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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 21

by S. K Munt

  ‘The market sucks right now.’ Saraya agreed. ‘You may have to leave it there for awhile.’

  ‘Yeah. I’ll remind her that there’s no rush.’ Ivyanne went to click on the ‘Reply’ tab, when an extra paragraph at the bottom of the e-mail caught her eye.

  Miss Court, you asked me to let you know if there have been any unusual people inspecting the property, so I should probably mention the young man who came in last Friday morning. He was handsome and dark, but barefoot and quite unkempt in appearance. He introduced himself as Dwayne Reynolds, and explained that he was a neighbor. But the thing is, I’ve already met Mr Dwayne Reynolds, and this was not him.

  I may be overreacting, but I thought you should know anyway. If he shows up again-either of them-I will try and glean a little more information.

  Sincerely, Rhonda.

  Ivyanne sat back, digesting the information with shock, and feeling a prickly heat crawling up her neck. The list of handsome, unkempt and bullshitting young men who took to getting around barefoot and knew enough of the neighborhood to assume a false identity had one name on it: Ardhi. He was in the region and sniffing around.

  He was coming for her.

  Ivyanne flexed her muscles, all set to push her chair back and holler out to Garridan, but something made her sit herself back down before she drew the necessary breath to do it. It was the weekend. Tristan was going to Sydney, and Link was going back to The Seaview with most of the guard-but they hadn’t gone yet.

  She couldn’t go to the reef now, she knew instantly that it was too risky, and though that was a crushing blow-it still wasn’t the worst case scenario. Because if she announced the new development to Garridan before the boys departed, she’d not only be banned from the water all weekend-but stuck with them squabbling over her once more. Probably while shirtless.

  No! She thought, feeling ill at the very idea of continued claustrophobia, or having to stare at the cute indents near the base of Lincoln’s deeply tanned spine for one more minute. It was the same with Tristan’s tattoo. Oh boy she’d lost some sleep over that! Her tongue was constantly pressed to the back of her top teeth as she imagined licking the delicate leaf patterns on his perfect body...

  Ivyanne stifled a moan as her body flushed from hair roots to toenails. She couldn’t torture herself, or allow them to torture one another without granting them some respite first.

  ‘Are you okay Ivyanne?’ Saraya asked.

  ‘Um...yeah. I just realized that there’s another book I wanted to pack before I go-I might get time to read two. But I’ll finish up here first, we have time...’

  ‘I’ll remind you.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Ivyanne felt bad for lying, but knew she had no choice. If Lincoln and Tristan didn’t get some apart time soon, they’d either end up duking it out, if she didn’t beckon them both into her bedroom first- solidifying her theory that she was as monstrous as Ardhi and as weak as any human for good.

  So Ardhi’s here…. she told herself silently, allowing her limbs to fizz with terrified adrenaline at the idea of him skulking around the very neighborhood they’d once roamed together, intent on killing her now. It was a chilling concept, and it mutated any remaining fond memories she had of them as friends. Her eyes went to the window, appraising the line of hedges Tristan had ordered trimmed-now grateful for that decision. No one could hide out there-she was safe, as was Saraya-so long as they stayed out of sight.

  I don’t want to know any of this. But that e-mail is almost a week old and he hasn’t shown his face yet and probably won’t-I mean, how could he find me here? Maybe he’s gone elsewhere-Norfolk or New Zealand or New Guinea even. Maybe he came to collect some things and leave forever and never intends to come back!

  Ivyanne shut the e-mail program down and glanced at the clock, weighing the risks of silence versus honesty one final time before deciding on a course of action. She was completely torn between two sides of her persona-her natural born independent streak, and the honest, momma’s girl she had been bred to be.

  But then she thought of Lincoln’s stricken face and the important deals that Tristan had already risked in order to spend time with her, and it wasn’t long before deception, and the will to do no further harm to the men she cared for, overruled her instinct to hide behind someone’s legs. After all, she was the most important person, right? Target number one?

  The further her two lovers were from her when Garridan found this out, the safer they would be.


  Tristan stood outside the empty restaurant where the sunlight was filtered through the trees and waited expectantly for the airline to answer the phone. His flight was scheduled to leave at one-but Pintang didn’t know that and she’d been in the restaurant for over an hour-chewing into his packing time. Once again, he’d have to reschedule to leave later in the day.

  At least it gives me a few more hours with Ivyanne before I go. He thought. Alone. He smiled when he thought of Lincoln’s dramatic exit that morning. That boy had massive buttons which were way too easy to push, and Ivyanne couldn’t seem to stop herself from helping him along. Now Lincoln was going back to The Seaview angry, where a cute little Gracie was waiting to flirt him out of his senses. It was perfect.

  As the operators delay message repeated in his ear, Tristan noticed a slightly older man handing out leaflets to people passing by on the footpath. The guy looked up at Tristan, holding out a photocopied sheaf of paper with the words: ‘Dream Fishing Experience!’ emblazoned across the front.

  ‘Learn to fish like a mariner,’ the guy said, his eyes crinkling with a smile. ‘Only a hundred bucks a head.’

  Tristan took the leaflet, thinking of what a waste of paper they were. ‘Thanks man, but I’m a bit of a mariner myself.’

  The guys eyes looked him up and down, his expression dubious. ‘You fish?’

  Tristan didn’t hide his smile of amusement. ‘Like I was born in the water.’

  ‘Hey Tristan!’

  Tristan turned around and saw Pintang emerge from the restaurant and shut the door behind her. ‘Yeah?’

  ‘You may as well lock up now. I already love the place!’

  Tristan tossed her the keys which she caught easily. ‘Here you go Pintang.’ He turned back to the guy. ‘Thanks, but no thanks. Good luck though.’

  ‘Did she say Tristan?’

  Tristan looked back at the guy, folding the leaflet and putting it into his back pocket so he could recycle it when he got back to Ivyanne’s house. ‘Yeah. Why?’

  The guy squinted at him, then shrugged. ‘Just an unusual name.’

  ‘Forty years ago it was, not anymore.’ Tristan joked, catching the keys as Pintang tossed them back. ‘No names are now.’

  ‘This place is so beautiful,’ Pintang through her arms around Tristan and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I love you, you know that?’

  ‘Yeah yeah,’ Tristan tickled her ribs. ‘Just don’t say I never buy you anything pretty.’ He waved to the guy. ‘See yah mate. Good luck.’

  ‘Yeah... thanks…’ The guy said. Strangely, Tristan could feel his eyes on his neck until he rounded the corner. That was when he realized his error-and cringed. He’d said his name was forty years old, and didn’t look a day over twenty two. No wonder the guy was staring-he probably thought Tristan was a nutcase!


  Ivyanne glanced around the hallway between the library and the main bathroom, but it was deserted. She walked towards the fork where it joined to the front entrance, noticing that the door to the security room was ajar and voices were coming from within.

  ‘.. So this new monitor shows the private bedrooms and bathrooms in the main house-we leave that screensaver on to give people privacy-same with that monitor to your right, which is the guest house.’ Garridan’s voice drifted into the hall. ‘The one in the middle is the one to watch. It has the main rooms, the perimeter cameras, the dock and the gate. There’s no need to shift to the other monitors unless someone has breached the houses and we’re p
ursuing them.’

  ‘So are they fixed angles?’ Joyce asked.

  ‘No. If you want to swivel them, click on the picture you want and it’ll zoom in. Then just move these arrows... see? That’ll pivot them.’

  ‘Okay... well, seems simple enough.’

  ‘Thank you.. I really appreciate this. There are definitely going to be times when we need another set of eyes in here.’

  ‘No problem Garridan. I mean, it’s the queen we’re protecting here, you know? And she’s such a lovely little thing...’

  Ivyanne felt a flush of guilt-poor Joyce was going to be stuck in the security room all weekend once Garridan knew that Ardhi was still at large. She’d probably change her opinion about Ivyanne’s loveliness after that!

  Ivyanne adjusted the incredibly low cut blue halter she’d squeezed into, making sure enough cleavage showed to serve as a distraction. She was in going to be in trouble-and she needed to soften the blow any way she could. Satisfied that the combination of electric blue silk, french-twisted curls and honeysuckle perfume was as good as it was going to get without professional assistance, she eased herself inside the room.

  ‘Garridan, hey.’ She cleared her throat and looked around, the print out of the e-mail trembling in her hand. She leaned against the door jamb in the most appealing way she could manage, copying something she’d seen in a movie once. ‘Have you seen Lincoln, or Tristan?’

  ‘Lincoln left and gave Price a ride.’ Garridan said quickly, checking his watch. ‘And Tristan’s plane leaves in twenty minutes so I assume he’s already checked in.’

  Ivyanne forced back her smile of relief. ‘What about the others?’

  ‘Camus and Joyce are headed to Seaview soon and Sahori and Lachlan are going with them. Pintang’s about to head to her parent’s place, if she hasn’t left already... Why?’ He turned to look at her then, and his eyes fell straight to her chest, and widened.

  ‘Oh sweet lord!’ he glared up at her. ‘What did you do?!’

  Ivyanne blinked, surprised by his anger. ‘Do?’ She parroted, trying to feign innocence.

  But Garridan wasn’t buying it. He crossed his arms and glowered at her. ‘You don’t think your mum pulled the low cut coiffed trick on me when she was trying to get out of trouble too, little miss? Or is there a nightclub out in the open water that I’m unaware of?’

  Ivyanne blushed. Okay so the distraction technique was a fail. But the people she needed gone were gone, and enough remained to keep one another, and the grounds, safe. The time to confess had come.

  Ivyanne took a deep breath and held out the piece of paper. She’d highlighted the passage she wanted Garridan to read. ‘You need to see this. It’s too bad that the guard have gone, but I’m sure we can handle this without them…’

  Garridan straightened. ‘Handle what exactly?’

  ‘Read it and you tell me.’

  Garridan took the e-mail, his eyes scanning the page. Ivyanne saw his jaw lock and his eyes darken as he reached the end. He looked up at her, frowning.

  ‘When was this sent?!’

  ‘Four days ago,’ Ivyanne said. ‘Sorry, but I only just opened it. I haven’t really been thinking about the sale of the house, you know? Do you think…?’ Ivyanne knew it was a dumb question to ask, but playing dumb was the only thing that could possibly spare her a hiding.

  Garridan looked back down at the e-mail. ‘Dammit Ivyanne! We’re down three men!’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Maybe I could get Tristan at the airport before his plane leaves…’

  ‘Actually, Tristan’s still here,’ Pintang appeared in the doorway, frowning. ‘He didn’t tell me about his check-in time and I made him late-so he’s rescheduled for a three o’clock flight.’

  ‘Well thank god!’ Garridan lamented. ‘That’s something at least!’

  Ivyanne’s heart sank. So much for Tristan being safe and sound. Or out of her hair!

  Pintang glanced at Ivyanne, taking in the outfit. ‘Why? What’s going on? Ooh! Are we going out?!’

  Ivyanne blushed further.

  Joyce giggled and attempted to muffle it behind her long burgundy hair.

  ‘No we’re not going out. We’re locking down.’ Garridan tossed the piece of paper to Pintang. ‘Read this, then get Sahori and Lachlan to cancel their plans. Joyce, I know your husband just threw a line in but we’ve got bigger fish to worry about. And sorry Pintang, but you’ll need to stay close by too.’

  Pintang’s complexion was leeched of all color as she read the e-mail. ‘Of course,’ she said softly.

  ‘I’ll go get Camus.’ Joyce said, getting out of the chair and smoothing her tan slacks around her hourglass hips.

  ‘Thank you. Tell him I need him here, guarding the door.’ Garridan whipped out a phone, glaring at Ivyanne as it rang. Ivyanne shrank back against the wall, thinking how much angrier he’d be if he knew that she’d read the letter an hour ago.

  ‘Tristan?’ he barked. ‘Where are you?’ There was a pause. ‘Why the hell would you answer the phone in the shower?’ He paused again, listening, then rolled his eyes. ‘Yeah well clearly I’m not Ivyanne and this isn’t that kind of call. I need you to cancel your flight and meet me and Camus at the front gate the second you can-come armed.’

  Ivyanne almost rolled her eyes at the over-reaction. And at the implication of what Tristan was saying. He showered with his phone in hope of phone sex from her? That was laughable. They’d only ever had that one call, as she’d been silencing her phone at night since the day he’d showed off his guilt-inducing tattoo anyway.

  ‘No he’s not here here-but he’s here, in town.’ Another pause. ‘Huh? No, I’m locking her in the security room until the coast is clear.’ With that, Garridan hung up the phone, grabbed Ivyanne and half flung her into the chair in front of the monitors. ‘You-sit!’ he barked.

  Ivyanne sat. ‘Garridan seriously-’

  ‘Seriously do what you’re told, okay?’ Garridan sounded very much like her father. ‘This is the most secure room in the house. I want you to lock the door after me and stay put-watching the monitors-until I know we’re locked down and that you youngsters haven’t left a scale-trail on the dock.’ He tossed her a walkie talkie. ‘Camus will be here to guard the door in a minute, then I’ll go and check everything out. Use the two way if you see anything I should be aware of, and under no circumstances are you to unlock this door until you hear me telling you to come out. Do you follow?’

  Ivyanne nodded as the door closed, feeling awful to have stressed Garridan out so much. She swiveled in the chair to face the monitors, gripping the walkie talkie in her hand as her eyes scanned the screens for anything unusual. But there was nothing. Most of the rooms in the house appeared to be completely empty and as she hadn’t had the chance to point out to Garridan yet-Ardhi hadn’t come near them in a week, so ringing the alarm as he was was just Garridan taking his job far too seriously again. So much for their cease-fire! She’d really done it now.

  Ivyanne sighed and rested her chin in one palm, glancing down at the waste paper basket curiously, rolling her eyes when she saw at least seven little slips of paper with Tristan’s name on them within. Results of the vote, no doubt. She leaned over and rifled through them, shaking her head.

  So it was a guarantee. She thought, exhaling heavily. My votes were useless, and Lincoln’s own bloody lucky! Fate strikes again!

  Then she spotted another one, in her own writing, and then another, and her heartbeat quickened. She leaned over and fished them out, shoving them into the pocket of her jeans before turning back to the monitors, not wanting anyone to see how she’d cast her own votes and read too much into it. But Sahori’s name lingered with her, speaking volumes about what she couldn’t bring herself to say.

  Ivyanne knew she was in for a miserable weekend. She was as stressed out as everyone else and now she was going to be cooped up in the room for however long it took Garridan to appease his paranoia. Damn Tristan and his credit limit-his ability to buy up property aro
und her and come and go as he pleased! If she’d waited two hours longer, Garridan would have been even angrier yes, but at least Tristan would be out of her hair instead of in the shower.

  Why couldn’t he swim, like a normal- Ivyanne suddenly sat up in her seat. Shower. Tristan’s in the shower!

  A slight thrill raced down Ivyanne’s spine. Showering meant naked-which was the one state she hadn’t seen Tristan in enough and possibly never would. Her hand went to the mouse, still trembling, but this time for a different reason. Ardhi wasn’t coming for them-he had no clue where they were or that they knew he was nearby. Why be bored and stressed when she could enjoy one of the perks of the security room? Smiling, Ivyanne rocked the mouse belonging to the right-hand monitor, her eyes lighting up when the guest house was revealed as clearly as the siren within her.

  Ivyanne spotted movement instantly and grinned when she saw Tristan close the door to his bedroom behind him. He had a towel wrapped around his tapered waist and his wet hair was dripping water down the marked indent of his broad back. Ivyanne clicked on the screen and it enlarged to full view. There was Tristan, larger than life, glaring at an unmade bed Ivyanne assumed was Lincoln’s. She smiled and leaned closer, watching him lean over Link’s bed, lock the window and pull the blinds shut. He began to tug up Lincoln’s cover then apparently thought better of it, turning his back and shaking his head, muttering to himself, tossing his phone onto his own perfectly made bed.

  Ivyanne giggled at her own audacity even as she mentally brushed the droplets of water off the masculine and muscular shoulders of the man on the monitor.

  You talk the talk and strut the walk- now it’s time for a little payback Loveridge! Time to be objectified for real!


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