Mark Twain - The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens

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Mark Twain - The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens Page 56

by Jerome Loving

Harper’s Bazaar, 425

  Harper’s Monthly, 210, 267, 351, 372, 381, 388, 402, 409, 416

  Harper’s Weekly, 105, 303, 403–4, 411–12, 424

  Harris, George W., 36

  Harris, Joel Chandler, 257–58, 262, 267

  Uncle Remus, 257

  Harrison, George, 64–65

  Harte, Bret, 96, 101, 106, 156, 184–86, 198, 267, 349, 351

  Ah Sin, 184

  “The Heathen Chinee” (see “Plain Language from Truthful James”)

  “The Luck of Roaring Camp,” 267

  Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches, 184

  “Mrs. Judge Jenkins,” 350

  “Plain Language from Truthful James,” 184

  Hartford Courant, 151, 159–60, 182, 400

  Hartford Evening Post, 206

  Harvey, George, 395

  Hawkins, Laura, 26, 168, 407

  Hawley, Joseph R., 182, 205

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 26, 190, 223

  The Scarlet Letter, 190

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 199

  Hayes-Tilden presidential race, 221

  Haymarket Riot, 303

  “The Heart’s Lament,” 41

  Hemingway, Ernest, 96, 190, 283

  The Green Hills of Africa, 189–90

  Hemingway, Mary, 190

  How It Was, 190

  Henry, Arthur, 323–24, 326

  Nicholas Blood, Candidate, 323

  Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, 253

  Higbie, Calvin, 84–85, 275

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 204, 222

  Hill, Hamlin, 417

  Mark Twain, God’s Fool, 417

  Hinton, J. T., 40

  Hitler, Adolph, 381

  Holbrook, Hal, 179

  Holliday, Mrs. Richard, 24

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 3, 222, 224, 226–30, 234, 245–46, 351

  The Autocrat at the Breakfast Table, 245

  Homer, Winslow, 131

  Hooker, Alice, 150–51

  Hooker, Edward, 205

  Hooker, Isabella, 151, 180

  Hooker, John, 151, 181, 205

  Hooker, General Joseph, 217

  Hooper, Johnson J., 36

  Hotten, John Camden, 196

  Houghton, Henry O., 223, 249

  House, Edward (“Ned”), 131–32, 204, 286, 294, 311–12

  Howells, Eleanor, 385

  Howells, John, 424

  Howells, William Dean, 2–3, 32–33, 89, 103, 116, 130, 142, 181–82, 198–99, 204, 210–12, 216–19, 221–26, 229, 232–33, 235, 243, 251, 254, 262, 267, 278, 303, 306–8, 331, 334, 352, 364, 377, 388–89, 396, 399, 402–3, 409, 412, 414, 429

  Colonel Sellers as a Scientist, 262, 306

  Italian Journey, 183

  My Mark Twain, 191, 389

  The Rise of Silas Lapham, 183, 278

  Venetian Life, 183

  Howells, Winifred, 371

  Hutchison, Ellen Mackay, 272

  Hutton, Laurence E., 372, 390, 405

  Illustrated London News, 263

  Irving, Washington, 103, 141, 206, 216–17

  Rip Van Winkle, 206–7, 216

  The Sketch-Book, 141

  Jackson, Dr. Abraham Reeves, 137, 140

  Jackson, Andrew, 31, 49

  Jackson, Peter “Black Prince,” 340

  James, Henry, 2, 244, 267, 332, 351, 373

  Daisy Miller, 332

  A Portrait of a Lady, 373

  James, William, 385, 391

  Principles of Psychology, 385

  Psychology: Briefer Course, 385

  James R. Osgood and Company, 249

  Janesville Gazette, 139

  Jefferson, Joseph, 206

  J. Langdon & Company, 274

  John A. Gray’s book and printing house, 45

  Jolly, Beck, 59

  Justus, James H., 35

  Fetching the Old Southwest, 35

  Kaplan, Fred, 6

  Kaplan, Justin, 6, 70, 186, 263, 274

  Kansas-Nebraska Act, 49

  Keller, Helen, 372

  Kellgren, Jonas Henrik, 391–92, 396, 398

  Kemble, E. W., 18, 73, 280

  Kennedy, Anthony, 50

  Kennedy, John Pendleton, 50, 287

  Swallow Barn, 287

  Keokuk Daily Post, 52

  Keokuk Gate City, 52

  Kerr, Orpheus C., 109

  Kester, Paul, 397

  Kilran, Jake, 339

  King, Edward S., 210

  “The Great South,” 210

  Kinney, John D., 81

  Kipling, Rudyard, 334

  Kim, 334

  The Light That Failed, 334

  Knights of Labor, 303–4

  Laird, James L., 97–98

  Lampton, Benjamin, 14

  Lampton, James, 82, 202, 206

  Lampton, Jane. See Clemens, Jane Lampton

  Lampton, Margaret, 14

  Landon, Melville D. See Perkins, Eli

  Lang, Andrew, 263

  “The Art of Mark Twain,” 263

  Langdon, Charles Jervis (Livy’s brother), 138–39, 146, 148–49, 156–57, 163, 166, 168, 186, 318, 378

  Langdon, Jervis (Livy’s father), 138, 149, 158, 160, 165, 168, 282, 341

  death, 169

  Langdon, Olivia Lewis (Livy’s mother), 158

  Larned, Josephus, 164–65, 168

  Lathrop, George Parsons, 223

  Lawton, Mary, 419

  Leary, Katy, 186, 316, 355, 367, 381, 410, 413, 418–19, 422, 427

  Leathers, Jesse, 196, 199

  Leavenworth, Zeb, 59

  Lecky, William, 301–2

  History of European Morals, 301–2

  Lee, Vernon, 369

  Leisy, Ernest, 60

  Leo XIII, Pope, 271

  Leschetizky, Theodor, 373, 377–78

  Library of American Literature, 272, 317, 339, 343

  Lincoln, Abraham, 162, 192, 218, 266

  Gettysburg Address, 299

  Lippard, George, 46

  Legends of the American Revolution, 46

  Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 341

  Wealth against the Commonwealth, 341

  Locke, David Ross. See Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius

  London, Jack, 113

  London Times, 393

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 3, 141, 222–24, 227–30, 234

  “Evangeline,” 227

  OutreMer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea, 141

  “A Psalm of Life,” 227, 230

  Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin, 36, 215

  Georgia Scenes, 215

  Longstreet, General James, 69

  Lorch, Fred W., 51

  Lounsbury, Thomas R., 346–47, 350

  Lowell, James Russell, 107, 223, 234, 254, 304, 308, 351

  A Fable for Critics, 223

  Lueger, Dr. Carl, 381

  Lyon, Isabel V., 227, 413, 418, 422–24, 427

  Lystra, Karen, 313

  Macfarlane, 53

  Mack, Effie Mona, 80, 92

  Maguire, Thomas, 120

  Malory, Thomas, 297, 301

  Morte Darthur, 297, 299, 301

  Mapes, Mary Elizabeth, 320

  Marchesi, Blanche, 335

  Mark Twain, Business Man, 272

  Mark Twain State Park, 15

  Masters, Edgar Lee, 192, 203

  Spoon River Anthology, 192

  Mather, Cotton, 141

  The Wonders of the Invisible World, 141

  Matthews, Brander, 345–46, 390

  McAleer, Patrick, 186–87

  McCarthy, Denis, 88, 121

  McClellan, General George B., 217

  McClure, Samuel, 396

  McClure’s Magazine, 404

  McComb, John, 120

  McDermid, Dennis, 26

  McDowell, General Irvin, 217

  McFarland, Daniel, 167

  McFeely, William S., 291

  McKinley, President William, 404

  Meade, General George G., 217

  Melville, Herman, 11
4, 190, 342

  Moby-Dick, 190, 263, 342

  Memphis Commercial Appeal, 56

  Mencken, H. L., 105

  Menken, Adah Isaacs, 95

  Merganthaler Linotype Machine, 274, 354

  Merwin, W. S., 113

  Michener, James A., 113

  Miller, Joaquin, 198, 234

  Millet, Jean-François, 380

  Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin, 60

  Missouri Compromise, 49

  Missouri Courier, 36

  Mitchell, Charlie, 340

  Moffett, Annie. See Webster, Annie E.

  Moffett, Pamela Ann, 13, 29, 44, 46, 48, 52, 62, 117, 133, 158, 160, 168, 175, 185, 233, 270, 273, 276, 335, 343, 372

  Moffett, Samuel E., 44, 62, 133, 273, 280–81, 341, 359, 363, 394–96, 426

  “Captains of Industry,” 341–42

  Moffett, William A., 106

  Moran, Thomas, 131

  Moszkowski, Moritz, 319

  Moulton, Julius, 137

  Muscatine Journal, 48, 51, 58

  Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius, 164, 266

  Nast, Thomas, 181, 303

  Nation, 170

  Newell, Julia, 139–40

  Newell, Robert Henry, 95

  New England Courant, 35

  New Orleans Crescent, 60

  New Orleans Picayune, 257

  New York Advertiser, 294

  New York Evening Post, 223

  New York Herald, 138, 145–46, 153, 156, 221, 373

  New York Saturday Press, 2, 106, 110, 129–30

  New York Sun, 135, 206, 245, 308, 316

  New York Sunday Mercury, 96

  New York Times, 102, 210, 235, 245, 289, 311, 401, 425, 430

  New York Tribune, 138, 145, 148, 153, 156, 224, 229, 241, 312

  New York World, 291, 342

  Norris, Frank, 399

  McTeague, 399

  North American Review, 224, 229, 286, 333, 345–46, 370, 401–2, 411

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 223, 245

  Nye, Bill, 267

  Nye, Edgar W. See Nye, Bill

  Nye, Emma, 169–70

  Nye, James W., 79, 94, 134–35

  Nye, John, 84–85

  O’Brien, Smith, 109

  O’Connor, William Douglas, 272

  Osgood, James R., 249–52, 256–60, 271, 289

  Oudinot, Charles Nicolas, 194

  Oudinot, Francis A., 194

  Overland Monthly, 198, 267

  Owsley, William, 25

  Paderewski, Ignacy Jan, 378

  Paige, James W., 251, 270–71, 276–77, 307, 317, 334–35, 339, 354

  Paige Compositor, 5, 49, 91, 205, 259, 261, 271, 274–75, 298, 304, 307, 312, 334, 337, 339–40, 344, 353, 382

  Paine, Albert Bigelow, 6, 34, 53, 55, 73, 98, 119, 134, 157, 163, 205, 272, 321, 354, 367–69, 380, 395, 423–24

  Pall Mall Gazette, 297

  Parton, Sara, 272

  Patee, Fred Lewis, 73

  Perkins, Eli, 267

  Phelps, Roswell, 251, 256–57

  Philadelphia American Courier, 38

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 46, 48

  Philadelphia Public Ledger, 46

  Phillips, David Graham, 338

  Phoenix, John. See Derby, George Horatio Plessy, Homer, 323

  Plessy vs. Ferguson, 330

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 103, 234

  “The Man That Was Used Up,” 103

  Pomeroy, Samuel C., 203

  Pond, James B., 261, 264, 357–59, 365, 394

  Eccentricities of Genius, 359

  Pope, Alexander, 349

  Pope, General John, 69, 162

  Porter, William T., 35

  Potter, Edward Tuckerman, 186

  Powers, Ron, 6

  Price, General Sterling, 17

  Puck Magazine, 396

  Putnam Phalanx Dinner Speech, 70

  Putnam’s Monthly, 267

  Quarles, Benjamin, 17

  Quarles, Fred, 17

  Quarles, John A., 14–15, 17–18, 202, 279

  Quarles, Patsy, 14, 16, 18, 279

  Quincy Herald, 133

  Rabelais, François, 252–53

  The Life of Gargantua and Pantagruel, 253

  Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 430

  Raymond, John T., 206–7

  Redpath, James, 164, 173–74, 176, 261

  Reed, Thomas B., 404–5

  Reid, Whitelaw, 204, 312

  Rice, Clarence C., 336, 341, 365, 405

  Rice, Clement T., 88, 92, 114

  Richardson, Abby Sage, 168, 311

  Richardson, Albert Deane, 147–48, 156, 167, 190

  Beyond the Mississippi, 147

  Personal History of Ulysses S Grant, 147, 156

  The Secret Service, The Field, The Dungeon, and the Escape, 148

  Riley, John Henry, 166, 174, 216

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 405

  Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 292, 337–38, 342

  Rockefeller, William, 338

  Rodin, Auguste, 423

  The Gates of Hell, 423

  Rogers, Henry Huttleston, 336–44, 353–54, 357–58, 363, 365, 368, 372–74, 379, 384, 388, 392, 396, 402, 405–6, 409–10, 416, 418, 424–25

  death, 426

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 338

  Ruoff, Henry W., 383

  Ruskin, John, 225

  Sacramento Union, 111–12, 115, 117, 193, 198

  St. Louis Evening News, 44, 50, 61

  St. Louis Republican, 133

  St. Nicholas Magazine, 320, 424

  Salinger, J. D., 220

  The Catcher in the Rye, 220

  Samossoud, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch, 72, 156, 186, 220, 280–82, 284, 288, 318, 331–33, 335–36, 343, 357–59, 365–66, 368–69, 371, 373, 379–80, 390, 396, 405, 408–10, 412, 416, 418–19, 422, 424–26, 430

  marriages, 427, 429

  musical interests, 314, 319, 377–78

  My Father, Mark Twain, 321, 368

  Samossoud, Jacques, 429–30

  San Andreas Independent, 107

  San Francisco Alta, 120, 122–24, 129, 131–32, 137, 139, 142, 153–56, 185

  San Francisco Chronicle, 198

  San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle, 106

  San Francisco Examiner, 358

  San Francisco Golden Era, 66, 121

  San Francisco Morning Call, 92, 100–1, 104, 106, 120, 191

  San Francisco Youth’s Companion, 105

  Schlesinger, Siegmund, 380

  Schnabel, Artur, 378

  Scott, Sir Walter, 98, 359

  Scribner’s Monthly, 116, 204, 210, 267

  Seiler, William E., 430

  Sellers, Isaiah, 60

  Sewall, G. T., 90

  Shakespeare, William, 243, 252, 397

  The Merchant of Venice, 243

  Shaw, Henry Wheeler. See Billings, Josh

  Shelley, Harriet, 333

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 333, 349–50, 369

  “Peter Bell the Third,” 349

  Sheridan, General Philip Henry, 68, 181, 295

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 68, 72, 131, 135, 137, 181, 217, 291–92

  Sherry, Margaret, 413

  Sickles, General Dan, 162–63

  Simmons, Jack, 94

  Simms, William Gilmore, 348

  Sinclair, Upton, 338

  Slade, Jack, 76

  Slee, John D., 165

  Slote, Daniel, 136–37, 140, 232, 245, 250–51

  Slote Woodman & Company, 250, 271

  Smarr, Samuel, 25

  Smith, Charles Henry. See Arp, Bill

  Smith, Henry Nash, 23, 91, 98, 188, 190, 223–24

  Smythe, Robert, 357

  Sonora Herald, 107

  Southey, Robert, 349

  Spaulding, Clara, 233

  Spenser, Edmund, 297

  The Faerie Queene, 297

  Spirit of the Times, 35, 38, 155

  Springfield Republican, 160

  Standard Oil Company, 337–38, 341–43, 404

  Standring, Georg
e, 300

  People’s History of the English Aristocracy, 300

  Stanley, Henry Morton, 181, 356

  Stebbins, J. E., 143

  Illustrated History of the Bible

  Its Origins, Truth, and Divinity, 143

  Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 272

  Stevens, Oliver, 252–53

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 113

  Stewart, William M., 146–47

  Still, William, 282

  The Underground Railroad, 282

  Stoddard, Charles Warren, 101, 197–99

  South Sea Idylls, 197–99

  Stotts, Belle, 80

  Stotts, Mary Eleanor. See Clemens, Mollie

  Stotts, William, 51

  Stout, Ira, 21, 28

  Stowe, Calvin, 182

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 151, 158, 165, 180, 182, 185, 206, 211, 267, 287–88

  Old Town Folks, 267

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 26, 160, 165–66, 206–7, 267, 287

  Strand Magazine, 403

  Strauss, Yawcob, 109

  Sullivan, John L., 339

  Sundquist, Eric, 257

  Swift, Jonathan, 349

  “The Battle of the Books,” 349

  “A Tale of the Tub,” 359

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 252

  Symonds, John Addington, 368

  Renaissance in Italy, 369

  Tarbell, Ida, 337, 342, 404

  The History of Standard Oil, 337

  Taylor, Annie, 58

  Taylor, Bayard, 233–35, 240–41, 254

  “American vs. English Criticism,” 234

  Tennessee land, 11, 13, 29–30, 34, 203, 277

  Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 297–98

  The Idyls of the King, 297

  Tensas, Madison (Henry Clay Lewis), 36

  Thompson, William Tappan, 36

  Thoreau, Henry David, 75

  A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, 75

  Thorpe, Thomas Bangs, 36, 215

  “The Big Bear of Arkansas,” 215

  Tichborne, Roger, 199–200

  Tichborne Claimant trial, 198–99

  Ticknor and Fields, 249

  Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 245

  “The Toad Story,” 107

  Tocci, Giacomo, 321

  Tocci, Giovanni, 321

  Toscanini, Arturo, 430

  Trachtenberg, Alan, 269

  Traubel, Horace, 45

  Trowbridge, John Townsend, 267

  True Delta, 60

  Turgenev, Ivan, 241

  Turner, Arlin, 262

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 269

  Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne

  Twichell, Joseph Hopkins, 87, 162–64, 168, 181–82, 205, 210, 222, 237–38, 240, 367, 372, 393, 395, 400, 410, 417

  Tyler, Royall, 36

  The Contrast, 36

  Updike, John, 183

  Van Nostrand, Jack, 137

  Verne, Jules, 232

  Victoria, Queen, 298

  Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 5, 77, 83, 85, 87–93, 97, 100–2, 111, 121, 145, 154, 170, 189, 224, 276

  Virginia City Union, 88, 97–98

  Wadsworth, Charles, 154

  Wakeman, Ned, 122–23

  Wallace, General Lew, 291–92


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