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Untamed Love

Page 12

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Hold on tightly.” Chase yelled to Aurora, who grabbed him around the middle and held on. The road changed from a small dirt road to a foot path and then nothing while the powerful motorcycle climbed over rocks, passed through ankle deep streams, negotiated large dry river beds and followed a footpath through the forest that eventually opened up in a large clearing at the crescent of the mountain. Chase switched the motorcycle off and helped Aurora off, then climbed off himself. He led her to a large rock nearby and sat down. Aurora held her breath. They were on top of the holy mountain Phnom Kulen, the birthplace of the ancient Khmer Empire. It was on this mountain that King Jayavarma II in 804 CE proclaimed himself a God-King and declared the independence of Cambodia from Java. Jayavarman II initiated the cult of the linga king. In front of them, the mountain range was almost flat and stretched out for 40 km. In the very far distance, Angkor Wat and the other large temples were specks on the horizon, now breaking out of the darkness.

  Aurora sat next to Chase and wrapped her arm around him. She held him tightly while the sun bathed the land in orange and then chased the last of the night away. Aurora leaned against Chase. I have never been happier in my life. In two days, I have lived more than in my whole life put together. I know Barbara will come through for me. I may not get the senior manager position, but as long as I keep my manager position, I can save a reasonable amount each month. As soon as I have enough to sustain me for a few years in Asia, I am coming back. Aurora glanced at Chase. How we are going to make it work?

  “Aurora.” Chase said and pointed to the sunrise.

  “You know what my name means?” Aurora gasped.

  “Of course. It means dawn in Latin, or sunrise. It was also the name of the Roman goddess of the morning.”

  “A goddess. I did not know that. But I like it.” Aurora laughed.

  “Come, the day is far from over.” Chase said and stood. They followed the off-road path they came with to the larger dirt road, then headed down it for a few minutes. After another turn off and crossing a wooden bridge that creaked while they drove over, they stopped in a large clearing. Local Khmer restaurants and gift shops lined a dirt path that led down towards a strong stream. Chase secured their helmets and then led Aurora past the shops that was just opening up. Hand in hand, they walked to the stream that was one of the main sources of water for the towns below. A 15 meter long, rope sway bridge crossed the stream and gave access to the other bank. Aurora’s eyes widened when Chase led her to the bridge.

  “No way.” Aurora protested.

  “It is okay. The bridge is strong, and the stream shallow under it. People often come to stand in the holy stream.” Chase assured her and then put his foot onto the bridge. Aurora took a deep breath, then grabbed onto the guide rope on her left while holding Chase’s hand with her right. Chase grabbed the other guide rope, and slowly they crossed the bridge. Aurora’s heart was hammering in her chest while the bridge swayed gently to and fro with each step. The closer they got to the middle, the worse it got. Under their feet, the water was laughing at her. Aurora clenched her jaw and pushed on. Relief flooded through Aurora when her feet touched firm ground on the other side. Chase led her to a small temple ruin on the other side, and they explored it for a few minutes.

  ”You ready to go back?” Chase asked.

  “To the hotel?” Aurora’s face dropped.

  “No. Over the bridge, there is still much to see here.” Chase laughed.


  The going back was easier and Aurora almost enjoyed it. They walked alongside the stream until it widened out on a large rock area. Up ahead, the ground disappeared with the water where it dropped down a large waterfall. Aurora and Chase walked to the edge where safety ropes prevented tourists from falling or willfully jumping off. Aurora peered down the waterfall and gasped. The water dropped 20 meters down the rock face and gathered into a large pool of 30 meters wide. Large boulders broke up the flow of the water further downstream, creating a natural pond. All around the sides of the rock face were vines and scrubs, transforming the base of the waterfall into paradise.

  “Come, let’s go have a look.” Chase said and took Aurora’s hand. They followed a path that led off to the left until they came to a metal staircase set against the side of the rock face. Adrenalin rushed through Aurora with each step that brought them closer to the base of the waterfall. When the stairs ended, they were next to the stream, a short distance from the pool. Aurora and Chase negotiated a number of boulders next to the stream, then came to a wooden walkway that was built on the edge of the pool. A number of Khmer restaurants lined the walkway, all still closed.

  “What are you doing?” Aurora gasped when Chase stripped down to his swimming trunks.

  “I am going to take a bath in the holy water. Come on, it is shallow.” Chase said. He sat down on the walkway and then slid into the water. Standing hip high in the water, he held out his arms to Aurora. Aurora swallowed hard, then started undressing. Hip high calm water she could take. Her heart stopped when the refreshing mountain water covered her legs when she slid in. Chase grabbed her, and held her tightly against him. His warmth and presence gave Aurora comfort.

  “Are you okay to go in a little deeper?” Chase asked.

  “You will not let me go?”


  “Okay.” Aurora’s heart raced, and her breathing increased while they slowly shuffled deeper into the water. When the water was level with her chest, Chase stopped.

  “You still okay?” Chase asked when Aurora closed her eyes and put her head on his shoulder.

  “Yes, just give me a moment. This is the deepest I have been in water.” The rush of the water coming down a short distance from them scared and excited Aurora at the same time. The water was so majestic and beautiful, yet so cruel and unforgiving.

  “Okay. I am good.” Aurora said and pulled a bit away from Chase, who held her by the hips. Aurora held onto Chase’s shoulders.

  “Okay. I am going to gently lift you up so that your feet are off the bottom. Feel how it feels to float.” Aurora lost her sure footing when Chase lifted her up. She gasped and frantically kicked with her feet. Slowly, she relaxed and her breathing slowed down.

  “Is this how it feels when you are floating?” Aurora asked.

  “Yes. Not so bad?”

  “Not with you holding me no.” Aurora smiled. Chase held her a bit longer, then gently set her down until her feet touched the bottom.

  “Ready to face your fear Aurora?”

  “I thought I was.”

  “You are, and have done great. But you still have a short distance to go. You game?”

  “You are not going to let me go are you?” Panic shot up in Aurora.

  “No. I promise not to let you go. All you have to do is take a deep breath, keep holding on to me, and then bend your knees until your head goes underwater.”

  “What?” Aurora gasped, her eyes the size of plates.

  “We will be holding onto each other, and you can just stand up anytime you want. You only have to keep your head underwater for a second.”

  Aurora clenched her jaw and closed her eyes. “Okay, one second.” Aurora took a deep breath then slowly lowered herself. She paused for a moment when the water touched her lips, then went for it. Aurora dipped her head underwater, and instantly she was four years old again and downing in her parent’s car. Aurora kicked and tried to free herself from the car seat. Her heart pounded against her chest when her head broke water. Aurora gasped for air while Chase held her tightly. When her heart slowed just below light speed, she looked at Chase.

  “I want to go.” Aurora gasped. Sadness filled Chase’s face, and he started for the edge of the pool.

  “No.” Aurora stopped Chase while she still tried to catch her breath. “I mean. I want to go again. I want to end this fear.” Chase’s lips were hot on hers. Aurora pressed hard against him and savored his kiss, then pulled away.

  “Now, stop distracting me so I ca
n concentrate.” Aurora laughed and pulled slightly away from Chase. Before Chase could respond, Aurora took a deep breath and dunked her head underwater. Chase ground his teeth when Aurora’s nails dug into his shoulders. 15 seconds later, Aroura’s head broke water, and she gasped for air.

  “I thought I would be able to hold my breath for longer.”

  “It is the excitement. You are burning a lot of oxygen.”

  “Okay, relax, got it.” Aurora said before taking another deep breath and going underwater. This time Aurora managed 20 seconds. She continued until she could hold her breath for a minute, then gently let go of Chase. He took his hands off her middle. With her eyes open underwater, Aurora looked around her. For the first time ever, her parent’s car was gone, and she was free. No longer strapped in a baby seat and drowning, and free from the fear of water. Slowly, she stood and then grabbed Chase and passionately kissed him. When she finally surrendered his lips to him, she threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. Tears of joy flowed over her cheeks. When she caught her breath, she leaned back.

  “I cannot swim. Will you help me to get closer to the waterfall?” Chase smiled and took Aurora in a rescue hold, then swam backwards with her until they were close to the waterfall. The water spray filled the air like mist, and a rainbow ran through it.

  “Kick with your feet to help you stay up.” Chase said while he held Aurora by her middle and helped her float. When he could feel from the weight on his arms that she could float on her own, he asked. “Are you okay for trying to float for a moment by your own?”


  Chase let Aurora go, but held his hands close to her middle.

  “This is beyond my wildest dream.” Aurora yelled. When she became tired, Chase grabbed her and held her up.

  “How do I get back to the shallow side myself?” Aurora asked.

  “There are a number of ways. One of the easiest is to kick with your legs like a frog and wade the water away from you with your arms.” Chase let Aurora go and then demonstrated by swimming a short distance away then returning. Aurora copied him and headed for the shallow side. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she turned around and headed deeper again until she was at the spot they stopped near the waterfall. Aurora turned around and headed to the shallow area again. She repeatedly swam up and down until she was exhausted.

  “Wow, now I am starving.” Aurora gasped when Chase came to stand next to her in the shallow water, having swam next to her on each lap.

  “The restaurants up on top should be open now. They have a nice breakfast at the main restaurant. Ready to head out?”

  “Oh yes. Thank you for today, and yesterday, and last night. Shit, thank you for cramming a lifetime of joy into two days.” Aurora pulled Chase closer, then froze. “Shit did I do that? I am so sorry.” Aurora ran her fingers over the marks on Chase’s shoulders.

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Chase smiled. “Now, shall we have breakfast?” Aurora nodded and let Chase help her out of the water, then gave him a hand getting out. While they dressed, the first tourists for the day walked down the stairs. Aurora almost floated up the stairs to the restaurant. To her delight, they served cereal with fruit salad, topped with yogurt and honey. Aurora smiled when Chase ordered an American breakfast with sausage, scrambled eggs and bacon. Aurora’s mind was trying to calculate how much it cost to life in Asia without asking Chase out right.

  “Asia is far cheaper than Manhattan. I paid $20 for a bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap. Granted the thing fell apart, but still way cheaper than a cab ride in New York.” Aurora broke the silence.

  “$20. That is a bit steep for an old bus. A minivan is only $12 right through to Siem Reap.”

  “What?” Aurora gasped.

  “Yes. A luxury bus with air conditioner and internet is around $24.” Chase took a sip of his coffee as if overpaying for bus tickets was an everyday thing.

  “The damn women, she conned me.” Aurora said loudly.

  “At least you helped the community.”

  “What?” Aurora’s jaw dropped.

  “Was there a lot of locals on the bus with lots of goods?”

  “Yes. The bus was packed.”

  “Did they get off at all kinds of random stops?”

  “Yes?” Aurora’s eyes questioned Chase.

  “Well. With many of the country folks living on around $1 a day, who do you think paid for their bus fare to work?” Chase smiled, then stabbed a piece of sausage and popped it in his mouth.

  “I did.” Aurora dropped her gaze to the ground and pressed her lips together. “I am sorry for getting upset. My temper is something I have to work on.”

  “Asia will teach you a lot about the world that Manhattan did not. And it is a good place to work on temper tantrums.” Chase laughed.

  “Hey, that was not a tantrum. That was me just stating my thoughts strongly.”

  “You have much to learn grasshopper.” Chase teased. “And much to still see on the mountain.” Chase continued before Aurora could reply.

  “You seem to know the mountain well?” Aurora’s eyes held Chase’s.

  “I have been here a few times. I love then mountain, and the ocean. Unfortunate I do not like Sihanoukville with all its backpackers. So to be with the ocean, I chose Thailand. Now, finish up, we have lots to see.”

  Aurora and Chase finished breakfast, then headed out. Chase showed her the Terrace of Leper King and the 1000 lingas in the river, the hidden Krol Damrei temple with its elephant statues, the 8 meter reclining Preah Ang Thom Buddha statue dating from the 16th century and the Preah Kral Pagoda on top of Kulen Mountain. By the time they headed back, the sun was touching the horizon. The powerful motorcycle ate up the dirt road down the mountain, and soon they pulled onto the tarred main road. Chase lifted the front wheel a distance.

  “This is so amazing.” Aurora yelled in her helmet. Her heart raced the motorcycle’s engine for top speed and won. Never in her life had she felt so alive. Aurora hugged Chase tightly, and he reached down with his left hand and gave her hands a little squeeze, then took the handle bars and let the motorcycle run at top speed. Excitement bubbled out of them when they stopped in the hotel’s parking area.

  “Dinner?” Chase asked.

  “Definitely. But I first want to take a shower.” Aurora smiled, then frowned when Chase received a text message. Chase’s face dropped when he read the message.

  “Something wrong?” Aurora asked, concern lacing her voice.

  “I am not sure. Can I come by in say an hour, and then we can go for dinner?”

  “Okay.” Aurora stood motionless when Chase gave her a hug and then walked away. Around her backpackers were having a blast, having started the night early. Aurora shrugged her shoulders, then headed for her room. Inside, she quickly stripped down, then stepped into the shower. The hot water massaging her muscles made her think of the morning’s shower with Chase and his hands on her. Aurora smiled. Tonight, I am yours Chase. Aurora dried herself, then went through her clothes in her backpack. She pressed her lips together when she found the pink see-through underwear Chase liked. Just for you Chase. Aurora dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, then opened her wallet. Her face slightly glowed when she looked in her wallet. The condom in its pink wrapper Jeni had given her was screaming for attention. Aurora closed her wallet and put it in her back pocket, then slipped her cell phone in her other pocket. Chase was to come pick her up in a few minutes. Bored, Aurora opened her laptop and downloaded her new emails.

  Aurora’s eyes stopped on an email from Dorothy, marked urgent. Her heart beat increased, and her hand trembled while it hovered over the mouse button. What if it is bad news? But Barbara said she would call. I don’t want to know now, it will spoil the evening. But I have to know. I will not be able to think the whole night until I know. Clenching her jaw, she pressed the button and opened the email. Aurora brought her hands to her mouth. Dorothy was sorry to email Aurora, but she thought she should at least w
arn Aurora. She had overheard Rick and Barbara talking when she passed Rick’s office. The board had a meeting late the afternoon, Aurora’s night. Barbara sounded very upset. Rick had asked Barbara if they should wait until Aurora came back before informing her of the board’s decision, and Barbara had said no. She had promised Aurora that she would call when things changed. She was just waiting for final confirmation on something, then she would call. Dorothy did not know what happened and why the board met without Aurora present, but Emily’s name was mentioned a few times. Dorothy feared the worst for Aurora.

  A tear formed in Aurora’s eye, and she closed the laptop. Defeated she curled up in a ball on the bed. Aurora hugged a pillow and let the tears flow. What am I going to do? I have no work. How am I going to get the money to move to Asia? What is Chase going to say when he hears I have nothing? Will he still be interested in me? The room walls closed in on Aurora, and she jumped from her bed. I have to get fresh air. Aurora locked the door behind her, then leaned on the balcony wall. The full moon reflected in her glistering eyes and turned the tears on her cheeks silvery.

  “Are you sure you are okay?” Came a male voice from the first floor almost directly underneath Aurora. Aurora snapped her head up. Chase? Aurora leaned over the balcony. Chase was standing in front of a woman Aurora’s age. She was in the doorway of her hotel room, wearing skimpy short pajamas and a cast on her left leg. Aurora’s eyes shot open. Her jaw dropped, and her heart stopped.

  “I love you Chase.”

  “Love you Sam.”

  Aurora’s heart was ripped from her chest when Chase hugged the girl. The girl leaned forward to kiss Chase and Aurora pulled her head back, unable to see them kiss. The world around Aurora stared to spin, and her knees gave in. He lied to me. He took me out while he had an injured girlfriend waiting in the room. The asshole. Far away, Aurora’s grandmother was laughing in her grave. Aurora jumped up and ran. She had no idea where she was going, but it did not matter. Aurora took the steps two at a time and then bolted past the garden. With a thud, she ran into someone. Both tumbled to the ground.


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