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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 18

by S. K Munt

  ‘I had a feeling there was more to this story than a power ballad,’ Callum said. ‘No one gets into a mess that deep without helping dig a little himself.’

  ‘Well, you were right. I’m no saint-but I was, before Tristan Loveridge arrived.’ He moved to sit down on the arm of the couch and smiled at Jade. He’d only turned her the previous afternoon. ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘Fabulous actually!’ Jade’s hand went to her cheek. ‘My skin has cleared, and I don’t feel so bloody thirsty all the time!’ She wriggled back onto the couch. ‘Good to be out of that nest that they call a backpacker lodge, too. I love this room.’

  Ardhi wanted to hoot and slap his knee-the room was about as budget as they came. Clearly, Jade had lived a rough life.

  ‘Why are we here?’

  Ardhi turned back to Callum. ‘Excuse me?’

  Callum gestured to the room. ‘Sherri just told us why you’re here-but why are we here?’

  ‘I’d actually like to know that too.’ Lorens said in his heavy accent. ‘Will I still be able to return home?’

  Ardhi cleared his throat, glancing at Sherri, who held up her hands to indicate that she didn’t know how to explain it. Which made sense, because Ardhi had altered his course without explaining why. ‘Well... regardless of everything that’s happened-I’m still the only mer alive that can create new life without needing to die. I need to rise above all of this and do exactly that-create life.’ He let them absorb that. ‘But even though that’s what’s best for the species, I know I will be persecuted for what I’m accused of anyway. And anyone I turn will be considered just as dangerous.’ He glanced at Callum. ‘I need to make as many mermaids as I can, like yourself, in case something bad happens to me prematurely. And then, I need to locate Ivyanne, and get something from her-something that could set us all up for life once I sell it.’

  ‘Sherri mentioned a crown?’ Jade said softly.

  ‘An artifact.’ Callum chimed in, brow furrowed. ‘How do you plan to sell such a thing?’

  ‘I have a private buyer who is interested in it for sentimental reasons.’ Ardhi smiled softly. ‘In fact, he wants it so badly that he’s willing to exchange a treasure worth millions in return.’

  ‘Whoa!’ Jade exclaimed.

  ‘Millions?’ Sherri repeated, eyes widening.

  Ardhi smiled. He’d omitted that fact too. ‘We’re going to live for centuries, Sherri. Millions are required.’

  She exhaled a long breath. ‘Okay, I’m understanding your motivation to work with him now.’ She frowned. ‘Even if he still gives me the willies.’

  ‘Who is it?’ Callum asked, direct as always.

  But Ardhi had already said too much. ‘His anonymity is part of the deal. I can’t risk you guys knowing something that Ivyanne could brainwash you into revealing. If she learns of him and comes for him, the deal will be off.’ He paused. ‘And if she learns of him-she will attempt to hunt him down-and with good reason. It’s why he won’t go for the crown himself, despite his desperation for it.’

  Sherri looked down at her hands. She knew all, and clearly wished she didn’t. Her soft-spot for Lincoln was a liability-but he had to believe that her gratitude towards Ardhi outweighed her unreciprocated affection for Ivyanne’s fiancé. And he did believe that. He’d created Lorens knowing that her heart needed the distraction. But he’d made her swear not to breathe a word about Luca until he’d decided it was warranted.

  ‘So how much danger are we in?’ Jade asked.

  Ardhi sighed. ‘For now-a lot. I need to keep you all hidden, and I’d like to keep you all close and help you through the first month or so-which is standard procedure. Once I’ve seen this through, I’ll have the financial means to fortify us, and when I’ve created enough mer, Ivyanne will know that trying to stop me is both futile, and wasteful. After that, I expect that we’ll co-exist out of necessity. Maybe she’ll never stop coming for me, but by then, I would have done my part.’ He imagined her under him, panting, and his lungs expanded in anticipation of the duel invasion. Oh yes, he’d welcome death for such a moment. ‘But I do need your help to get to her, which to answer your question Callum, is part of the reason why I made you.’

  Callum’s eyebrows shot up. ‘And how can we help, exactly?’

  Ardhi smiled. ‘If you have a house here in Airlie Beach, I would very much like to stay there.’ He glanced to the other two. ‘You guys have been here for what? Less than a month? If you’ve forged friendships with any other wandering backpackers like yourself-penniless, alone and wanting nothing more to explore the world every day for the rest of their lives-who would benefit from my power-I’d like an introduction. I’ve created six new lives, but it’s still not enough. By the end of the year, I would have liked to have turned at least thirty-double what Anna did when she created the Marked to begin with. Not only will that ease my conscious about having accidentally killed the king and queen, but it should make the Marked children redundant and avoid this kingdom ever crumbling under the weight of a queen’s heart again.’ He shrugged. ‘On top of that-I need eyes and ears everywhere. This is Ivyanne’s home base, and our kind are about. Someone is bound to have seen something or will say something, and any information I can gather about her whereabouts is instrumental to getting the crown.’

  ‘I can help with that.’ Jade said softly. ‘I’ve been around.’

  ‘I can pledge loyalty.’ Lorens said. ‘But you may not kiss me again.’

  Callum guffawed. ‘Second that.’

  ‘Not a problem.’ Ardhi said quickly, wanting to zap Lorens for being so stupid.

  ‘I’ll help how I can.’ Callum said. ‘But I am a pacifist, Ardhi. If this becomes a battle, I will withdraw, even if it costs me my life. My only desires are to fish, watch sunsets, and enjoy the occasional beer in peace. No amount of crowns nor bribery will sway me from that.’

  Ardhi smiled at him, impressed by the man’s strong moral fibre, which he could appreciate because he didn’t need muscle-just a roof over his head. ‘I don’t intend to try. Make love not war, right?’

  Jade turned to Callum. ‘So is your place bigger than this?’

  Callum sighed with resignation then nodded.

  Ardhi grinned.


  Ivyanne paced her room like an anxious cat late on Sunday night, wishing she could actually climb the walls so she’d have somewhere else to go. She could hear the laughter floating upstairs from beneath where Tristan, Lachlan, Pintang and Saraya swum about in the shallows near the dock. The remaining mers were quieter now that the Seaview crew had returned to the resort for post fumigation clean-up, but they still sounded like they were in much better spirits then her! Their contentment despite the trials made her feel left out and disconnected from those she’d been coming to value as friends.

  That had changed that morning. She now saw that she was as separated from them as ever-and that her indecisive heart was breeding whatever discontent was rampant amongst them all. Bane was the only one who seemed to genuinely understand her division-she supposed that was because he had a fondness for both men too-family ties and genuine hero-worship bound him to his uncle, and a crush coupled with an employee’s respect drew him towards Lincoln.

  But he must have favored one of her options, and was harboring as much impatience towards her as the others. He was, after all, half-human and had been witness to almost every hysterical breakdown she’d had. In time, his façade of understanding would slip also.

  So Ivyanne was bored and swimming in self-pity as she shoved a box of her mothers heirlooms into the empty closet in the nursery. She’d had Garridan drag a few boxes upstairs earlier so that she could continue the process of making the mansion feel like a home. That particular box was the last- and it was wedding stuff, which she had no desire to look over the contents of. Even glimpsing her fathers crown made her heart ache.

  Her lovely room wasn’t calming her as it usually did. Not even with the windows wide open and then ocean breez
e rifling everything not secured down. She’d retreated there hours ago to continue her business for the day, not only because she couldn’t look anyone in the eye, but because she knew Lincoln and Tristan would distance themselves from one another were she not there to act as a magnet. And boy, did they need some apart time!

  When Ivyanne thought about Tristan’s scene downstairs earlier that day, she cringed. But she deserved to be humiliated a little- she was treating the two greatest men in the kingdom like lap dogs. One of them was bound to bite her eventually! Or, nibble on her lip, which Tristan did so well.

  Ivyanne glanced at her reflection in the mirror and winced. Her hair was in disarray, her face was mottled from anxiety, and her eyes were wild. Some queen-she looked insane.

  I need to swim! Now! Ivyanne turned and made her way towards the bay window, catching a billowing curtain and drawing it to the side to the side. ‘Price?’ she whispered. ‘Sahori? Are you there?’

  There was a slight noise to her left, and she saw a tall silhouette disconnect from the shadow of the chimney. ‘Guess again.’

  Ivyanne swallowed. ‘Oh... hey Link. You got roof duty?’

  ‘Garridan doesn’t trust me in the hall,’ Lincoln said sourly.

  ‘Oh.’ Ivyanne bit her lip. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘It’s okay. I’ve got a great view from up here! Want to know some gossip?’

  ‘Do I?’ Ivyanne asked warily.

  He chuckled again. ‘It doesn’t involve you.’

  Ivyanne relaxed. ‘Then shoot.’

  Lincoln’s teeth gleamed in the darkness. ‘Bane and Marcus were making out in the spa before they left.’

  Ivyanne laughed. ‘So they crossed the line, huh?’

  ‘Yep! Though I don’t know why they bothered hiding it.’

  ‘Maybe they’re afraid of catching relationship over-exposure from me.’ She pointed out. ‘I wouldn’t blame them for trying to stay under the radar.’

  ‘That’s possible,’ Lincoln agreed. ‘They’re funny together. Still grosses me out a bit though...’

  ‘Link…’ Ivyanne cautioned him.

  But Lincoln made a shooing gesture. ‘Not because they’re the same sex-because Marcus is almost seventy! I just can’t get my head around the age gap thing.’

  ‘You’ll get used to it,’ Ivyanne said softly. ‘You just need to evaluate the person based on how they look and act, rather than the number of years they’ve been alive for. Just stop asking people their ages-period.’

  ‘But I’m used to treating people differently because of their age,’ he said. ‘What about respecting your elders and all of that?’

  ‘You can still tell which are older than the others-Aubrielle and Remi are far more reserved than Saraya, aren’t they?’ Ivyanne shrugged. ‘Besides, I’ve met plenty of fifty-something human men who don’t deserve an inch of respect-so why give it to them automatically and deny a level-headed fifteen year old?’

  ‘Good point.’ Lincoln looked down at her hand, then up at her face, as though it had suddenly dawned on him why she’d come to the window. ‘Ivyanne, I can’t let you go out. You know that.’

  Ivyanne sighed and sat on the sill, hugging herself. ‘I guessed as much.’

  ‘Yeah well, I’m sorry. I’ve already been in trouble for breaking the rules once today. If Garridan sacks me, I’ll be lost.’

  ‘He won’t,’ Ivyanne said quickly. ‘I am the queen, you know. I get final say.’

  Lincoln smiled at her. ‘So why don’t you just go?’

  Ivyanne glanced out at the horizon. ‘Not used to doing as I please, yet. I keep waiting for mum to-’ her voice broke and she looked down at her lap.

  Lincoln’s hand grabbed hers, intertwining her fingers with his. ‘Please don’t cry,’ he appealed. ‘Ivyanne I’ve heard you cry twice through the door and this window now-and to hear you in such pain, yet being unable to hold you and kiss your tears away…’

  Ivyanne sniffled. ‘I’m sorry,’ she croaked out.

  ‘You don’t have to be sorry,’ Lincoln said. ‘You just have to be you. I miss you Ivyanne. Actually no, I miss Ivanna.’

  Ivyanne lifted her eyes to his. ‘That’s silly.’

  He smiled. ‘Maybe to you it is, but to me, there is a difference. As Ivanna, you were always so carefree... so light. You laughed all the time. You smiled constantly…. I know you were looking over your shoulder a lot, but what sixteen year old doesn’t?’ He sighed. ‘You’ve been through a lot, but you need to remember that you should still feel sixteen, at least for another ten years. I mean, Grace is so-’

  Ivyanne’s head snapped up. ‘Grace?’

  Lincoln paled noticeably. ‘I don’t think I meant that the way you seem to think I did.’

  Ivyanne narrowed her eyes. ‘I hope not, because it sounds like you were asking me to act like an actual eighteen year old with no responsibilities, no troubles, no dead family members and no love triangle driving her nuts!’ She scowled at him. ‘I’ve never asked you to be more like Tristan.’

  ‘Tristan!’ Lincoln made a frustrated sound. ‘I am so sick of his name! The love we have is once in a lifetime Ivyanne, it should be enough to overshadow your fling with that bimbo! You’re an idiot for letting him get to you like this! And I’m a weakling for tolerating it!

  Ivyanne recoiled. ‘I’m an idiot?’

  ‘Yes and a shallow one if you think his penis size alone qualifies him as a good husband!’

  ‘Shallow too?!’ Ivyanne put her hand up for the curtain, and smiled in surprise when it drifted into her hand, as though drawn by some invisible force.

  That’s four times now! Could I really have something here? Then she remembered her anger. ‘If all I wanted from Tristan was a shag, I would have done it again by now. He has value-and you insult my judgement by saying otherwise!’

  Lincoln sighed. ‘So do it already! Shag him. And then in the morning when you can think straight again-you know exactly where to come crawling!’

  ‘Excuse me?!’

  ‘You heard me!’ Lincoln glared at her. ‘I know you want to-and I also know that you’ll regret it once you do, and realize the only thing you two share, is chemistry. Which fades. So if you have to push your fist through my heart to find yours-be my guest!’ He shook his head. ‘I already forgave it once-if it ends this and gets him out of your system-then fine!’

  Ivyanne pulled the curtains shut, but left the window open, breathing in deeply to calm herself. She could count the number of times she’d had sex on two hands and yet suddenly everyone was treating her like some kind of succubi! Was her craving for skin on skin contact influencing her emotions? Yes! But how long would she have to abstain for to prove that she was trying to see past it? That she knew other things mattered more?

  Besides, Lincoln hadn’t been so high or mighty about her drive when his hand had been attempting to gain advantage from it the night before!

  That’s it! she thought, shaking with rage. I’m getting out of here! She rested back on the bed, closed her eyes and began to hum an old Dido song : ‘White Flag,’ loud. Loud enough for the sound to carry out to Lincoln, but not so loud that whoever was in the hallway might hear.

  Ivyanne was getting her swim. And if Lincoln wouldn’t get out of her way willingly, she’d just have to move him. She was queen-and she was sick to death of being told what to do.


  When Tristan discovered Lincoln passed out on the roof, he had half a mind to kick him-hard. But when Lincoln didn’t respond after a violent shake, Tristan put two and two together instantly.

  ‘Oi!’ he barked, shaking Lincoln again. ‘Comfortable there pal?’

  Lincoln’s eyes fluttered open. ‘Tristan?’ he croaked. ‘Go back to your own bed.’

  Tristan really did kick him this time-only softly in the ribs. It had the desired effect-Lincoln jolted upright.

  ‘What the-’

  ‘You’re not in your bed,’ Tristan said, crouching next to him. The tin roof as slippery from dew. ‘Yo
u’re on the roof, and her royal highness put the whammy on you to sneak out.’

  Lincoln’s eyes flew open. He immediately turned to the wide open window. ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘As a stone fish.’ Tristan stepped over Lincoln and peered through Ivyanne’s window. Her clothes were neatly folded on the bed. No way had she been abducted. ‘Price you can leave the door! She’s flown the coup, and left Link unconscious!’

  ‘What a crazy-’ Lincoln got to his feet, swaying. ‘Oh wow... dizzy.’

  ‘She got you good.’ Tristan sighed. ‘Don’t you know to cover your ears when you hear a mermaid singing?’

  ‘I do now.’ Lincoln muttered dryly. ‘I didn’t even realize what it was-it sounded so pretty! I thought it was a C. D or something.’

  ‘Yes well that’s part of the Siren deal, you know?’

  ‘Not first hand. She’s never sung at me. In fact, I haven’t even tried it myself!’ Lincoln glanced out at the water. ‘She said she wanted to swim,’ his dark eyes looked anxious. ‘Tristan-what if she…?’

  ‘She’s fine!’

  Lincoln and Tristan both whipped to their right and saw Ivyanne, naked and wet, clinging to the side of the chimney. Her hair fell over her breasts, and shadows concealed her lower body, but it was still an image that made Tristan’s body spark in all the right places. Especially the way her eyes were sparkling in contrast to the blackness blanketing everything above her-she was a vision.

  ‘How did you sneak up here?’ Tristan demanded.

  ‘I can’t believe you did that to me!’ Lincoln erupted at the same time.

  Ivyanne smiled, her teeth glinting in he darkness. ‘Apparently, I have a gift I wasn’t aware of... one I’m slowly working out.’

  Tristan’s heart skipped a beat. ‘That magnet thing?’

  ‘What magnet thing?’ Lincoln asked.

  Ivyanne smiled at Tristan. ‘Yes that. Only I figured out tonight that if the thing I want is too heavy to move-I go to it. Watch.’ Ivyanne stuck her hand out, her fingers reaching towards the window. Almost imperceptibly, her fingertips were lightly glowing red, like the element on a stove after it’s first been turned off. There was a quick blur and suddenly, she was inside the window, holding a curtain around herself.


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