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Untamed Love

Page 10

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Hey, watch it.” Aurora waved a finger at the elephant who let out a trumped.

  “You need to sit closer together to balance the load directly on her back, else it hurts.”

  “Okay.” Chase said and wrapped his arm around Aurora and pulled the two of them tightly together. Aurora pressed her lips together and gave a slight smile. Smooth Chase, real smooth. The closeness of his hard body caused her rose buds to swell and harden. Her heart quickened, and her breathing followed. Chase’s body was too close for comfort and ravaged her senses. Aurora had to contain herself not to grab Chase and kiss him. The leaf covered dirt path was lined with dense vegetation, giving the feel of being in a remote the jungle. Gently the basket rocked to and fro while the elephant slowly made its way up the mountain. Now and again a moat that surrounded the mountain was visible below to the right as well as another temple. Aurora leaned her head on Chase’s shoulder, and he gave her a gentle squeeze. After 15 minutes the large half pyramid shaped Phnom Bakheng temple came into view. A few small library structures were situated on the top level.

  The handler brought the elephant to a similar wooden platform as they used to climb on. Chase stood and climbed off. He held his hand for Aurora, and she eagerly took it and stepped into the spot where chase had sat. Aurora was about to step off when Chase grabbed her by the waist and effortlessly picked her up and swung her around to the right, then gently sat her down. Still holding her by the middle, he looked her in the eyes.

  “Did you like that?” The little sluts in Aurora’s tummy dived to the apex of her legs and stirred things up. Aurora swallowed hard.

  “That was fantastic. Thank you.” Aurora licked her lips. Her creamy flesh throbbed, begging to be cupped and her rose buds announced themselves through her shirt. Oh Chase, kiss me now. Just kiss me and take me. Chase dropped his hands from her sides and gently touched her upper thighs before taking her hand.

  “Come, you have to see the view from the top.” Chase said and led Aurora down the platform and to the stone steps on the side of the temple that led to the top. Aurora was speechless. Is he playing with me? Does he like me? What the hell is going on? Is he scared or shy? Aahhh, I hate not knowing? Maybe I should just kiss him and see what happens. We are grownups, and both know this will not lead anywhere serious and is just fun while we are on holiday. Chase helped Aurora up the steep steps to the top-level several stories higher, then showed her the best spot to view the surroundings. When Aurora came to stand next to Chase, their hands touched. Without a word, Chase took her hand and held it, sending Aurora’s emotions spinning. Okay, so he is a bit shy on the kissing thing, I can work with that. Oh hell, Jeni would have ripped Chase’s clothes off and jumped him right now. Aurora pressed her lips together and suppressed bursting out in laughter.

  “See that temple there to the South?” Chase asked.


  “That is Phnom Krom, and over there is Angkor Wat. Behind us to the north is Phnom Khulen and Phnom Bok.”

  “Phnom Khulen. Is that not where the Kulen Mountains are with the massive waterfall and the lingas?”

  “That’s correct. That is where the Khmer empire began in 804 CE when King Jayavarma II proclaimed himself a God-King and declared the independence of Cambodia from Java.”

  “Oh I would really love to see that.” Aurora said and leaned against Chase. Aurora gave Chase a sideways glance. You are so perfect. I love just being near you. Is there a chance that this could work between us? I wonder where he works and lives in New York. He did get on the flight there. Maybe if we work together and save up, we can find a way to both come and live in Asia.

  “Are you hungry?” Chase asked, snapping Aurora from her thoughts. For a moment, she was lost for words.


  “I know the best restaurant in the park.”

  “Lead on.”

  Silently they made their way down the temple with a different set of steps, and then walked all around the temple to the front. The elephant was already gone. Bird songs filled the air while a gently breeze played with Aurora’s hair while they slowly walked through the jungle like path to where Chase’s motorcycle was. Aurora had 1000 questions to ask, but held back. Lunch is the perfect time to get my answers and see is this is just going to be a fun few days or have a chance of being something more permanent. Aurora waited for Chase to climb onto the motorcycle then jumped onto the back. She squeezed Chase tightly around his middle and rested her helmet on his back. Chase placed his hands over hers. A shiver of delight pulsed through Aurora. Letting go of her hands, Chase started the motorcycle and pulled away.

  Constellations erupted in Aurora’s eyes, and her head was on cloud nine when Chase brought the motorcycle to a stop at a restaurant close to Angkor Wat. Her heart fluttered while they walked hand in hand to the outside seating area and took a table. Aurora made sure she got the chair that faced Angkor Wat. A server introduced himself and then placed menus on the table for them. Aurora took one look at the menu and pushed it to the side.

  “Have you decided already?” Chase asked, his eyebrows dipped.

  “Yes. Chicken salad with avocado slices and feta cheese, and water.”

  “That sounds delicious. However, I think I am going with the salmon option.” Chase motioned for the server to take their order and then gave him their choices. Aurora played with her thumbs. You have to ask Aurora. You will not know where this is going until you ask.

  “How long are you in Cambodia for?” Aurora broke the silence.

  “I had planned to fly out in two days.”

  Aurora almost swallowed her tongue. Oh no. That’s too short. Well, then we will just have to make the best of the time we have. And maybe we can continue in New York. I wonder if he is a fireman with those muscles. He can definitely carry me out of a hot fire. Or maybe he is a buffed banker or investor who likes to go to the gym like Rick.

  “Okay, so what do you do then with most of your time?” Aurora smiled.

  “I am a technical scuba diving instructor in Thailand.” Aurora’s heart stopped. Slowly, she opened her mouth, then closed it again. Aurora tried as best to hide her shock and disappointment. Oh life is cruel. Well, that settles it. It is just fun for a few days then. Aurora remained silent until the food arrived. She commented on the surroundings and how she loved it in Asia, being so different than New York, while eating. With her salad finished, she finally brought the subject of work up again.

  “Your work sounds technical.” Aurora forced a smile.

  “It just means I can teach people to go deeper and for longer than people normally do.” Aurora licked her lips. Hell, you can do deeper and longer on me any day.

  “You are pretty handy in a fight for a technical guy who blows bubbles in the ocean all day.” Aurora teased.

  “Used to be in the marines.”

  “A seal?”

  “Oh hell, don’t ever let a seal hear you think he is a marine.” Chase laughed, then stopped when he saw Aurora’s comical expression. It took him a few seconds to catch the joke.

  “Right, blowing bubbles all day in the ocean, a seal.” Chase smiled, and then continued. “I was in MARSOC.”

  “A what?”

  “Marine Corps Special Operations Command. We do direct action, special reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, information gathering, and unconventional warfare in fast-paced remote and complex environments.”

  “In short, you kick ass.”


  “Sexy.” Aurora winked. “So how is it that you ended up teaching scores of hot babes to dive?”

  Chase’s eyebrows dropped for a second. He knew what she was asking. He saw her expression change when he told her he lived in Thailand. A thought milled in Chase’s head. Would he move to New York for her? He had the means. But was Aurora serious or is this just fun for her?

  “I lost my dad when I was 12. He was in the marines. I always wanted to grow up like him, so as soon as I could enlist, I did. Two years ago,
my mother collapsed at her job. A blood vessel burst in her brain. By the time they got her to a hospital and operated, a lot of damage was done. I left the marines to be with her for the last days. After her death, I just wanted to get away from the death and fast life of my old life.”

  “I am sorry.” Aurora held Chase’s hands. Chase looked away for a moment, then continued.

  “I already had been trained as a scuba diver, so it was an easy adjustment to become an instructor. I thought I would do it for a short time, but I love it where I am. And, no, I do not teach scores of hot babes to dive. I leave that to the other guys and mostly keep to myself. Now your turn Aurora.”

  Aurora took a deep breath and looked past Chase to Angkor Wat. She shared Chase’s pain of losing parents. Aurora wanted to tell Chase that she wished to live in Asia, possibly Cambodia or Thailand, but she had to admit the truth. She was too scared to quit her job on a promise of love, and that it somehow will work out. No, the only way she was quitting her job and moving to Asia was if she had a fool-proof plan with multiple backups.

  “I am a manager for an investment firm in New York.”

  “Investment. Why investment, I took you for a lawyer.”

  “I like numbers. They are orderly. Each one knows his place. And I like to be able to plan everything down to the finest detail. I know the investment laws, and my plans are always guaranteed to give good returns.”

  “It sounds like you are very good at your job. I think you devote yourself totally to it.”

  “I did.”

  “You did? What changed?”

  “Well, a coworker took my project and sealed the deal behind my back, so I got a bit upset and was put on mandatory leave until the board decides if I keep my job. So, here I am.”

  “You got a bit upset? What did you do?”

  Aurora held her breath for a moment, then looked away. She closed her eyes a few times to let the tears go away. Her feelings for Rick was competing with her attraction for Chase, and it hurt to think Rick had a relationship with Emily for so long. The fact that he now wanted her and professed his feelings for her messed with her mind.

  “I punched my boss.”

  “Wow, why?”

  “The coworker that took my project. He recommended her for a promotion when I did all the work.” Aurora’s voice slightly wavered.

  “I am sorry.” Chase took her right hands in his. His touch was warm and comforting, bringing Aurora to the edge of tears. She had to fight not to let the emotions pour out of her. Closing her eyes, she titled her head back and held it there for a few seconds. Aurora took a few deep breaths then dipped her head forward and smiled at Chase.

  “Right. Enough of things we cannot change. Let’s have dessert.”

  “I vote milkshake.” Chase volunteered, still holding her hands.

  “Oh yes.” Aurora exclaimed.

  “What flavor?”

  “I prefer chocolate, but anything but vanilla.”

  Chase brought her right hand to his mouth and gently kissed the back of her hand, stopping Aurora’s heart. Letting go of her hands, he called a server over. Chase ordered two double thick chocolate milkshakes and then turned to Aurora.

  “Do your parents also life in New York.” Aurora dropped her head and shook it slightly.

  “I am sorry. If I my, is it related to your fear of water?” Chase took Aurora’s hands again.

  “Yes. The car spun out on ice on our way to my grandmother’s house in Minnesota. It landed in a lake, and they died.” Pain ripped at Aurora’s heart. She loved the comfort Chase gave her by merely holding her hands. No man has every held her hands so gently and for so long before.

  “I was four.” Aurora swallowed hard. “My heart stopped. A passerby pulled me through the back window and did CPR on me. He was an off-duty paramedic. He brought me back to life.”

  “It was not your time.”

  Aurora ripped her hands from Chase’s.

  “It was not my parent’s time as well.” Aurora said louder than she meant.

  “I am sorry. That’s not what I meant.” Chase said softly when Aurora stood. Aurora dropped money onto the table then with tears in her eyes commented. “I need some space. Thank you for a lovely morning.” Aurora wanted Chase to stop her, to grab her and hold her, but he did not. He let her go without a word. Chase clenched his first when Aurora walked away. Dammit, the one girl who you allowed to touch your heart, and you screw it up. When are you going to realize you are not in the marines anymore and talk to people normally? Girls! How does one understand them? Chase leaned back in his chair when the server brought the milkshakes.

  “It’s okay, I will take both. Don’t ask.”

  “You should go after her.” The server commented.

  “Trust me. She hates me right now.”

  “No, she needs you right now.”

  “How you figure that?”

  “She looked back three times while she walked away and waited for a moment the last time before she crossed the road. She wants you.” The server smiled.

  “She does?” Chase jumped up.

  “Yes, go get her.”

  Chase ripped out his wallet, dropped some notes on the table and then ran after Aurora. She was a distance away from him, across the road. For a moment, he had her still in his vision, then she disappeared into a crowd of people. His heart pounded in his chest while he expertly dodged people.

  “Aurora” Chase yelled when he caught a glimpse of her. Without looking around, Aurora climbed onto the back of a scooter taxi. Two buses off-loaded their passengers near Aurora. Her scooter taxi pulled away, and she disappeared into a sea of people. Chase’s heart dropped to the ground. There was no hope of catching Aurora, for his motorcycle was parked too far away.

  “What now Chase?” Chase said aloud and then pushed his way through excited tourists to his motorcycle.

  Chapter 10: The Choice

  Aurora let the tears flow while the scooter zoomed past tuk tuks and other scooter taxis. Here and there, tourists were cycling from temple to temple.

  “Where to?” The driver asked.

  “Any nice temple.”

  “You want to see Angelina Jolie Temple?”

  “Which one is that?”

  “Angelina Jolie Temple. You like.”


  Aurora closed her eyes for a moment. Did I screw up something beautiful? I know I over reacted. But with Chase driving me wild and Rick’s email and the hearing coming up, I cannot think straight. And then Chase had to put the pool incident and my parent’s death at the same time in my head. And what’s with him not running after me? He is probably already on his way to a bar to have a few beers with friends. Aurora squared her shoulders and pushed Chase from her mind. Temples big and small zoomed past them on their way to the mysterious Angelina Jolie temple. A few minutes later, the driver stopped his scooter in front of a temple entrance. Aurora narrowed her eyes and studied the entrance.

  “This is the Angelina Jolie temple?” Aurora laughed.

  “Yes yes, very famous. Was in the movie Tomb Raider” The driver smiled.

  “This is Ta Prohm. I wanted to see this temple. Thank you for choosing this one.”

  “See, I know you like famous temple. All the girls do. They want to be Angelina. Now, warning. No climbing any tree or wall. You nice, but you not as nice as Angelina.” The driver said while he waved his finger at Aurora.

  “Uh, thank you, I guess.” Aurora climbed off the scooter, paid the driver, and then made her way to the entrance. The driver had dropped her off at the entrance that had a wooden bridge that crossed a moat. Water gently flowed beneath the bridge. Aurora made her way to the outer wall of the temple. Set in an attractive jungle setting with vines, trees, and moss growing over the temple walls, this was one of the most visited temples in the park. Aurora slowly made her way into the inner temple and passed through multiple passages and small courtyards. Finally, she entered a clearing where the famous tree that grew
over an entrance, was. People lined up to have their pictures taken at the spot Angelina once was. A short while later Aurora passed a spot where a tree root grew over a wall. The thick root looked like a massive anaconda snake at sleep.

  Aurora watched as a couple deep in love walked past with their arms around each other. Okay, I over reacted. If I see Chase again I will apologize to him. Maybe we can still have a good time before he leaves for Thailand. The temple fascinated Aurora so much that it was close to sunset before she was ready to leave. Outside the temple, Aurora took another scooter taxi and headed back to Angkor Wat temple. If there was one thing she was not going to miss, it was the sun setting over Angkor Wat. In the mornings, the sun rises on the other side of Angkor Wat, blinding you. This allows one to see only a silhouette of the temple. At sunset, the sun was from behind and transformed the multiple walls and towers in a breathtaking show while the sun let its red rays glide over it.

  Aurora walked the path she took the morning until she passed the libraries that flanked the causeway. A number of travelers were already seated on the grass next to a library. Aurora sat down far enough to be alone, but close enough to hear the travel guide give details about Angkor Wat. The shadows grew long, and the sun was low when someone came to stand next to her.

  “May I sit down?”

  Aurora nodded. She did not need to look up to know it was Chase. His voice and perfume will be with her the rest of her life. Slowly, Chase sat down close enough that if he put his hand next to her, he would touch Aurora’s hand on the ground. A few minutes passed with neither saying a word.

  “I am sorry I upset you.” Chase broke the silence.

  “It is not your fault. I over reacted. I am sorry. So many things have happened to me today, and I just needed a bit of space to think.”

  “Do you want to be alone now?” Chase made ready to stand.

  “For a guy who trains hot girls in bikinis, you do not know much about talking to girls do you? Are you afraid of us?” Aurora teased, breaking the tension.


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