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Page 38

by Mercedes Keyes

  "I'm sorry I lost my temper with you. I would never hit you…you do know that, don't you? I know I was a little rough with you, it's just that…if that truck had actually hit you, I would have gone totally insane right then. I would never hit you, no matter what. I need you to have faith in me, at least on that one."

  Sylvia nodded her head, she believed him.

  "I love you, Sylvia. Almighty God knows I do. I want to build my entire life, or rather, what's left of it…with you. I've blown the first half straight to hell, all except for Angela. I have to do this half right—that's why I can't let you go. Because you…are what I've always wanted. And…my mom was over the roof when she heard that you were black."

  That sat Sylvia forward. "What? That I'm black? Why?"

  Shawn shook his head and chuckled. "It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later. She's got this health theory thing about people, races, and the dividing off of man. Believe me, she'll give it to you when she gets a hold of you." He smiled then turned on the bed, shifting his right leg on and reached over and took her hand in his. "Please…let me finish. Stay calm and listen, then you'll understand what's really going on. Please?"

  Quietly, Sylvia nodded.

  "Okay…I did porn with Jesse. He was killed—shot because we both refused to do a session with two little girls."

  "Oh, my god! Oh nooo!"

  " was bad. He made a stand, and of course, I wouldn't do it either; we ended up in a fight with the man over it all, because I didn't have sense enough to know that we needed to get out first. Jesse pulled his gun and started shooting to get this dude off of me, told me to run. I did, thinking Jesse would, too. He never made it. One of the little girls was killed as well. I was on probation for over two years behind it. My parents never knew because I wrote them letters, telling them lies about this success story I was supposed to be living in. Giving them every excuse imaginable to keep them from visiting me as they were pressing to do. I wouldn't give them my address, too scared they'd just show up and know the truth."

  Sylvia moved closer to him, silently listening as he went on.

  "Well, the restaurant was a guaranteed job for me, and so I went back to it. I, ummm, was offered various work from those that knew me from my porn days, and at first I turned them down, but I couldn't maintain my lifestyle that Jesse had made possible for us by just working at the restaurant. So I started doing…porn stuff again. I, umm, well…yeesh…brace yourself," he warned, and Sylvia did. "I was paid well to make a mold. So, in sex novelty shops out there wherever, there is a dildo that was made from me."

  "What?" she asked in disbelief.

  "A dildo…you know, an artificial penis for women. It's called Oscar."

  Sylvia covered her face and fell back on the bed. She wasn't shouting or screaming, just stunned.

  "Baby…you okay?" he asked.

  "Go on…finish…I'm taking it all in. Don't mind me, I'm just…just trying to…to…" She started laughing then, from a small laugh to one that had her rolling with it. She was hysterical with it. "I'm sorry…forgive me…I'm just…I can't believe this. This is my punishment for daring to believe that I could control and structure my life, drama free. For trying to create for myself, a perfect world! My mama always said, 'The devil is busy! You can run from him, but you cannot hide!' Mama was right."

  "Sooo, are you calling me the devil?" Shawn asked, not sure which way this was going. He wasn't for one moment, stupid enough to believe her laughter meant she was enjoying his story.

  "No, Shawn, I'm not. But he sure has had a good time with you." She sniffed, trying to sit up again. "I'm sorry, go on...finish it."

  "Well, my next job was the winner of them all. I heard that I could earn five hundred dollars a night fulfilling a woman's sexual fantasy. So I went in and had a private interview with Melba, she liked me, but I had to meet a certain criteria, so I was ordered to strip down to be examined like a piece of meat. Satisfied, she then sent me to be tested, and I passed the immediate VD test they give all the men she hired. Next, I had to learn the proper procedure of making a woman climax. I had to learn that the sex was not about me, but about her. After two weeks of watching live performances—"

  "Wait a minute, you are kidding me, aren't you?"

  "No, I'm not. I was thoroughly trained to bring a woman to climax. How to touch her, where to touch her, what to say, what she wants to hear, what she doesn't. How to read her, and how to keep myself from premature ejaculation until she has climaxed no less than three times."


  "Yeah…and, ummm, if she didn't climax three times, you didn't get paid."

  "Are you serious!"

  "Oh, yeah, I am; I kid you not. Twice I didn't get paid; three strikes, and you were out—fired. So I became good at it. Annnnd, that's when the worst thing that could happen, did."


  "One of the women, my new client—guess who she was?"

  Sylvia's mouth flew open. "Deidre's mother!"

  "You got it, baby. She didn't know me because we were required to wear costumes and masks, but I could see her. Well, I had to get paid, so I did my job, and I did it well. She wanted me back again. To sweeten the pot, she doubled what I'd get if Melba paired her up with me again. The second night I made one thousand off of her."

  "Oh, my God, that lying bitch made it out that you and her were in a relationship! That you left her for her daughter!" Sylvia shook her head. That's okay, one point for you, ol'lady, but it will be your last point against me, she thought.

  "No way! I swear to you, Sylvie, she was nothing but a job I had to do. Then I was given to this woman who didn't want sex at all. She'd given a picture of her son to Melba and asked if there was any one of us that looked like him. The only similarities between her son and me was that we both had black hair and hazel-blue eyes. Melba sent me to her and all I had to do was keep her company, pretend to be her son. It was easy, and I was sick of prostituting myself...she was incredible, and I missed my own mother so much, that I poured it on and I gained more from it than she did, I think. After spending a week with her, she paid Melba for my contract outright. I don't know how much it was, but I know one thing: Melba was all about the money, so she paid well. While the men were paid five hundred, she rolled up five thousand per guy per night and there were ten of us. If the woman didn't climax three times, she was only paid twenty-five hundred, and as for us, no matter how bad it was to go through, we got nothing."

  "Oh, my goodness, you're blowing me away with this. I can't believe it!"

  "I swear to God, every word is true!" he declared. "It was the ugliest, most hated time of my life until that old lady bought me out."

  "Oh, I believe it…I just can't…believe it, you know what I mean?"

  Shawn sighed, still unable to believe it himself sometimes. "Anyway, I went off with Merriam Styles—"

  "Ohh, that's where your work name comes from!"

  "Yep, because of her, I'm living my dream. I'm doing what I've always wanted to do. She pressed me to return to school. I almost didn't, I mean, I was in my early thirties by then, but she was willing to pay for it all. She really did well by me. She sent me home to visit my folks in grand style twice a year, of how I'd bragged. And so the least that I could do was go back to school, and there is where I met Deidre. I was attracted to her gentle nature, her aloofness, yet…she wasn't prejudiced. She didn't treat black people as if they were beneath her, that impressed me, it made me feel that she was the one, and I was hooked. I pursued, she got pregnant, we got married. We walked into her home for me to meet her parents, and I'm telling you, Sylvia, I almost swallowed my tongue when her mother walked up. Man, I'm telling you, it was like being kicked by a mule. Sylvia, I tried everything in me to stay away from her, but she stalked me like the sex-hungry slut she is. She did everything in her power to break Deidre and me up, and succeeded. Then she turned on the stalking even more. Showing up at my place, phoning me, having someone follow me, offering
me all kinds of money to be with her. Going on and on about knowing that I was the one from Melba's...I denied it, have continued to deny it. But she wouldn't leave me alone. Anyway, I had enough. You see, Merriam had died a year after Deidre and I married, and then when our marriage fell apart, I'd had enough of California. I was sick and tired of dealing with Deidre's mother, and her father hated my guts as well. I woke up one morning, called my dad, and asked him would he find me some property to move to, I was coming home. He called me up a month later to tell me about this property and the price. I didn't care about anything but having a place to come home to. Low and behold, the money I rejected years ago for college, they used to purchase this for me… and here I am."

  "Wow…I see."

  "Emmm, so you do…and it's the whole truth, the honest-to-God truth. So now I'm asking you…again—hang on." He shot up and went into the kitchen and returned with her ring and the papers. "Proof that I'm clean. I was tested when that whole big AIDS scare first made the headlines years back. Tested again six years later. Tested again twelve years ago, and tested for the last time three years ago. A clean bill of health, right here."

  Sylvia smiled and nodded.

  He sat down next to her. "This is yours…this belongs here!" he announced, slipping the ring back on her finger. "You know everything now. Stay with me, please, let's make what's left of the rest of our lives, one where we have each other. I need to know…that no one…can get between what we have. Please?"

  Sylvia ran everything through her mind. Staring into his eyes, she knew there was no turning back. While his past was indeed a shocker, she loved this man. Her eyes searched out ever detail of his face, his hair. He was starting to gray a bit; she thought back to the pictures of him in the album, he was better looking now. He was aging the way all men should, with a dignity and masculinity that was stunning and beautiful. His eyes, those eyes…they did things to the deepest core of her. They could be hard as flint and pierce you right through, or soft, as they were right then, to make you melt into a warm pool at his feet. Sylvia knew she was locked hard in love with him. Where his blood ceased to flow in his body, it continued on in her own. Funny how she stared at him, she didn't see a white man anymore, just…her man. She was carrying his child.

  "If I could do it all over, Sylvie…if I could make it all go away and not happen—" She stopped him, covering his lips with her fingers.

  "If you did…you wouldn't be…the man you are now. As callous as this might sound, I wouldn't change a thing—I love you. And…the ring stays on." She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to her. Angling her head, she brought his mouth to hers and worked her tongue between his lips, falling slowly back as she pulled him on top of her. Shawn was only eager to comply, opening his mouth and snaking his tongue deep into hers. She spread her thighs so he could nestle there, grinding his groin against her heat, both of them coming down from the rush of a fight and their passions ran high. The kiss was flammable, engulfing them both. Sylvia felt a desperateness sweep over her, the weight of his strong larger body pressing down on her, made her kiss him back equally as strong. The heavy breathing among the struggle to strip their clothes off heightened her need. Two minutes into it, and their clothes were off. Shawn was all over her, kissing every inch of her body. Worshipping her breasts, his mouth and tongue laving down over her stomach and moving down as he went. Sylvia lay panting madly, delirious as he covered her lower belly in kisses, confidently declaring, "My baby's in here...isn't it? You're pregnant with my baby."

  Sylvia nodded, biting into her bottom lip as he kissed her belly, his hands cupping the cheeks of her butt, squeezing as he loved her like crazy. Suddenly, one of his large hands was there between her thighs, stroking her there, preparing her. He left her belly and went lower, spreading her thighs as he moved into place, with his fingers he spread her and with his tongue, he treated her to some of his lessons learned long ago, licking and stroking her, needing to worship and adore her. Sylvia experienced absolute insanity, her mind was scattered with a million unobtainable images as she gasped, her back arching off the bed as he went into desperately drinking every drop, tasting, sopping up all that he could of her. With a crazy madness, as if she were possessed, Sylvia exploded, she never knew that a climax could be so powerful. Screaming and crying out his name as she did, it was a blessing that they were the only two that occupied that road. By the time Shawn finished with laving, loving and working her with his tongue, she was panting from a powerful mating delirium. Her legs were trembling, they felt like jelly with Shawn's hands rubbing them and then all over her again, working his way back up her body slowly. She was so sensitive, she was whimpering from his touch, panting and pushing him away, but he was far from being finished with her. Not until her second climax did he carefully enter her, using every muscle in his body not to insert his entire length; he was not about to jeopardize his child. His strokes were slow and measured, careful and concentrated, sending Sylvia even deeper into the maelstrom, just as she was trying to come up for air, her body was gleaming with perspiration. The muscles of her entrance pulsed tight around him, gripping, drawing and pulling his thick length deeper, sucking at him and trying to have all of him, knowing if she did how it would hurt…but mindless with passion, she didn't care.

  "No…don't…let me control it…I'm not gonna risk my baby…" he panted, kissing her face, his hand squeezing her breast, his thumb working her tender nipple.

  "Oh, Shawn…Shawn…" she panted with her hands rubbing up and down his strong thick arms, over his back, she pulled her knees up along his waist as she felt another climax building within her after the last two. "Shawn!" she gasped as he kept a steady pace, his hips and pelvis rolling forward to push himself deeper, to only draw out enough to make her head start thrashing again. "Shawn!" He was feeling it now, too; he was ready to let it go, determined to hold it just in time to meet her there at that point of release, his heart was pounding in his chest, his breathing labored as sweat rolled from him while he kept control, increasing the pleasure and sensation. "Shawn…Shawn…Sha-a-awwn…Ooooh, my Gooood…Oooh, shi-i-i-t, Shawn…Oh, my GOD!" Sylvia screamed as she exploded again, just as he started grunting and thrusting closer to complete insertion, and then he slid all the way, Sylvia gasped, holding her breath, she was full to the brim with him, her head digging back into her pillow as he stayed put, frozen as he let his body purged itself of a billion swimmers.

  Five minutes later after their breathing calmed a bit, Sylvia lay in his arms, drowsy and fighting off sleep as she nodded to his question. "Are you alright?" She hugged him tighter, squeezing him a moment as she smiled. "You know, I should be furious with you," she said into his his chest, he was turned on his side facing her, with his leg over hers, his arms around her, kissing her face and forehead. He chuckled hearing that. "Oh, yeah, for what now?" he asked. "You got me pregnant on purpose…didn't ask me, didn't plan it with me, just did it."

  "I want babies, Sylvia."

  "Shawn, I'm thirty-eight years old…you're forty-two! It's a little late for us to be starting a family. I already have two kids."

  "It's happening more often than you know with couples our age. And the other two are grown and gone…this is a new beginning; we're gonna have three together."

  Sylvia moved back away from him to look him in the face. "Are you crazy? I'm not having two more. This is it!"

  "Bullshit! I'm gone pop off two more in there before you can blink!"

  "Shawn!" she shouted, shocked, and then started laughing. "Your ass is crazy! Do you know that? I'm getting tied up after this one!"

  "Oh, no you're not!"

  "Oh, yes I am!"

  "I said no! I'm the man here! You best start getting that into your head!"

  Sylvia gasped. "Hellooo, this is my body—"

  "Perhaps, but I'm using it right now—baby one on the way—two more to go! If you had any sense, you'd build a twin pack! One less trip to the hospital."

  "A twin pack! Shawn
, have you lost your min'? You don't even know if I'm pregnant now. I mean, we're just assuming I am. We could both be wrong."

  That made him lean up and think. Like a shot, he was out of the bed and going into the bathroom and into the shower. Sylvia rose to use the sink to wash herself while he was in the shower. "Hey!" he called out. She chuckled. "Sorry!" Rinsing herself and turned the tap off after shocking him with cold water. She did a quick dry, still naked, and laid back down, too tired to bother with getting a full shower right then or care about what he was doing. Fifteen minutes later, he walked into the room, drying off and getting dressed. She was wrapped up in the covers, slipping off to sleep. "What are you doing?" she asked sleepily.

  "I'm going to get three different pregnancy test kits. You'll have to do them first thing in the morning…then we'll know for sure."

  "Shawn, three…I don't think it takes three."

  "Gotta be sure!" he said, tying his trainers. He was ready to go, leaned back to her and kissed her forehead. "Be right back!"

  She mumbled something and went to sleep.

  She never heard him leave, hadn't heard him return.

  He climbed back in bed, tried to get her to wake up and eat the burgers and fries he'd picked up on the way home, she only mumbled, turned over and went back to sleep. Shawn stayed up and ate, looked over his stuff to see what the cops had actually gone through, remembered her purse and its contents on the ground on her front lawn, and went to pick all of that up. He returned and clicked on the TV, went in and looked at Sylvia sleeping in his bed, left and came back with his sketching pad. He sat on the floor across from where she lay on her stomach, her right arm hung over the side of the bed, the sheet came only to her lower back, her hair lay all over her head, and her face was in beautiful peaceful slumber. He sketched her, her brown-toned skin a contrast with his white sheets, what would come to be the first of many sketches he'd do of his Sylvie. Satisfied with the rough drawing, he rose, stretching his neck and arms, walking into his living room and plopped down in the sofa, calling his parents to make sure Angela was alright and to tell them that he and Sylvia would be coming there in another day or so. They had a houseful, as he could hear. It was spring cleaning week, with all the kids out of school and converging on them. He talked to Angela a moment, and then with Meribel, and realized she must have known something had been wrong.


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