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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 42

by S. K Munt

  Garridan rose to his feet when he saw Tristan approach, holding out a hand. ‘Oh no you don’t,’ he said, stepping into the centre of the hallway. ‘I need her rested, Tristan, not antagonized.’

  Tristan smiled. ‘If I take after you, than you ought to know how rested she’s going to be when I come out of there.’

  He’d expected his uncle to smile, but Garridan’s face remained stony. ‘Tristan... look... go back the way you came, okay? There’s nothing for you up here.’

  Tristan hesitated. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  Garridan stepped closer. ‘It means that Lincoln’s room is empty, and I can hear voices in Ivyanne’s room.’ He lowered his gun. ‘I’m sorry son, but he’s been in there for at least fifteen minutes and I haven’t heard her cuss him out yet.’

  Tristan’s stomach acid bubbled like red hot lava. ‘She invited him in?’

  Garridan nodded. ‘I guess so. I heard the door lock behind him.’ Garridan rested a hand on his shoulder. ‘I’m sorry. You have no idea how much. But I just heard the bedsprings move and a bit of, um, laughter... I was about to distance myself when you came up.’

  Tristan felt his throat close up. He brushed Garridan’s hand away and stepped back, his mind reeling. Ivyanne was in there with Lincoln. Garridan had heard the bed.

  She’s giving herself to him. He realized, feeling himself fall into a pit of despair. Right now. Tears came to Tristan’s eyes, and he began to back away.


  But Tristan shook his head, unable to speak, and retreated down the hall, actually feeling the pieces of his heart splinter off and land on the floor like icicles.

  I lost.


  When Ardhi had poisoned his conquest, he replaced the vial in his pocket and then grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it at Lincoln with a mocking smile.

  ‘See anything you like?’ he asked Ivyanne lightly, glancing back down at the rise of her full and lovely breasts. ‘Because I do.’

  Ivyanne arched an eyebrow. ‘Maybe you didn’t give me enough-because you still look like a deranged person to me.’

  Ardhi chuckled. ‘It’ll take a few minutes. The question is... what do I do until then?’

  ‘Scrabble’s been popular around here lately.’ Ivyanne said flatly. ‘Perhaps you should try that.’

  ‘You were always the one with the words.’ He pressed his fingers against her lips then slowly ran them down her chin, along her neck and towards her breasts once more. He was already hard, and dying to take his pants off and find relief inside her, and yet he wanted the potion to start working first. ‘I was the one for the action.’

  Ivyanne shivered under his fingers, her eyes closing. ‘That tickles…’ she complained. ‘And it’s making me cold.’

  ‘Then allow me to warm you up.’ Ardhi slid down so he was lying on top of her, and caught her lips with his. Ivyanne’s face turned again but he forced it back, kissing her harder, holding her jaw still. He stretched his toes against hers and slid them up her shins teasingly as he rubbed his hips gently against hers.

  When Ivyanne’s lips ceased twisting away from his, Ardhi reached down and caught the waistband of her boxer shorts, tugging them down a few inches. He then switched hands and worked on the other side. She moaned, and a jolt of electricity ran through Ardhi. She was responding! The potion was working! He slid his tongue between her lips, feeling that they were softer now, not tightly drawn. He groaned when he tasted her saccharine breath, and when her tongue hesitantly massaged his own, he saw stars. He pulled back, breathing heavily. ‘Mmm.. you like this, huh?’

  Her eyes remained closed. ‘No... no just... hurry up and…’ she inched her lips towards his. ‘Kiss me… please...’

  Ardhi growled and claimed her mouth once more, determined to make her feel his level of passion.

  ‘Oh god…’ Lincoln moaned. ‘Shoot me. Please…’

  ‘Not a chance,’ Ardhi whispered, crawling down Ivyanne and tugging her pants free of her thighs. If I die trying to get out of here tonight. He thought as she assisted him by sliding her feet out of the cuffs. I’ll be a happy man.

  When she was unhindered by them, Ardhi slid back up her torso and sank his teeth into her neck gently, grinning when a cry of ecstasy bubbled over her lips.


  Lincoln strained against his bonds and squeezed his eyes shut even more tightly, but the sound of Ivyanne’s evident enjoyment was just as bad as watching it. He’d thought seeing her kiss Tristan had been a nightmare-but this felt like burning alive. He bucked, trying to get a grasp of the ropes at his ankles, but it was no use. He could only just graze them-he had no hope of untying Ivyanne’s knots. He’d never felt more weak and useless in his life.

  Tristan would have thought of something by now if this was him! Lincoln thought, his eyes pooling with tears. I’m no guard or knight or king! I can’t even fight one man off her!

  Ardhi moaned loudly and Lincoln couldn’t help but open his eyes. Ardhi’s mouth was on Ivyanne’s neck, his face turned away as he ravaged her. Lincoln caught sight of his diamond sparkling on her cuffed hand and his stomach churned. But just before he closed his eyes again, he saw that Ivyanne’s eyes were wide open and focused-on him.

  ‘Knife.’ She mouthed clearly. ‘Your knife.’

  Lincoln felt a shock course through him when he realized that she looked alert-not euphoric. He rolled onto his side and nodded to his chest, before shrugging helplessly. She bit her lip and frowned, then glanced up at Ardhi and let out a gentle-and what he now realized was a fake moan-and nibbled at his lower lip.

  ‘Kiss me again.’ She whispered. ‘I love long, lazy ones Ardhi. Ask Link, he’ll tell you.’

  Ardhi’s mouth was on Ivyanne’s in seconds, and he was panting loudly now. Lincoln realized that the potion she’d been given either hadn’t worked or hadn’t kicked in yet. She was stalling-for him. But what could he do?

  That was when he noticed Ivyanne wiggling her hands above her bed head-and the tips of her fingers were glowing with a faint, red haze. Lincoln had almost forgotten about her power. Now he saw that she wanted to try and grasp his knife.

  Lincoln rolled onto his back, seeing that his light jacket fell open, exposing the silver handle. He hoped it would be enough-or that she’d do something about it before Ardhi saw it.

  ‘Mmm unveiling these is what I want to prolong the most,’ Ardhi mumbled between kisses as he caressed her breast through her bra. ‘So many years of having these in my face, watching them blossom…and yet not being allowed to touch them…. god it was torture.’

  Lincoln blushed as he watched Ardhi’s hand, ashamed that he and the madman had the same thing in common.

  ‘Well they’re in your hands now,’ Ivyanne whispered huskily. She then turned her face and narrowed her eyes in concentration, staring at Lincoln’s torso as the light bloomed on her fingertips once more. Quickly, the small knife was sucked out of it’s sheath by an invisible wind, but instead of landing in Ivyanne’s hand, it dropped to the floor, inches from Lincoln’s stomach. His mouth opened in dismay, but when he looked at Ivyanne, she winked.

  ‘Use it.’ She mouthed.

  Lincoln let out an exaggerated moan of grief and rolled over, facing the wall, brushing his fingers across the carpet. He felt nothing except terror at first, knowing that if Ardhi looked he’d be caught red-handed. But then Ivyanne let out a seductive gasp and Lincoln took the opportunity to reach a second time. This time, his hand closed around the blade and his heart gave a joyful tug. That was when he realized-Ivyanne had tied the knots tightly, but out of the way, with his wrists crossed so he could maneuver one hand at the rope.

  ‘You like this?’ Ardhi suddenly panted. ‘You’re enjoying it?’

  ‘No...!’ She breathed. ‘But... just don’t stop yet, okay? The other one..’

  ‘Mmm... gladly.’

  Lincoln rolled his eyes at Ardhi’s utter naiveté, and turned over once more so that
his back was to the wall. He got a hold of the blade and began to rub it against the rope, nipping his finger but not caring. He sawed as gently as he could, biting his lip in focus, staring hatefully at Ardhi’s hands.

  ‘Mmm…’ Ardhi grinned at Ivyanne. ‘You know what? I think this teasing shit has gone on too far.’ He sat up, unbuckling his pants. ‘I say that I give it to you now, then give you a rest and some more potion, and then start again.’

  Lincoln’s heart constricted in terror. ‘No!’ he gasped, his hands stopping. ‘Don’t!’

  Ardhi looked over at him, annoyed. ‘What so now you want me to take my time?’

  Lincoln grit his teeth. ‘No. But I just don’t want you rushing anything and hurting her,’ he lied, frantically glancing at Ivyanne’s white face.

  ‘She’s not going to hurt. She wants it, don’t you sweetheart?’ he reached down, curling his fingers around the top of her panties. ‘Beg me for it honey.’

  Ivyanne flinched. ‘I.. uh..’

  Time seemed to stand still for a second as Ardhi slowly lifted his gaze to Ivyanne’s face, his expression clouding. ‘You do want it, don’t you?’

  Ivyanne’s mouth opened. ‘Well.. maybe just a little more foreplay…’

  Ardhi’s eyes narrowed and he leaned closer, scrutinizing her face. ‘Are they tears in your eyes?’

  ‘What?’ Ivyanne squeaked. ‘No! I’m just-’

  The slap sent her face sideways. Lincoln grunted and began to saw again, losing his patience entirely, imagining he was throttling Ardhi’s exposed neck.

  ‘Bitch!’ Ardhi cried. ‘You’re putting this on, aren’t you? Trying to stall me until someone comes looking for you!’

  ‘No! I swear-’

  Ardhi squeezed her chin with his fingers, his knuckles going white. ‘You’re tricking me again! Lying to me while you think up some crazy way to get out of this!’ Ardhi growled and wrapped his hands around her throat. ‘What is wrong with you?’ He demanded. ‘That shit is supposed to put anyone out of their heads-even you!’

  Ivyanne’s eyes widened and she spluttered for air.

  Ardhi released his grip. ‘What?’

  ‘I was stung... when I was six. Badly.’ Ivyanne coughed. ‘I’ve have an immunity since Aubrielle treated me then-you should know that. Have I ever once freaked out around Irukanji?’

  Ardhi studied her thoughtfully, then exhaled a loaded breath. ‘No.’ He pulled the vial out of his pocket and studied it. ‘What if I gave you the whole thing?’

  ‘Go on and see. I’ll be either dead, or as indifferent to you as I am right now.’ Ivyanne narrowed her eyes. ‘If you really want me to enjoy this-get off and let your rival heat me up-because everywhere you touch me turns to stone.’

  Don’t piss him off too much yet! Lincoln thought desperately. I’m not quite there! And my legs are still stuck!

  ‘You’re right! You’re nothing but a stone cold liar.’ Ardhi violently lifted her face by her hair, yanking it towards him, stretching her arms out behind her back, making Lincoln wince in sympathy. ‘I don’t know why I want you at all!’ He glared at her. ‘What would you have done if I’d gotten you pregnant, huh?’

  Ivyanne smiled cruelly. ‘Let’s just say the Court line would have come to an official end. I know Anna would have forgiven me-you’re every bit as cruel as the man who started this-I see that now. Maybe only when you and I are both dead, will the bloodlines be pure.’

  Lincoln began to saw much more urgently, knowing that Ivyanne was dead serious. If Ardhi had his way with her regardless of her stinging rejection-Lincoln would lose her forever.

  ‘You’d sooner smash the foundations out from under this species than raise my child?’ he demanded.

  ‘In a heartbeat!’

  Ardhi blanched. ‘You know I blamed Tristan for taking your innocence. But now that I know you’re going to choose this one-’ Ardhi reached for the gun and swung back to Lincoln’s head. ‘I see where the problem started. You’ve been traitorous to the Marked from the day you met him!’ He shook his head. ‘And to think I had some glad tidings for you Lincoln. Screw that. You deserve the fate you’ve begged for!

  She’s choosing me?! Lincoln thought, torn between terror and elation as the gun waved in front of his face. How can he know that? Despite the awfulness of his predicament, Lincoln’s heart gave a grateful thump.

  ‘Yeah-you.’ Ardhi’s nostrils flared. ‘And I wouldn’t be smiling if I were you! I came here to teach Ivyanne a lesson, but now I see that you’ll have to die if she’s going to learn anything.’

  Lincoln felt like an electric current was crawling over his scalp.

  ‘No!’ Ivyanne whispered. ‘You’re signing your own death warrant if you do!’

  ‘I’m already dead.’ Ardhi’s eyes didn’t leave Lincoln’s. ‘Got anything touchingly sweet to say, Yoko?’

  Lincoln felt like he was already leaving his body. All he could hope for was that Ardhi would leave Ivyanne alive, as punishment. He looked at Ivyanne, shrugging helplessly, and smiled.

  ‘I love you.’ He whispered, his eyes filling with tears. ‘You were worth this.’

  Ardhi smiled.


  Tristan stood in the rain for ten minutes, watching the lightning flash in the sky, wondering if Ardhi was already nearby, and watching him.

  Kill me. Tristan thought quietly. If you have an ounce of humanity left in you-just put me out of my misery.

  A shadow moved across the pool. Tristan had his gun out in a heartbeat, aiming it at the bushes beyond. But there was no one there. He looked at the square of light on the pool, then followed it up to Ivyanne’s window, seeing the curtain twitch. The blinds were drawn, but it was obvious that her light was on behind it-as was the one in her bathroom. Tristan frowned, wondering why she’d have the lights on when Garridan had ordered her not to. Was she still up and about?

  Despite himself, a coal of hope flared into a flame in the pit of his gut-for there was nothing romantic about a fully lit room.

  Maybe they’re just talking. Tristan thought, edging towards the house. Maybe he was about to sneak up on something he’d never be able to burn from his mind, but he couldn’t turn away. He had to know.

  Tristan took his shoes off and crept towards the down pipe just down from the door on the wet tiles. He was usually quick at getting up there, but it was slippery. He grunted, trying a third and fourth time, before making it to the second floor balcony outside Sahori and Grace’s room. By the time he was over the railing-the back of his shirt was soaked through.

  He stepped up onto the wet, cold balcony railing and vaulted himself onto the roof, trying to make us little noise as possible as his hands slapped against the slick surface of the color bond, searching for a bolt to brace his weight on. When he found one, he pulled himself up, scratching his chest on another bolt, but ignoring the sting.

  Just one peek. He thought silently, steeling himself. If I’m wrong again, then seeing her in his arms will cure me of this strange idea that she’s meant for me, once and for all.


  ‘Ardhi don’t!’ Ivyanne squealed. ‘Lincoln doesn’t deserve to die! Not for me! I’ve hurt him as much as I’ve hurt you!’

  Ardhi’s head snapped around to look at Ivyanne. ‘If that was the case he’d have the gun aimed at your head, wouldn’t he?’

  ‘Maybe he’ll want to,’ Ivyanne agreed, and then her eyes fell to her knees. ‘When he finds out that I’ve chosen Tristan.’

  Lincoln stopped breathing.

  ‘What?!’ Ardhi’s eyes narrowed to slits. ‘You’re lying! I heard you before, you stupid bitch. On the phone to Saraya. You said you didn’t want to get married at The Seaview because me and mine have sullied the place you fell in love!’

  Tears spilled down Ivyanne’s cheeks, and her face crumpled. ‘Well...I fell in love with Tristan there too, didn’t I?’ She shot a mortified look in Lincoln’s direction, and her gaze was so heavy with sorrow that it fell to his chest under the weight of guil
t. ‘I phrased it that way hoping to throw Saraya off. I didn’t know you were in the closet signing a death warrant for the recipient of your deductions or I wouldn’t have made that call at all!’ She exhaled, shaking her head. ‘Interpret my words as you please, but the truth is that the Seaview belongs to Link and I and to the past regardless of the lives you took there.’ She wet her lips. ‘And the past is all Lincoln will have left of us after tonight. I couldn’t possibly marry Tristan there.’

  She’s lying! Lincoln thought desperately, unable to hear her words. She has to be! That’s why she can’t look me in the eye!

  ‘I’m not buying it!’ Ardhi declared. ‘You also said that you didn’t want to get married at the Londeree’s resort either-you said that would be tacky because of who you might have married! If it was Tristan you were choosing, you wouldn’t baulk at marrying at his sister’s resort, would you? So it has to be Link!’

  Lincoln swallowed, hoping Ivyanne had an even worse lie this time-one he couldn’t swallow. He’d sooner take a bullet than hear that he’d lost after believing that he’d won only minutes before.

  ‘When I said who I might have married, I was referring to Isabelle’s other brother, Nigara. Think Ardhi-we were to be married there this year-at that resort. You were invited, remember?’ Ivyanne sniffled. ‘I didn’t want Tristan to have a hand-me-down wedding day as well as a recycled bride! I wanted somewhere fresh for us to start our lives together.’

  Lincoln really felt like he was going to be sick. He folded in half, trying to wrap his mind around what he was hearing. The gun, Ardhi-everything else seemed to slip away. ‘Ivyanne if you’re lying to save me... you’re failing because I’m dying on the inside.’ He said brokenly.

  Ivyanne turned her face sideways to look at Lincoln finally. Tears were running down her cheeks like a river. ‘I’m so sorry. I never thought I’d say this to you,’ she whispered. ‘But there’s literally a gun at both of our heads, so I must.’

  Lincoln sucked in a breath, feeling her energy tugging gently at him, coaxing him, and her words gave him pause. What if she was lying? No one thought faster on their feet than Ivyanne. He turned his face away, not wanting Ardhi to catch the glimmer of hope on his face.


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