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Page 9

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “You hear that, Davio?” Silas called to him.

  Loveria swung to face us. “Yes, and so should Faith. She needs to know about this.”

  “No, she can’t. My father said he loses sight of me. She won’t know where you are with her forethought, any more than my father knows where I am. Being in this gray area is the same as being in the dark. Visually they can’t see us, just as we don’t have the skills to reach them, either by ’porting or telepathic communication. We’re on our own out here.”

  He swiped a hand through his golden-brown hair. “If she checks on me, which she will before the day is out, she won’t see me and she’ll worry.”

  “Did you not warn anyone of where you were headed?”

  “Zac and Viv know.” A firm statement as he eyed me. “They were the only ones I contacted before we followed Moyer’s ’porting airstream to this location.”

  Silas ran his boot back and forth, scuffing up the sand underfoot. “They’ll tell Faith when we don’t turn up before nightfall and likely guess we’re in the gray area.”

  “That’ll be what Zac and Viv will suspect.” Loveria came closer, breaching the five foot mark, which had my blood bubbling in confrontation to his. “Hope, why do you keep holding off from meeting your sister?”

  I battled to keep my warring emotions under check. Being this close to Loveria was the pits. In fact, anywhere in his vicinity was. And to think my sister had to merge her mind with his and physically touch him, skin-to-skin to cease the pain which now beat at me. It was a shame this was not a skill and lost within the gray area. Instead it was embedded in my DNA.

  Setting my hands on my hips, I huffed. “I’ve already told Silas why. Kate still adapts to Dralion. She’s gone through too much since her arrival and Alexo is waiting to ‘see’ the right moment to tell her of me. He has not asked for long, so I will wait. And if Faith knew of my existence, would she keep it to herself? Would she speak to Kate?”

  Loveria cocked a brow. “Faith has always longed for family, so I can only say she will kill me for what I’ve withheld. She will want to meet you.”

  Silas snorted. “Faith will kill me first before she ever lays a hand on you. I am the one mated to her sister and have known the longest. That will not pass her notice.”

  I glared at them both. “Then it’s best she not know right now. This is Alexo’s problem and one he should have to deal with. Not me.”

  Silas gripped my shoulders and maneuvered me back two steps. “You have to remember the five foot mark, and to restrain your temper around Davio.”

  “I don’t have to restrain anything. I like fighting with him. It does my soul good.”

  His lips twitched. “Yes, so I see. By all means, ignore my request.”

  “I will, and Loveria and I wouldn’t even be fighting if you hadn’t have brought him here, or come yourself. You didn’t need to.”

  “I came because I am driven to see to your welfare. We are soul-bound, and it appears I detest having you out of my sight.”

  “Well, get used to it. I am from Dralion.”

  Loveria coughed. “Right, since you two are back to fighting, I’ll head inside and set up somewhere for us to sleep, as far away from the warriors as possible. We’ll need our rest for tomorrow. That’s if we can get any.” He walked to the door and edged inside, fisting his hand over the hilt of his sword.

  I doubted anyone would sleep well this night.

  “We’ll join him.” Silas snagged my hand.

  “Hey.” I bumped into his back as he stopped in the doorway. Around the perimeter of the room, four lamps glowed softly, just enough to cast a little light into each darkened corner.

  Guy, in his brown rawhide pants and midnight-black shirt, heaved four mattresses toward one wall, and tossed a green woolen blanket over each. Maslin and Goldie stood, quietly conversing. Goldie raised a hand and beckoned me.

  “I need to talk to Goldie.”

  “As long as you understand you’re sleeping with me.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I joined Goldie and Maslin as Silas and Loveria shoved three mattresses against the wall where they’d have the greatest distance from the others.

  “I can’t believe what’s happened,” I said to Goldie.

  She rolled her eyes. “What’s unbelievable is that I’m going to sleep under the same roof as a Loveria.”

  “I’d say it’s a day in history which will forever go unspoken of,” Guy said as he trudged across.

  “Hell yes, to that,” Maslin concurred.

  “It’s an awful situation, but we don’t have any choice. We’re here, so we’re going to have to deal with it.” Goldie eyed Maslin. “You know your way around, so you’re in charge of organizing all we need for this hike tomorrow.”

  “No problem. The Sols always ensure this place is well provisioned.” He and Guy left to search the crates.

  “Are you all right?” Goldie leaned in, her tone low as she continued, “Maslin updated me. Interesting to hear what he has to say about the Sols and mind-merge. We need the truth. I’m glad I’m here.”

  “Me too. I hope I find the answers I’m seeking at the compound.” I slanted a look toward Silas. “I’m going to have to sleep over there. Silas is strong-willed and his decision about our sleeping arrangements made.”

  “And you’re going to just toe the line?”

  “For tonight. I hardly need an all-out war to start because I slept thirty feet away from where he would have preferred.”

  “He’s out of his mind if he thinks he can snatch you away whenever he pleases. Stand your ground and ensure he knows what you will and won’t accept.”

  “Oh, I will. I’ll go help Guy and Maslin.” I squeezed Goldie’s arm and headed to them. I crouched next to the supplies they’d laid out and took one of the backpacks and loaded it with a compass, flasks of water, snacks and loose fitting, hooded white shirts. “Is there food here for us to eat later tonight?”

  “The crate to your right has plenty of dried food. Grab what you need.” Guy jerked his fisted hand over his thigh. “Being this close to those two is difficult. They hold my father behind steel, and I just want to kill them.”

  “You can’t. My sister and I need them, and they won’t have your father for long.” My words rang with promise, even as quiet as they were. “None of our captured warriors should be imprisoned. We don’t take Peacians and lock them away.”

  “Why would we want to?” Guy muttered. “Dralion is safe from their sort and we’ll keep it that way.”

  I reached across and set my hand over his. “This isn’t where you want to be, but neither protector can be harmed. You’re my friend. I know how much you miss your father. I’ll find Gerritt.” I rose and slung three of the packs over my shoulders.” Guy adored his father and missed him terribly. This was the worst situation for him to be in.

  Dropping the packs at Silas’s feet, I stared at him. “I’m going to sleep.”

  I lay down with the longest sigh and faced the partially opened door. It was close to dark outside, and I had the whole night ahead of me, smack in the middle of a bunch of sparring protectors and warriors.

  How had I gotten myself into this predicament?

  Or better yet, how did I get myself out of it?

  I closed my eyes, breathing slowly in, and then out. Nope, that didn’t help. I was as tense as could be.

  Someone pulled on my ankle, and one boot popped free. I peeked, and Silas set it on the floor. He removed my other boot and sat beside me, his back to the cold stone wall. “Can we talk?”

  I eyed Loveria, who hauled his mattress farther away and then strode to the door. He leaned against it and shuddered.

  “He looks...”

  “Davio’s bond with Faith is tight. He doesn’t care to be parted from her, but that is not what I wanted to speak to you of.”

  I glanced at the others. No one was within hearing distance and the room was fairly dark except for the gentle glow of the lit la
mps. This was as private as it got, if we kept our voices low. “Go ahead.”

  “We left on bad terms. I don’t believe I convinced you of my true wishes, and we have only fought since.”

  “I understood your wishes just fine.”

  “Not how I wanted for you to. I couldn’t stay away once you cut our telepathic link. My worry increased ten-fold.”

  “It needn’t have. I’m always among my own.”

  “That’s what worries me. Maslin Sol has intentions toward you. The way he looks–”

  I clapped a hand over his mouth. “He knows you’re my mate and my life is tied to yours. You do not have the right to tell me who I may or may not have as friends.”

  He let out a huff of breath, which burst into my palm. He plucked my fingers free and said, “You are impossible.”

  “You are worse.”

  “I missed you today.”

  “Because you like arguing with me so much?”

  “That’s right. No one can quarrel with me like a Wincrest. It’s all rather refreshing, knowing you and Faith.”

  I almost laughed. “Are you trying to be funny?”

  “I apologize if I said things I shouldn’t have.”

  I tapped my ears. “Now, I know I didn’t just hear an apology.”

  “You heard fine.” He brought my hand to his chest as he slid in closer. “Carlisio has accepted my decision.”

  “I’m not anyone’s decision. We are soul-bound, and that is a relationship. I mean a non-relationship, in our case. The fact I have mind-merge is just an added problem.” I wanted to tug my hand back, yet that would only cause a scene. Goldie had now extinguished her corner lamp and settled for sleep. Guy and Maslin stood like sentries.

  “Hope.” My name was a bare whisper on his lips. “This is all because of that damn image you saw in my mind.”

  “We’re mated and yet you wish for another. It hurts.”

  “I do not desire another woman, only the concept of who she would be.”

  “You were against us being together at the start and released me, requesting I do the same. After I merged my mind with yours, it threw what was between us up in the air.”

  “No, I kidnapped you because I desired to see more of you.”

  “Nah-ah, you saw red and that’s all.”

  “I aligned our hearts because I wanted our relationship to gain in strength.”

  “Only after I saw that image in your mind.”

  “You formed a telepathic link of trust with me. We connected. You needed me, and I will always come.”

  “Ha, I did not ask you to come. You did that on your own.”

  He raised my fingers to his lips, kissing them one by one. “Exactly. I cannot stay away from you. Set that image aside, for me.”

  “I’ll set it aside when I know it’s me you want.” What? Oh drat. I hadn’t just said that out loud? Nooo, I couldn’t have. My cheeks heated and I hauled my hand free. “I-I need a minute.”

  I was stronger than this. I didn’t need a man to want me because I asked it of him.

  Reaching over me, he flicked off the lamp and plunged our little area into dark. “Every hour we are together, strengthens our bond.” With his lips near my ear, he murmured softly, “Thank you for coming and sleeping over here.”

  “Move to your own mattress.”

  “I need a minute.” He nuzzled my neck.

  I sighed. He did not need a minute. The lout was impossible. Which meant I wouldn’t be able to move him if he didn’t want to go.

  What an insufferable bond.

  Chapter 6

  I walked outside into the eerie stillness of the desert. Dawn had yet to break as I slogged through the sand around the side of the church with a flask of water and bar of soap in hand. “Catch up, Silas. One would think you’re nervous.”

  “I am, considering what’s about to happen. I can shave without your help.”

  No, he couldn’t. Loveria had returned from the washroom with nicks all over his face and without his fast-healing they would remain there for the day to come. “Loveria said there’s no mirror. Since that’s the case, I’m shaving you. I won’t see you bleed unnecessarily.”

  He came alongside me. “There’s the door, right where Davio said it would be.” He turned the knob and shoved it open. As he stepped through the doorway, he swung his lamp about. “There’s barely enough space in here for one, let alone two of us. How about–”

  “Let me in.” I pushed past him. Oh, the room was tiny, maybe seven foot square.

  Setting his lamp on the stone counter, he peered into a bowl carved into it. “There’s no plumbing.”

  “This is the desert. We should be grateful there’s a washroom at all.” The basin was plugged with a chain stoppered to a smooth round stone, and underneath the countertop, a grate had been cut into the floor. “Oh, that’s very clever.”

  Silas removed a small towel from over his shoulder and dropped it beside his lamp. “I’m not sure about this.”

  “I’ll do a good job.” I angled his head to the left as I inspected the sharp red-gold stubble. “We’ll need lots of soapy water.” I uncapped the water flask and poured a little into the plugged basin then dipped the bar of soap in and lathered it up. Nice. I smoothed the froth over his jaw. “Dagger, please.”

  “Have you ever done this before?” He slid it free from the sheath on the inside of his wrist and passed it across to me.


  He perched on the edge of the bench, bringing him closer to my height. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  Turning his cheek with one finger, I held the blade nice and close to his skin and ran it in a smooth line down. “Nope, but I’m a quick learner, and if I make a mistake, I’ll see it.”

  “My blood’s red, by the way.” He gripped my waist, keeping me still. “And take your time. No need for speed.”

  I grinned as I drew the blade along the next portion from his ear to his chin. “Don’t be a spoilsport.”

  “Is that lamp providing enough light?” His gaze darted toward it.

  “I wouldn’t move, if I were you. I like this mouth of yours and I don’t want to cut it up, no matter how smart it is.” I ran the blade right under his nose.

  “You like my mouth?”

  “Don’t speak.”

  “Can’t help it.”

  I set the knife to the other side of his face. “There is nothing you can say that I won’t guess at. Zip the lips.”

  His fingers curled into my sides. “Right now, I’m wishing I wasn’t so fastidious with keeping my blade so sharp. I think I felt a nick.”

  “I told you to be quiet.” I tapped his jaw shut and slid the blade along his neck. I inspected my work, dabbing along his skin with the towel as I cleared the last of the suds away. “Okay, I think I’ve got it all.”

  Taking the blade, he sheathed it. “I think I wet my pants.”

  I chuckled. “You did not.”

  “I like seeing you laugh.” He pulled me back to him. “So, how’s your head? This is the start of the second day without your mind-merge. Faith usually gets a headache around about now.”

  “There’s no headache, unless I count you.” I slid my arms around his neck and rubbed my nose against his.

  “The second day is when she begins to suffer. You’re not supposed to be parted from me for too long. That’s the way of your skill.”

  “I can handle a headache when it comes. Stop worrying.”

  He stroked my back. “As the second day ends and the third begins, you’ll feel worse. The headache is not one Faith can fast-heal. She has to mind-merge with Davio. One time she got so dizzy on her second day, she passed out. I thought she’d over-imbibed on the drink. Her headache was that bad.”

  “I said stop worrying.”

  “I watched her body shut down. There was blood everywhere. Her lungs filled and she coughed it out. She survived the ordeal by mere minutes after she mind-merged with Davio.”

��You are here.”

  “I will never watch that happen to you.” He pressed a hand to my forehead. “You already feel a little hot.” He snatched up the lamp and supplies and spun me toward the door.

  “Ah yeah, we’re in the desert, Mr. Observant.”

  “Which means we should hurry since we’ve a long way to travel. Davio also needs to return to Faith before the day is out.”

  “The sun isn’t up yet.” Although along the horizon a hint of light gave evidence sunrise was close. “Hey, why did Loveria risk coming with you when he should have stayed with my sister?”

  With one hand on my elbow, he guided me back the way we’d come. “Davio would never place Faith’s life in danger. Carlisio would have had forewarning, and Davio would not have come if that were the case.”

  Carlisio Loveria held the same skill as my father, although a weaker strain, as only those children born of the mated bond could hold the full strength. His parents had not been soul-bound.

  “Alexo’s forewarning never indicated any harm coming to me, only that I’d be missing.”

  “Which means we shouldn’t chance that future.” Silas extinguished the lamp as the sun peeked over the sand-hills. He increased his stride, tugging me along. “We were raised together, Davio and I. We are as close as brothers. He came because of me. I see the others. Everyone appears ready.”

  Loveria stood further away, holding out two packs. “No nicks, cousin. Lucky.”

  “More than you know.” Silas shrugged one of the packs on and slipped the other over my shoulders.

  “You do not sound grateful, and I couldn’t harm you even if I wanted. Sheesh, you have a thick head.” I yanked the soft white hood of my cotton shirt over my head. Long fluttery sleeves and a loose style allowed whatever breeze blew to cool my skin. Everyone had dressed in them, because the hoods gave plenty of protection.

  Goldie, Guy and Maslin had their packs on and Goldie raised a hand and motioned me toward her.

  I headed her way. “Hey, it looks like everyone’s ready.”

  “Yes. Maslin’s going to lead the team. We’re heading due west. You can follow with–” She rolled her eyes and coughed. “Ah, them.”

  Well, at least Goldie was a touch more accepting today. “Thank you for keeping your blade at bay.” I glanced at Guy and Maslin. “All of you. I appreciate it.”


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