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Page 17

by Joanne Wadsworth

  As much as I wanted to be alone with Silas, I longed to see her, to know her. “Tell Silvie I’m sorry.”

  “Will do.”

  “Are you speaking to Faith?” Silas drew me toward the sandy bank where it was sheltered from the breeze.

  “Yes. She won’t be long.”

  He set his armload of firewood on the ground then knelt and scooped a hole in the sand. I settled beside him, removing the husky bark from the largest pieces then dropped them into his pit.

  “You two are going to become inseparable. I can see it now.” He took a piece of flint from his pocket and struck his dagger to it. Sparks flew and caught on the husks. “Not something I particularly like.”

  “We have eighteen years to catch up on.”

  “I know, but when you’re gone, I miss you.” His admission was soft as he blew the fire carefully to life and laid sticks and wood overtop.

  “That’s why you followed?” I kissed his cheek.

  “Yeah.” The fire crackled, glowing bright as the stars twinkled above.

  “Show me how much you missed me.”

  “Always.” He grinned and ducked his head to mine.


  We turned to see Loveria standing across the other side of the fire holding onto Faith.

  She shot a venomous look at Silas. “I didn’t want to see that, thank you.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have looked. Talk about nosy.”

  Oh boy, they were back to bickering. “Ah, people. We can be adults, right?”

  “It’s okay, Hope. I’ll keep her distracted as I can.” Loveria tugged Faith in beside him as he sat further away. He was coming in to bat for me? Interesting.

  “Thanks, Davio.” Silas saluted him.

  “No problem.” He flipped the lid of the basket he’d brought, removed two covered plates and set one on Faith’s lap. “Refrain from throwing that at Silas, love.”

  She gritted her teeth. “I wouldn’t waste Silvie’s fabulous food in such a way. Sheesh, I just don’t like seeing him touch her, is all.”

  Silas took the remaining two plates from the basket and passed me a meal and fork. Mm-hmm. Grilled fish in some kind of white sauce flavored the air, and lightly roasted parsnips and buttered cubes of potato sat at the side. My taste buds tripped over themselves in delight.

  “Your sister can surely cook.” I speared a piece of the fish and dropped it in my mouth. I moaned in delight as it melted over my tongue. “I’m going to have to apologize in person when I see her.”

  “Oh, that is sooo good.” Faith licked her fingers. A smear of white sauce remained at the corner of her lips.

  Silas stroked my arm, tickling my skin. “So the way to your devotion is through your stomach?”

  “Uh-huh. What about you?”

  He scooped up a wedge of roasted parsnip. “I think you have my devotion nailed.”

  Faith made a gagging sound. “Where is my knife, Davio?”

  Loveria scratched behind his ear. “I only got you a fork. It was a calculated move.”


  “Or a very wise cat.”

  I smiled as Faith continued to send Silas dirty looks, not so worried now. For some reason her relationship with him was actually amusing me. It was as if they were feuding siblings, neither able to get enough barbs in.

  As we ate, the wood sizzled and burned in the fire, orange and yellow flames flickering bright. A small drifting of woodsy smoke rose to permeate the air. Loveria kept Faith close at his side, maintaining their skin-to-skin contact as she needed to ensure their blood didn’t war, yet Loveria still sat five strides from me, keeping his distance which was what I needed.

  He was being compassionate and kind, and as long as he continued to care for my sister, I could get along with him. He was making an effort, and so would I.

  “What are you thinking?” Silas touched his palm to my cheek then rubbed his fingers gently back and forth until I turned to face him. “You were away somewhere.”

  “I-I’m beginning to accept what is.”


  “That my blood wars with Loveria’s, but I’ll deal with it.” I glanced again at Peacio’s prince. His gaze on my sister was faithful. Constant and committed. It made my stomach churn a little, but I’d get over it.

  Faith and I were both mated to Peacians, something I couldn’t deny. And for us to have a future, we’d have to consider ways to bring peace between our two nations. How that would happen, I had no idea, but I’d give it a go.

  “We’ll all deal with it. Together.” Silas pulled a packet of marshmallows from the basket along with a metal skewer. Onto the tip, he threaded marshmallows and set it to toast over the fire. The moment they were gooey, he slid them between two chocolate cookies and squished them together. “Want a bite?”

  “Yes.” I snuck it from his hands, only, it was quickly plucked from mine. “Hey.” I swiveled around and gaped at Faith.

  “Thank you.” With a crafty tilt to her eyebrow, she gobbled it down. “Oh yee-ah.”

  “You little thief.”

  “Yep, but a content one.” She rolled onto her back and kicked up her feet, doing a happy-dance with them.

  “Here.” Silas passed me another newly made one, and before someone else could steal it, I squeezed the marshmallow until it oozed out with chocolate then took a big bite. I fell back. “Oh boy.”

  “Can I have another, Silas?” Faith dropped her hand across my chest to reach for one.

  “Since you brought the goods, yes.”

  Giggling, she snatched what he passed her and clunked her cookie against mine. “To some-mores.”


  “Here we call these some-mores. Don’t you want some more?”

  I laughed. “I get it, and yes I do.”

  Silas passed me another, and I ate two at one time. I patted my belly when I was done. “I love your beach.”

  “Me too.”

  Loveria tossed more driftwood onto the fire. He stoked it and it burned higher. Looking satisfied, he then came around and sat on the other side of Faith. He took her hand and rolled her into his side. The two of them quietly spoke.

  Silas threaded his fingers through mine, and tugged me to face him. “You doing okay?”

  “More than okay.” I leaned into his ear. “Meeting her feels unreal. I can’t lose her. Not now I finally know her.”

  “It’s real.”

  “No, I mean I don’t want to wake in the morning and find out this has all been a dream. Or for someone to take her away from me.”

  “I get it.” He pressed his lips to my forehead. “She spends a lot of nights at the castle. Davio’s rooms are two floors above ours.”

  “Ours?” I smiled. “You’re calling your room ours?”

  “Your place is with me.” Another kiss, this one on the tip of my nose.

  “Half the time.”

  “I would take more if you gave it.”

  “You can’t have it.”

  “Please.” His lips brushed mine.


  He stole in and nibbled at my neck. “You taste delicious.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” I cupped his face and returned his gaze to mine.

  “Whatever you wish. Right now, I’m having the most sinful thoughts.”

  Goosebumps raced across my flesh. “Maybe you need some time out.”

  His gaze heated, exponentially. “I don’t doubt it. Say goodnight to your sister. It’s late and I know how you like to be up at the crack of dawn.”

  “I don’t want to say goodnight to her.” I let out a slow breath. “Ask anything else, but that.”

  “No, it’s bedtime.” He pinched my butt.

  “Ouch. Talk about bossy.”

  “Have I mastered it yet?” He pulled me to my feet as he rose.

  “Not by a long way.”

  “Ha. Now who’s lying?”

  I faced Faith, who’d stood as we had. �
�Apparently, I’ve got a curfew.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve gotta be up early in the morning too. We’ll catch up then.” She hugged me.

  “This has been the most amazing day.”

  “For me too. Sweet dreams, sis.”

  “’Night everyone.” Silas flashed us to his dressing room with no further warning.

  I sagged against his dresser. “Where do I find some pajamas?”

  “I folded your things into the top three drawers right behind you.”

  “Okay, out of here so I can change.”

  “You got it. I’ll meet you in bed.” He walked from the room and closed the door quietly behind him.

  In the drawers, I found what I was after and pulled out a pair of sleep shorts in cherry red and a white tank top then changed.

  When I came out, Silas was propped up in bed. I merged my mind with his as I tossed the covers to one side. Whoa. I searched for a breath as I stared at this low slung pajama bottoms.

  It was expected, but still. He’d never once slept like this. He’d always worn clothes.

  “You sleep here.” He tugged me in.

  “So much has happened so fast between us.”

  Flicking off the light and plunging the room into darkness, he said, “We’re together. It doesn’t matter how that happened.”

  I wriggled to face him in the dark. “What are your plans for tomorrow?” The barest sliver of moonlight from a gap in the curtains illuminated his strong jaw and high cheekbones.

  “Work, but I have training first thing in the morning. I’ve let it ride lately.”

  “Where are you working afterward?”

  “Sunider. It’s one of the villages on our desert border with No-Man’s Land. Davio’s put teams of protectors there since our trip of discovery to the Sol compound. We’ve neglected that area, and if we hadn’t, we may have learned of Elizara’s tribe sooner.”

  “Later in the week I’m going to the Sol compound to begin documentation.”

  He stroked my head, playing in my hair with his fingers. “I’ll come when you do.”

  “I have to finish filling the watering holes first. I’ve only completed half, and no doubt, they’ve begun to dry again. Maslin will want all of them done.”

  “I do not like him.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Sol sits in the wings waiting for you. He’s being patient in his desires. I see it.”

  I skipped one finger down the center of his chest. Such deliciously hot skin.

  “Hope, are you paying attention?”

  “Nope.” I stroked down his sides and he shivered.

  “Sol’s always in your vicinity. I don’t care for it.”

  “Do you truly want to talk about Maslin right now?” I rubbed my cheek against his.

  “Yes. I want you to keep a certain distance from him.”

  “Not possible. You do realize we’re in bed, right? Why isn’t your mouth on mine?”

  He tipped up my chin. “I need your agreement.”

  “Sure, kissing’s a great idea. I totally agree.”

  “Not kissing. Sol. We’re talking about two different things.”

  “Kiss me, and then we won’t be.”

  His forearm muscles bunched as he wrapped his arms around me. “You are my mate.”

  “Uh-huh, and a mate who wishes to be kissed.”

  “You are merged and I’m near addicted to it.”

  “I do it because I need it, and you like it.” I spread my mind deeper into his.

  “I’d like it more if you kept your distance from Sol.”

  “We are alone, and you keep talking about another man. Tut-tut.” I pushed him onto his back. “I want your kisses before I go to sleep. I have much to teach you about meeting my needs.” I dropped my mouth to his, and got bossy, until he no longer considered speaking an option. Wonderful. A silent Silas was a perfect Silas.

  Chapter 10

  “Are you awake, Hope?”

  Faith’s voice swam inside my head. I pushed myself up to my elbows and squinted through the dark toward the heavy drape of Silas’s curtains. A trickle of light peeked through. “I am. Just.” I turned back the covers and peered at my mate as he remained asleep.

  “I had to hear your voice. I’m finishing my morning run, and then I’m coming to collect you.”

  “You are?”

  “Yep, I’ve got a study day, which means I’m skipping school so you can show me the outback. I want to meet Goldie.”

  Taking care not to disturb Silas, I slid my feet to the floor and curled my toes into the plush carpet. “I’ll dress. Give me a couple of minutes.” After sneaking a pair of low-rise blue jeans and a berry-red V-neck shirt from the dressing room, I then tiptoed to the bathroom and shut the door.

  I dressed and brushed my hair. What a mess. I detangled the nightly knots and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

  After slipping back to Silas, I knelt on the floor beside him. His cheek was pressed to his pillow and he breathed ever so quietly. I gazed at his closed eyelids, at the long sweep of golden eyelashes touched with a hint of red. The stubble on his jaw was the same light color, but looked incredibly sharp. I smiled at the memory of shaving him. So much had happened since that time. I’d found Elizara Sol and my water skill had come in. Now I had my sister, and I would never let her go. I kissed his cheek then nibbled to the corner of his mouth. My soul was bound to his, an unbreakable tie no one could pull apart.

  “Hope, Davio’s asleep. Do you want to sneak out? I’ve found that’s best. You ready?”

  “Silas is usually my ride home.” My gaze wandered over his face. Every moment I had with him was precious.

  “Now you have me too. Whenever you call, I’ll come. Within an instant. I know where his rooms are and I’ll wait outside. Nice and quiet now.”

  “On my way.” I let out a slow breath as I eased back and stood. If I dallied, it would slow my day. And taking me home wasn’t Silas’s favorite thing to do. He generally grumbled and would no doubt raise the issue of Maslin again.

  Having snuck to the door, I turned the knob, and then slid through the small gap. Faith was there wearing navy three-quarter Nike pants and a blue sports top with white stripes down the sides. Like me, her hair was drawn into a ponytail.

  She held a finger to her lips. “Should I use the image of the stables you’ve already given me?”

  “Yes, Goldie’s usually there at daybreak. That’d be perfect.” My mind-merge slipped from Silas’s as we tiptoed further away. I rubbed my head.

  Faith’s brow shot upward. “Forewarning. He’s about to wake.” She ’ported us.

  As we flashed in at the station, the sunshine near blinded me. Another scorcher of a day awaited.

  “Whoa, it’s hot.” Faith darted a look about. “Where’s the grass?”

  “We don’t have much here, but the lower fields along the river where we graze the cattle are green. Let me give you the image.” I pulled it up.

  “Oh.” Her violet eyes brightened. “That’s so much better.” Turning to face the homestead on the hill, she lifted a hand to her brow. “Nice digs. Which room is yours?”

  I gave her the visual, and then one of the room next to mine. “If you want to stay, this one is yours. It leads onto the same balcony as mine.” It was almost a mirror image.

  “Fabulous. I love the New Zealand rimu by the way. It’ll feel like home away from home. Except that I’m collecting a few of those. I have a room in Dralion, one near school, and now there’s Davio’s. Sometimes I don’t know where I’m sleeping.”

  “Well, if you don’t know what you’re wearing either then just raid my wardrobe or Goldie’s. We’re the same size.”

  “Thanks.” She nudged my shoulder with hers. “If you’re here, then I’ll stay. I want to know my sister. We have eighteen years to catch up on.”

  I couldn’t hold back from giving her a hug. She smelt like fresh air and violets, and she squeezed me in return.

�Hell, where are you, Hope? I wake up and you’re gone.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead. I’m with Faith. We’re bonding, so stay away.”

  “I’d rather you bond with me.”

  “I know you would. Go to work.”

  “You’ll return tonight, right?”


  A loud mental sigh. “If you don’t, you’re in trouble.”

  I closed the link and smiled. He was so predictable.

  I took Faith’s hand and pulled her toward the stables, my favorite place in the world. “Do you like horses?”

  One grating cough came from Faith. “I’ve never ridden a horse in my life.”

  “What? You’re missing out on so much.”

  “I’m not a horsey person, but Mum is. Don’t forget I can zip-zap here and there, which means I’m going with teleportation over a sore butt in the saddle any day.”

  “Hope, is that you?” Goldie’s voice traveled from the interior of the stables. “Maslin’s looking for you.”

  I skipped through the wide open doors. Goldie was halfway up the stack of hay bales on one side. It was a small supply, just for the stalls, but quite high. She reached for the top bale, grabbed it by the ties and tossed it. It rolled and bounced to the ground, kicking up a plume of dust as it came to a stop in the center of the room.

  “Goldie.” I coughed and wet my lips as a surge of thirst hit me. “I brought Faith with me. My sister.”

  “You brought–” She pivoted, clapping a hand to her mouth, her gaze riveted on Faith. “Oh my. You brought–” She dropped to her butt, and then bumped from one baled platform to the next and landed with a jolt and “oomph” on the last level. On her feet, she engulfed Faith in her arms. “Welcome to the family.”

  The blood-bond would surge between them, and the familial Wincrest ties would bind strongly.

  Faith held onto Goldie, her shoulders shaking. “I don’t know what to say. I have an aunt.”

  Goldie hugged her hard then pulled back. “If you’re feeling overwhelmed, so am I.”

  “Who’s–” Maslin halted in the doorway, his gaze darting from Faith to me. “Wow.” He removed his Stetson and thumped it against his legs. “Well, I never…so alike.”

  “Maslin, come meet my sister.” I waved him forward then rubbed at my throat. I was parched.


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