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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 32

by S. K Munt

  Lincoln pushed himself up on his good arm, feeling his left shoulder start to throb from that small movement. ‘What’s that now?’

  ‘Think about it boy. You’re the only mermaid alive-aside from Ardhi- who can turn humans for us. You just became mer resource numero ...whatever Spanish for ‘two’ is. If Ardhi finds out, which he will if that girl was spying on you all celebrating tonight, then you just became uno on his list and need to be protected almost as carefully as the queen.’ He stepped back. ‘You’re not being sent back to The Seaview, and I’ll be moving you back into your old room in the main house. In fact, everyone from the resort has joined us here for the foreseeable future. The doors of The Seaview are locked, and will stay that way until Ardhi is apprehended.’

  Lincoln frowned, digesting this. His father was going to have a fit! But then again-so would Tristan when he found out that Lincoln had been bumped back up in accommodations. It made being shot worth it. ‘And Grace? She’s a target too.’

  ‘Yes we know. Grace has been set up in Sahori’s room. Dalton-who will be replacing you- is in your old accommodations with Tristan, Adele is rooming with Pintang and Marcus and Bane will be setting up a temporary camp in the rumpus room downstairs.’ He cleared his throat. ‘We have offered for Michael and Remi to come up as well, but they’ve opted to stay in Seaview in their private home.’

  In Garridan’s arms, Ivyanne stirred. ‘What’s going on?’ she slurred.

  ‘Go back to sleep princess.’ Garridan said softly. ‘I’m taking you to bed.’

  ‘Oh…..’ Ivyanne sighed. ‘Okay dad..’

  Lincoln looked at Garridan, and saw a smile tug at the corner of his lips. ‘Well... hmm…I suppose she’s quite out of it.’ He pressed a gentle kiss to Ivyanne’s forehead. ‘Poor thing. First Tristan, now you.’

  Link’s drugged brain connected Garridan’s explanation with what Ivyanne had told him earlier, about Tristan’s own close call. ‘Is he badly injured?’

  ‘He has a severe laceration to his shin and probably a few fractures everywhere else.’ Garridan smiled. ‘Good thing he has thick skin. He was more pissed off that Ivyanne wiped him out along with Ardhi, than anything.’

  ‘Wiped him out?’ Lincoln echoed.

  ‘Big Ko Huna style.’ Garridan smiled cryptically. ‘It’s almost four a. m. I’ll get this one to bed, and then I’ll come back for you. You and Ivyanne can trade war stories in the morning.’

  Lincoln grimaced, thinking they’d already shared more than he could handle. ‘Okay. Thanks mate.’

  ‘Don’t mention it.’ Garridan opened the door and edged out, being careful not to jostle Ivyanne too much. He didn’t close the door completely behind him, so when Lincoln heard his footsteps retreating, he got to his own feet, wincing when he felt the sores under his feet hit the icy cold floor. He hadn’t swum since early that morning, and he’d been running around all night in hard shoes. No wonder he felt like crap.

  Lincoln got to the door and peaked out. When he saw Tristan sitting there, slumped in the hall, he frowned in consternation. ‘You’re guarding me?’

  Tristan didn’t look up ‘Welcome to the land of the V. I. P.’ He said woodenly.

  Lincoln inched out the door, noticing the bandage on Tristan’s leg. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘I’ve been a lot better.’ Tristan glanced up at him. ‘How about you?’

  ‘Actually I feel all right. That Irukanji stuff is wearing off but Joyce says I’ll heal quickly enough.’

  ‘We both know it’s not the Irukanji that has you up and at ‘em.’ Tristan got to his feet, using his hand to pull himself up on the doorknob of the theatre room. It looked awkward, and Lincoln felt for him. Never before had he seen Tristan Loveridge look so wounded. His sparkle had been snuffed out by gunfire.

  Lincoln thought of Ivyanne in his arms and smiled softly. ‘I guess not.’

  ‘Did you sleep with her?’

  ‘Some things are better than sex.’ Lincoln smiled. ‘Or almost sex.’

  ‘She told you?’

  Lincoln shrugged, trying not to betray the way his insides turned to quicksilver at the thought of them naked together. ‘She said it wasn’t a big deal, so I won’t treat it like one.’

  Tristan raised an eyebrow, a faint smile lifting his own lips. ‘It was nice of her to say that, wasn’t it?’

  Lincoln frowned. ‘Are we seriously going to whip them out and compare them right now man?’

  Tristan chuckled. ‘Nah. That would make me a show-off, and I’m really quite shy.’ He brushed his knuckles against Lincoln’s chin. ‘For what it’s worth, I lost my shit when I found out you’d been shot.’ He looked Lincoln square in the eye. ‘I’m really glad you’re okay.’

  Lincoln was moved by that. ‘Well..’ he mumbled awkwardly. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘Okay!’ Sahori was at the end of the hallway. ‘Garridan sent me to take you upstairs Lincoln. And Tristan he said you and I are off duty now. Price and Dalton have had a few hours sleep and they’re chomping at the bit to get their guns back.’

  ‘Upstairs?’ The kindness melted from Tristan’s face. ‘You’re sleeping in her room?’

  ‘No.’ Lincoln said, enjoying Tristan’s falling face. ‘But I got my old room back. Dalton’s in ours with you now. Apparently, I’m safer in the house.’

  Tristan raised an eyebrow. ‘Not as safe as you may think.’ He said tightly. But then he smiled. ‘Say... isn’t young Grace on the same floor?’ He winked at Lincoln. ‘How convenient for her.’

  Lincoln’s smile faded. He’d heard Garridan say that, but he hadn’t absorbed the implications of it until just then. He suppressed the urge to groan, thinking of Grace’s lips on his, and how much trouble they had caused. His hand went to his mouth on reflex, and he hoped his blush wasn’t evident.

  Luckily for him, the one question Ivyanne hadn’t asked was the one question he wouldn’t have wanted to answer; His kiss with Grace Londeree had lasted only a few seconds, and yet... Lincoln swallowed and prayed that the doors upstairs locked. Because saying no to a second kiss would be difficult if something didn’t give soon.

  Heads Or Tails Book #3 in The Fairytail Saga S.K Munt

  Part Three

  Part Three January 31st 1998

  ‘Does your culture celebrate New Year’s Eve?’ Lincoln asked softly, breaking the silence between them.

  Ivyanne had been gazing up at the stars through the tree tops, cuddled up against his arm, lost to a dream in which she and Lincoln had been swimming out in the water together, with nothing but stars to witness them.

  ‘My culture?’ she asked softly. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You know...’ Lincoln shifted, wrapping his arm around Ivyanne more tightly.‘You’ve said that Christmas is basically just a party for you all, and that you don’t go to church, and that you went to a Chinese New Year celebration once... so I was just wondering if New Year’s Eve means anything to you?’

  ‘I’m all dressed up, aren’t I?’ Ivyanne asked, smiling. ‘Didn’t we just sneak away from both sets of our partying parents?’


  ‘And haven’t you and I been right here together, every New Years Eve for the last six years? Seems like a tradition to me.’

  Lincoln glanced down at her. ‘You’re right. I was just curious...about what it means to you.’

  ‘A fresh start.’ Ivyanne answered. ‘And if that doesn’t take-we get a do over when the Chinese do.’

  Lincoln chuckled. ‘Nice. Exploiting all cultures-I like that.’ There was a pause. ‘What other stuff do you do? I mean, do you come this way for the cane-crushing season and then head over to America for Thanksgiving, or what?’

  Ivyanne laughed. ‘Why? Does it matter?’

  ‘It does. I’d like to know, where I can picture you when you’re not here. You’re so mysterious. I’d like you to know more about me too, you know. The town I live in, for instance...’

  Ivyanne sighed, leaning her head against his chest once mo
re. ‘Link I’m sorry but I don’t want to picture you when you’re not here with me. I like the fact that every time I close my eyes-you’re right here, in my arms.’ She turned her face to his. ‘Isn’t it better this way? I can’t change how far I am away from you between February and December- so I imagine you here, waiting for me, and it takes some of the hurt away.’

  Lincoln’s fingertips traced the curve of her jaw. ‘I know, and I get comfort from that too. But sometimes.. it feels like we’re stuck here. Like we’ll never move forward.’

  ‘Lincoln...’ Ivyanne’s heart felt heavy with dread ‘I’ve warned you not to bank on a future with me. I’ve told you that I have no control over my life, and I may never.’

  ‘Why?’ Lincoln pressed. ‘We’ll be adults in two years Ivanna-when we’re done with school and parents... what’s to stop us from finding each other then?’

  Ivyanne dropped her face. She knew the fair thing to do was to just end things at that moment, and kiss him good-bye. The sky was a blanket of stars, the ocean was slapping against the rocks of Oyster point, the trees were whispering to each other and above it all, feint music from the resort was drifting through the breezes-her life would never get better than it was at that moment. Why should she hope for one more summer and continue to string him along when everything she could ever hope for was present already? When she knew that trying to hold onto that for more than a moment was selfish and cruel to the man she loved? When she knew that within six months, she’d be betrothed to someone else?

  Because I can’t let him go. She realized. I’ve given up the rest of my life-why should I end this sooner than it has to? ‘If we’re as real as this feels, and if this is what the universe wants from us-we’ll find each other.’

  Lincoln groaned. ‘That’s a pretty vague answer Ivanna.’

  ‘I’m a pretty vague girl.’ She smiled and pulled back. ‘Why the sudden curiosity? You’ve seemed as content as I am, to let this be what it is.’

  ‘Things are changing. We’re not little kids anymore and we can’t expect things to just go on as they are.’ He turned to her.‘I need more from you now.’

  Ivyanne swallowed. ‘Such as...?’

  Lincoln stared at her for a full minute, his eyebrows knitted, as though he was contemplating something incredibly serious. But instead of explaining himself, he rolled over until he was kneeling over her on all fours, looking deeply into her eyes.

  ‘Kiss me,’ he whispered. ‘And I’ll show you.’

  Ivyanne instantly realized what he was eluding to, and a wave of terror washed over her. She’d wondered if this moment was coming and had even prepared herself for how she would have to react. In her daydreams, she had pushed him away and declared her intentions to save herself for marriage, as so many human girls did. And if he didn’t like it, he could go jump!

  But in reality, his closeness sent a thrill through her and the glazed look in his eyes stimulated the siren within her soul. She sat up and took his face in her hands, kissing him gently, wanting to be shown, not told. Lincoln lifted her body against his. He’d never grabbed her like that before, and his usually gentle kiss was at once demanding. Ivyanne was suddenly aware of how alone they were, how vulnerable she was to this young man’s insistent mouth. It made her feel afraid, but it wasn’t a bad kind of fear-it was electrifying.

  Lincoln moaned gently and lowered his weight on her, slipping one of his legs between hers, forcing her skirt to ride up a few inches, as his other hand came down on her stomach, against the soft fabric of her dress. That was when he pulled back.

  ‘Do you get it now?’

  Ivyanne knew she was playing with fire but she nodded.

  ‘Can I explain a little more?’

  Ivyanne nodded again.

  Lincoln smiled and brought his mouth down on hers again. This time his mouth was harder, his tongue exploring her willing mouth as the hand on her torso rose and ran across the gathered fabric at the bodice of her dress. Ivyanne cried out, and Lincoln’s eyes flew open at the same time as hers.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he whispered. ‘Was that too rough?’

  Ivyanne was trembling. ‘No. It’s hurting me because it’s not...enough.’

  Lincoln made a whimpering noise, pressing his lips against her neck.

  ‘Have you done it before?’ Ivyanne asked, terrified of his answer.

  ‘Done what?’

  ‘What you’re making me consider doing right now?’

  ‘I am?’ He moaned again. ‘Jesus this is how my dreams start. But only my dreams. I’ve been waiting...hoping that we know..’ he sighed against her skin. ‘Have you?’

  ‘Of course not!’ Ivyanne’s heart was thundering in her chest. ‘Can’t you tell?’

  ‘I can only dream.’

  ‘Dream with me. Now.’ Ivyanne pulled his face back to hers and kissed him again-hard-squeezing her eyes tightly shut and telling herself that she could stop at any time. Lincoln made a delicious sound in the back of his throat and swiftly pressed his hands up and between her thighs. Ivyanne’s was unprepared for the jolt of lightning which followed this action, and when she felt one of his fingers slip past the boundary of her swimsuit and graze her untouched flesh, she turned her face to the side and let out a soft cry.

  ‘Oh god...’ Lincoln groaned into her neck. ‘I’ve never felt anything so soft!’ his hand moved against her and he let out a deeper, more guttural groan. ‘Nothing could ever feel this good!’

  ‘Nothing?’ Ivyanne ran her hand up his thigh curved around the bulge she found.

  Lincoln jerked, his hand leaving her, his hips levitating off her own, letting her grip him more fully. ‘Jesus!’ he panted as she squeezed him gently. ‘Baby stop before I-’

  Ivyanne removed her hand and before she could change her mind, slipped it down the front of his jeans. She felt him instantly, silken and yet rock hard, straining against his satin boxer shorts. The tip of him was damp and that fascinated her. He grunted and writhed, his eyes going to hers, his pupils dilated, his breathing sounding painfully hoarse.

  ‘Okay!’ Ivyanne whispered fiercely, tears of fear and overwhelming excitement springing to her eyes, realizing that she was just as damp and breathless as he, just as ready. Just as terrified of giving herself away to someone who wasn’t him.

  ‘Okay?’ Lincoln asked, looking confused. ‘To what?’

  ‘To this.’ Ivyanne pulled him free and pressed him between her legs. Lincoln’s eyes bugged out of his head, his body contracting. ‘To us.’

  Please forgive me Roan, Ivyanne thought, closing her eyes against tears. But it’s my nature too! She knew Roan would have indulged in the act with some Irish girl by then, and she’d be damned if she was going to blow her only shot to ever make love with someone she actually loved out of consideration alone. Besides, the moon was a sliver in the sky. He never had to know.

  Lincoln looked like she’d just offered him a cheque for a million bucks. ‘Are you serious?’ He stilled her hand. ‘Ivanna this is a big step-I’ll take whatever you’re ready for, baby, no pressure, we still have an entire summer. And the next. I’m not going anywhere!’

  ‘But I can’t say the same,’ Ivyanne whispered. ‘This could be our only chance, Lincoln and I don’t want to waste-’

  Lincoln’s finger came to her lips. ‘Our only chance?!’ He frowned, tucking himself away and pulling her up to a sitting position. ‘I didn’t start touching you because I want to get this over and done with, but because I want to get closer to you. If you trust me enough to do this, then you better trust me enough to give me an address I can write to, or a number I can call, when I want to speak to my girlfriend.’

  ‘Your...?’ Ivyanne shook her head at the word she couldn’t repeat. ‘Link I can’t do that!’

  He narrowed his eyes. ‘So why do this?!’

  ‘So we always have this moment.’ She felt her eyes fill with desolate tears. ‘Right here and now.’

  Lincoln’s eyes hardened. ‘With the po
ssibility of never again?’ He reached over and fixed her dress. ‘No deal.’

  Ivyanne’s mouth fell open. ‘But-’

  ‘I said no deal, and I damn well meant it.’ He caught her chin in his hands. ‘I want you. All of you. And if you get pregnant as a result-’

  ‘I won’t!’ She protested.

  He glared at her. ‘Accidents happen, and if one happens now, I’d like you to be able to find me and let me help you. You can’t let me inside your body without letting me inside your life first! Which you will do, one day-I know it.’

  ‘But what if I can’t?!’ She demanded. ‘What if we move overseas again this year and we don’t make it back here? Then you would have passed this chance over for nothing!’

  ‘You’ll make it back.’ He said firmly. ‘You love me too much to stay away.’

  ‘If I really loved you, that’s exactly what I’d do….’ Ivyanne mumbled.

  But Lincoln only laughed, wrapping her in his arms. ‘One day I’m going to know everything about you, I swear that to you. And then the door will be open and you will never shut it between us again.’

  That was impossible, but Ivyanne sighed. ‘And if you don’t like what you learn? If you end up locked in with a monster?’

  ‘Nah.’ He kissed the top of her forehead. ‘You’re more of a mermaid, than a monster.’

  Ivyanne groaned, wishing she could tell him that they were one and the same. ‘I don’t want to break your heart. Or mine.’

  ‘Then don’t. Come back to me because you know it’s our destiny.’

  Ivyanne lifted her face to his and kissed him, praying that somehow, some way, Lincoln might be right and if she kissed him long enough, held him tight enough, nothing would be able to tear her from his grip.

  She didn’t know that out in the water, someone was watching them-someone who was determined to grant her every wish and make her pay. Someone who wanted to stalk onto the land and tear her limb from limb, and would have, if he weren’t completely terrified of her.


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