All He Wants

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All He Wants Page 17

by Melanie Shawn

  “Ummmm,” she murmured between kisses, “yep…I’m…pretty…sure.”

  He started to push up, to take the lead, but she stopped him. For once she wanted to be in control. She wanted to be the one leading the dance.

  Taking a deep breath her voice wavered as she spoke. “I want to…can I just touch you? Please?”

  His eyes closed as he rolled back so he was lying flat. His surrender was clearly paining him as evidenced by the heavy, ragged, panting breaths that he sucked in deeper and deeper as she continued her movements. She recognized what that meant. She heard the modulation of the music. It wasn’t necessarily a speeding up of the tempo this time, it was a change of key. The tone of the song had shifted and, again, she would change her steps to match it.

  She slid her hand out of his boxers, but only so that she could rise up on her hands and knees and swing her leg over his thighs to straddle him. She never stopped the movement of her mouth, planting kisses down his neck. She only moved lower onto his chest with the new angle that her vantage point gave her. She flicked her tongue out of her mouth playfully, licking his skin in tender kisses that grew more and more serious the further down his body she progressed.

  His hands rose and grasped her hips but he made no move to stop her. It was costing him to let her have total control. She could feel it in the palpable tension rolling off of him. He had no idea the gift he was giving her, and she hoped he never would. But no matter what happened, she would be eternally grateful for it.

  She kissed the rest of the way down his cut abs, loving the way his skin felt under her lips—so smooth and so steely at the same time. With every pass over the contours of his chest, over his ripped muscles, she grew wetter. Not only were the dips and lines sexy as hell, but they also reminded her of how capable he was of protecting her. How strong and how committed to her safety he was no matter what the enemy—or the cost. That wouldn’t have been an automatic aphrodisiac for a lot of women, but for Maxi, it was oysters and chocolate and freaking Spanish Fly. She’d spent so much of her life feeling unsafe. The fact that this man could protect her and make her feel safe was the sexiest thing in the world.

  Her hands shifted and slid his boxer briefs smoothly down his legs, deftly navigating his gigantic and stiff erection. When he was totally naked she took a moment to devour him visually. He really was a work of art. His body looked like Michelangelo had chiseled it out of marble, although the David had nothing on the Billy.

  Her mouth watered as she kneeled between his thighs and wrapped one hand around the base of his jutting erection. It jumped beneath her attention and she squeezed tighter as she stroked him up and then down. When she did a small bead of clear moisture appeared on his tip. Wanting to taste it, to taste him she leaned down, hovering over him as she licked it off, swirling her tongue around that sensitive skin.

  Billy let out a strangled cry. “Fuck…Maxi…” he groaned.

  She raised her head slightly, looking into his tortured face and a smile pulled at her lips. “Hold that thought,” she said lightly, “As soon as I’m done here that’s exactly what I want you to do.”

  Without waiting to hear his response, she dipped her head and covered her lips over him, sucking his entire length into her mouth and raising up so her lips brushed over his engorged head before lowering again, enveloping him in the slick wet heat of her mouth. She repeated the motion over and over, each time increasing the pressure.

  She loved the way he tasted, the way he responded to her, the way he moaned, at her mercy…she loved him.

  * * *

  Billy had never been selfish in the bedroom, but he had always taken control. Never in his life had he been more impressed with anything that he had done, inside the bedroom or out, than he was with his ability to remain still and let Maxi explore him, regardless of how he felt inside. It was a Herculean feat of strength, and if he’d asked himself beforehand if he thought he was able to do it, he would’ve said no. But in the moment, as it turned out, he was able to put her needs, her feelings above his own basic sexual needs, and he was very happy to find that out about himself.

  But that all changed when he felt his climax building. He knew he was close to the point of no return, and if he didn’t want to come in her mouth he was going to have to put a stop to this immediately. She might want to be in charge, but he doubted that she wanted this to be over before it even started.

  Everything in his body was telling him that he was crazy for grasping Maxi firmly by the shoulders and pushing her sweet, warm mouth up off of his dick. There was only one thing he could ever want more than just closing his eyes and losing himself in the insane sensations her lips and tongue were sending through his cock. He wanted to make love to her.

  That was the one anchor, the one thing in the back of his brain that he could hold tight to in order to keep him connected to reality. The one thought that cut through all of the lust-fog clouding his thought process. He wanted to be inside of her. To drive himself into her, own her, possess her. And there was nothing he needed more than that. Nothing.

  When he pushed her shoulders back, tearing her mouth up off of him, she looked up into his face, her eyes confused. “What’s wrong? Doesn’t it feel good?” she asked.

  He let out a forced puff of laughter, and it wasn’t because there was anything particularly funny about it. “You have no idea,” he said ruefully.

  “Well then, why did you stop?”

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want to come buried deep inside of you.”

  Her eyes widened and her perfect lips formed the letter O as she said out loud, “Oh.”

  He smiled. He couldn’t help it. Her sitting on her knees, between his legs, wearing his shirt with swollen lips from giving him a blow job, and looking so innocent was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking cute you are?”

  “I wasn’t going for cute.” With that declaration she reached down and grasped the hem of his shirt. Slowly, she pulled it up and over her head, revealing the fact that she was not wearing any panties before lying down and spreading her legs open in invitation.

  Holy shit. If he’d known that she’d hadn’t been wearing underwear during dinner, he wouldn’t have had to worry about blue balls because he probably would have blown a load in his sweats.

  His eyes roamed over her naked form. She didn’t know, could have no way of knowing, what she awakened in him from just looking at her body, every feminine curve beautifully outlined. Her hips, her legs, her waist, and the real show stopper, her breasts.

  They were, hands down, the most gorgeous he’d ever seen. Soft and heavy, and topped with hard, dark pink nipples that cried out to him to engulf them in his mouth. He couldn’t wait to touch them, to fondle them and play with them, and then finally to devour them and swirl his tongue around those sweet, hard pleasure buttons. And it would happen. But it was going to have to wait.

  Lying beside her he raised up on one elbow as he dragged his fingers down her flat belly in a slow and tantalizing tease. She squirmed under his touch. He knew she wanted him to go faster, even though she didn’t say anything. He could read her body language just like reading a book. When it came to physical intimacy, her body had no secrets from him. There was nothing that she could hide from his prying gaze or exploring fingertips.

  That was only fair, though, because he was in that same vulnerable position with her. With one glance of those beautiful, laser-focused eyes…one touch of those dancing fingers…he became hers to control, as well. He was at her control every bit as much as she was at his.

  His touch continued south. First over the curve of her hips, then down the slope of her inner thighs, and back up again. His eyes followed the path his hand traveled up and down her body that was stretched out on the bed with feline grace. On one pass he briefly dipped his fingers at the apex of her legs and found her sex damp with arousal, the moisture fanned the flames of animalistic desire burning in him. />
  Even though, more than anything, he wanted to spread her legs farther apart, and drive himself savagely into her with a primitive fervor and pound away in and out as hard as possible until there was no doubt that she was his and only his—he knew that this wasn’t the time for it.

  This time was about protecting her, caring for her, and creating a soul bond between them.

  She deserved someone that would put her first, put her before anything and anyone else, including themselves. He wouldn’t always have known that he could be that guy, but this was a good indication that he might be able to be. That had to count for something.

  Billy continued soaking in her naked form, so feminine, so beautiful. She was such a fascinating contradiction of strong and vulnerable, steely and soft. It made him admire her and so proud of her, yet also want to protect her from anything that might harm her, all at the same time.

  His fingers grazed up her torso and he outlined the sides of her silky soft, full breasts. He moved in an ever-shrinking circular pattern until he zeroed in on her taut nipples. He spent some time there, tweaking them and playing with them, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger.

  She arched her back, pushing herself harder into his hand. He could tell that she wanted him to lean down and take her in his mouth, to suck her, lick her, and give her even greater bliss. But that would have to wait. For now, he was enjoying watching the stark pleasure across her face as he touched her. Resting on his elbow above her, he was removed a small distance so that he could see every flicker of emotion that crossed her face.

  Knowing that there was one thing he could do to increase her gratification, he lifted his finger to her mouth and pressed it between her lips. “Suck,” he commanded roughly.

  With a hooded gaze she pulled his finger into the wet suction of her mouth.

  “Get it nice and wet,” he instructed.

  She laved her tongue around his digit and when he pulled it out he was dripping with her saliva. With his moist finger he traced the dark area around both of her hard nipples and continued teasing them. The slick lubrication increased her pleasure.

  He witnessed every twitch of every muscle. He could directly watch the impact that each caress and pinch, each tiny movement of his fingertips, had on her body. She writhed beneath him as they both watched the erotic display.

  Finally, he let his hand leave her breast and trail its way slowly over her belly, moving downward deliberately and varying the pressure with which he stroked and touched her. He was building her anticipation of his final destination until she was trembling with the knowledge of what was to come.

  When he had almost reached the area between her legs, he saw her body relax and an expression of relief cross her face. He knew that she was expecting him to immediately slide his fingers into her wetness and begin bringing her to her release.

  He smiled, knowing he was going to draw this seductive torture out just a little bit longer before she got what she wanted.

  Pushing her knees gently apart he trailed his touch lightly up and down her inner thighs from her knees, inching just a little bit closer to her center every time. He loved watching what it was doing to her, taking in every squirming movement as if he was an addict and her body’s reactions in ecstasy were his drug.

  She moaned, she gasped, she whimpered. Her back arched and she grabbed a fistful of pillow. She used her body to send every signal possible, short of simply sitting up and socking him in the shoulder before shouting, “Touch me now!”

  Not wanting her to have to resort to that, he finally touched her center and slid his fingers up and down her slit, making her moan louder and more intensely with each pass. She did her best to angle her hips onto his hand and get better traction, to make him touch her most sensitive nub. But he wasn’t going to give up control that easily. With every move she made, he countered by adjusting his.

  After he’d driven her to the brink, he pushed two of his fingers inside of her, pumping in and out with a steady speed and rhythm. Her breathing sped up, and he could see her body flush with arousal.

  He stroked her, reveling in the way her body pulsed around him. She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Billy…I want to feel you in me. I’m so ready!”

  He continued to pump his fingers in and out and began using his thumb to caress her clit before he spoke. “Not yet,” he replied in a voice made gravelly and harsh by arousal. “I want to make you come like this first. Then I’ll make you come with my cock.”

  Her eyes widened at his words, and apparently they were more than enough to push her over the edge into erotic oblivion. She threw her head back and screamed, and every muscle in her body tightened. Her inner muscles clamped down over his fingers like an iron fist.

  “Yes!” she cried, her voice strangled.

  He stayed with her through every moment of her shattering climax, never pausing the movement of his hands for even one moment. His eyes were glued to her face and body and he was mentally recording everything he saw. He wasn’t going to miss one minute of this experience. He planned to remember it as long as he lived.

  When she finally stilled and collapsed back onto the mattress, clearly completely spent, he reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. His teeth made quick work of the foil wrapper and he rolled it on. He was done denying himself. He was finally going to give into what he, what they both, had wanted desperately since the beginning of this encounter.

  Without wasting another second, he nudged her thighs open as he settled his knees in between her legs. Grasping his shaft he positioned himself at her still pulsing opening.

  Her heavy lids fluttered several times before finally lifting. When their eyes met, for a moment, he forgot all about the sexual desire that was racing through him, he forgot that they were lying in bed naked, he forgot about everything except the connection he felt to her. The intense, enveloping connection.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” she breathed as she moved her hands up his arms and wrapped herself around his body.

  Her words snapped him out of the spell that she’d cast over him and he plunged into her with a fierce intensity that even he had not expected.

  “Oh, yes!” she cried.

  Desperate to be even closer to her, he covered her mouth in a demanding kiss as he moved in and out of her. He loved being inside of her at the same time that he felt her entire body pressed against him, as he explored her mouth with his tongue. It was like every part of him was connecting with every part of her simultaneously, and he had never felt anything so profound in his entire life.

  After a period of time that could’ve been an hour or could’ve been a minute, he had no idea which, he felt her inner walls fluttering with contractions against his cock and realized that she was on the brink of another release. He slowed his strokes just a little, hoping to prolong the experience enough for him to crest over that edge at the same time that she did. He wanted them to come together. This entire encounter had been about building a bond between them, one that would keep her safe, and one that couldn’t be broken.

  It didn’t take him long to feel his own orgasmic tide building and he knew that he was about to crest his own wave of pleasure. He sped up his movements to match those of her bucking hips. His arms tightened around her and he felt her body tighten around his, as well. He knew that she wasn’t just close—she was seconds away. And so was he.

  A guttural need to tell her how he felt, that he loved her, welled up in him. But he knew that he couldn’t. It wasn’t fair to add that to all the things she was dealing with.

  So instead he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You are so fucking amazing. I can’t believe how lucky I am to know you. To be with you like this. You feel so fucking good. Come for me. Come for me now.”

  Again, although it was his body that had brought her to the brink of climax, it was his words that put her over the edge. As soon as he spoke, he felt her clench in his arms and heard her gasp loudly in his ear, and he surr
endered himself to ecstasy along with her.

  As they both floated back down to reality, he brushed the hair that had fallen across her face and pressed his lips to her forehead, then her cheek, her nose, her chin and finally her lips. Her labored breaths fanned his face as he lightly kissed her.

  When she opened her eyes he could see that she was already second-guessing what they’d done. Uncertainty was brimming in her aqua gaze.

  “I told you I had a thing for brunettes,” he teased.

  She smiled and playfully swatted his arm before nuzzling against his neck. He flipped onto his back, bringing her with him as he did and she giggled. His heart swelled knowing that even though he couldn’t promise her everything was going to work out perfectly, he could promise her this. And this was pretty damn good.

  Chapter 21

  Maxi was actively working to hold her foot still as she sat beside her dad’s bed. He’d been asleep for a little over an hour and she had to consciously stop her toes from tapping so that she wouldn’t disturb him. She couldn’t seem to sit still and every move she made sounded like it was being amplified.

  Out of sheer need to do something she grabbed the remote and turned down the volume on the television that hung in the corner, which of course was on ESPN.

  When she set it back down her eyes met Billy’s, who was standing by the door with Grandpa J speaking quietly. They’d retreated there to give Stephanie, who’d come in a few minutes earlier, room to work. She had no idea what the two men were talking about, but she had noticed that they’d looked over towards her several times. The expressions they wore were far too serious for her comfort. She couldn’t help but wonder if the two men were discussing the incidents back home, but she dismissed that theory since they still hadn’t told her dad about any of it, so she knew that Billy wouldn’t be discussing it here, even if her dad was asleep. Once he was home and got some of his strength back, she planned on letting him know what was going on.


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