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Prime Salvation (Katieran Prime Book Six)

Page 14

by K. D. Jones

  What was he trying to say? Was he admitting that he loved her? Should she tell him how she felt? He squeezed her flesh in his hands and all thoughts left her. She could only feel.

  His hands were on her thighs, stroking the smooth silky skin as he spread them apart. When the tips of his fingers brushed her sex, she arched her back upward almost off the bed. She moaned with pleasure, which caused him to respond with his own growl of need. He wanted to possess her in every way, her every response belonged to him and him alone. His sex was hard and primed, ready to take her. He tested her with his fingers finding that she was ready for him as well.

  “Now, ConEL!”

  He thrust deep inside of her, all the way to the hilt. He didn’t pause either. He pulled himself out then pushed back in immediately. He set a rhythm and continued pumping in and out of her. She felt warm, tight, and wet. He loved it. He loved the way she lifted her hips to give him a better angle. He loved it when she scored his back with hair fingernails. He loved hearing her say his name over and over. He loved her.

  The thought should have bothered him but it didn’t. It felt right. Just as right as his cock felt inside her sweet pussy. They were meant for each other. How did he not realize this before? She was his bond mate. Bond Mates were those that were destined by the Gods to be together. MariELa had not been his bond mate, but he mated her anyway and he loved her, but now he knew the difference. What he felt for Lucy was different, stronger than what he had shared before. He didn’t want to let her go—ever.

  “Perfect, you are so damn perfect,” he growled at her.

  He pulled her hands up over her head and held both wrists with one hand. He liked her like this, giving herself to him, giving the control to him. However, he didn’t feel that he was in control, not completely. She had the power to crush him. It was scary but also thrilling.

  She wrapped her long legs around his waist pulling him even deeper. He pounded into her over and over again. With each downward thrust he grinded himself against her. It caused a friction to build and the flames growing deep within her body spread fast.

  He bit down on her nipple, which caused her to shatter with her release. Lucy called out his name in a shout. His response was an unleashing of his control. He drilled into her even harder causing her to come a second time. This time, he released as well.

  “Lucy! Mine!” Mate! He spilled his seed deep inside her in a powerful rush.

  He held them together as he turned them onto their side. He kept them connected, wanting nothing more than to stay this way with her forever. His fingers trembled as he caressed her beautiful face. He wanted to tell her his feelings but held back, afraid.

  She leaned into his touch sighing with contentment. Her eyes were dropping shut and she would soon pass out from exhaustion. On her last sigh before she succumbed to sleep, she whispered the most haunting words he had ever heard.

  “I love you.”


  Lucy woke a few hours later to someone pounding on the bedroom door. She looked around but could not find ConEL anywhere. The pounding increased. She wrapped a blanket around her body and went to slide open the door.

  TorEL stood on the other side. He didn’t seem surprised to see her there, but he did do something strange. He leaned forward and sniffed at her. Then he smiled a big wide smile.

  “You are mated,” he said with approval.


  “You mated with my father. I can smell his scent on you. It’s similar to how Cassie smells like RendEL and Jaxon smells like KydEL. You have my father’s scent now so you are mated.”

  Lucy was stunned to silence. She was mated. ConEL didn’t say anything. He hadn’t even asked her, which is what the Katieran males are supposed to do. They are supposed to ask for permission to mate with someone before they claim them unofficially with their seed. She remembered ConEL coming inside her, but she didn’t recall him asking her permission first. He was so caught up in the moment that he probably didn’t even know what he had done. Was she going to have to tell him that they mated unofficially? How would that conversation even go like? Hey, ConEL, guess what. Shit!

  “Are you okay?” TorEL looked at her now with concern.

  She nodded her head. “Fine. Just hungry.”

  “Me, too. Father left a note saying that he had a meeting to attend and that we should go to the Evening Meal without him.”

  “Okay, let me get dressed.” She saw her bag sitting by the bed so ConEL had moved her things in here for her. She was so confused about everything.

  She pulled on her clothes and thought about her situation. To Katierans, when the male claims the female with his seed, she is considered his mate from that moment. A mate was like a wife or husband. So what it boiled down to was she and ConEL had gotten married. It was terrifying for her. She loved ConEL, but she didn’t know if she was ready for that big of a step. Ready or not, he claimed her, so she had better face the consequences of their actions.


  “Lieutenant, surround the planet on all sides. As soon as all our ships are in place, wait for my mark, then we attack.”

  “Yes, Leader.”

  “Do not let any of their ships leave the planet. Destroy everything that attempts to leave the surface.”

  “We understand, Leader Krosis.”

  Now these watered down versions of Katierans will know the wrath of the entire Morin Nation. He smiled evilly in anticipation.


  ConEL was upset with himself. He had claimed Lucy over and over without first asking her permission. It was shameful. He left as soon as he could so he could think how to explain what he had done to her without making her angry with him. Then he would have to find a way to woo her so she would want to mate with him properly. He was called on his comm link that a meeting was being called by Leader LarIS. All he had time to do was deliver Lucy’s bag to the room where she still slept, then he left a note letting her an TorEL know where he went to.

  “We are picking up more static transmissions,” Leader LarIS informed ConEL and TylOR as they met for a break down on the alliance proceedings.

  “None of them are very clear,” TylOR replied.

  “That is true, but the fact the number of them and the frequency of them have increased, alarm me greatly.”

  “Can you use your abilities to determine if there is a threat from what is causing these static transmissions?” TylOR asked.

  LarIS shook his head. “I would have to get closer in range to be able to pick something up. I can’t leave my people to do that right now.” He didn’t say that he didn’t want to leave Lola either. He didn’t understand the protective instincts he had for the traumatized female. He should send her away. That would be the smart thing to do. However, when it came to Lola, he did not think rationally.

  “I can go scout out the area the transmission is coming from,” ConEL offered.

  TylOR and LarIS both regarded his offer with suspicion and hesitancy. “I appreciate that but your people will not take kindly to me sending off the Prime they just got back into a dangerous situation.” LarIS gently probed the other male’s mind to see what his true intentions were. Unfortunately, the male was blocking him. Fascinating.

  “I will not engage, only scout for danger, then report back.”

  “You will return as soon as you have the information we need?” TylOR verified.

  “Yes, of course.” Convincing those two males was not the hard part. Now he had to go tell Lucy his plans. Kitana!

  * * *

  Chapter Nineteen

  “You’re going to do what?!” Lucy screamed.

  ConEL had thought that if he told her about his scouting mission while they were in front of others, it would keep Lucy from blowing up in anger at him. He was wrong—very wrong.

  He had found her in the Meal Room with TorEL, Dr. Garrett, and Dr. Connell. Several Colonists were sitting with the females. He wasn’t happy about that, but that was not his problem at the mome

  “Perhaps we should go somewhere more private.”

  “Oh, no. You wanted to tell me in front of witnesses, so go ahead. Tell me.” Lucy crossed her arms over her well-shaped breasts distracting him for a moment.

  “I am going on a scouting mission only. I will be back in an hour or two, max.”


  “Yes. One fighter will go undetected.”

  Lucy wanted to yell at him, scream at him, but it wouldn’t do any good. He made his mind up. Something she learned on Katiera was that once a Prime makes up their mind, it’s nearly impossible to change it.

  “Fine. Go and get yourself killed. That’s what you want isn’t it?” She didn’t wait for his reply. She stormed out of the Meal Room. Males jumped to get out of her way. She was probably sprouting fire and ash from the top of her head.

  “Wait, Lucy!” ConEL was following her. He grabbed her arm before she got into the lift.

  “Let me go!” Lucy didn’t struggle. She reacted as any well-trained warrior would. She threw a punch at his face.

  Kitana! The female was sexy when she was angry. He was hard for her instantly. He growled with desire.

  Her eyes sparked with interest but her words denied it. “Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t get to tell me you are doing something that could get you killed and then suddenly want to fuck me to make me not angry with you.”

  “I told you, it is to scout only. I will not engage.” He pulled her body against his hoping to prevent her from throwing more punches.

  She shoved at his chest. “You say that now. You make love to me, claim me as your mate unofficially, then turn around and put yourself in a position that could get yourself killed. You think I should be happy about that?”

  Oh, sweet Goddess, she knew he had claimed her without permission. He still didn’t regret it, but he should have asked first. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, it was an accident.”

  “That’s not what I meant. It was on purpose, but I should have asked first. I don’t regret it. I want you—only you.”

  A tear slipped down Lucy’s face at hearing his confession. “I want you, too. I…I’m in love with you ConEL.”

  He pulled her closer so he could kiss her lips. She loved him. Oh, merciful Goddess, thank you for this miracle. “I feel love for you, too.”

  “Then don’t do this. Let someone else go,” she pleaded with him.

  He shook his head. “I have already made arrangements. I leave in ten minutes.”

  He tried to keep kissing her but she pushed him away from her. “Fine, go get yourself killed!” She hit the button for the lift and got on as soon as the doors opened.

  ConEL let her leave without trying to stop her. She was angry because she cared for him. She loved him. If the shoes were reversed, there was no way in Kitana he would let her take on a mission like this. He was determined to get it over with so he could get back to Lucy and make it up to her.

  He headed toward the landing field. Commander TylOR was waiting for him at the warship they had for him to use. It was silver with a back seat for a second pilot. ConEL would be going alone for this mission.

  “Prime ConEL, we have programmed the coordinates of the last transmission we received into your computer. If you see any signs of the Morins, do not engage. We will not know how many are out there. Per your request, we have notified Prime Commander KydEL. He is sending fifteen transports with warrior ships this way. The Kiljorn Nation was able to spare ten. The colonists also have twenty they have called to return to their home planet. So even if the Morins’ entire fleet of twenty-five is here, they will be sorely outnumbered.”

  ConEL nodded his head. “I plan only to scout. Would you do me a favor Commander?”

  “Of course.”

  “Would you look after my son, TorEL, and after Lucy?”

  “I will ensure their protection myself.”

  “Thank you.”

  “May the Goddess KatieRI guard you and may our God Kiljor aid you in battle.”


  The Colony had a fantastic warship. It was technologically as advanced as Katiera and Kiljor. It took him only minutes of firing up the ship before he hit the black empty space. He set his coordinates for the first ones programmed. He did a spin to the side and pressed his acceleration button.

  “This is so cool!” TorEL yelled from the backseat.

  ConEL had not known his son was back there. He turned as far as he could to glare at TorEL. “What in Kitana are you doing here?”

  TorEL’s excited face fell. “I wanted to come with you.”

  “It’s too dangerous. You should be back on the Colonial planet with Lucy.”

  “You said it was just a scouting mission and that it shouldn’t be too dangerous.”

  ConEL frowned. He had told Lucy that so she wouldn’t worry. He hadn’t given a second thought about running into trouble until now.

  “I’m turning us around and taking you back to the Colonial planet.”

  “No! We have already arrived. Let’s see what’s out here,” TorEL pleaded with him.

  ConEL sighed. What was he going to do with the young? He could continue but he wasn’t willing to risk TorEL’s life. “No, son, we are heading back. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’m not a young that has to be coddled.”

  “I know that. You are growing up into a fine warrior. I am very proud of you. However, if something ever happened to you, your sister and I would be devastated. You mean too much to us to risk your life.”

  “But we could go after Krosis and kill him for what he did to mother.”

  It was amazing how things suddenly fell into focus for ConEL. For the longest time hate and vengeance had been his primary motivation. To hear his son speak with such hate in his voice made ConEL see things differently. Lucy made him see things differently, too. He had so much to live for. He did not want to risk his life or his son’s life for vengeance. He turned the warship around.


  “Son, your mother would not want this. She would want both of us to live our lives and to be happy. Not seek vengeance and possibly follow her into death. We have to let go of this hatred driving us. It is not good to hold onto it.”

  “But it is all I have,” TorEL said with tears coming down his face.

  “It is not all that you have. You have a family that loves you. A father and sister who would die to protect you. Friends you can spend time with. You have your whole life ahead of you. We need to move forward—not backwards.”

  Tor wiped the wetness off his face. “Can you just let it go? Let Krosis go?”

  ConEL did not get to answer that question. His ship was fired on and the computer used automatic maneuvers to avoid being hit full on. It was the Morins. His computer only showed ten or twelve ships but there could be more.

  “This is Prime ConEL. There are Morins at the coordinates of the last transmission.”

  Commander AshOR came over communications. “We have your location. We are in route.”

  “Hurry, they are firing on me and I have my son with me.”

  There was a pause before Commander AshOR responded. “Hold them off a few more minutes and we will be there.”

  ConEL turned to his son. “Make sure you are strapped in. This might get rough.” He then flew in the opposite direction of the Morins. The Morin warships followed him. He did rolls and turns. When he came into position, he fired hitting his target full on. The Morin warship blew into tiny particles.

  “Hell to the yeah!” TorEL yelled.

  ConEL frowned. “Where did you learn that saying?” He wasn’t sure it was appropriate for a young to say.

  “Jaxon. She always has the coolest sayings. She would also say something like, ‘take that you fuckers!’’

  ConEL made a mental note to have a serious talk with Jaxon’s language around the young. He cringed at thinking about that female having a young t
hat would come out of her wound cussing up a storm.

  “Aren’t you going to chase that one?” Tor pointed to one of the Morin warships heading in the opposite direction.

  “That one is probably heading back to a transport ship. If we give chase, we could encounter a lot more warships that would outnumber us.”

  Just as another five warships showed up, the Colonial transports showed up. Their warships took to the fight and went after the enemy. ConEL headed toward the transport wanting to get his son to safety.

  “Permission to board,” ConEL requested of the Colonial transport.

  Commander AshOR answered, “Permission granted.” ConEL didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until the bay doors were closed and the air pressure lock was released.

  He and TorEL climbed out of the warship, they were greeted by Commander AshOR.

  “Thank you for getting here so quickly.” He looked around almost expecting to see Lucy there. She always had a hand in saving him one way or another. But he didn’t see her.

  AshOR noticed ConEL’s frown. “My brother says to tell you that he had to knock Lieutenant Daniels out to prevent her from taking a warship to come after you.”

  “Knock her out, how?”

  “I will let him tell you that in person.”

  ConEL growled. What was wrong with him? TylOR only did what he asked him to do. However, the idea of her being hurt or of another male with his hands on her in any way tore at his insides.

  They followed AshOR to the operations room. He could see the locations of the transport ships. Only twelve were present. That meant the other half of the Morin fleet was elsewhere, hidden.

  “It looks like they were planning to invade the Colonial planet,” ConEL observed.

  “They were. Once we figured out what was causing all the static on the transmissions, we were able to clean up the messages and uncovered their plan. We were en route before you even called for assistance.”

  They watched as the other Colonial transports arrived and engaged with the Morins. ConEL looked at AshOR’s face and knew the male wanted to be out there with his comrades.


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