different and his ears buzzed incisively. Stinging pain throughout his body seized all of his muscles, and he dropped to his knees. Toria backed away slowly, her mouth falling open either in fear or disbelief.

  “What’s wrong?” he wanted to ask, but his voice was deep, and it came out as a rumbling growl.

  It was the voice of a wolf.

  * * * *

  Toria could not believe her eyes. Thane had become a wolf right in front of her. She could smell it in the air. It was the sweet aroma of a first transformation. But how? How did he become one of them? Was it the numerous bites he had suffered through? Was it because she allowed him to drink her blood? Was it due to the fact that she made love to him or a culmination of all three strung together, to make this perfect creature in front of her? Whatever the reason or the forces that made
this happen, it did happen, and he was glaring right at her. He was the most incredible creature she ever witnessed.

  There was no doubt that they could make good time back to Clear Water now, unless, of course, he had a desire to take her while they were in wolf form—test out his new body. Then it may take weeks to reach Clear Water. She would definitely run with her tail held provocatively, in a manner that told him that she was open to any of his ideas. This could turn out to be one hell of a journey back home. There were all kinds of possibilities, and she was open to all of them.

  * * * *

  “Why do you defy me, Rain!” Zurk lamented, throwing his hands in the air. “It has been three days and you won’t look me in the eyes—you won’t talk to me. We found you and brought you back to your rightful place.” He took her by the shoulders with both hands and shoved her against the wall. He dipped down and captured her enticing lips, trying to force a kiss. There was no response, no effort...nothing. She even shoved against his chest to squirm out of his grasp.

  “You...Zurk, killed the only thing I truly ever loved,” she said, seeing Zurk’s face shrivel and eyes narrow fiendishly.

  “That Human? I can’t believe you gave yourself so freely to him—a lesser species.”

  Rain tried to bite back an angry retort. “He was more of a man than you will ever be or ever hoped to be.”

  Zurk’s right hand lashed out, clipping Rain across her cheek. She slumped to the wood floor, and he lifted her by the hair. “I am the alpha, and you serve me now. I will tolerate your insolence no more. Yolta is already prepared for the union. We will circle the ancient tree together and we will mate. It is my right, Rain. As you will find out soon enough, I always get what I want.”

  She was speechless. Rain could not believe that Zurk just struck her. It was the final blow for her—she would have to escape by any means possible.


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