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All He Wants

Page 22

by Melanie Shawn

  “Really?” she asked, in disbelief.

  He took a quick step forward and yanked her hard against him. Her eyes widened and she drew in a deep gasp as her arms snaked around his neck.

  “I’m not mad,” he asserted, the growl gone from his voice, leaving only a low tone of commanding authority. “I’m fucking terrified. I almost lost you today. I thought I lost you. I can’t lose you. I would be losing the only thing in this whole damn world that means anything to me. When you’re in danger, that means my whole world is in danger. Because you are my world.”

  Maxi stared up at him, speechless. Just in case she wasn’t convinced that what he said was true Billy took that opportunity to show her how he felt. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to hers and claimed it in a powerful, desperate kiss that made the blood in his veins rush through his body like a freight train. She kissed him back, meeting his frantic energy.

  Needing to be closer to her, to feel her skin against his, he broke their kiss and stripped them both of their shirts and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist as his mouth covered hers again. His hands roamed over her bare skin, touching every inch of her that he could. He let the warmth of her body penetrate him down to the cellular level, and finally convince him that she was really there. She was really okay. She was flesh and blood and pounding heartbeats and panting breaths and exploring tongue and moaning voice and, more than anything, alive. His Maxi. Alive and in his arms. It was like the evidence he saw with his eyes wasn’t enough. He had to prove it with his body.

  He didn’t even realize that he was moving them towards the wall until he felt her bump up against it. It didn’t slow him down at all, it didn’t break their rhythm. In fact she didn’t even seem to notice it. Her movements, and her kisses, kept up the same frenzied pace. In fact, if anything they became more intense because now she had something solid to brace herself against, when it came to grinding herself up against his body.

  Billy took advantage of having her solidly up against the wall, too. It gave him the ability to move his hands more freely now that he wasn’t the only thing holding her up. He caressed her, moving his hands roughly up and down her body. He was in no frame of mind to be gentle, and from the way she responded to him, she was in no frame of mind to want him to be.

  She let her legs suddenly unwrap from his waist, then, and dropped her feet to the floor. He took a step back, wanting to make sure that she wasn’t uncomfortable, or overwhelmed. After all, as many intense emotions as were rushing through him at this moment, she must have twice as many. She had just faced a near-death experience.

  But it was nothing like that. When she looked up at him, her face flushed, Billy half expected her to crumble, scream, or cry. Instead she pushed her sweats down and reached for the waist band of his jeans. Her fingers fumbled with the button but he was more than happy to help her. Her need was palpable and he felt the same way. It wasn’t about wanting to see her naked, or press his skin against her skin down the whole length of their bodies, for sexual pleasure. Or…at least it wasn’t only for sexual pleasure. It was a visceral need to be together, and connected, in the closest way that they could physically accomplish.

  When they’d both stripped off every bit of clothing from their bodies, Billy knew that he had to have her, right then. Not that he had to push himself into her, not right at that moment. That would come later, and it would be even better for having made himself wait for it. No, right now what he needed was to touch every inch of her, from head to toe. To kiss her, to lick her, to caress her everywhere. He needed to know that there wasn’t one part of her, no matter how small, that he hadn’t claimed. He needed to possess her, to know that she was his. And he needed her to know that, as well.

  He dipped his head and trailed kisses down her neck and across her chest. She moaned and threaded her fingers through his hair, gently at first, and then more insistently. By the time his hungry, hot mouth reached her breasts, she was groaning with pent up desire. Her back was arched so that her beautiful nipples were thrust outward, and they were as hard as pebbles. He took first one of them and then the other into his mouth, applying gentle suction to her entire breast and swirling his tongue around that hard, sensitive peak. Her nipples became even harder as he worked them, and her moans turned to whimpers under his mouth’s expert movements.

  He drew his head back and looked at the beauty that he created—her breasts were shiny and slick with his saliva, glistening like diamond treasures on her chest. Her nipples were harder than he had ever seen them, standing out prominently and proudly. He had to pause for a moment just to take in the amazing sight of her and commit it to memory. He wanted to always think of her like this—trembling at his touch, completely at his mercy, and filled with the pleasure he was giving her.

  The pause didn’t last long, though. His body wouldn’t allow that. Giving in to the raging urges rushing through him, he bent again and started moving his mouth down her belly. The kisses he trailed over that silky, flat expanse were fiery and insistent. He continued his steady movement downward, to the center of pleasure that was his ultimate destination, but he made sure to focus on each inch of her luscious skin as he moved over it. Not only did he love the feel and taste of her flesh, he also loved the way she reacted to each stroke. Her muscles jumped and twitched under his open mouth kisses, her belly and chest grew hot and flushed, and her hands at the back of his head pushed him down more and more insistently with every flick of his talented tongue.

  When he was sure that she was ready, he dropped down to one knee and pushed her legs apart. She was shining with glistening wetness. It was clear that her body was primed for him. He was sure that he could bring her to climax with just a few rough strokes. However, that wasn’t what he was going to do. Because he didn’t plan to give her just any old garden-variety orgasm. No, the pleasure he was about to give her was of the life-changing, earth-shattering type. He wanted to make sure that this day was memorable for her in an amazing way, not a frightening one, so he was about to make her forget everything in the world except for the sensations he was sending through her body as he moved his mouth against her pretty sex.

  He trailed his fingers lightly up the back of one of her legs, causing her to throw her head back against the wall. “Please… please…” she begged him, the aching need she felt, on naked display in her voice. He didn’t want to keep her waiting one minute longer.

  Without one more instant of hesitation, he placed his hands on her backside and lifted her legs, settling them over his shoulder. He looked up at her, a wicked grin spread across his lips and mischief twinkling in his eyes. “Is this what you want?” He asked, keeping his voice intentionally light, no matter how difficult that was. He wanted to get back to them. To their easy banter. Even if it was killing him not to taste her. “Is this what you were asking for? I just want to make sure because…”

  “Yes! I want your mouth on me now,” she growled, her hands fisting in his hair and her entire body tensing with frustration.

  Fuck. He’d always known that she was adorable when she got angry. Lately, he was finding out that she was also sexy as hell when she got mad. He didn’t feel even a little bit guilty for messing with her when she was so obviously aroused to the point of insanity, and every cell in her body was aching for his touch. Not even a little bit. All he felt was turned on.

  The mischievous smirk never leaving his face, he lowered his head and engulfed her sweet core with his hot mouth.

  * * *

  Maxi closed her eyes and let a full-body shudder of ecstasy pass over her. She tried to stay as still as possible in order to let it fully overtake her. She wanted to experience it as completely as she could, without the distraction of movement. Even though it felt like every muscle in her body was straining, urging her to flail her limbs around, to thrash her head back and forth, to clench her fists in Billy’s hair and pull his face in closer to her center, to let out a primal scream that would tear from the depths of her chest—she resis
ted each and every one of those urges for as long as she could.

  Still, as Billy’s tongue moved slowly and deliberately up and down her sex, the pressure in her belly continued to build at a fever-like pace. She was a volcano, and the lava was rising closer and closer to the surface with each second, building towards an explosive eruption that she knew was inevitable. She just wanted to discipline herself to milk every little bit of pleasure that she could from this experience before her body spun completely out of her control.

  With each stroke of his tongue, every nerve ending in her body fired off a little electric spark. When he began to concentrate his attentions completely around her clit, swirling the hard tip of his tongue in endless and maddening circles around it, again and again, she reached the end of her control. White light exploded behind her eyelids just as rivers of sensation exploded through every inch of her body, and she came completely undone against his mouth. She could hear her own voice, but had no idea if she was speaking intelligible words or just moaning in pleasure. She wasn’t consciously in control of her mind at that moment any more than she was of her body.

  And the best part was—she loved it. She loved every damn second of it. Obviously, the physical pleasure was amazing, but that wasn’t the largest part of it. What was the most deeply satisfying aspect, the part that reached all the way down into her heart and soul and touched her in a way that went beyond just her body, was the relief in wonder at being taken care of. At the fact that Billy was in control, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. His quiet authority, that alpha energy that was recognized by everyone he came across, was like a balm to her aching soul.

  Finally, for the first time she could remember—if not for the first time in her life—she could just relax and let Billy run the show, knowing that, not only was he more than capable of taking the best care of her, but that she was his number one priority. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to make sure she was safe, happy, and fulfilled. He’d proved it in a million little ways, and the way he was pleasuring her right now without a thought to his own satisfaction was just one more of those ways.

  When her vision cleared and her senses returned to her, there was only one thought ringing like a bell through her mind, and she had to voice it. There was no choice. “I want you inside of me. I need you inside of me. Now.”

  He stood and scooped her up into his arms, a broad smile on his face. “Whatever you say,” he grinned.

  She couldn’t imagine that any heroine of any romantic novel or movie or, hell, epic poem had ever felt as cherished, and special, and well-taken care of as she felt in that moment. She knew she was the center of Billy’s universe, his world. Now that he’d told her she realized he’d shown her in so many ways. He communicated with every crooked grin, every mischievous flash in his eye, every tender touch and kiss he gave her.

  Billy carried her over to the couch and gently laid her down, making sure that her head was cradled gently in the middle of the pillow that was laying next to the couch’s arm. He stroked her hair for a moment, gazing at her face with an expression she’d seen before. It said everything about how lucky he felt to be there with her, and it stoked the fire of her arousal even more, if possible, than the practiced flicks of his tongue on her had done.

  She slid her hands up his chest and whispered, “I want to feel you, Billy. I want to be close to you, and make you feel as amazing as you’ve made me feel. Please make love to me.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her passionately, and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as he did. When he drew back, he was as breathless as she was, and he quickly said, “Condom.”

  She wanted to scream in protest, but somehow managed to refrain. Her body didn’t just want him, she craved him like she was drowning and he was oxygen. His kiss. His touch. His everything.

  Billy stepped back over to the couch, rolling the condom down over his length, and her body finally uncurled a bit from its high-strung state. She was mere seconds from feeling him fill her up, which meant she was mere seconds from the incredible feeling that all was right with the world, and that she was in exactly the right place and with exactly the right person.

  When Billy had the condom unrolled all the way to the base of his dick, he bent down over Maxi, climbing onto the wide, comfortable couch and spreading her legs apart with his knees. He positioned himself at her opening and paused there for the briefest of moments, just long enough to look up into her face and catch her eye. When their gazes were locked, he thrust himself inside of her, never breaking eye contact.

  Maxi wanted to squeeze her eyes shut to focus on all the roiling sensations and impulses inside her, or throw her head back hard into the pillow and let her eyeballs roll to the back of her head. She did neither of those things. She kept her gaze locked laser strong on Billy’s while he moved his hips in that magical, mesmerizing way of his. She trailed her fingertips up his body until her hand reached his face and she caressed his cheek as they gazed into each other’s eyes, their bodies moving as one.

  This combination of sensations was completely new to her. It was amazing, she knew that. But, other than how great it was, she wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. The two things didn’t seem like they should be able to go together. A wild animal instinct to tear him apart that was more visceral than anything she had ever felt. Then, also, feelings of tenderness that were gentler than anything she had ever experienced. They didn’t alternate. And, although she couldn’t figure out how it was possible, they didn’t seem to each take up “half” the space available in her head and heart. No, she was filled to the brim with each of these seemingly competing emotions, and she felt both of them in a way that was deeper and more profound than anything she could have imagined.

  It was like a religious experience. That was the only way she could think to describe it. It was like their souls were merging together as one as their bodies did the same thing. Like a symphony, where all of the instruments, each beautiful on their own, soar and combine to create something more intricate and stunning than any of them could attempt individually.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed as tightly as she could. When that didn’t even get her close enough to him, she tore her gaze away so that she could snake her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. Her entire body was wrapped tightly around Billy’s, enveloping him and taking him into her body just like she was taking him into her heart. And yet, she still wanted more. Needed more.

  She tilted her chin up so that her lips were pressed against his ear. She whispered, “Turn me over. Take me from behind. You can get deeper that way. I need to feel you deeper inside me.”

  She didn’t recognize the woman that would say something so bold. She was artful. In her professional life, and in her personal life, she always phrased things with grace. She was never crude. Billy brought out something in her that she’d never seen…but she didn’t hate it. In fact, hearing that hot and dirty command come out of her own mouth turned her on even more than she had been before.

  The raw growl that tore from his throat at her words let her know that he felt the exact same way. He leveraged himself up on one of his arms and used the other to flip her over as easily as if she weighed nothing at all. Damn, she loved the way Billy, with all of his controlled muscular power, always made her feel like she weighed nothing more than a ragdoll when he handled her. But it was only because she knew that he would only ever use that strength to protect her, never to harm her, that made her feel safe with him in a way that she never felt around far less threatening men.

  It was also what made her drool every time she saw him without his shirt on. The thought made her smile, but she put it away to focus on the present, where he was much more than shirtless—he was everything-less, and so was she, and he was inside her and they were making love.

  Even though it was definitely happening…she was here in the room and participating, and it wasn’t even the first time, so the reality of the moment w
as not in question…it still felt too good to be true. Like she was going to wake up in a cold sweat and realize that everything that had happened since the morning he came back into her life in a meaningful way was all just a surreal dream. It occurred to her that that might be why she felt such a desperate need to feel him closer to her, deeper inside her. She was trying to make herself understand and accept that this was real. This was happening. She was really with Billy, he was really making love to her. Claiming her. Possessing her. She was his.

  She felt his hands grip her hips and dig into the soft, pliable flesh there an instant before he drove into her again, pulling her back against him over and over as he thrust his dick into her slit.

  “Oh, yes…” she groaned, her elbows giving way and her face collapsing into the pillow in front of her, “that’s what I needed. Oh, yes, it feels so good. So deep. Oh…!”

  Even though the orgasm had been building steadily the entire time they had been together, the sudden and jarring crash of it tearing through her still took her by surprise, and she screamed as it shook her. She felt Billy’s chest press against her back as he leaned down and enfolded her while she came. His muscles were twitching and contracting just like hers were, and she realized with a deep and warm sense of satisfaction that he was coming, as well. She loved that. The most intense thing that a human could feel, and not only were they giving it to each other, but they were experiencing it simultaneously. Together.

  That seemed exactly right.

  They both collapsed onto the couch and as easily as he’d flipped her over, he flipped her back so that they were face to face. As they caught their breath Billy ran his hands through her hair. The look in his honey eyes was still so intense, she expected it to be more relaxed now, but it wasn’t. She could sense that he wanted to say something to her, something important, something significant, something meaningful.


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