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Untamed Love

Page 8

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Hey sexy, wanna have a drink?” The voice pulled Aurora from her novel and made her look up. One of the guys was standing in front of her, and tried to show off the little muscles he had. He was not fit, just what Jeni would call, skinny fat. He was thin, but had no muscles, just skin, fat, and bone.

  “I am good thank you.” Aurora replied, then ignored him and started on the novel again.

  “What you reading?” From his voice, Aurora could tell he already had a few beers in, if not still being hung over from the night before. He was starting to irritate her, and she decided it best not to entertain him. Aurora kept on reading. She managed a page and assumed the guy had left when suddenly he grabbed her left arm and pulled her out of the lounge chair.

  “Come dance wit...” the guy gasped for air and dropped to the floor when Aurora landed a right punch in his sternum. His mates burst out in laughter when he slowly got up and staggered to them.

  “She is a wild one. I love her.” The guy said to his friends when he got his breath back. After making sure the guy took a bar stool by his friends, Aurora sat down in hour lounge chair and made herself comfortable. Her sexy cowboy hero called to her. The cowboy gently brushed her hair out of her eyes and asked if she was okay. Aurora was about to reply, when the iPad was ripped out of her hands. Three guys lifted her out of the lounge chair and carried her laughingly to the pool.

  “Noooooo.“ Aurora screamed loud enough for Jeni in Manhattan to hear. She kicked and screamed, but the guys thought it a joke and jumped into the deep end of the pool with her. Her head was pushed under water, and her heart stopped. Everything turned into a mess of legs and arms while all three guys tried to accidentally touch her body. In the process, they held her underwater. In an instant, the swimming pool disappeared and Aurora was back in her parent’s car. She was a helpless drowning four year old. Aurora gagged on water, both in her dream and in real life. Fear chocked her and her heart almost burst through her chest. Even though the pool water was warm, her body went ice cold and lifeless when it remembered dying. Last time, a passerby had jumped in and pulled her out and gave her CPR, bringing her back to life. This time, there was no passerby. Fear totally overtook her mind, and she sank to the bottom of the pool. So this is where my life ends. Just as she closed her eyes, a powerful arm encircled her waist. Aurora was pulled from death’s grip and dragged out of the pool. She gagged and coughed up water while someone bent her over. Her mind was spinning, and her ears were full of water and rang. Faintly she could hear someone telling her to spit the pool water out. Her savior still had his warm hand on her stomach and suddenly pressed down hard on it. Aurora heaved and then gave the pool water back. When she stopped throwing up, the guy lowered her to her knees.

  “Teach you for punching me.” A skinny guy laughed. Aurora looked up and was just in time to see him go down when her knight went to war for her and battled the guy, flooring him with a right jab. Two of his mates jumped forward but her knight stood his ground and took them down as well. Like three slain dragons, they lay out cold on the floor. Water dripped from her knight’s naked broad shoulders down his muscular back to his gorgeous ass. O, get your horse and take me now. Aurora’s head span. Her knight slowly turned around.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “You.” Aurora managed before darkness claimed her mind.

  Chapter 8: Where Is He?

  The sun was two hours past its zenith when Aurora awoke in her hotel bed. For a moment, her mind was a mess, then everything came back to her. She lay on her side in the recovery position with the fleece blanket pulled over her. Aurora quickly lifted the edge of the blanket and signed with relieve. She still had her bikini on. At least, no one went exploring when I was out. Not that I would mind if he did. Him! Aurora shot up in bed and instantly her head span. With a moan, she dropped back.

  “Are you okay?” A female voice came from behind. Aurora jerked her head around. A local Cambodia girl in her late teens sat in a chair by the door. The girl gave her a concerned look then continued. “I am Nana. The doctor said you should be fine, but I must call him if something is wrong. Should I call him?” Nana held a cellphone ready. Aurora shook her head and slowly pulled herself up. Propping the pillows against the headboard, she leaned back into them.

  “My head hurts and my throat is sore. That is all.”

  “The doctor said it would. He said you must take those.” Nana pointed to a paper bag on the dresser.

  “How did I get here?”

  “Your boyfriend carried you up. He is sexy.” Nana smiled.

  “My boyfriend?”

  “Yes. The guy who pulled you from the swimming pool and punched those guys. He is so hot.”

  “Oh him, yes he is. But he is not my boyfriend.”

  “Looked like it by the way he looked at you and did not want to leave you. He paid me to wait until you woke up. You are beautiful.”

  Pink circles formed on Aurora’s cheeks, and she pulled the fleece blanked over her chest.

  “My mum says I talk too much and do not think before saying something.” Nana laughed.

  “Well, I would like to talk to you. But first, where is Chase? I would like to thank him.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “Not my boyfriend.”

  “Not yet.” Nana giggled. She was barely over five feet and slender. Many foreigners mistook her for a child.

  “Okay, not yet my boyfriend. So where is he?”

  “He stays next door. But he is not there now. He said he needed to go to Battambang.”


  “Yes, another town.“

  “Oh. And how far is it?”

  “I don’t know, but it is just before the border.”

  “The border?” Aurora’s eyebrows dipped, and she chewed her lower lip.

  “Yes, to Thailand.”

  Aurora sighed. I thought I heard his voice last night. At least, I am not going crazy.

  “It’s okay. You can kiss him tomorrow. He said he will come see you tomorrow morning when he comes back.” Nana giggled.

  “Are you old enough to talk about such things?”

  “I am nineteen, and I have a boyfriend. But he is not as sexy as yours. However, he is an amazing kisser.” Nana closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

  “That’s always a strong point in a relationship.” Aurora laughed.

  “So are you okay or do you want a doctor?” Nana asked, then stood.

  “I am okay.”

  “Do you want any food?”

  “I am okay. You do not need to serve me.”

  “Yes I do. He paid me.”

  “How much exactly did he give you?”

  “$100.” Nana energetically said. Her eyes lit up, and she did a twirl. “It is two month’s salary for me cleaning the hotel’s rooms. Now I can buy the dress I was saving up for.”

  Aurora smiled when Nana did another twirl. Aurora was about to get out of bed, then froze. Where are my iPad and wallet? She jumped out of bed and gave Nana a fright when she started to search the room.

  “What is it?” Nana gasped.

  “My iPad and wallet.” Aurora blurted out. Her eyes failed to find the items on the dresser, and she ripped the fleece blanket from the bed. She stopped dead when she noticed Nana giving her a, are you kidding me, look.

  “He put it in the top drawer of the dresser.”

  “Right.” Aurora commented and pulled the drawer open. She did not hide her relieve in finding her wallet and iPad.

  “How is it in the big city?” Nana asked when Aurora pulled out $10.

  “Is this enough for two sandwiches and sodas?” Nana nodded yes. “Nana will you please get me a toasted chicken sandwich and a can of Coca Cola, and for yourself something? Then join me and I will tell you about the big city.” Nana eagerly sprinted forward, took the money and was out of the room in a flash. With Nana gone, Aurora got her laptop out and started it up. She put a T-shirt and shorts over her bikini and then dialed Jeni
. It may be 1 am in New York, but this was too important news to wait.

  “What, no sexy show girl.” Jeni laughed when the video Skype call connected.

  “He is here.” Aurora blurted out.

  “What? Who?”

  “Chase. The guy from the airport.” Aurora yelled energetically and rolled her eyes then dropped back onto the bed while clutching her heart.

  “Mr. sexy ass that has bad taste in bras?”

  “Hey, I love my pink bra. Oh and don’t get me started on his ass.” Aurora laughed and sat upright again.

  “And? Where in New York does he live? Are you going on a date? Did you kiss him yet?”

  “Don’t know, not yet, and no.”

  “Okay, you better explain. I can forgive you for letting him slip through your fingers once, but twice. Don’t make me come down there.” Jeni warned.

  “He saved me.”

  “What?” Jeni changed her position in bed and was all attention. Aurora told Jeni everything that happened the morning, including Nana and that Chase was away to some town and would check in on her in the morning.

  “Oh hell. That’s so romantic and then scary about the pool, but romantic that he saved you. And mysterious that he had to leave you to go to some town. It is a romantic mess. You should write a book about it.” Jeni sighed and brought her hands to her heart and made as if she was in love. Just then there was a knock on the door. Aurora got up and opened it for Nana. Aurora introduced Nana and Jeni to each other and let the two talk a bit while she ate her sandwich. During the conversation, Jeni transferred the call from her cellphone to her laptop and angled her laptop over Manhattan. From her apartment on the 15th floor, she had a very good view. After a lot of questions, Aurora said good night to Jeni and allowed her to get back to sleep.

  “She has a lot of money?” Nana asked.

  “She has. She is very good at what she does.”

  “And you?”

  “I am not sure I still even have a job.” Aurora laughed, causing Nana’s eyebrows to drop. She took Aurora’s hands and turned them palms up. Aurora gave Nana a sideways glance while Nana studied her palms. Nana ran her small fingers over the grooves of Aurora’s palms.

  “One day you will have more money than her.” Nana said then dropped Aurora’s hands. Just before Aurora could comment, Nana continued. “That is if you do not make the wrong choices and screw your life up and get yourself killed.” Aurora’s jaw dropped. With a smile as if what she said was nothing, Nana started eating her sandwich. Aurora was speechless for a time, then her face brightened when an idea flashed through her mind.

  “Nana. Have you been to Angkor Wat a lot?”

  “A few times, why?” Nana watched Aurora opened an eBook on her laptop and search through a number of images.

  “Do you know exactly where this image was taken in the temple?”

  Nana studied the image for a few seconds.

  “I don’t’ know exactly where. But it must be from the top level. That is the only place you will get that view. However, I do not know for sure if it is a view from Angkor Wat. Many temples are high and could give a view like that. I have not been to them all.”

  “Don’t worry, the guide book says it is a view from Angkor Wat.”

  “Why do you want to go there? I know a far better place.”

  “Like where?” Aurora evaded the question.

  “There are over 700 temples scattered all around Cambodia. Many not known to tourists. A small one is actually on my uncle’s land. It is only a single-story structure, more like an old Buddhist library, but it is mostly intact and have vines growing all over it. At night the moon and stars shines through the open roof. There is a blanket there. I go there to think when I want to be alone, or to make love with my boyfriend. No one will disturb you and Chase there. It is private ground. You have to enter through a locked gate.”

  “Uh, well thank you. But I did not really have that in mind.”

  “Right. I can see you are too shy to ask where my special place is. Turn right when you exit the parking of the hotel. Follow the road for 5km until you see just rice fields. There is a side road to the left right next to a broken-down bus. You cannot miss it. Kids use it as a playground. Follow the side road for around 10km until you come to a fenced off land. None of the other properties are fenced off being rice fields. There is a large sign saying private keep out on the gate. The gate is locked, but the lock is old and just to keep tourists out. Just give it a good kick. Follow the road leading into the grounds for around 400 meters. It is narrow but easy to follow with a scooter. The temple will be on your right. As I said, there is a thick blanket in the corner of the temple.”

  “Well, thank you. I will surely keep that in mind. Now, since you are to babysit me. What is there around here to do?”

  “We can go play pool.” Nana suggested.

  “Uhm, I am not really in the mood to bump into those four guys again today. They seem to love the pool table.”

  “I know exactly what you need. Get your shoes and wallet and follow me.” Nana jumped off the bed and made for the door while Aurora grabbed her wallet and flip flops she had stuffed in her backpack. Locking the door behind her, she followed Nana down to the parking area and then a short distance towards town. All along the way, they passed local Khmer roadside restaurants, backpacker places and massage parlors. Aurora read one of the signs. $1 = 15 minutes, $4 = 1 hour. Aurora smiled. Yes, and $10 = love you long time. As one cue, Nana ducted into one of the massage parlors.

  “Come, my friend works here. We can get a special full-body massage for cheap.”

  “I am not into that kind of thing.” Aurora protested. Nana froze, then burst out laughing.

  “This is Cambodia, not Thailand’s cowboy town. It is illegal and frowned upon here to mix sex and massage.” Nana took Aurora’s hand and led her up a set of stairs to the second floor. The room had 12 mattresses on the floor, six on a side with a small passage in between. Curtains could be drawn to give privacy around each mattress. Soft instrumental music with water running as a backdrop filled the room. In a corner incense burned that was unfamiliar but relaxing to Aurora. Nana had a short conversation with one of the girls, then pointed to a mattress. “You can take that one. Strip to your bikini, my friend will help take your mind off all your worries.”

  “And you?” Aurora asked.

  “I will be in the one next to you.”

  “Okay.” Aurora stood on the mattress and stripped to her bikini, then lay down. Nana pulled the curtains closed. A short while later a girl barely bigger than Nana showed up and introduced herself, then rubbed sandalwood and yang-yang massage oil on Aurora’s back and started to work the kinks out of her muscles. Aurora closed her eyes and wished it was Chase giving her a massage. After a few minutes, she was almost asleep while trained hands worked the pressure points in her body. An hour later, the girl stood and left Aurora, now in total bliss. A few minutes later, Nana pulled part of the curtain away.

  “How you feeling?” Nana asked.

  “I can stay here the whole day.” Aurora purred.

  “I knew you were going to love it. You want a cookie?” Nana pulled a round cookie from a pack and handed Aurora one.

  “Thank you.” Aurora said and took a big bite. Halfway through chewing she froze and stared at the cookie.

  “What is in this cookie?” She asked with her mouth full.

  “Chocolate chips and chopped up crickets and cockroaches.” Nana ducked when Aurora spewed out the half eaten cookie. Shaking her head, Nana munched down on a cookie.

  “That is so wrong.” Aurora said. Horror filled her face when Nana popped another cookie in her mouth.

  “You are weird Aurora. In Cambodia, it is like candy.”

  “I would much rather prefer a chocolate-chip ice cream.” Aurora countered.

  “You want some? I know a great place nearby.”

  “Definitely. I have to get this taste out of my mouth.” Aurora stood and pulled h
er shorts and T-shirt on. She followed Nana downstairs and paid the bill, giving the massage lady double what she asked for. Nana led them to a small shop where they got home-made chocolate-chip ice cream. Aurora was ecstatic. Haagen-Dazs did not even come close. After their ice cream, Nana showed Aurora the famous Pub Street in Siem Reap as well as one of the markets. Aurora and Nana bonded and shared their lives. By the time they got back to the hotel reception it was after 8pm. Nana joined Aurora for a Cambodia special baguette pizza. It was after 9pm when they said good night.

  “Aurora, come find me tomorrow night. I want to know if Chase is a good kisser.”

  “You really do say what pops into your mind.” Aurora laughed.

  “Night.” Nana smiled and walked to her staff room that was in a separate building at the far back of the property.

  “Night Nana.”

  Aurora made her way back to her room and then took a quick shower before she curled up in bed. This was the best day ever. And tomorrow will be perfect. Chase had better be a good kisser.

  Chapter 9: Seeking Answers

  Monks chanting their morning ritual slowly pulled Aurora from her dreams. For a moment, she lay with her eyes closed while listening to the bells and male voices that mixed into a delightful symphony. With a moan, she opened her eyes then rolled onto her side and pulled a pillow closer, and then hugged it. She loved sleeping with something to hold or just next to her. It made her feel more protected. Ah, if my knight with his broad shoulders and amazing ass was here he could lift me up in his arms and carry me to his castle. Aurora hugged the pillow tighter. Someone knocked on the room door. Adrenalin shot through Aurora, and her heart hammered in her chest. It’s Chase. It’s Chase. He’s back. A second knock jump started her body, and she flew out of bed. Frantically she scanned the room for clothes. Shit shit, where is a bra? I cannot find a bra. Aurora bounced on one leg while she tried to put her shorts on. A third knock sounded from the door.


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