City Wolf 2
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Nita blinked several times, and Lucas knew her mind was clearing of his sensual hold over her. He resisted the temptation of tasting her lips again or running a thumb over her taut nipples so close to his chest. Waiting was excruciating.
“I...” she began. “Uh, Stacy wouldn’t like it.”
He frowned. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-seven. Okay, forget Stacy. Yes. My answer is yes. We can be lovers. But first I have to talk to Deandre.”
“Forget him.” Lucas whipped her around to face the door. He wouldn’t wait another second to her to himself. That loser she had come with could go sniff out some new woman. Nita was his for now, as long as he desired her.
Chapter Five
Nita bit her thumb nail, something that was becoming a habit lately, while she stared at herself in the mirror. She could not believe she was in Lucas’ house. She would have thought a man like him who probably had a different woman every week—hell every day—would never bring one to his house. And what a house it was, too. The place was a mansion and so tastefully decorated.
She ran her hands over the thick terry towels on the rack beside the sink with its gauzy bows tied around each. The deep, rich burgundy looked too good to dry her hands on, so after she’d washed them and patted water over her face, she had shook them dry.
The fact that the man had money was not what was bothering her. It was her lack of experience or rather her limited experience. Lucas was certain he could please her, but what about her pleasing him? Would he get up and tell her to get out if she couldn’t excite him the way he wanted? Her stomach knotted at the thought. What the hell had she been thinking coming here?
Spotting her bag on the back of the door where she had hung it, she dug inside and pulled out her cell phone. Maybe she should call Stacy and have her come pick her up. Then she could put this whole episode behind her and spend the next few hours studying for the test she had on next Wednesday. After all, that was what she knew, what she was used to doing when she was sexually frustrated.
Just as she flipped the phone open, a knock sounded at the door. “Nita, you’ve been in there a long time. Are you coming out any time soon?”
She cringed and backed away from the door. Lucas was hot, but he was rude and cold too. A man like him couldn’t possibly satisfy her. Sex was more than just bumping and grinding. It was gentleness and caresses. It was sweet words whispered in a woman’s ears. She couldn’t even imagine that man saying something nice, let alone gentle.
“I...uh...I think maybe....”
The words died on her lips when she heard the lock click like he had stuck a key in it. When the door opened, she stared at him wide-eyed and dry-mouthed.
“You’re scared,” he announced unnecessarily. “I’m not going to hurt you. Come here.” He held out his hand, but his words were a command.
Alarm made Nita chew on her bottom lip. She was going to cry! No, no, no! She could not cry in front of him. A tear rolled down her cheek and plopped onto her blouse. Another followed.
Lucas crossed the space between them, slipped her phone out of her nerveless fingers and deposited it into his pocket. With no show of strain, he picked her up in his arms and carried her out to the living room. When he sank down on the couch, he rested her on his lap.
Nita struggled to quiet her sniffles and sighs to no avail. When she peeked up from her hands clenched in her lap, she found Lucas preparing what looked and smelled like hot chocolate in a mug on the table. A small saucer of cookies sat near it.
With precision, he snapped a cookie in half and guided it into her mouth. While she chewed, he lifted the mug, blew the steam away and held it before her lips. She took a small sip, and the rich warm chocolate went a long way to soothe her hurt feelings.
After she had eaten most of the cookies and drank down half the chocolate, Lucas wiped her mouth with a napkin as if she was a child and leaned back. “Better?”
Dumbly, she nodded.
“Good.” He pushed away the dishes and turned to her to pull her closer into his arms. His mouth rested against the top of her head, and she felt his breath stir her hair. “Now, you’re here because you want me as much as I want you. I think we can be good together. I’m confident you can please me.”
He paused, and she swallowed, not so certain.
“I’m an excellent judge of a woman’s skill,” he boasted. She rolled her eyes but didn’t respond. Fear was still gripping her so much so that she couldn’t speak. The treat had calmed her, but she was no more confident now than she was earlier. Lucas seemed to read her mind. “If you like, I can make this easier on you.”
She pulled back and looked at him. “What do you mean?”
He grinned. “Found your voice, huh?” He hesitated. “Call it a knack. I until you forget your fears. You forget everything except having my hands on your body, my lips on yours, my dick—”
“I get it,” she squeaked. “But trust me, there’s no way my stomach will unknot at this point. I think you’re out of my league, Lucas. And it’s too bad that I have to admit it because you’ve already got a huge head. You don’t need to get any fuller of yourself.”
She expected him to go off on her or make some pompous speech, but instead he put a hand on either side of her face and forced her to look into his eyes. Nita didn’t know what was happening, but just as Lucas promised, the fear began to dissipate. In its place was desire so strong, she knew she could not resist it.
Her fingers drifted to her blouse, and she began unbuttoning it with trembling fingers. The one thought that occupied her mind was getting naked for him, wrapping her legs around his waist and being so full of his hard-on that she would scream with delight.
“What are you doing to me, Lucas?” She groaned, arching herself to him. She ran a hand down over his chest to the solid erection in his pants. Someone whined, and it was shocking to find that it came from her throat. “What’s happening to me? I need it now. Please,” she begged.
Lucas stood her on her feet and without hesitation, stripped her of all of her clothes. Just as quickly, he stripped himself, and Nita feasted on the hard plains of his body, the thick erection extending up from a nest of dark curls and his wide chest, ripped abs and hard thighs. She panted.
And just that quick, the wildness inside of her left. He caught her beneath her chin and made her look at him again. “Now, beautiful, we are both raw before each other. I find you the most delectable woman I have ever seen. Every inch of you makes me want a taste. See the evidence here.”
She dared not look now that her nervousness had returned.
“I want you cognizant of what we’re about to do. You still want me don’t you?” There was no doubt in his words.
“Yes,” she breathed.
Without a word he dropped one hand on her shoulder and then drew his fingers up into his palm, all except one. His pointer finger skimmed down over her tender skin to stop at the tip of her nipple. All the while he watched her face for her reaction. Nita’s legs grew weak. Arrows of desire shot down between her legs, and it was all she could do not to grab onto his hand and force him stroke her entire breast. The man knew what he was doing. He was an expert. If she had doubted whether she was in his sexual league before, now she was certain. She was far below him.
“I-I...” she stuttered.
“Huh-uh.’ He wagged the same finger in front of her face. “No talking. Only feel.”
What could she do except obey? He stepped back a little and ran the other hand down over her belly. When the tips of his fingers brushed the hair at her apex, she gave one last hiccup, and her eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment. He merely smiled and dove in with no shame.
An expert at his task, he parted her folds without looking and pushed into her wetness. Nita chomped down on her tongue to keep from crying out. She might have wanted to maintain control, but her body was on a whole other wavelength from her brain. Her legs parted, and she
swayed forward, driving Lucas’ fingers deeper.
Moaning, she reached up to grasp his shoulders for support, and he began a slow, agonizing stroke in and out of her. She fell into the rhythm, her hips arching forward and back, loving the feel of him fucking her with his fingers.
Before she knew what was happening, a climax shattered all remnants of constraint. She cried out and lifted one leg up to his hip where he held it until she had ridden out the pleasure cascading over her body. When the orgasm died down, she drew back, and Lucas removed his fingers.
“Excellent. Now, are you ready to please me?”
Nita swallowed, staring at his chest, suddenly too afraid to look him in the eyes again. “Yes, I’ll do my best.”
He snapped her chin up, his eyes narrowed and she thought, maybe darker than they were before. “You will please me, Nita. I have no doubts about that. Even if it takes us all night long.”
Chapter Six
All night long? Was he crazy? Nita thought maybe he was. He had led her into his bedroom, a haven of masculinity and yet the king size bed with its silky black sheets and softness that seemed to wrap around her, was made to comfort male or female.
While Nita lay in the middle, feeling like a lost lamb waiting for the wolf to attack, she watched as Lucas circled the room, lighting candles. The thought crossed her mind that he was about to cast a spell, not unlike the one he appeared to have cast over her in the living room when all fear had left her to be replaced by naked lust. That was absurd of course because spells and magic didn’t exist. Lucas was nothing more than a man, a man with skills to woo a woman like her, dumb enough to fall into his trap. Yes, he would be pleased tonight. Something told her he would not stop pursuing her until he was good and satisfied.
The bed rocked and sank down where he placed his knee. Somehow the candlelight gave his handsome face an eerie glow, and Nita swallowed thinking he looked dangerous, like he wanted to eat her rather than make love to her. She opened her mouth to say something, she didn’t know what, but no words formed either in her mind or on her tongue.
Lucas slid a small tray over closer to the bed, on which sat several small bottles and a bowl with water in it. “Relax,” he told her. “You’ll enjoy this.” He unscrewed each bottle and sniffed the contents before replacing the cap. When he came to the last one, he sniffed, nodded and added a few drops to the water.
With a small sponge, he soaked up some of the liquid and squeezed out the excess. She trembled when he touched her hot skin to gently push her back to a full recline.
In a low, mesmerizing voice, he explained what he was going to do. “I have a keen sense of smell. Certain scents set me off. Some in a positive way, some not so positive. This scent, a special blend I made myself in my greenhouse, is a favorite. I think you’ll like it.” He ran the sponge over her breasts, and Nita caught her breath. He might as well have been teasing her nipples with his bare hands because the sensuality of his movements heightened her desire. She moaned, and Lucas smiled and nodded his approval.
Nita breathed deep. “It smells like vanilla and something else I can’t put my finger on.”
He grinned. “And you won’t. A secret ingredient.”
“Are you a witch doctor?” she wondered and then lost all train of thought when his gentle washing lowered to her belly and on down toward her apex.
“Mmm, your cream will be even sweeter when I lick this off you,” he muttered. His concentration was wholly on spreading her legs and carefully saturating her wet folds.
Nita grasped the covers and closed her eyes. She thought she might have drawn blood when she bit down into her lip, but she didn’t care. Lucas lowered his head between her legs, and the sponge tossed aside, he fed noisily at her center. Nita screamed in ecstasy when he lifted her ass to drive her closer to his hungry mouth. She came without warning the second he drove his tongue deep inside her.
“Lucas, oh, what are you doing?” Impossibly, she came a second and third time in rapid succession. This was not just some scented liquid he had used on her. She’d never come so fast and so hard. Tears filled her eyes, and she thrashed about, struggling to hold on to her sanity in the midst of the intense pleasure. “It was supposed to be your turn to come,” she panted out.
He didn’t lift his head more than an inch from her. His voice was rough and deep, sending a bolt of fear through her. “Do you think for a moment that I’m not enjoying this? I could eat you all night!”
She climaxed again and again, pleading with him to stop. Not because she wasn’t enjoying it or that she was sore, but a woman could only take so much before she exploded. Right? Nita practically howled his name countless times, and then he rose up and sat on his haunches.
This time she knew his eyes had changed. They were coal black, and there was menace in his expression. Roughly, he dragged her toward him and positioned her so that his dick pressed against her opening. She thought about protesting, but it was too late. He plunged into her, deep and fast. His head went back, and he shouted “yes” over and over as he ground into her.
Her lover being so well-endowed, Nita expected his entry to hurt since it had been a while, but along with the stretch and her tight muscles gripping his shaft like it was a gift from the gods, she felt only bliss.
Lucas paired her ankles in one hand with her legs straight while he pushed in and out of her, his balls slapping against her ass. In a fluid movement where he didn’t lose connection with her, he rolled her to her stomach, hiked her ass in the air again and pumped her from behind. She groaned into his pillow, muffling her cries as much as she could when all she wanted to do was scream her head off. She hoped—she prayed he was enjoying himself because she didn’t ever want him to stop now. It was too good.
Another orgasm hit, and Lucas’ growl matched her moan before he fell down on top of her. At the same instant she felt his warm release inside her, he sank his teeth down into her shoulder. She cried out in shock at the sting, which should have been more of a pain but wasn’t.
“Shit!” he grumbled, this time in a voice she didn’t recognize at all. She tried to turn to face him, but he moved his head to the other side of hers, panting and holding her in place. “Just a minute.”
* * * *
Damn! What the hell had he been thinking? Not once, not one single time in all his long life on this earth had he slipped and bitten a lover. And yet when he was close to his climax, his teeth had sharpened, and he had found himself sinking them into Nita’s shoulder. Whoever had created the wolf shifters had done him a huge favor in requiring two bites and not one for him to take his mate. He would just need to be careful and not bite Nita a second time.
Lucas rolled off of her and lay on his back now that he had calmed down some and forced his teeth to return to normal, his claws, which had grown out as well, to retract. There was nothing for it. His best bet was to treat her like she hadn’t pleased him in the least. That would get her to call a cab and leave in a huff. He didn’t know what he had been thinking in bringing her to his home in the first place. He never took his lovers anywhere but to their houses or to a motel. That had been the rule for years, and there had been no reason to change it now.
The sooner he got rid of Nita, the better. Of course, the problem was he was already growing hard again, and the smell of sex in the air, thinking of their come mixed together inside her was making his mouth water to eat her again. He hadn’t tried out several of his favorite positions as yet.
Once more, Lucas thought. No twice more and that was it. He would push her to leave, and he would never see her again. No harm, no foul.
Chapter Seven
“So how did the date go last with what’s his name. Deandre?” Stacy grinned and winked at Nita. “You got in kind of late. I would have stayed up to wait for you and talk a little, but that last trip took it out of me, especially with Kevin acting like an idiot lately.”
Nita bit her lip. Late? She’d gotten in at a quarter to five that morning. When Lucas had s
aid he could eat her all night, the man was not kidding. He could do that and more, and his weird potions or whatever they were only enhanced the experience. When she thought about the reaction his body had in response to them, way beyond the erotic boost she had experienced, she shivered with the delicious memory. And she was sore all over. Of course, she couldn’t tell Stacy any of that.
“Okay, I guess. Not sure about him.” She’d be lucky if the man called her again. She had abandoned him in the middle of the date to go sleep with Lucas. Who could forgive that? “It was great of you to let me stay here, Stacy, but I think I need some quiet time at the dorm for a while. I have a test on Wednesday, and men are not on the plan before then.”
Stacy shook her head. “I can’t believe you. You’re not going to give me details, are you?”
“Not really.”
“Witch!” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll get it out of you sooner or later. You don’t have that doe-eyed look, so I think you’re safe for now. If I see it, we’re definitely talking.”
Nita waved her hand on the way out the door. She had skipped the first class of the day, but she couldn’t miss the later afternoon one. “Sure. I’ll talk to you later.”
As she jogged down the stairs to the first floor of Stacy’s apartment building, headed out to her car, she thought about how she had woke up after a short half hour nap with Lucas to sneak out of his house. A few blocks down the road, and she had called a cab to pick her up. Contrary to what Stacy and Zandrea thought, she had learned her lesson with giving her heart to men. Lucas would have gone back to his old cold self when he woke up for sure and then kicked her out or dropped her off at her dorm without a backward glance. She had beaten him to the punch, and it felt good like for once she was the one in control. The feeling might be an illusion, but she was going to hold onto it for as long as it lasted.