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Page 12

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Silas led me toward the center of camp, where the sounds of others carried on the breeze.

  “You still need to listen.” I kept pace with him.

  “No, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “We need to discuss what’s happened tonight. You never had a choice, and now you do.”

  “I said no.” One full-on glare.

  “Silas, stop.”

  He swiveled around, hands on his hips. “Katerin Sol merged with another and took control of his mind. The man died. Do you want to merge with someone other than me?”

  “No, and I’m not suffering from a mental illness as she did. I can control my reactions. I’ll never take over another’s mind because I have no desire to merge. That only comes with you.”

  His lips thinned into a tight line.

  “We need to consider our new options, Silas. I can connect through our telepathic link and we need never even speak. You’ve already released me, and I you. That decision can still stand. Ours is a non-relationship, remember?”

  Arms crossed, he stared at me, his eyes deepened to the darkest blue. “You want me to leave?”

  To make sure I wouldn’t reach for him, I shoved my hands behind my back. “I want to give you the chance to change the course of your life. It doesn’t have to be with me. You could make that faceless image of the woman real.”

  He was stone-cold quiet.

  A pin could have dropped in the sand, and I swear I would have heard it.

  He pointed over my shoulder, and I turned to find we were the center of attention. At least two-hundred people gathered in the large clearing around a roaring fire thirty feet away, a fat pig turning on a metal spit in the center, watched us.

  Whoa. How had I missed that?

  “If you still want me to go, I will.” His fists clenched and un-clenched at his sides.

  I slowly nodded. I had to see this through. “I want you to have this choice.” It was the honest truth, and he couldn’t miss seeing that.

  “Then let’s try this. Perhaps I’ve even been waiting for just such an opportunity.” Giving me a curt bow, he clipped his heels together. “Goodbye, Hope. A long life to you.”

  His form wavered and blinked away.

  I stared at where he should have been. Was he really gone?

  Ice crawled through my veins, freezing me in place.

  He’d really left? Just like that?

  My chest ached, the center deepening to such a throbbing ball of pain I wasn’t sure I could stand it.

  I shuddered as someone’s arm came around my shoulders. Elizara.

  “He’ll return. That man looks at you in a way even he doesn’t understand. You gave him a choice, and not many would. I’m proud of you for that.”

  “W-we’ve not had an easy time since we met.”

  “Not all mated couples do. The bond is a given, but we must work at the relationship.” She led me to the closest group, and motioned for me to sit between Maslin and his grandmother, Merie.

  “You heard?” Tears welled in my eyes and Maslin’s image blurred.

  He bumped his shoulder into mine. “Hard not to, but you did the right thing.”

  I wanted to curl up and cry. “I had to set him free. I think it’s what he’s always wanted.”

  “You’re better off among your own.”

  Tears leaked out and I swiped at them. I was. I must never forget.

  The fire crackled, and a few of the men dressed in desert robes of white moved to bank the edges of the roaring flames and taper them inward. Further away from the fire, mothers led their children to a wide mat and handed them plates.

  “Wait here. I’ll get you some food.”

  I wasn’t up for moving, or even talking, so I did.

  Maslin returned and set the plate in my lap. I stared at it, although a watery film obscured the food. I would stop crying. Right now.

  Tears dripped onto the pork and dribbled down the mound of potato. Letting Silas go was the only way. I just wish it didn’t have to hurt so much.

  Where was he? Had he returned home?

  A mumble of words came from far away, and Maslin took my plate from me. I blinked to bring him into focus. “Did you say something?”

  “Yes. You’re obviously not going to eat, and you’re clearly not up for company. I’ll walk you to your tent.”

  “You will?”

  “Up.” He stood, pulling me to my feet. “You need to rest. It’s been a long day.”

  “The longest ever.”

  With a hand at the small of my back, he guided me through the maze of tents to Elizara’s. At the entrance, he dipped his head. “I’ll see you in the morning. Goldie requested I stay, and I will.”

  He disappeared into the dark, and I raised the flap and trudged inside.

  Bone weary, I fell over the pelts in the dark, right into the middle of them.

  I lay where I fell, my chest heavy, as if a rock was wedged between my lungs, preventing me from drawing a decent breath.

  Such a wretched burn.

  For him.

  I wanted Silas here.

  That was impossible, now.

  Argh, protectors. I hated them.

  Chapter 7

  “I cannot believe you loaned me such a skimpy string-bikini.” I fanned my exposed middle.

  “It’s just us women. Come and help me with the lamps,” Elizara called from near the ladies bathing in the compound’s oasis. “Anyway, the bikini suits you.”

  “Yeah, it’s lily-white, like I am.” The next evening had settled and at least the deep basin of water surrounded by palm trees kept out prying eyes, a definite bonus.

  “I’ll come,” someone said. Four women helped her string a line around the perimeter of the spring. Young girls sat at the edge, dipping their toes in the water, and in the distance, a trail of lights bobbed as more women made the short trek from camp.

  Several teens dropped their towels into a pile as I negotiated around them. One by one, they waded into the water and dove into the deepest center.

  Oh, now that’s where I wanted to be.

  My mouth watered at the thought of a swim.

  “Don’t worry.” Elizara waved me away. “I know that look when the water calls. Go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Are you sure?”


  I splashed in then dove. With arms outstretched, I kicked until I ran out of air and had to surface. Bliss, and I was almost in the center.

  Silas would love this oasis. No fast-moving current here. I should tell him.

  Ah no, I couldn’t.

  Damn, why had I said we need never even speak?

  Right. To give him the chance to move on.

  Someone’s hands clasped my ankles from below, making me gasp. With a tug, I was towed under.

  Oh, that someone moved fast, a blur of yellow swallowed within the dark beneath. Then another as well, no more than a wisp of red, and gone too.

  Where was the culprit who’d sunk me? I swam, but found no one.

  As I popped to the surface, a circle of older girls, all with sweetly innocent expressions, smiled at me.

  “It wasn’t me,” Herianne said. I’d spoken to her on the walk out. She was eighteen, as I was.

  Megein, beside her in a yellow swimsuit, grinned. “It was. I helped her.”

  Herianne splashed her with a wide arc of water that came out of nowhere. All she’d done was lift her hand and the water had flown and smacked Megein in the face.

  I laughed. “You have the water skill.”

  Right, I’d get Herianne back. Slinking under the water, I grabbed her legs, only a slippery substance made it hard. I tried again, wrapping my arms right around. This time with more traction, I yanked and took her down, and darted away at the last moment.

  She gave chase. Those with the water skill were faster, stronger and far sleeker in their movements within their element.

  I was dunked more times than I could count as the older women join
ed us.

  It was just what I needed.

  Exhausted after so much play, I slogged to the water’s edge and crawled onto the sand and fell flat on my face. The younger ones giggled.

  Elizara plopped down beside me. “I think I caught you five times,” she teased.

  With one cheek in the sand, I eyed her. “It was more like fifty-five. I see you have the water skill too.” It hadn’t taken me long to work out who did. I’d even seen some disappear below the water for several minutes at a time. Far more than humanly possible, something Maslin had never done.

  “How many minutes can you survive down there? Maslin can’t do that.” If he could, I would have quizzed him so I could document it.

  A glimmer in her eye confirmed my thoughts. “My affinity for the water is strong. My parents were mated, and because of that, I carry the full strength of the skill. It runs strongly in the Sol line. Having it is paramount in the desert.”

  “Where there’s no water?”

  “No. Because we have so little water. We use our skill to find it, collect it and hold onto it.”

  “Tell me about it. Maslin’s parents aren’t mated and he can’t hold his breath like that.” I elbowed up.

  “You likely know water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen to every molecule. I can remain submerged for several minutes because I draw the hydrogen away with my water skill, and form a protective bubble of it around the oxygen. It is done with a flick of my hand and a thought and I simply breathe the pocket of air in. Only those with the full strength can do so. There are twenty-three of us altogether, while Maslin and two others are at half strength and cannot breathe below water.”

  I nodded, taking in all her words. “Thank you for speaking to me of this.”

  “Of course. Bring your sister as soon as you’ve met her. Missing out isn’t good and she should be here.”

  In the privacy of her tent this morning, we’d spoken at length about Faith, of what I knew about her and Kate. It was a sad story, and tears had come to her eyes during the telling.

  Elizara leaned in and brushed the sand from my cheek. “This is sticky.” She flicked her fingers toward the pond and a wash of water flew at me. Like a missile, it splattered and drenched.

  I spluttered, and then smiled.

  “Sorry.” She laughed. “I can fling water for some distance, more so than the ones who don’t hold the full strength.”

  “If you ever wish to visit me at the station then come. We could use you.”

  “Absolutely. I have decided to travel to meet my nieces and my mate in a week as they make the return journey, but after that, yes, I’ll be there. Let’s head to bed.” She rose and tugged me up.

  We returned with the other women to camp. I would be on my own. No Silas.

  Did he think of me this much?

  Was he well?

  At the tent flap, I hugged Elizara. “I can’t imagine not knowing you. I wish I’d known Katerin too.”

  “So do I.” She squeezed me tight. “Use whatever clothing you’d like from the pile I left. I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well.”

  I changed for bed into a short pink nightie with a teddy bear imprint on the pocket then spread a thin white sheet over top of the pelts and slid in.

  An ache behind my eyes made me close them, and I opened my telepathic link with Silas. “It’s just me. I need the merge.”

  No answer, but we were connected.

  Great. He must be mad, or hate me, or both. What a mess I’d made of things. With a sigh, I focused on the pinprick of golden thread in my mind. I channeled my mind-merge along it, weaving and letting it go as it disappeared from my mind to travel along the divide to his. After a few minutes, I was falling into his mind, rolling around in the soft spot which was all mine.

  At least I’d always have this.

  Mmm. I smoothed the pelt.

  So good. I adored his mind.

  Only, my five minutes was up way too soon.

  Probably should withdraw.

  Ten minutes, and I let out a slow breath.

  Fifteen and I choked up. Best to let go.

  Taking a great gulp of air, I forced my withdrawal, pulling away until I’d fully released him and only the telepathic connection remained. “Hey, Silas. Um, thanks.”

  No answer.

  I twiddled my fingers.

  Should I tell him of my day? He hadn’t broken the connection.


  “Elizara has the water skill.” I couldn’t help myself. “I only found out today. There’s this oasis. It’s a magical spot. You would like it, or at least I think you would.”

  I stilled for his response.

  Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

  My heart sank somewhere even deeper inside my chest.

  I should stop and break the link. “Elizara loaned me some clothes. She likes prints of teddy bears. There’s even one on this nightie of hers. It’s pink, by the way.” Right. I babbled but couldn’t help it. “She can hold her breath underwater for several minutes, and send water flying some distance with only the flick of her hand and a thought.”

  I closed my eyes as a spasm of pain throbbed in my chest. He still didn’t answer.

  I missed him, so badly. This was sheer torture, not having him speak to me.

  “Ooo-kay. Night then. Sleep well.”

  Best to end it, quick, which I did.

  Hell, that was awful.

  Rolling to my side, I wiped at my cheeks. The moon’s glow illuminated the sides of the tent. Silas had carried me across the desert to this place. He had cared for me and made sure I’d gotten here. I had so much to thank him for.

  I would never forget.

  The compound went quiet as the hours passed.

  By dawn, the heat of the rising sun turned the tent sides radiant yellow. Sleep. I needed the oblivion of it.

  I yawned, finally succumbing as my eyelids slid shut.

  * * * *

  A heavy presence of desert heat covered my back.

  Stretching and uncurling, I bumped into warm skin.

  What the...

  I jerked around and scrambled to my knees. “Silas?” This had to be an illusion. I rocked on my knees, and rubbed my eyes. It was definitely him, lying with his cheek on my pillow. On the floor lay his sword, as always close at hand. I touched the shadows under his eyes, so dark they appeared bruised. “What have you done to yourself?”

  “I can’t sleep without you.” He snuck out a hand, encircled my wrist and yanked.

  I lost my breath as I landed on him. “Me either.”

  “You shouldn’t have spoken to me last night. It was the last straw.”

  “I couldn’t help it.” He was here. With me. That’s all I’d wanted for the past day and two nights. I kissed his chin, his nose, his cheeks, nibbling all the way over his drop-dead gorgeous face. “I missed you. I thought you’d hate me.”

  He took my shoulders between his hands. “I’ve longed for our arguments. I am such a lost fool.”

  “An idiot for sure. I shall get the stamp made.”

  “I’m falling for you.”

  “Ooo-kay.” My whole body shook.

  “They’ll be no more talk of separation.” He kissed me. “We spend every night together, that’s when you’re on Earth and not in Dralion.”

  “What kind of spending the night are you talking about?”

  “Nothing more than wanting you close.” He rubbed his forehead against mine. “Merge, now. I’ve the worst craving for it, like an addiction.”

  I sent my mind soaring into his.

  Oh yeah. Blisss.

  Wriggling around, I sank deep into his mind, making myself completely at home. “Your head is so big, we can both fit in there.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure it is. I brought you something.” From the pocket of his tan pants, he removed a necklace and dangled the thin chain in front of me. A tiny white rose was masterfully painted on the silver charm.

  “Oh, you did

  “Last night I visited Silvie’s favorite Earth shopping mall.” He swept my hair over my shoulder and fastened the gift around my neck. “You said a white rose signifies the beginning of time, and that’s what I want for us.”

  I played with the charm, so cool between my fingers. Tears welled in my eyes and Silas tipped up my chin.

  “Hey, no crying. It’s only a gift.”

  “You have a good memory.”

  “It’s the big head. It holds a ton of information.” His gaze softened. “Will you spend the day with me?”


  “Good. Since I intend to have you sleep over from now on, I’m not raiding my sister’s closet again. We’re going shopping.” His smile was smoldering.

  “I could pack a bag.”

  “I’m buying you clothes. There’ll be no overnight bag.”

  “Hope.” The door of the tent flapped open and a rush of sunlight burst in as Elizara entered. She glanced from Silas to me, a slow grin forming. “Ah, you didn’t turn up at breakfast, and I was worried. Obviously no need.”

  “Silas is here.” I gripped the pendant, the most precious gift I’d ever received. “We’re going shopping.” I couldn’t keep the giddiness from my words.

  “Then I won’t keep you.” She kissed my cheek and set a hand on Silas’s arm. “Look after my niece. That’s an order.”

  “Yes. You have my word I will.” He walked her to the door and held the flap for her as she left.

  “Let’s go.” He returned and held me in his arms and flashed us away.

  We arrived in his room. “Wow. Silas, I’m actually happy to be in Peacio. Weird. That’s something I’d never thought I’d say.”

  “You can’t wear that pink nightie to the shops, as cute as that teddy bear on the pocket is.” He sighed. “I’ll go sneak one last change of clothes from Silvie. I won’t be long.” He zapped away.

  I skipped to his bathroom and searched his drawers for a toothbrush. After washing up, I gazed into his mirror. My face glowed. Being back with Silas was so right.

  With the pendant in hand, I stroked it. A white rose. I loved it. The beginning of time.

  “Silas, I’m preparing a special dinner tonight.”

  I jumped as a woman’s voice came from the direction of his bedroom.


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