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Untamed Love

Page 2

by Anton Swanepoel

  Aurora undressed while she moved to the en-suite bathroom, and left a trail of clothes on the floor. The twice weekly hour-long karate classes and weekend jogs through the park kept her fit. With her five foot seven strong and lean frame and perky c-cup breasts, she turned a lot of heads. Just not the one she wanted. At 28, she was debt free, a manager, and had a promising future ahead of her. Aurora placed the iPad and cellphone on the floor, then opened the bath taps. Carefully she measured a bottle cap of apricot and coconut bubble bath out, then shrugged her shoulders and poured two caps worth of bubble bath in the bath. Aurora cupped her breasts and gave them a little squeeze. Rick, you could have had these tonight, but you chose plastic. See if I care. Aurora tipped her nose up and inhaled sharply, then stepped into the bath. Soft bubbles caressed her body. After closing the taps with her toes, she picked up her iPad. Her eyes devoured the backpacking guide while her mind imagined Rick joining her on exploring remote temples. Sadness filled her heart when thoughts of Emily taking her place alongside Rick popped up. Aurora placed the iPad on the floor next to the bath, then picked up her phone and dialed Jeni.

  “Hello darling.” Jeni answered in a laughing tone.


  “What’s wrong?” Jeni was immediately alert when Aurora did not respond with her normal cheerful voice and jokes. Aurora was a bubbly person and when she was short on words, something had upset her greatly.

  “Rick dumped me and cheated on me.” Aurora choked out while tears formed in her eyes.

  “What? Your dream guy and boss?”


  “Ah, I am sorry. Do you want me to come over?” Concern filled Jeni’s voice. She had warned Aurora before that her crush on Rick was not healthy for her.

  “No no, I just want to talk a bit.”

  “Okay. But hold on. When did you guys start to go out? You said nothing.”

  “Well, we have not exactly been on a date yet.” Aurora admitted sheepishly.

  “So how did he dump you and cheat on you then?”

  “He is going on a dinner date with Emily tonight.”

  “What? That cow that climbs the corporate ladder one dick and knife stab at a time?” Jeni gasped.


  “I am so sorry Aurora. I did not expect Rick to fall for her fake boobs.”

  “Me neither. Hey, but I got the book you told me about. I never thought it was so cheap to travel in Cambodia and Thailand.” Aurora changed the subject knowing if they continued to talk about Rick that Jeni would demand to come over. Aurora needed a hug tonight, but not from Jeni.

  “Told you. You will have a blast there. When is this next deal done?”

  “Monday is the big presentation. I expect them to sign there and then. All should be wrapped up by Tuesday.”

  “Well then, there you go. Start packing your bags. In a few days you are heading to Cambodia on vacation.” Jeni cheerfully exclaimed.

  “Just like that hey?” Aurora laughed.

  “Just like that. You have been planning to go after you secured the deal, or are you chickening out?”

  “No, I am going. Scared, but I am going.”

  “Are you going to finally ask Rick on a date when you get the promotion?”

  “I don’t know.“

  “Ask him to go with you to Cambodia. Imagine making love to that hard body of his at some remote temple. Angeline Joli style.” Aurora’s cheeks turned red, and her rose buds hardened. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and then dived straight down, causing Aurora to open her legs. Aurora swallowed hard when the butterflies caused swelling at the apex of her legs, the little sluts. Aurora slid one hand down to between her legs and touched herself while imagine it was Rick’s hand. Her breathing raced while her hand moved faster and faster.

  “Aurora, you still with me?” Aurora jerked when Jeni’s voice ripped her to reality.

  “Shit shit shit.” Aurora yelled when her phone slid out of her hand and into the bath. Frantically she searched through the foam bubbles for it. By the time she pulled it out, it was too late.

  “Nice going Aurora.” Aurora scolded herself, then burst out laughing when she thought of what Jeni would say when she told her why she dropped the phone. Aurora placed the phone on the bathroom floor next to the iPad, and then slid back into the bath. She may as well finish what she started before Jeni showed up. With the talk they had and the phone going dead, Jeni would rush over immediate. Bubbles tickled her throbbing rose buds as they popped against them. Aurora’s hand moved to the apex of her legs. Closing her eyes, her hand became Rick’s. His fingers glided over the pearl of her womanhood then in and out of her portal of pleasure. His lips burned hot on her’s. Aurora’s heart beat widely and she gasped for air while her body exploded in ecstasy, coming from deep down inside her to wash all over her. Panting, Aurora let the feeling ravage her senses while she relaxed her muscles. She lay still for a few minutes, then quickly washed and climbed out of the bath, dried herself, then dressed and waited for Jeni.

  True as a friend Jeni was, she banged on Aurora’s apartment door two hours later.

  “What the hell?” Jeni blurted out the moment Aurora opened the door, then jumped forward and hugged Aurora.

  “Sorry. I dropped my phone in the bath.”

  “I thought maybe you killed yourself over Rick.” Jeni said, her voice stern. She gave Aurora another hug, then let her go and stepped into the apartment.

  “Wait, how did you drop your phone in the bath?” Jeni asked while Aurora closed the door. Aurora turned cerise and looked down at the floor while she played with her thumbs.


  “Well.” Aurora swallowed nervously. ”You know when you said maybe Rick could join me in Cambodia.”


  “Well, then you talked about making love at some remote temple.”

  “You imaged having sex with him and dropped your phone in the bath.” Jeni burst out laughing.


  “Welcome to being a woman." Jeni snorted, tears running down her face. ”Hey, I think I dropped five phones in the bath while reading some erotic novel. I now have one of those waterproof iPhones.”

  “I am so stupid. I am madly in love with him, but am afraid of going out with him, and now Emily stole him.”

  “Sugar, the man is not dead, and it is just one date. Let’s have some wine.” Jeni said and put her arm around Aurora’s shoulder. Together they walked to the fridge, where Aurora took out a wine bottle, while Jeni got them wine glasses.

  “Is Rick going to be there at the meeting on Monday?” Jeni asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Well, there you go. Wear something that will make him forget Emily.”

  “I don’t have anything that will do the trick.”

  “Then tomorrow we will go shopping Aurora.”

  “You think it may work?”

  “Of course. I have just the thing in mind that will make his head spin. You are so much hotter and smarter than that cow.” Jeni winked. “Now come, let’s forget about Monday and Rick and have some wine. “

  “You staying the night?” Aurora gasped.

  “Of course, my best friend has an emergency.” Jeni laughed.

  “Thank you.” Aurora hugged Jeni and fought to keep back the tears. She could not wait to see the outfit Jeni had in mind, nor the expression on Ricks face. Jeni knew how to dress to impress.

  Chapter 2: The Big Day

  Satin bedding glided over Aurora’s soft skin while a sharp shrill filled her bedroom. With a grunt, Aurora lifted her head from the pillow she was embracing and snoozed her alarm. 8:00 am. A second later Aurora bolted upright, her heart pounding. It’s Monday, today my life changes. Aurora jumped up and sprinted for the bathroom to remove the pressure on her bladder. Relieved, Aurora stepped into the bath and opened the tap for the showerhead. Hot water mixed with sandalwood and lavender shower gel caressed her skin. Breaking all previous records, Aurora was done in the
bathroom and stood in front of her bedroom dresser table. A sensual body-hugging low-cut dress already waited for her body. Jeni insisted she wore it, but Aurora had doubts. It was a business meeting after all. Aurora picked up the black see through underwear, Jeni’s color; Aurora preferred pink. She chewed on her lower lip for a moment, then tossed the clothes on the bed. The knot in her stomach released. Sorry Jeni, I am just not as wild as you. Aurora selected a light grey smart business suit and see-through pink Victoria Secret underwear, just in case she did end up asking Rick out for a meal after the meeting.

  A banana and apple served as breakfast while presentation high points milled in Aurora’s head. Satisfied that she was as ready as she could be, she grabbed her laptop bag from the glass table in the dining room, her thick overcoat that hanged over the couch, and then headed out. With her company phone drowned, Aurora had to stand in the street to hail a cab. Icy morning air slammed into her face, reddening her cheeks. Aurora pulled the collars on her overcoat up. As soon as the meeting is done, I will give the phone to the tech service department to replace. Slush cracked when a yellow cab pulled up next to her.

  “Hilton hotel.” Aurora said when she jumped into the back seat. Cherry aroma enveloped Aurora, and her eyes widened. Mom? Confused she looked around, then relaxed and leaned back into the seat. A sent bottle swayed to and fro from the rear-view mirror. The cab fought through soft snowflakes that floated down, and angry drivers filled with Monday morning road rage.

  “Here we are.” The driver said when he brought the cab to a stop. The clock on the dash next to the fare meter read 9:30 am, perfect timing. Aurora paid the cab, buttoned up her overcoat, and then jumped out. With fire in her step she headed for the hotel’s lobby. Ignoring the cold, Aurora held her head high and nodded at the doorman when he opened the door. Entrances always mattered in business meetings. With purpose and squared shoulders Aurora approached the reception desk. Aurora resisted the urge to look around and search for Rick. She put a little more sway into her hips, just in case he watched her enter.

  “Good morning. I am Aurora Newton from Investment International.” Aurora smiled when she reached the reception.

  “Good morning. How can I help you?”

  “Was there packages deliver from my company to here?”

  “Yes, it arrived Saturday. I personally accepted them.” Aurora took a step back. Saturday? Why Saturday, I hope they are still sealed. Aurora’s heart rate quickened.

  “Where are the packages now?”

  “I do not know.”

  The color drained from Aurora’s face. An arctic shiver rand down her spine. She swallowed hard while panic threatened to overtake rational thought.

  “What, what do you mean you do not know? Where is the meeting room?” Aurora stuttered.

  “What meeting?” The clerk’s eyebrows dipped and she scanned Aurora down and up for a moment. The world around Aurora started to crumble and she grabbed onto the reception desk.

  “Investment International booked a meeting room for today for 30 people.” Aurora said louder than she wished. The receptionist flipped through a book then looked up.

  “The meeting was moved to Saturday past.” The words slammed into Aurora. Her knees almost buckled. She was practically hanging onto the reception desk. Darkness closed in around her. Her heart beat raced. Her breathing was fast and shallow.

  “Why, why was it moved? Who changed the date?” Aurora blurted out in near panic. The receptionist dropped her gaze to her book.

  “I don’t know who changed the booking, but a Miss Emily Heart from Investment International ran the function on Saturday.”

  Aurora’s knees gave in and she dropped to the floor. No, this has to be a nightmare. Her heart tried to burst through her chest. Aurora gasped for air. The receptionist’s voice sounded miles away when she called Aurora’s name, then for help. Aurora did not care who the receptionist called. No one could help her now. Seconds later, strong hands picked her up and carried her to a couch in the lobby. A damp cloth wiped the sweat from her brow.

  “Drink this.” A male voice said and a can of Coca-Cola was stuffed into Aurora’s shaking hands. Warm male hands helped her hold the can while she took a few sips. Slowly, color returned to her face.

  “I am Doctor Martin Harris, the hotel’s doctor. How are you feeling?”

  “Better thank you.” Aurora lied. Dread formed a pit in her stomach. She struggled not to throw up.

  “Is there someone we can call?”

  “No thank you. I need to get to work.”

  “You almost fainted. I suggest you go to the hospital or at least home with someone.”

  “I will be okay, thank you. I just received bad news and need to get to work.” Aurora slowly rose. Fire filled her eyes, and anger engulfed her heart. Emily will die for this.

  “Thank you for the soda doctor. What do I owe you?”

  “Don’t worry about it, just get some rest.”

  Aurora nodded to the doctor then picked up her laptop bag that was placed next to the couch. She downed the last of the soda on her way to the door. The doorman opened the door and raised his hand to signal a cab.

  “Are you sure you will be okay?” Doctor Harris called from behind.

  “Yes, thank you. I will be now.” But not Emily.

  The sun just started its descent for the day when Aurora’s cab stopped in front of the complex Investment International was based in. Aurora’s guardian angel sat on her shoulder and begged her not to go in, she threw him into the slush in the road. Aurora paid the cab and walked to the lobby, not bothering with her change. Stunned faces watched her pass security while she gave only short replies to greetings. The elevator ride to the ninth floor felt like ages, and angered Aurora more. Rick better take my side in Emily steeling my deal, or he is dead as well.

  “Good day Aurora.” Candice said when Aurora entered Investment International’s reception aria.

  “Good day Candice.” Aurora forced herself to smile.

  “I am sorry.” The sincerity in Candice’s voice stopped Aurora dead. Does everyone know?

  “Sorry for what?” Aurora demanded, causing Candice to look down.

  “It is better if Mr. Rick tells you.”

  “I am sorry Candice, I did not mean it. It has been a rough day.”

  “I understand. Good luck.” Candice did not dare to look Aurora in the eyes. Clenching her jaw, Aurora ignored the eyes that peeked over cubicle partitions while she walked to her office. Bloody hell, the whole office knows already that Emily stole my deal. Aurora’s heart stopped when she rounded a corner in the passageway. A man was carrying her stuff out of her office. Aurora’s face turned red and lava flowed through her veins. Two staff members in the passageway bolted out of her way and ducked into the nearest cubicles, then peered over the partitions at her.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Aurora shouted and stormed the man, but then stopped dead when something caught the corner of her eye. Slowly, she turned her head. In her office was a man painting lettering on the glass office door. Senior Manager Emily Heart. Aurora’s left eye twitched, and an artery bulged on her temple. She balled her fists at her sides until her nails dug into her palms.

  “We have been told to move these things to another office, one floor down.” The man stuttered.

  “One flood down.” Aurora yelled, causing the man to cringe. The eight floor was for low level staff that worked on smaller projects. It took Aurora three years of working her butt off to get out of that dump. It took Emily only one, and a number of leg spreads.

  “Put that down, I will be right back.” Aurora hissed and then stormed down the passageway towards Rick’s office. With each step, her blood pressure rose, while behind her, people slowly left their cubicles and piled in the passageway. Aurora ground her teeth when she stopped in front of Rick’s office. The glass door was closed and all the blinds drawn.

  “You are so handsome when you frown.” Emily’s laughter from behind the door c
ut into Aurora’s heart. Aurora threw the door open with such force that it slammed against the wall. Glass exploded and littered the floor in shards. Emily shrieked and jumped behind Rick’s desk.

  “Aurora what the hell?” Rick gasped. He sat on the front of his desk and slowly stood.

  “What the Fuck Rick. You let her steal my project and then give her my promotion?” Aurora shouted.

  “No one stole your project or promotion. It is the company’s project, and Emily worked just as hard on it as you, having just as much right for a promotion.” Rick countered.

  “I got all the doctors to go for the idea. I made the presentation files. I got the banks and places to invest the money. I got the legal documents needed. Fake boobs over there did nothing.”

  “Wow, wow, calm down Aurora.” Rick said and held his hands up.

  “I am calm.” Aurora snapped, then took a deep breath. “What the hell is going on with my office? Why is my stuff being moved downstairs?”

  “The board was so impressed with Emily’s performance on Saturday that they approved the suggestion that she be made senior manager early this morning. Emily and I decided to give you your own team as thank you for the work you put into the project.”

  “Approved the suggestion. You suggested her as senior manager?” Aurora gasped.

  “Yes. I think Emily and I make a great team.” Rick’s words burned in Aurora’s ears.

  “You only suggest her for the promotion because she opened her legs for you the weekend.” Aurora snapped. Rick opened his mouth, then closed it. For a moment he was totally taken aback, then composed himself.

  “Aurora, we have been dating for a month now.” Aurora’s jaw dropped. Slowly, she looked from Rick to Emily and back. Rick had a concerned look on his face, while Emily’s face gloated.

  “You have been screwing her for a month now?” Aurora stuttered.

  “What I do in my time is my business Aurora.” Rick countered.

  “You fucking asshole.” Aurora hissed between her teeth. Anger, betrayal, hatred, shock and despair mixed in her body and went rampant with her emotions and mind. Her vision partially blurred and she could not think straight.


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