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Chasing Aledwen: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Novel (Fated Seasons: Spring Book 1)

Page 10

by Laura Greenwood

  “How do we find out what really happened?”

  “We keep digging,” Fane replied.

  “We ask your mother,” Drey said seconds later.

  “I hardly think she’s going to tell us, she didn’t even want to admit that the treaties existed until I told her I knew about them,” Aledwen pointed out, anger rising up within her. She hated that her mother had been so careless. But the fact her mother had lied to her...that was beyond infuriating. What had she ever done to deserve that? She’d been a good daughter, doing everything her mother wanted her to. Including staying away and out of politics. And despite that being her one true passion and something she longed to do more of.

  “I can shift and we can ask. She seemed scared enough of Brandon.”

  “No. You are not scaring my mother into an answer. That is not the way we’re going to do things.”

  “Then what do you suggest, princess?” Fane asked softly. “Your other option is to ask your mother publicly, in a way she can’t deny.”

  “Why can’t we do that?” Cyprus asked, walking around to take a seat, and trailing his hand along Aledwen’s back. Goosebumps followed his touch, and thoughts she shouldn’t be thinking assailed her.

  “She’d probably just order our heads struck off,” Fane murmured.

  “She’s the Queen of Spring, not the Queen of Hearts,” Aledwen joked. “But actually...”

  “We can use the right of becoming your life partner?” Drey suggested.

  “I don’t see why not,” Aledwen replied, thinking deeply. It was something she’d read about once, but dismissed as never likely to be useful. She’d always found it odd that a matriarchal society had a rule that allowed male mates to demand answers of their intended’s parents. But ultimately, the odd ruling worked in their favour, so she wasn’t about to question it now.

  “Any one of us could do it,” Drey added.

  “Not me-” Fane started, only to be cut off with a sharp look from the dragon.

  That was odd. Her reaction to Drey’s words had been instant agreement, yet Fane wasn’t going with it. She wondered what all that was about. She didn’t feel a pull towards him like she was between the other two in the room. But did that really mean anything?

  “I can do it,” Drey offered. “Maybe the fact I could eat her in one go will help.”

  “Don’t make me repeat it again. No eating my mother. Not unless you want to find yourself in the dungeon.”

  “The fun dungeon?” Drey perked up.

  A sly smile lifted Aledwen’s lips. Now that could be fun.

  “No, not the fun dungeon. The very real, very dark dungeon we have beneath the palace,” she teased, while also being a little serious. No matter what her mother had done, she didn’t want her to be eaten. It would cause all kinds of mess. And not just the kind which could be cleaned up with a mop.

  “Alright, fine, no eating family members.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But we do need a plan,” he pointed out.

  “She’ll hold court tomorrow. We wait until it’s in full swing, then you come in asking your questions. She can’t really deny your request with so many other people around.”

  “You’re sure?” He looked uneasy, and Aledwen had to agree that it was odd.

  “No, but this is our best short without threats and actual harm. So that’s what I’m okay with for now.”

  He nodded once. “Very well.” He rose from his seat, pausing where Aledwen was standing. Leaning down, he kissed her softly. “Have a good evening, Dwen.”

  “Wait, where are you going?” She didn’t like the idea of him leaving her, not with such an important even tomorrow.

  “To relieve Brandon, so he can get” The pause in his words had her thinking of things that definitely weren’t restful.

  “Thank you,” Cyprus answered for her, and Aledwen frowned. Now what was all that about.

  “I’d better go too,” Fane jumped to his feet. “Good night, princess.”

  He rushed past them all, and Drey looked on in bemusement. “He’ll realise eventually.” He cracked a smile. “Have fun without me.” With that, he followed the elf from the room.

  “So...which way to your room?” Cyprus murmured as he stepped up to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back into him.

  “This way,” she said a little breathlessly, pulling his arms away, but grabbing his hand to tug him along behind her.


  She wasn’t as nervous as when it had been her and Drey. Which pretty much meant she wasn’t nervous at all. There was something about all of the men that had suddenly appeared in her life, that had her feeling safe and secure. More than she had in her entire life. If this was what finding a mate, or in her case, mates, was like, then no longer it was mythical. Everyone should have this.

  Aledwen reached up and touched Cyprus’ face, smoothing her thumb against his cheek. His green eyes looked on with intense devotion, filling her with joy.

  But he didn’t let her enjoy it. Or he did, just not in the way she had been. Instead, he pressed his lips against hers, taking her in a demanding kiss and backing her against the wall behind them. Her hands grasped at his shirt, tugging at the material and desperate to remove it. He was hers, and she was desperate to feel all of him.

  “Off,” she moaned into the kiss, receiving a chuckle in return. But he also played along, pulling away from their kiss, and quickly divesting himself of the shirt, letting the starched white material fall to the floor.

  He kissed her again, and she wished more than anything that she was a witch, and that she could magically divest them of all their clothing, but as that wasn’t going to happen, she’d have to break the mood by trying to get off the terrible contraption she was wearing.

  “Can you rip it?” she asked, only pausing their kiss for a moment. She didn’t want the contact to be lost for long.

  “Yes,” he responded breathlessly, and she felt a sharpened claw down her back, splitting the fabric as it did, but not her skin. Cyprus was too careful for that. For which she was grateful, even if it wouldn’t have mattered in her current state.

  He tugged at the sleeves of her dress, and she shrugged out of it in an attempt to help him. Soon, it joined his shirt on the floor.

  One more horrible dress ruined. Just a whole wardrobe left to go.

  Her naked skin pressed against his, and the heat grew within her. She pressed her body against his, whimpering softly as she felt him press into her. He was still wearing too many clothes. Why was he wearing any clothes at all?

  Aledwen slipped her hands between them and swiftly divested him of the rest, leaving him bare and ready to take her.

  She took him in her hand, moving it up and down. This angle wouldn’t do though. She wasn’t short, but she was shorter than him, and backed against a wall just wasn’t going to work.

  Without breaking their kiss, she’d already had to do that too much, she jumped up slightly, letting go of him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her legs crossed behind his back, pulling him closer to her.

  Cyprus steadied her with one arm under her ass, and the other hand pressed against the wall. Aledwen moaned. The next part couldn’t come fast enough.

  With him otherwise occupied, she reached down again, ensuring her other arm kept tight hold of his neck, and guided him to her. Cyprus took over then, thrusting into her, and seating himself so she tipped her head back, finally ending their kiss. It didn’t matter though, not with his lips moving down her neck, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive skin there.

  “I see you started without me, brother,” Brandon’s amused voice came from the door.

  Aledwen’s eyes opened, and she looked in his direction, unsurprised to see his hooded stare watching them intently. Cyprus didn’t respond at all, unless she counted the extra powerful thrust that pulled more whimpers and moans from her.

  Brandon licked his lips. “How do you feel about me joining, Dwen?” he
asked her. All she could do in response was nod. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He quickly stripped himself, leaving him as naked as the two of them were. And for the same reason. Excitement flowed through her, and she was sure Cyprus could feel her reaction from where he was inside her.

  “I’m going to move you to the bed,” Cyprus panted, and she nodded eagerly. Anything that got the two both moving against her. In her.

  Where were these thoughts even coming from? She’d never been this way inclined before. But with them, this new direction was exciting.

  Cyprus held her tight as he walked her over to the bed, withdrawing from her as he dropped her there.

  “How do you want to do this?” Cyprus asked his brother, who gave a contented smile that had very little to do with sex. In fact, she suspected it was more to do with Cyprus talking aloud. Saying that, she was sure their ability to communicate wordlessly was going to be a great advantage for her.

  “Let’s just go with it,” Brandon replied, his smile changing from contented, to a lot more conniving. So long as he had good things planned for her, she didn’t mind.

  Brandon moved over and sat on the bed net to her, making her move so she was perched next to him. Without waiting for either of the twins to make a move, she pressed her body against Brandon’s and gave him a searing kiss. Maybe this shouldn’t have been the way they’d had their first one, but she couldn’t really bring herself to care.

  He returned it instantly, and pulled her closer to him, leading Aledwen to straddle him. His hands roamed her body, each touch burning in its intensity. She wanted him, so badly. Just as much as she wanted his twin, who she could feel watching. She hoped he was touching himself too. At the sight of her, pressed against his brother, with the clear intention of doing far more than that.

  Not wanting to wait any longer, Aledwen positioned herself over Brandon. He helped her guide him, and the moment he entered, her head dipped forward, and she had to refrain from screaming. He was similar to his brother, but she was already so sensitive from having Cyprus inside her anyway.

  Brandon set a smooth easy rhythm, and she fell into it easily. After a few moments, he leaned backwards, lying back on the bed, and taking Aledwen with him, so her ass was in the air and presented towards Cyprus. She hadn’t thought she could get more turned on, but the idea of what he could do with that...

  “Cyprus...” she moaned, almost begging, but not quite able to.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, placing a hand on her back and drawing circles against her skin.

  “Yes.” She nodded furiously.

  “She wants it, brother,” Brandon said through baited breath. “Who are we to say no.”

  To her surprise, Cyprus laughed slightly.

  Brandon pulled out of her, making Aledwen whimper. Why had he ended things, it was just getting to the good bit.

  “Don’t worry, Dwen. we just need to make sure you’re ready.” His hands trailed down and cupped her breasts, before taking each of her nipples in turn and squeezing them tightly.

  As he did, Cyprus dipped his fingers inside her, making her wiggle and moan. After a few moments, he drew her wetness back and used it somewhere else.

  Dark pleasure filled her. She’d never done this before. She’d never wanted to, but right now, not even a disaster could stop her from wanting to.

  The wait was excruciating, and only serving to turn her on more. Gently, Brandon entered her again, leaving her feeling very full, and wondering how Cyprus was going to fit.

  He pressed against her ass, and she tensed up on reflex.

  “Relax,” he said softly. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want.”

  “I want it,” she panted.

  “Just relax then.”

  She did her best, but at first it hurt, until it didn’t. She was full. Very full, but feeling the twins both within her went beyond anything she’d experienced before. And when they each bit into one of her shoulders, sealing the bond they’d started, she felt far more completed than she ever had before.

  And yet there was still a piece of her missing.


  Waking with an auburn haired twin on each side of her was bliss. More so because they’d both been touching her still, and because they’d instigated more as they’d woken up...

  Aledwen pushed the thoughts away. Now really wasn’t the time for them. She needed to get ready for her mother holding court. Which meant choosing exactly the right thing to wear. Normally, she’d just go for comfort, but today was too important for that. Really, she needed to look like a Queen. Or at least, someone who could pass as a Queen. That was the only way she was actually going to win over the fae themselves.

  They probably didn’t care one way or another if wrongdoing had happened. But then, she didn’t know any of them well enough to know for sure. Maybe all they cared about was right and wrong. Though that did seem a little unlikely. Stability was likely their main goal. Hence her need to look like a Queen today.

  And she wanted her men to see her looking good, and like she was in charge of the room. Not of them, well, yes of them, but her power was important.

  Wow, she sounded conceited. But it was true. She wasn’t coming into their relationships as the underdog. She had a position of power in her own right.

  She selected a sleek gown of a soft grey colour. It was understated and at least a little elegant. Plus, she had a circlet that would match perfectly. Anything to remind the other fae she was their princess. And she needed that. Most of them wouldn’t recognise her as a person after all.

  Luckily, this dress was easy for her to put on, so she didn’t need to call for help. Which was always a good thing. She always felt unbelievably helpless when people had to help her dress. That was one of the downsides of being royalty. If she didn’t want to make a difference so badly, then she’d give it all up in an instant.

  “Knock, knock.” Drey’s voice was followed by two sharp taps on her door.

  She smiled to herself, amused by his clear attempt at not being private. It was a good job she’d just zipped up her dress, and that there was no one outside the door who hadn’t already seen her naked.

  Her cheeks heated at that thought.

  “Morning,” she said, looking away and back into the mirror to fix her hair. It was shining in the sunlight streaming through her window, and she felt better than she had...ever. Clearly the previous night had made a difference to her. A good difference. Though the feeling was slightly odd given that she hadn’t known she needed to change anything.

  “Did you have a good night?”

  “Yes, thank you.” She blushed. There was no way he didn’t know what she’d done the night before. Glancing over her shoulder, one look at his face told her that he not only knew, but was enjoying the image.

  Drey closed the gap between them. Dropping a kiss on the top of her head, before leaning in close so she could feel his hot breath against her ear. “Maybe I could watch sometime.”

  “No,” she replied instantly. “It’s for the twins and I. Like our time is for us.” She twisted around to place a gentle kiss against his lips, trying to convey that she wasn’t being cruel. She just felt that their relationships should be kept separate for now.

  “Okay then,” he chirped, surprisingly cheery. “Are you ready to go to court?”

  “Almost, just let me fix my hair.” She turned back the mirror and ran her head through the light brown strands. She should leave it loose. It’d be more practical tied back, she supposed, though she did love the way it feel around her shoulders.

  Picking up the circlet, she fixed it atop of her head, ensuring that the dark pearl dangling from the middle of the bright silver, was in the centre of her forehead. There’d be nothing worse than having an off centre head piece.

  She rose to her feet, and held her arm out to Drey, thankful that he took it instantly. “Now, I’m ready,” she said, holding her head high and trying to channel the confidence she was on
ly half feeling.

  “You look beautiful,” Drey said.

  “Thank you.”

  “And very much like a Queen.”


  He led her out of her room, and down through the halls she knew so well.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked after a few moments.

  “At court, I assume,” Aledwen answered.


  “Haven’t you heard of being fashionably late?”

  “Well, yes, but...”

  “And making an entrance?” she teased, a smirk lifting her mouth.


  “Yes. Maximum impact.” She’d never felt more devious than she did right now, but it’d be worth it. When she entered her mother’s throne room, all eyes were going to be on her. And they were going to have to listen to what she had to say.


  The guard outside the door looked particularly uneasy when Aledwen asked her to announce her. Not that anyone would blame her. She was being faced off by a rather determined looking princess with a dragon shifter on her arm. That was intimidating enough, without knowing that what was about to happen would go against the Queen’s wishes.

  “Announcing her Royal Highness, Fae Princess of Spring, Aledwen, and her escort, Dreyfus of Flock Kinnon.” The woman’s voice cracked with nerves, but Aledwen was pleased. She’d already opened the door and announced them after all. The damage was done whether she wanted it to be or not.

  A hush fell over the room as Aledwen and Drey stepped in. She tamped down on the urge to grin like a fool, and kept her face a cool mask of calm.

  As she walked towards the throne at the back of the room, she was unsurprised to find the twins standing sentry over her mother. She nodded at each of them, a gesture they returned. Which was helpful. Not having to voice things to them would allow this to run much more smoothly.


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