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Filthy Commitments: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 137

by Michelle Love

  With them staring unhappily after her, she walked slowly to her office and went in. It was still empty, and she went to the little bathroom to clean her face of dirt. There was a small bump which she knew would bruise badly but otherwise, aching stomach muscles apart, she was unhurt. But he had been about to kill her…or had he? Something was bugging her about the whole attack – it just didn’t seem like whoever it was, had his heart in it. Even though the men had interrupted them, he would still have had time to stick the blade into her and then run. So, what the hell?

  She poured herself some coffee and sat at her desk, opening her emails. When she came to the one with no i.d., she knew it was from him. It was photographs of her, taken that morning as she walked to the bakery. She gritted her teeth. The last photograph was the one which made her gasp. It wasn’t a photograph of her; it was a beautiful dark-haired woman in a pristine white wedding dress – pristine except for the blood spattered across it, and the knife wounds in the bodice of the dress.


  “Oh my god.” Elli was trembling. Suddenly it all became clearer to her. This wasn’t about her, or Indio – it was about Aldo. Someone was threatening to kill her to torture him. She grabbed her cell phone and called him, knowing it was after midnight in New York. She left a voice mail. “Aldo, baby, we have to talk. Please call me back when you can.”


  After talking to Aldo, he told her he would be cutting his trip short and flying back to her. “Umberto will pick you up from work and take you back to your apartment. Please, Elli, for me, pack your stuff. I want you safe in our home for as long as this psychopath is at large.”

  Elli hated the idea of being cooped up in an ivory tower but she had to admit, she was frightened. “Okay. Okay, Aldo, just until it’s over.”

  Umberto, Aldo’s sweet driver, gave her a rueful grin as she walked outside to meet him. “I’m sorry about this, Miss Moretti.”

  “Call me Elli, won’t you?” She got into the front with him, obviously something he wasn’t used to. She grinned at him. “Umberto, I’m just a normal girl. Unless Aldo is with me, count on me riding up front with you.”

  She chatted with him as normally as she could, trying to distract herself from what was happening. Circumstances forcing her to live with a man when she knew in her heart, she wasn’t ready.

  She packed two suitcases, not wanting to have to keep coming back here, and Umberto took them down to the car for her. Elli looked around her apartment, wondering, with sadness when she’d be back. She went to the window to look out over the Lagoon at twilight, seeing the lights of the city come on. A movement caught her eye, below on the street and she froze. He was looking up at her, half hidden in shadow and as she met his gaze, he moved back into the darkness and was gone.

  Her heart thumping painfully against her ribs, Elli dashed down the stairs and out onto the street, ignoring Umberto’s shocked face and running down the alleyway to the street behind her home. Searching, searching, searching, wanting to scream his name. There was no-one around and Elli felt her hysteria bubble up and she screamed out over the dark waters of the Lagoon.

  “Indio!” All her hurt, her rage, her love was in that scream, and as she ran out of oxygen, and felt Umberto place a comforting hand on her back, she began to sob.

  On the drive back to Aldo’s house, Elli looked sheepishly at Umberto. “You must think I’m a mad woman, Umberto.”

  He shook his head. “It is not my business, Ms. Moretti.”


  “Elli, it is not for me to judge anyone else.”

  “You’re very kind…could I ask you to not mention my little freak-out to Aldo?”

  Umberto looked at her, a smile on his face. “What freak-out?”

  Elli relaxed and smiled. “You’re the best, Umberto.”

  “Elli, you have a friend in me. I would never reveal anything told to me in confidence, but anyone, by Mr. Constanza, by yourself. I would not keep my job long if I could not keep my mouth shut. But you have a friend in me.”

  Elli chewed her lip, wondering if she should ask the question she was dying to know. “Does that apply to Yvetta? Can I ask you if you knew her?”

  Umberto’s smile faded. “It was before my time, Elli. And the staff, they never talk about what happened. You know she was killed in Mr. Constanza’s bedroom?”

  Elli felt a shock of ice in her veins. The room where she, Elli, had sex with Aldo? That room? “The same bedroom he has now?”

  Umberto nodded. “Between us, the staff has always thought it strange, but no-one has the courage to ask Mr. Constanza why he stays in the room where so much violence took place.”

  Elli was silent for a while, staring out at the Italian countryside. She was trying to think of all the reasons why Aldo would still sleep in that room – especially now, with her. If he was keeping it as a memory of Yvetta, she felt uncomfortable sleeping and having sex in there. Maybe he just doesn’t want to admit what happened there, maybe he thinks by loving me, he can erase the hurt. In that case, she would go along with it, help him heal the wound. They both of them had lost their great loves, maybe it was time they both moved on…with each other. Elli was surprised how happy that made her feel.

  She made Aldo know exactly how she felt when he arrived home that night. Curving her body, clad in a dark red dress, her hair loose and flowing down her back, around his, her lips on his fiercely. Aldo looked delighted and swept her up into his arms.

  “God, I missed you, beautiful girl.”

  “I missed you too,” she said, stroking his face. “I love you, Aldo.”

  She was astonished at seeing his eyes fill with tears, and only then did she know the depth of his feelings for her. He leaned his forehead against her, closing his eyes and she felt his tears on her cheeks. For a moment, they just stood there then Aldo pressed his lips to hers. “If you only knew how happy you just made me, Elliana.”

  “You make me happy, Aldo.” At least that was true, she thought, guilty now that she’d said she loved him. It was partially true; she did love him, she just wasn’t sure yet she was in love with him. But her not saying it to him was beginning to get awkward, and after the events of the day, Elli had thought, what the hell? She was glad she made him happy though.

  She smoothed his short hair. He looked fatigued as they walked into the house. “Darling, I can walk,” she said with a smile, “You look exhausted.”

  He put her on her feet and chuckled. “I am tired, I have to admit.”


  “A little.”

  Elli took his hand. “Come, I fix you something to eat then you can go to bed.”

  “We can go to bed,” Aldo grinned wickedly, and Elli laughed, pulling him along.

  “Ambitious, given you’re half asleep now, but I’m in.”

  She made him some soup, then took him to bed. Aldo lay on the bed as she undressed him, then complained when she got off the bed. “Where are you going?”

  Elli grinned. “Just over here. Gonna do a little striptease for my man.”

  Aldo smiled and nodded. “Then please, continue. That dress is sexy as hell, by the way. You should always be in red.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him as she unzipped the back of it. “You think?”

  Aldo, grinning, his cock already hard, nodded. “Hell, yes. Bathed in scarlet. Always.”

  “Kinky.” The dress slithered down her body to the floor, and she was naked underneath except for the delicate white-gold body chain he had given her. Grinning, she crawled on top of him and kissed him. “You just lie back and let me do all the work.”

  Aldo chuckled. “Whatever you say, ma’am.”

  Elli moved down his body and took his cock into her mouth, sweeping her lips over the wide crest, sliding her tongue up and down him as she sucked gently at first. Then as he grew harder and more aroused, she hollowed out her cheeks, her hand massaging his balls, fisting the root of him until he came, gripping her head as his se
ed spilled onto her tongue.

  Afterward, panting for hair, he smiled up at her as she moved to kiss his mouth. “God, Elli, that was incredible, thank you.”

  Elli smiled as he rolled her onto her back. “There’s more of that to come, so to speak.”

  Aldo laughed, then looked up across the room. “I have an idea.” He went across the room and dragged an old antique free-standing mirror to the side of the bed. “Let’s watch ourselves fuck.”

  He covered her body with his, his cock already stiffening again and hitched her legs around his waist. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, pretty girl…watch my cock go in and out, in out…”

  As he plunged his cock into her, Elli was mesmerized by the sight of it driving deeper and deeper into her cunt, the way their bodies entangled, how masterful he was with her as he fucked her. His fingers bit into the soft flesh of her hips as he gathered pace, his eyes locked onto her face as she moved beneath him. “Scream my name, Elli, scream it,” he ordered as she came and she obeyed, gasping and moaning, calling his name over and over.

  She was still recovering as he tugged her down the bed, flipping her onto her stomach and pushing into her ass. His breath was hot against the back of her neck.

  “You belong to me, now, Elli. It’s you and me from now, yes?”

  “Yes,” she breathed then gave a long moan as his cock drove deeper inside her again and again. She felt him bit down on her shoulder as he came, his hand stroking her clit. Eli shivered through another orgasm, then begged Aldo to let her catch her breath. She turned onto her back as he lay down beside her, his fingers stroking a pattern on her belly, which was rising up and down as she panted for breath.

  Aldo smiled at her. “You’re so beautiful, Elli. Every man in the world would be jealous of me.”

  She flushed and laughed. “You’re biased.”

  “I admit I am, but it’s still the truth. Look, let me draw a map.”

  Elli giggled as he started to trace a pattern on her belly. “Venice…Rome…London…Paris…New York…” Aldo was grinning, knowing he was tickling her, feeling her abs quivering. “Seattle…”

  Elli froze. “What?”

  Aldo frowned at her. “Is something wrong? Do you not like Seattle?”

  “I’ve never been,” Elli felt her face burn, and she regretted saying anything. “Sorry, I guess I was just expecting San Francisco or something. Silly me.”

  Aldo still looked bemused. “You would love Seattle. I have friends there. It’s about time we took a trip together.”

  Elli felt the panic rise up in her. No. No way. She would spend the entire trip looking for Indio everywhere. God. No. “I really can’t take any more time off at the moment, Aldo. Maybe later in the year?”

  Aldo shrugged. “As you wish. Anything to make my girl happy.”

  They made love again until Aldo decided he really was exhausted and Elli wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head onto her chest.

  Later, in the early hours, Aldo had fallen into a deep sleep, but Elli stayed awake. She wished Tandy hadn’t told her that Indio was in, or at least had been and had people in, Seattle. Elli wanted so much to live in the now, with this wonderful man.

  And I will, she swore. We will have a happy life together. She tucked herself into the curve of Aldo’s back and tried to sleep, only succumbing just as the sun started to rise.

  A month later, and Elli was starting to believe she could do it. She and Aldo spent their time together laughing and talking and making love – as well as making plans. She found Aldo, for all his wealth, loved the simple things she loved: home-cooked meals, art, books. They took long walks together out in the Italian countryside near his home and spent one weekend in Rome together.

  “I was born and raised here,” Aldo told Elli as they strolled through the manic and crowded streets of the capital city. “Somehow, I gravitated towards Venice – I must have known you were waiting there for me.”

  Elli smiled at that. “You’re sweet to say that.”

  Aldo shrugged. “I love you. I am starting to believe, Elli, that you are the love of my life.”

  Elli felt uncomfortable. “What about Yvetta?”

  “I will always love and miss her, but even with Yvetta, there wasn’t such a complete connection, you know?”

  Elli had smiled but said nothing.

  It was Carnevale di Venezia, and Vivienne always gave her staff the week of the festival as a vacation. Elli loved to walk amongst the masked figures, even though they creeped her out. She told Aldo that, and he laughed.

  “I have to admit it gives you pause to think who’s behind them,” he said, as they ate dinner at one of Venice’s restaurants one night. “There’s always a frisson of danger and sensuality. Speaking of which…”

  He leaned in closer to kiss her. Elli smiled, her lips curving up against his. They were sitting at a table outside on the street, but no-one paid them any attention as they kissed.

  “I have something to tell you about, Elli, something that might interest you.” His smile was mischievous, and Elli laughed.

  “Why do I think this has something to do with sex?”

  “Guilty.” Aldo looked around and lowered his voice. “I’m a member of a certain…club, shall we say? We only meet once a year, at a villa just outside Venice during Carnival week. Very exclusive, if you know what I mean. Exclusive and… open-minded.”

  Elli felt her pulse race, both intrigued and a little nervous. “Go on.”

  “For one night, we leave all our inhibitions behind. Anything goes. We wear masks…and nothing else. We fuck and are fucked by anyone who turns us on, sometimes threesomes, foursomes. It’s basically an orgy.”

  Elli was vaguely shocked and yet also excited. “And you’ve taken part in this?”

  Aldo nodded. “You already know I’m a pretty uninhibited guy, Elli.”

  Elli considered for a long moment. “Safe sex is practiced?”

  “Of course.” He leaned forward, tracing his finger on her bottom lip as he spoke in a low voice. “You know one of my fantasies is to watch you being fucked by another man, Elli. Do you think me strange?”

  “No,” she said carefully, “I think as long as it’s consensual, and doesn’t involve physical harm, I think whatever turns you on is fine. And I want to make you happy.”

  “What would make you happy, Elli?”

  She smiled, knowing he would feel better if she revealed her own personal kink. “You know, being fucked by two men – as long as one of them was you – wouldn’t be objectionable to me.” She considered it and realized she was actually excited about the prospect. Aldo had definitely released the kinkier side of her, and that could only be a good thing, she thought. “Will there be anyone we know there?”

  “Not that you know. I believe Maceo and Ori are always invited but never come.”

  Elli was relieved. “Good. I don’t know if I could face them again if they were there.” Since January, she had been spending a lot of time with the Bartoli’s, and they had become good friends.

  Aldo laughed. “You realize we all wear masks all the time, right? Anyway, afterward, some of us head to Maceo’s gallery for his Carnival Ball. There you will know a few people, obviously. So, what do you say?”

  Elli kissed him, buoyed by his enthusiasm and the good wine at dinner. “Let’s do it.”

  Two days later, she wasn’t so brave as they traveled to the mansion. She clutched Aldo’s hand, feeling very exposed and vulnerable, naked under the long silver-grey cloak she wore. Aldo leaned over to kiss her, his mask alongside hers in a box on the opposite seat of his limousine. “Don’t be scared, baby. No-one will touch you unless you give your permission.”

  That made her feel better, but as they stepped out of the limousine, and Aldo helped her put the beautifully made Colombina mask, a half mask which covered her eyes, upper cheeks, and nose. It was a deep claret color, decorated with gold and laser cut lace and crystals. Aldo tied the black ribbons fastenings f
or her. “You look stunning, Elliana.”

  His own mask was slightly more frightening. In the Bauta style, was stark and disturbing in its expression. Black and gold, it hid his entire face and his hair, which Elli had noticed, was longer than it had been when they met, curling as it grew out. She touched her lips to the mask’s cold ones. “Whatever happens, I love you.”

  “Whatever happens, I know you’re mine, Elliana.”

  They walked into the candlelit villa, and a servant took their cloaks. Elli was a little hesitant.

  “Your cloak, Miss?” The servant didn’t blink as she shyly pulled the cloak from her shoulders, exposing her naked body. She took Aldo’s arm, and he led her up a grand staircase, gold, silver, gilt and marble everywhere. The ceilings were painted in scenes of cherubs and Valentines shooting arrows. This place made Aldo’s home look like a provincial farmhouse, Elli thought and gave a nervous giggle. The colors of the furnishings, the curtains, the masks of the other guests were all sensual and sumptuous.

  When they entered the main room, heads – or rather, masks turned to stare at them. Aldo made a gesture, sweeping his hand down Elli’s body if presenting her, and Elli felt a hot rush of shyness. She stepped back a little, but Aldo wasn’t going to let her get away with running and led her forward into the crowd. It was unnerving, and a few minutes later, when a masked man with a blank-faced mask and a huge erection came to introduce himself to her.

  “You are very beautiful,” he said, in a heavily-accented voice. French, Elli guessed as the man turned to Aldo. “Your lady has easily the most wonderful body in this room. I would very much like to fuck her.”

  Aldo turned his masked face to Elli. “Ask her, my friend. If she says yes, then I am happy for you to take her…as long as I may watch and perhaps join in.”

  “Of course.” The other man turned back to Elli, who was trembling with nerves and excitement. She was really going to do this, wasn’t she? And Aldo, and other people would watch her being fucked…she had to admit, she was aroused by the thought. Thank god for Carnival and masks, she thought. She nodded when the man asked for her permission, then took his hand, clasping Aldo’s with the other, as they walked over to one of the large chaise-lounges that surrounded the main room. On a table at the side, Elli saw lube, condoms, and sex toys arranged artfully, as well as glass bowls of water, and bottles of champagne on ice.


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